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/lit/ - Literature

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11609717 No.11609717 [Reply] [Original]

Spent the last 3 hours trying to remember a based as fuck serialized story from when i was a kid in the early 90s. Finally found it, the ancestral trail.
What books/stories did you enjoy most when you were im primary school?

>> No.11609734

Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. I used to like a bunch of books before that point, but I've now completely forgotten them - these books blew my mind open. Books where I can actually decide what happens and how it ends?!

After that I read Forgotten Realms novelizations (Drizzt and shit) and Harry Potter, and my standards shriveled to nothing until I grew into adulthood.

>> No.11609745
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Re-read these after like 20 years. I should not have done that.

>> No.11609746

I think i missed the harry potter thing by a few years, i read a lot in early primary school and then lost interest for the better part of a decade.

>> No.11609751

>should not have done that
Yeah i get the feeling its probs a waste of $100 to buy books 1-26 of ancestral trail based purely on nostalgia. I like to think my future kids will enjoy it as much as i did though

>> No.11609804
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This and the sequels I have dear memories of.

Wondering if they are worth reading again, I remember them having fab illustrations.

>> No.11609870

It was the end of the summer and I had to read the first Percy Jackson book for school, I ended up staying up all night to read it because I was putting it off. I ended up really enjoying it and then I read the rest of the series.