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11612613 No.11612613 [Reply] [Original]

Pretentious, edgy trash.

>> No.11612617


>> No.11612632

Far for pretentious, it's literally a pulpy story, get it? Pulpy xD

>> No.11612642


Ellison wrote it in like, 2 hours after learning his wife divorced him. It means nothing other than "everything sucks". It wasn't meant to be anything other than pulp sf trash but redditors keep praising it.

>> No.11612656

>after learning his wife divorced him
That just happens in the US? "Oh she just divorced me! I had no idea!"

>> No.11612963

You can file for divorce..

>> No.11612970

Harlan Ellison had some kind of mental illness.

>> No.11612972

yeah dude it happens a lot, it happens the other way around also. my dad just told my mum one wednesday that he was leaving, she had no fucking clue he was planning it. My parents' relationship was dysfunctional to say the least, but it was functional enough to raise us and be productive members of society and whatnot. No abuse that i remember. It just happens

>> No.11612981

Americans are incredibl promiscuous. They see marriage as just another accessory to buy and when it gets difficult or there is nothing good on television and they have to talk to each other they inevitably get divorced and re-marry in a matter of days.

They're truly disgusting creatures.

>> No.11612991


>> No.11613084

it's a fundamental story that had to be told. harlan basically just found the story and told it.

>> No.11614650


why pretentious?


what does it matter if reddit gives it praise, does that change literature or how something is read?

>> No.11614662

he was on the spectrum. he liked to make up elaborate stories about the amazing things he never did, and the amazing books he was planning to write, and he had zero social skills.

>> No.11614670

>it's a fundamental story that had to be told.

AI is created
it's peeved because it wasn't told why it was made
destroys humanity
tortures the survivors

how is this a fundamental story? sounds more like Shad-tier wank material.

>> No.11614677

I mean the author himself kind of hated it...

>> No.11614717


why are you hating on this so much?

someone needs to get you a fucking tampon

>> No.11615508

Any examples?

>> No.11615521

I Have Gout I No Move

>> No.11615530

If you haven't been a suicidal, misanthropic teenager harboring literal school shooter sentiments, feeling isolated, going mad in your own mind, then this won't relate to you. I'm sorry some people have different experiences of life from you that cause them to relate to different things.

Edge is a legitimate part of the human condition.

>> No.11615900

I love misery porn though. Negative emotions fuel me the best.

>> No.11616053

No, there was something else wrong with him, like a Cluster B personality disorder.

>> No.11616175

High divorce rates are common throughout the whole first world, when promiscuity is seen as an ok thing and welfare can take care of someone economically without the need to of a united family it is not surprising that so many couples don't see marriage as something worth salvaging.
The US is actually much better than plenty of European countries when it comes to divorce rates.

>> No.11616345
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Apart from the "hurr edgy shite kek", can anybody elaborate why they thought this book was bad? I've never personally read it but have come across it multiple times in the sci-fi rec section

>> No.11616466

its just the movie saw, but more psychological and as a book

>> No.11616541

>The US is actually much better than plenty of European countries when it comes to divorce rates.

Sauce or gtfo.

>> No.11616571

I read it in 8th grade and thought it captured the feeling of complete despair pretty well. Wouldn’t praise it, or call it trash. It is what it is

>> No.11617069

Oh so it's Mary Shelley Frankenstein than?

>> No.11617258




>> No.11617261

why am i hating on this? because i'm not a self-loathing 17-year-old incel who's read it for the first time and who faps over the scene where the monkey guy with the horse cock rapes that woman, because fuck her she deserved it?

is that perhaps what you meant by "fundamental story"?

>> No.11617266

the way he liked to make up stories about his imaginary exploits reminded me a lot of Assange talking about having ten thousand dollars hidden under his bed, when he was homeless.. also, of L. Ron Hubbard claiming to have been America's youngest ever Eagle Scout.

>> No.11617278

it's got a lot of angry shouting, but it doesn't go anywhere much. if you like shouting, you'll enjoy it, but it's kind of like ordering a meal and getting only a small fries.

>> No.11618433

not me
AI is a fundamental concept. The power that AI might have over humans is fundamental to AI. The worst-case scenario of AI is fundamental and Ellison's story is the worst-case scenario.

>> No.11618618

It's a short story. It's a decent sci-fi read, but not as extraordinary as people claim it to be. It's supposed to be shocking with its depictions of wanton and unending cruelty.

>> No.11618619

Imagine hating fun things, top autism desu