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11610512 No.11610512 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11610517

tapir gangrape

>> No.11610547

Dragons arguing

>> No.11610584

A wellington boot falls in love with a mary jane.
Twist: both are left foot.
They can never be together. Very sad and touching story, a footwear "Romeo and Juliet".

>> No.11610610

a Sonic Pikachu crossover

>> No.11610617

This would be a best seller and made into a Pixar movie overnight.

>> No.11610632

Dragons arguing 2

>> No.11610634

What would it be called? Pikanic?

>> No.11610655


No, the full series is:

People arguing
Dragons arguing
Ninja Librarian
Really old guns
Claustrophobic dragon

>> No.11610662

A man has multiple personalitys. One night his alternate self puts his dick up his ass. The next day his primary self wakes up to find that he has been violated. His primary self files rape charges against his alternate self.

>> No.11610677

>His primary self files rape charges against his alternate self.
But ... how he finds out who raped him?

>> No.11610794

Thats the mystery.

>> No.11610822

Oooo, I like it!
Gay rape.
Multiple personalities.
Crime mystery!
Legal battle!

I think we might have a future "Crime and Punishment" here.

>> No.11610888

This might just be my first book.

>> No.11610923
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>> No.11611519

Not a bad idea

>> No.11612335

A samurai warrior General and one of his archers get transported through a time warp and land in the Wild West.
General Zhi and his trusty archer Liu enter a saloon and step into the middle of a feud between Wyatt Earp and Bill Hicock. Zhi cuts both of them down in an instant and thus changes future events forever.
Alternative history ensues.

>> No.11612481 [DELETED] 
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American Dude is really mad about 9/11. He starts to build a homemade nuclear weapon, breeding his own plutonium and making his own explosives. All in an effort to nuke mecca.

Twist of the novel:
>The author was the mad man and decided to write a book instead of killing people. The plans for the nuke are real and contain a new and novel method for making homemade weapons grade plutonium on a working man's budget.

>> No.11612516

Into it

>> No.11612662

Do you enjoy visits from the secret police?

>> No.11613024

A cop car came into the back alley to my house today. I started to sweat a little, but then I saw two ambulances and I instantly felt better.

>> No.11613038

It would be funny if he sold the process to terrorists in the end.

>> No.11613047

Zhi sounds more Chinese than Japanese

>> No.11613150

Dude. Time travel. Wild West. You think anyone would give a damn? I could have named him Timmy. Its no less ridiculous.

>> No.11613217


>> No.11613702
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It's about a child that basically on trial set in a fantasy world. I dunno it's mainly in my head and it's pretty whacky.

>> No.11614059

Bawk bawk bawk-bawk BEGAAAWK
The novel.
300 pages of chicken noises. If only I had started the Kickstarter back in the potato salad days. It will be a challenge now.

>> No.11614568

The 10-volume fantasy saga in Victorian setting. Main hero is a clockmaker who saves the world by his awesome powers of clock-making. There are chartists and debtors' prisons and poverty and child labor and prostitution and lots and lots of magic interpreted in the context of class struggle.

And it's so bleak and depressing that I'm slowly starting to appreciate how nice and easy my life is.

>> No.11614569

Pizzagate, but unironically.

>> No.11614575

IIRC, early drafts of Fight Club's script (not sure about the novel) included actual instructions for home-made dynamite. I think they switched it for napalm in the film, since who gives a fuck about napalm.

>> No.11614660
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And when they dreamt they dove down into the depths of the darkness once again. And they were parted from their flesh. And in the abysmal waters beneath the world they swam. And in the abysmal waters beneath the world they lived their lives and died. And at dawn, when their flesh awoke ashore, the one within was not the same.
And within the waters it dwelt. And beyond the piercing of the light it crept along the ocean's floor. And it swallowed them up when they fell to the depths, and it ate them. And they hurried back into the light when it opened its maw, and they leapt ashore again, and there it could not devour them. And they lived as men for a day, and on the shore men grew and propagated, though within they were not the same. And they leapt in the light and the wind for a day. And no man was father or brother.
And the wind moved across the surface of the waters, and the wind parted the waters. And they were led through the divide. And And they were anchored to the shore
And it dove into the depths and it slept again.
And it traced its claw along the sands of the earth. And the Fisher cast its line and waited.

And she cast it into the waters, and it sank into the waters. And far beneath where the light pierced through, it heard the splash.
And she felt a tug on the line wrapped about her hand. And she was dragged across the surface of the boat, and she fell into the waters. And far beneath where the light pierced through, it heard the splash.

It's about a magic fishhook that's the MacGuffin. The fishhook itself is really the claw of some kind of extradimensional/astral being left in the material world when it was banished to the world of dreams. In the world's lore, it's just called The Fisher, and it eats souls. The ocean is representative of the abyss beyond the material plane, or the dream world. Bearing the fishhook is to take hold of the line The Fisher cast into our world and tether yourself to the world of dreams. That means it can talk to you through the line, and that you can access the dreamscape, but it also means you're hooked and it can pull you down.
People are after it because its esoteric power is coveted. Communication with The Fisher and access to the dreamscape allow the bearer to foresee events and know people's minds and astral project and stuff, and people want it in order to manipulate events and rule the world. The Fisher, in turn, wants to manipulate people into allowing it to cross back over into the material world. It grants visions and help to those it wants to do its bidding and grants them power, but only for its own ends.
The MC is supposed to drop it into the ocean and let it sink to the bottom. She tricks the other characters into thinking she did just that, but actually she ties the fishhook to a thin line.

>> No.11614668

>abysmal waters


>> No.11614687

Yeah, that.

Also, the entire continent is on the brink of war, there's a plague and a refugee crisis, the king just died and passed on the birthright to his underage son, there's infighting between the lords and the royal families on both sides, and basically the illuminati who either worship or fear this thing are trying to get ahold of the fishhook.

>> No.11615162

Book about two Russian trolls meeting online and trolling each other until by accident they discover they are employed at the same troll farm. It will be a study of paranoia.

>> No.11615171

I liked A Scanner Darkly too.

>> No.11616210

All good ideas are already taken.
Curse you, Philip K. Dick!

>> No.11616418

I want this

>> No.11616569
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I know this is only tangentially related to the thread but

Fine I admit it, the only fucking reason I'm not going anywhere with my novel is because I'm fucking insecure about it, any other excuse is just that, an excuse. I feel like my plots, characters, and descriptions would be bad, uninteresting, or both and then some. Most of all I feel like people would not take anything I'd write seriously at best, and brush it off as embarrassing at worst. This is why whenever I open the damn text editor, I freeze before typing a single word, even though I had a torrent of ideas rushing through my head a few seconds earlier.

I've never had my work or my person laughed at in real life, nor have I ever been humiliated in public (or private), yet I feel like they'll just react to my writing like they often do with everything else I do. I feel that right before my logic thought barges in and reminds me that those memories of having my stuff or person laughed at don't exist, because it has never happened in reality, it's only the product of my imagination that somehow has managed to solidify into something I subconsciously consider real.

So there it is, I have a seemingly rather massive and rather selective insecurity that targets writing, can't say I have anything like this with anything else. Now maybe with that off my chest, I can actually start this.

To contribute to the thread: It's a fantasy novel, but rather than go the usual way of the hero fighting a threat, I intended to use the fantasy context as a tool to explore philosophical and political aspects, not to the fullest but still considerably more than what a fantasy novel usually does, while having considerably less dragon slaying and general fantasy adventuring.

>> No.11616601

I feel exactly the same way. I think lots of people here can probably relate. However, the ideas I'm set on are largely boring plots in the realm of realistic fiction. The ideas and themes I want to explore feel novel and I am inspired to write about them, but there's nothing gripping or interesting at a glance about my premise; I don't even have a highly conceptual framework or worldbuilding to work off of. I keep feeling like I should scrap everything and start over.

>> No.11616631

tldr (ironic I know) post your shit under a pseudonym if you lack courage that much. I have read total trash, if they deserve to see the light of day then so does whatever you are shitting out. hell goodkinds last books were written as if by someone with a brain cancer, he still got 5 stars

>> No.11616647

Not OP but yea, stuff like this blows my mind. I see the most inane drivel churned out and getting decent reception and I think, or rather KNOW that I can do better than that. But then I start to worry that people are drawn to garbage like that because the idea matters more than the execution, which rationally I can understand usually is not the case. A good writer can make even the most boring and uninteresting concepts riveting. Still, it's hard to dig deep and write something REALLY GOOD if you aren't enthusiastic as fuck all about it, and nothing seems like it would be quite as inspirational as a truly good, "original" (implying) idea for a novel.

>> No.11616648

sounds boring. like those zombie survivalist books where MC is a soldier.
I gave a damn. stop being a lazy cunt, witters like you are the reason so many fantasy books suck ass. instead of having 1 or 2 elements for suspension of disbelief you just make books full of nonsense . if you can't even get the name right how are you expected to know their probable mindset etc. you can't so you are just writing 2 murican losers in jap skins, one is prob stoner but instead of weed its opium

>> No.11616649

it's about a guy who loves pizza

>> No.11616666

to put it crudely it seems like he needs to fart few times before he can shit. When you don't even have confidence to put out a dime a dozen type novel, chances are you will nurse your magnum opus all the way to the grave or if its ever published you are going to be an oversensitive mega cunt about it. hell chances are it won't get published because you will have constant arguments with the editor. some fags shit out books that are not even spellchecked

>> No.11616675

like kel loves orange soda?

>> No.11616754

Honestly? It sounds terrible. Unrelenting garbage. You should print out what you've accomplished with it so far, and then burn every single page. And then erase it from your hard drive. And then smash your computer, with your face. Your, tear smeared, florid eyed, wojak begotten face.

What you must come to understand, is that these people, these, fantasy cretins veiling their antennae's and bristle sprouting cockroach mandibles under the veil of "Author", are the collected, colourless and amorphous embodiment of the twenty first century evolution of wizzy wandy fanfiction scum suckers, to the dragon cock furaffinity pig trough tales of tightly wound, balloon headed regal prince would be regicide folderol... worms writhing in the cloudy sunken rills. Those disgusting creatures inhabit a tiny little river, they call, "Amazon", a grotesque vein, the creamy culmination of bloat and blockage. A crimson, morbid portent, staining it's countryside and infecting the vacuous masses that drink ceaselessly from it.

Instead, I would, personally, recommend you compose something of a more eloquent, humble nature, abstaining, for the most part, from any overt philosophical observations or meandering exposition-friendly literary taboos. Such as anything that is likely to make the reader feel any sense of honest regret their fetid little lives. Perhaps the denigration of a troubled Russian paediatrician based in the mid-nineteenth century? Obscure the names, and obfuscate the jargon, and keep it steadily brickish in page to paragraph visualisation. You want troubled words, thick, petrifying sentences that flow together in the same manner an elephant's rotting fleshy tendrils flow from jaw to jaw of the wild dogs fighting over it's corpse. Little bits of bloody viscera pouring from those punctuation points. Stalling the reader to think, but not to put down the book and cry about their failed pursuits of omnipotence.

Or instead, you could write a lovely little story about any current boyband's members having gristly sex with eachother and getting really sad because they done forgot about their mum's birthday or something, because they were doing Heroin, and the eventual resolve where he goes to his mummies birthday, and he's a handsome young boy, and here are the lyrics to one of their songs. And then his Hogwarts letter arrives.

>> No.11616837

I’m going to write a million word novel that ends abruptly with a Deus Ex Machina in the last paragraph

>> No.11616864

Two 18th century sailors embark on a quest to shit down a whale's blowhole.

>> No.11617157

An investigator on a waterborne megafloat city works to root out a band of eco-terrorists and a rogue special forces group responsible for unleashing a lethal gas in the business district.

>> No.11617337

Japanese isekai light novels are also a good example, not only are they usually terrible but some of them sell a whole lot to top it off.

>> No.11617351

Sounds like a gay version of PKD's A Scanner Darkly.

>> No.11617366

There's a precedent.

>> No.11617390

a suicide line worker tells little stories everyday to their callers

>> No.11617451

A man in a levantine slum in some fantastical port side city is tasked to do something heroic and doesn't want to, and for his paltry act of rebellion, is forced to do it anyway as a slave. Over the course of his exploits, Hero grows as a character, and discovers, that he's not just a slumside dog, he's a man. And then something happens, and his mentor, who was an elderly, sagacious slave dies because of some nefarious thing or beast, or god. Then Hero travels to the end, where he kills beast... god... person, and wins, I guess. Except he doesn't because the god tricked him, and now he's immortal, and he travels back, with the muse woman, who's recording his exploits, but altering them for her own devious purposes. They get back to levantine place over a stormy, dangerous sea, and he's become the hero he could have been. Then the last act of betrayal comes in, and Hero is going to be executed after he was set up by the maniacal muse and the man who... cursed him to be on the journey, except he can't be damaged now, because he's got godly cool powers. So they sentence him to suffer in banishment into the wilderness, which sets up Hero 2: Revenge, quite nicely, if I say so myself, featuring the betrayal of muse once more, with Musette, Hero and Muse's secret daughter.

And it's all a metaphor.

>> No.11617671

I'd read that.

>> No.11617677

Love it

>> No.11617757

Okay mate, fair point. Im more concerned with beefing up the story right now but yes, the least I can do afterwards is research some legit Japanese names.

>> No.11619341

do those stories make them more suicidal?
is he a serial killer?

>> No.11619409

Could that work?

>> No.11619411 [DELETED] 

I am curious simply because I can't see if it can or not.

>> No.11619414


Womanhood: The Novel

>> No.11619418

As a piece of writing, I mean.

>> No.11619473

Mokoba Mokuba

Set in a modern african village a young orphan discovers a talent that brings wealth and world wide attention to his community. There’s a man who keeps to himself named Mokoba Mokuba who is the only one who treats the boy coldly. Often times he is drinking by himself, his eyes squint and he never smiles. His body and iris are so black they are blue. One day the boy catches Mokoba sneaking out of the village and follows him eventually getting caught. Mokoba reveals that he is a member of a powerful violent tribe sent to keep an eye on the boys village. Since the boys talent have brought wealth to the village it seems now is an opportune time to pillage, and remarking on how the boy brought them fortune he states that the boy will be useful making fortune for Mokobas tribe by working in the mines.

As he keeps the boy hostage on the way to his home village they come across a great lion. It charges mokoba mokuba and before it finishes him the boy grabs mokobas spear and stabs the lion through its mouth. Mokoba no longer paralyzed with fear grabs the spear from the boy. He laughs and smiles for the first time the boy can remember. Heavy and earthy like a rousing volcano. “My boy”
“Of all those guppies in that pond..”
He grabs the child by the arm his hands tough and hard like rocks in string. And Mokoba Mokuba remarks that in his tribe men make love to many women, sire all sorts. But they do not have a son unless one is possessed of the warrior spirit.
The boy wonders that even if the solitary Mokoba Mokuba had ever managed to love a woman, that there were many boys among his tribe. And none looked enough like Mokoba to justify how sure he was. Had I not killed the lion would he still know I am born from him, and still make me work in the caves?
As a point of pride Mokoba announces that he will make the boy will not work like a captive, but will participate in the trial of sun like the boys of age in Mokoba’s tribe to become warriors.

Blah blah blah completes the trial
As the tribe celebrates the new men, the rest of the tribes armed men come back with plenty of bounty anda huge celebration begins. The boy recognizes that the haul of trinkets and goods were from his old tribe. And that night he cries and vows to not smile again. To not show this world joy it does not deserve. To be like Mokoba Mokuba.

When hes of age he gets sent to a tribe to spy on

>> No.11619613

A young girl teams up with a mechanical talking fox and goes on a quest to save her father from an evil duke.
It's fantasy kids stuff, but I'm having fun writing it.

>> No.11620189

This actually sounds interesting. Seems underdeveloped, though. How far along are you in actually having written it?
Survivor, sort of.

>> No.11620243

I dig it

>> No.11620248
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Following the fiery conclusion of their first few months together, Miles and Annabelle, the vampiric daughter of a Kentucky distiller who’s been asleep since the late 1890’s, decide to escape to New Orleans to find the one who made her. Miles finds himself I fast company with the others in the underground club scene who seem hold little regard for human life. They’ll meet new characters like Sarah, a French quarter street hustler with family ties to Marie Laveau, as well as Claire, a girl afflicted by a visible dark cursed form that keeps her in a sickly, near -death state. But hot on their trail is a hard boiled detective with a short fuse who’s determined to find the Bluegrass state teens and bring them to face justice for the deaths left behind even as he creates a wake of destruction of his own

>> No.11620258

imagine fucking that chick's ass under the stars

>> No.11620368

That’s a drawing. That isnt a Real person

>> No.11620399

>gay rape
>multiple personalities

You might like Subahibi

>> No.11620405

yeah but what if you were a drawing too and you got to fuck that chicks ass under the stars

>> No.11620509

Using your imagination to pretend is always fun. But sometimes you have to grow up and know when NOT to play pretend.

>> No.11620587
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Two guys meet an girl over the internet and plan to meet her for a threesome. They search for her in the city only to find out that one of them is the girl.


Young, dissillusioned NEET thinks about life and the world

>> No.11620608

I came up with the idea the other day. Probably going to change some stuff, my Dad spent a good chunk of his childhood in Africa so I’d probably do some research to make stuff more accurate.

>> No.11620896

Nope, the stories are of all types, love humour, saddness, adventure and of course hope. He tries to hook up his clients with interesting stories so they dont commit suicide because of curiosity, and perhaps some overcome their depression, others dont make it, but he still gives all he have

>> No.11620902

How would a person trick himself into thinking they were somebody else?

>> No.11620923
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>Young, dissillusioned NEET thinks about life and the world
Are you sure you meant the world and not... SOCIETY!?

>> No.11621050

oh, so it's a bit like "one thousand and one night"? or "the orphan's tales" by valente? or "the gift" by o'leary?

i unironically adore this kind of storytelling, and more so if it is a complex multi-level narrative (in polish we have a name for it: "powieść szkatułkowa" - i have no idea how to translate it, "chinese box story"?)

>> No.11621494

I guess society is a part of the world.
I have had 3 ideas for that:
1. They meet online and the other guy just plays the woman (i.e he catfishes the other guy)
2. One of the guys is a tranny
3. Its postmodern and both are actually just the dying dream of a motorcycle that overdosed on LSD

>> No.11621519

I would unironically read 3

>> No.11622186
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A fortress comes under siege as a result of political intrigue that starts an unexpected war for which neither side is prepared.

The protagonists are various officers in the garrison of the fort. A freak winter snow blocks off their primary route of resupply, and they are left to hold off the enemy until the spring thaws out the pass behind them and they can call upon reinforcements.

The hook: The same treachery that caused the war has also sowed mistrust among the defenders of the fort. Some believe that their Liege-Lord betrayed them and that they should give up the fort--others believe that the betrayal was on the part of the opposing army, who just wanted an excuse to invade. Still others think it's a third party trying to weaken all both armies. Paranoia grows among the defenders, even as they fight shoulder to shoulder to hold off the daily siege actions of the defenders.

The principle character is a highly talented and savage rural knight, who has been champing at the bit his entire life for a chance to die gloriously in battle to erase a black stain from his family name. The problem being that because they're stuck in a siege, he can't just suicide-charge the enemy, he has to endure months of grueling low-level attacks and intrigue between paranoid factions.

You can probably guess how this one ends.

>> No.11622243

... is this a series now?

>> No.11622246

I'm imagining fucking you in the ass right now.

>> No.11622454
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High Fantasy shit
I draw more than I write but I like to autisticly flesh worlds out.

Nothing really new, just a new world for fantasy fans to explore.

Plus I just like drawing maps, and making music for the worlds.

>> No.11622463

Man with sword swings sword.

>> No.11623194

Well it won't just be one or two chicken noises. It's gonna be jampacked with all sorts of chicken noises both domestic and foreign across many species and poultric ethnicities.
Maybe you've heard bawk, cluck, or begawk, but have you ever heard buk-buk, boq, blub-blub, pío-pío or AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?