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11608924 No.11608924 [Reply] [Original]

>your favourite book
>your least enjoyable book you read
>describe your first time having sex

>> No.11608932

>Divine Comedy
Tinder dare with a thicc girl down the street. I made her cum 7 times apparently but I forgot to trim my nails so.she bled out onto the sheets and I spent all next day washing them out till they just looked like coffee stains. I couldn't get hard.

>> No.11608940

>don't have a favorite book
>city of saints and madmen
>I was preoccupied thinking about Fallout:New Vegas and stopped after a few minutes because I decided sex was boring

>> No.11608947

>Moby dick
>probably ready player one

>> No.11608953

>Catcher in the Rye. I’ve also started reading Dostoyevsky recently and it’s been amazing, so when i finish one of his books it’ll probably be one of my favorites too.
>Normally when I don’t like a book I just drop it, so it’s hard to say. I tend to dislike victorian novels. Too much unnecessary shit. Needs to skip to the heart of the story. Too many wasted words.
>So there was this girl who aid been infatuated with the last 2 years of high school. I barely had friends so talking to her in English was the main thing I looked forward to in the day. During the summer we started hanging out. She had a boyfriend, but when she got drunk, she made out with me. I couldn’t say no because I was infatuated. The next morning she said we couldn’t do that anymore, and she wouldn’t leave her boyfriend. I was heartbroken. We kept being friends, and then made out again when we got drunk together again. Things escalated every time we got drunk together, until I lost my virginity to her. When it finally happened, I was so high and drunk and I barely remember it happening. Honestly I didn’t really want to do it that night, but she kept trying, and how could desperate me say no to fucking her, especially because I didn’t know when I’d get another chance. She ended up getting tired and stopping after a few minutes, so I wasn’t even close to finishing. I guess it was a pretty depressing experience now that I go over it. Especially because a week or 2 later she cut me off. I was already very depressed so that nearly made me suicidal. She ended up coming back for a while, and then ghosted me for good last December. I haven’t felt anything real for a girl since then. Unconsciously maybe she ruined my ability to trust those feelings again, since they caused me so much suffering with her.

>> No.11608954

So fucking based

>> No.11608957


>> No.11608959

Very good example on how to greentext

>> No.11608961

I don't think I've had a favorite anything since I was 10.
And I haven't had sex with a woman since I was 19

>> No.11608965

Capitães da Areia;
Random Medicine student who had amazing tits.

>> No.11608974

>The Recognitions
>Handmaid's Tale (I'm not even antifeminist, it was just a dumb book lol)

>be 18 with thicc italo gf
>She was apparently especially tight and dry that day so I'd go soft upon trying to enter her >lots of mutual masturbation
>I finally (after no joke 40min of touching) get inside
>come in like 2 minutes
which is kinda funny cause nowadays I last /too/ long

>> No.11608986

>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>Rubbed my flaccid cock against a wet pussy, never even had sex

>> No.11609008

I know I fucked up but I by the time I realized it, it was too late. I think i just wanted to stick to 3 greentexts because there were 3 questions. Big mistake.

>> No.11609014

can we talk about lana pls

>> No.11609021

War and Peace

>> No.11609027

Virgins can't get dubliners.

>> No.11609058

>The Idiot
>Not too sure I've enjoyed everything I've read guess to kill a mockingbird from highschool
>A bit of disappointment to be honest I was expecting more but I've only had sex with a condom so I guess it's to be expected

>> No.11609065

Maybe try a girl, condoms wont suck your dick

>> No.11609078

>house on pooh's corner
>odessa files
I was hot from the club with my first serious girlfriend, little tipsy, decided to go all the way although I didn't want to lose virginity to a non-virgin, but I was too turned on. After plowing for a while I had to take off the condom because I felt nothing. Then plowed for another hour and couldn't come. She did and didn't believe I was a virgin. Welp, it has been like that since then with most girls. Got some nice anal from her tho. But being there again, from perspective of 2 years later, I wouldn't have sex with her. I think waiting is better. Noone really cares about losing virginity early, it's just a meme when you're an overly horny teen.

>> No.11609085

>Bothers Karamazov
>A Dutch book none of you would recognize anyway

>be 19
>Only had one gf no real sex
>Me and ex gf meet probably one year after we broke up
>We agree to meet up as fwb
>Go to her city for a weekend (we lived very far apart by now)
>Things get hot and heavy by nightfall
>Eat her out for what seemed half an hour
>jaw numb
>Litterly couldn't get it in the first night (I'm average, she was just way too fucking tight, still a virgin herself)
>2nd and 3rd day we have sex
>One week later she tells me she wants to go after some other guy

>> No.11609244


My friend you are a bona fide patrician

>> No.11609388

The Bible
The Bible
I was 22 and kind of living with a girl. Coincidentally I had just tried putting on her foundation to see what it would look like (it gives you a consistent complexion all over your face. She didn't notice) . I fucked her from behind and saw myself with makeup in her mirror which was kind of funny. I came in her. Felt pretty good but nothing life changing.

>> No.11609415
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>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man or Lanark
>Shoplifting at American Apparel (I liked Taipei though)
>mfw after 10 seconds she said "I don't feel anything"

>> No.11609419

>A Dutch book none of you would recognize anyway
On the off chance, will you name it?

>> No.11609430

This is NOT a chaste and breadpilled thread.
Do not fall to base instincts.

>> No.11609435


Pure-strain patrician.

>> No.11609446


The Alchemist
She was 16, I was 17. I had had performance anxiety and limp dick the last few times we had tried and it was messing with my mind. We were about to go to sleep when she started fondling me, I grew hard, she rode me slowly in the dark and whispered she loved me in my ear. She asked me afterwards if it was my first time. I briefly considered lying to appear more worldly and experienced than I was, but decided against it. She smiled and nuzzled up to me, and we fell asleep contented.

>> No.11609474

>Moby Dick
>Molloy (I ended up liking it after it was finished though)

We'd been dating for a month or two in highschool then one night at her place when she was home alone we actually decided to go for it. I was in, but she thought it hurt to much so I pulled out. We cuddled the rest of night. It was a really romantic experience even if it wasn't good sex by any strech of the imagination.

The first time I had full on penetrative sex was with a 35 year old woman the year after I left high school that I met a bar when we were both wasted. She stuck a finger up my butt while during, which I didn't know I would be into. It was OK /10.

>> No.11609488

>I honestly do not have a favourite book
>Either Marco Polo's travels or the Handmaids Tale

>> No.11609505

>taking a thots instagram away

this may actually lead to suicide

>> No.11609511
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>to the lighthouse

>catch 22

>first gf. She came to visit when I was 18 after having moved away for a few years and we fucked in the passenger seat of my grandpa's Honda accord and she wouldn't let me see her boobies and I didn't cum.

>> No.11609516

>>your favourite book
ghost in the wires
>>your least enjoyable book you read
altered traits, didn't even finish it
>>describe your first time having sex
in an alley walking home after school with gf

>> No.11609606

>I briefly considered lying to appear more worldly and experienced than I was, but decided against it
fuck maybe this is why i couldnt get it up

>> No.11609625

It doesn't count if you didn't cum.

>> No.11609632

>Catch 22
>Going Postal
>Literally could not get hard no matter what she did. Eventually somehow my dick started working then it was a case of "Fuck I'm actually busting in a girl"

>> No.11609638

Victorian novels tended to be shit because they were aimed at middle class women who sat around all day with nothing to do. Men in those days entertained themselves by subduing warlike tribes and constructing railways spanning entire continents.

>> No.11609680

>The Tunnel

>So many, but probably The Sound and the Fury as it bored me tears

>I met an old classmate at a music festival when I was sixteen. We went about talking about old memories and how things came to be. Both were quite drunk and tired. I didn't have access to my own tent, so we went inside my other friends tent and began the deed. We stayed between the two friends of mine who were asleep, and kept quiet kissing and sucking. She rode me for fifteen minutes until I came, then I never saw her again. Apperently one of my friends woke up and masturbated while we were fucking. Now she's modeling in Italy while I write shitty replies on /lit/.

>> No.11609682

>the bible
>the bible

>> No.11609699

Based friend

>> No.11609741


>Thomas Bernhard - The Loser

>Oscar Wilde - An Ideal Husband
it's not a bad book in artistic terms, but I can't fucking bother to read about these horrid and posh victorian characters talking about marriage and money
Some works of art just can't properly resonate in our current times.

>16, with my second girlfriend. After many unsuccessful attempts (putting on a condom got me soft, I was also rather big for her and it hurt etc. etc.) we got drunk one night and had this rather short, but wonderful sex. I was probably walking around with a big, stupid grin for the next week.

>> No.11609755

butchers crossing
still life with woodpecker
fittingly enough, it was with an escort.

>> No.11609760

He's truly the star of the story.

>> No.11609771

Scene kind of like this in The Floating Opera.. what I thought of, at any rate.

>> No.11609775

>it was with an escort
Was decent ?

>> No.11609798


>> No.11609832

ehh, she was rushing so not really. i didnt really cum

>> No.11609839
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>your favourite book
The Lord of The Rings
>your least enjoyable book you read
Heart of Darkness
>describe your first time having sex
Not a normalfag, sorry.

>> No.11609855

>At the Mountain of Madness
I don't remember the name of my least enjoyable book, but it had to do with old timey English Navy captains.
>Neighbors sister was staying over (which at the time we were the same age) and we hooked up

>> No.11609873

>difference and repetition
>most books i read are painful
>fucked for 2+ hours and couldn't cum

>> No.11609883

>The Iliad
>very passionate sex with a nerdy girl whom I was dating at the time. I fucked her missionary then she rode me and I finished on her tits. Afterwards she asked me how she did while resting her head on my chest

>> No.11609887
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>>I was probably walking around with a big, stupid grin for the next week.
>this is what normalfags are actually like
lmao good thing I never did anything like that, pathetic

>> No.11609893

>couldn't cum from sex
You need to do nofap before sex to restore full sensitivity.

>> No.11609909

>At the Mountain of Madness
This is in some ways my favorite book as well but I barely think about it as a normal book and usually forget it exists. So fucking cool. Normally I say a hero of our times for this question

least favorite is maybe Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. Fuck that book

first time having sex pretty unremarkable, highschool gf, we fumble my dick into her and fuck for maybe 15 minutes, neither of us have any idea what we're doing but it's nice enough

>> No.11609914

>Crime and Punishment
>White Noise
>just like, normal sex

>> No.11609920

>Moby Dick
>I will not defile my chastity for non-procreative purposes

>> No.11610226

Good picks
the only correct tertiary answer

>> No.11610240

any good recs for 'at the mountains of madness' similar?
I have 'The White People and other Weird Stories', anything else appreciated

>> No.11610412

Master and Commander?

>> No.11610481

>still life with woodpecker
I agree, that book sucked

>> No.11610500

This isn't the thread to ask that but I'll answer anyway; you should check out:
the rest of Lovecraft's fiction
>some of Lovecraft's contemporaries/friends that wrote stories that are canon to his mythos:
Robert Bloch (start with Mysteries of the Worm: Early Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos)
Robert E. Howard (start with The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard)
August Derleth (start with The Lurker at the Threshold. By the way, Lurker and the rest of Derleth's "collaborations" with Lovecraft weren't really co-written by Lovecraft. After Lovecraft died Derleth took fragments and ideas that Lovecraft had left behind and fleshed them out into full stories)
>some of Lovecraft's biggest influences:
William Hope Hodgson (start with The House on the Borderland)
M.R. James (start with Penguin Classics' Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories. It contains Ghost Stories of an Antiquary and More Ghost Stories)
Edgar Allan Poe (check out all of his horror short stories. Also, since you're such a big fan of At the Mountains of Madness you should check out The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It was a massive influence on Mountains)

>> No.11610564

I almost forgot to add:
>some good horror writers who are openly influenced by Lovecraft:
Thomas Ligotti (start with Penguin Classics' Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe)
Ramsey Campbell (start with the 1993 expanded edition of Cold Print)

>> No.11610580

i will say i liked the quirky moments when the two were together, but the long sections of pyramids and aliens felt like it was never gonna end.

>> No.11610596

That's very relatable to me, anão
Parece a típica coisa de classe média alta daqui

>> No.11610597

>The Metamorphosis
>Hard to say
>Never had sex

>> No.11610611

>either Animal Farm or Slaughterhouse-Five
>Heart of Darkness. I'm not saying it's bad, I just thought it was a very difficult read.
>ayy lmao

>> No.11610642

>The Divine Comedy
>Hakim Bey - TAZ

>> No.11610671

How's 10th grade treatin ya?

>> No.11610694
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> Good old Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment"

> 18 years old
> Hot summer
> I hook up with the hot, thicc as grill
> we spend our time dickin around city, having fun
> I invite her to my place, as i see she is so horny
>I drive to my house, as soon as we cross doorstep, we start making out
> I undress her and start to play with her big, soft tits
>she pull off my pants, and strats greedily suck my dick
>tafter that i start fucking he so hard in her tight pussy
>she screamed like mad during those 20 min
>she was so cute when I unloaded my big load right onto her face.

>> No.11610702

I'm a pleb, not underage. Which post in this thread is yours?

>> No.11610706


> Steppenwolf
> History of the Peloponnesian War
> What's sex?

>> No.11610777

>Crime and Punishment

>Ready Player One (was waiting for protag to have the epiphany that the dead rich nerd was a piece of shit and his hobbies were retarded but that didn't happen)

>had good looking but dumb girlfriend summer after sophomore year of high school.
>About a minute after I put in the dick, I realized I was somehow bored even tho I'd been wanting to get laid for ages
>Realized I also didn't care about her and had been putting up with her boring self for months just for this anticlimactic shit.
>Tried to finish as fast as I could
>Went home
>Broke up with her a few days later

Her entire social circle hated me for the rest of high school, kinda a pity since some of her friends were among the hotter girls in school

overall while yeah it feels good, a lot of sex just gets a 'that's it?' from me unless it's w/ someone I genuinely value. Not sure if I'm just fucked up mentally or if that's how meaningless fucking is for everyone

>> No.11610800

>The Sound and the Fury
>The Alchemist

Girlfriend wanted to have sex, I said no thanks, realized it'd probably be pretty good so we had normal sex. Nutted immediately. It wasn't very good.

>> No.11610841
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>nausea by jean-paul sartre
>somehow ready player one managed to top my previous least enjoyable book, wuthering heights (that which is permanently associated with a weeklong summer power outage lmao)
>my first time was with a tranny who wasn't even cute, played magic the gathering on a regular basis, and the only good things about her was her car and the curls of her hair. i'm female and the partner was mtf, we were both in college. it was a huge mistake lmao, didn't even have any penetration

>> No.11611014

>100 Years of Solitude
>The Sound and the Fury
I brought her to a park, but it was dark and we couldn’t see. I lead her down to the river under the bridge where the moonlight reflected off the water and cast a faint, ethereal glow. We lay on the sand by the stream, bathed in indigo, listening to gentle music.

She lay on top of me, nestled into me. We held each other for a long while, falling away from ourselves and letting the pure energy and excitement of being so close to each other build to a crescendo or nervous anticipation of the unspoken possibility laying before us. I kissed her, and her clothes disappeared in a manic scramble of hands, revealing her pale, creamy figure lain bare in the night. Taught stomach, shaved lips, glinting metal from the piercings in her nipples. The cherry on top of the soft mound of breasts.

I was on top of her, suckling, kissing, fighting feverishly to find her hole. Slipping passed the lips and pressing against her, pulling the skin tight, hissing as I slid inside, lost in the passion of sensation until I lost everything inside her, laying atop her, savoring the moment — the accomplishment. It had come, it had happened. Everything that had come before didn’t matter, anything hat came after was shrouded in obscurity and possibility. All that was certain was this moment. I had done it, that was certain, it was a fact. I was a man.

>> No.11611045

You are such a shitty writer.

>> No.11611056

Good for u. Being nordestino and liso it's a life of misery in every way imaginable

>> No.11611074

>Blade of Tyshalle
>Never Let Me Go

>> No.11611076

this is so fucking sad, someone take me off this earth

>> No.11611086

>Blood Meridian

>Twilight (gf gift, couldn't help it)

>I was 16 old, foully drunk, brazilian Carnaval, I took this -3/10 girl to an alley and fucked her raw right there
>she stalked me everywhere the next three days of party ((eriously, everytime I turned around she was starring at me with that horrendous face)

>> No.11611090

>Didn't like neuromancer
>Too pretentious to have sex
Very fitting

>> No.11611093
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>some bullshit from high school like death of a salesman

>> No.11611109

What's pretentious about that? Seems like the default position to me, sex is for procreation.

>> No.11611129

most people believe that procreation is for sex.

>> No.11611131

I wish I knew how common getting soft because of the condom and being unable to cum are when I had sex for the first time.

>> No.11611278

>moby dick
>i was goodlooking a popular in hs. but i went to a small private school and never got laid. first weekend of college a friend found out, told her friend and her friend took my v card

>> No.11611681

Whats wrong with you? Stop sounding like a pleb

>> No.11612302

garbage, stopped on the first paragraph

>> No.11612337

>magic Mountain
>Mulisch' siegfried
>hooker sat on my dick for 10 minutes

>> No.11612415

>The Bible
>Things Fall Apart (assigned reading for a history course on 'western civilization'...)
>Just got out of jail for my 2nd dui.. Come back to my apartment to find that my roommates stole all my shit and this negro had spent the whole weekend fucking this girl I liked. I fucked that girl.

>> No.11612449
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favourite book
>truthful answer: paradise lost
>answer i tell girls: ms dalloway
>answer i tell guys: st augstine's confessions

least enjoyable book
>complete works of oscar wilde
which is a shame, because it was actually quite good. but you should never read an authors complete works in one sitting because it becomes AWFULLY dull and predictable

why you came here:

university, first year. lying in bed with a friend, after watching a film. i nap next to her -- wasnt planning on making a move.
in the morning, i change my mind and go to stroke her shoulder, (and turn her to me and kiss her yada yada)

hand slipped and i ended up getting her tit out which she probably took as quite a ballsy move and went from there.
I was in a rush bc i had an exam that morning, and bj was taking a while (no fault to her) so went to protected sex, and then to unprotected sex.

I'd already P-in-V'd (house-party, 16, too drunk to finish, i wouldnt count it) and done other stuff, so i wasnt incompetent. she enjoyed it more than i did (i think surprisingly this is the general case)

ended up missing that exam.

we continued on-off for few months. a bit of a mess at points.

>> No.11612464

Don't know if I'd suggest the Derleth, as he was a very different sort of writer. Just a heads up.

>> No.11612469

My favorite book is The Faerie Queene. Book i enjoyed least that i read all the way through, The Trial. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.

>> No.11612475

Why did you not enjoy Dubliners

>> No.11612486

Read WH again you fucker, it's a good book

>> No.11612513

>This one Doctor Seuss book I read as a child. Either “Look Out for Pirates” or “Watch Out for Pirates” I don’t remember which. I liked it cause it was about a guy using his wits to solve problems rather than just dumb moralistic stuff in most kid’s books.
>1984. Nothing against the book, I was just sad and miserable when reading it because the setting was so bleak and shitty.
>Had my dick ridden in an abandoned passenger rail car by a girl who had a boyfriend. Didn’t cum. The next time was better, and I came. Had a condom on each time though so I don’t think either time necessarily counts.

>> No.11612515

A Confederacy of Dunces AKA Neckbeard: The Book
It was really bad.

>> No.11612527

if its any consolation >mutual masturbation is >>> sex. she probably enjoyed it more

they cant get anybody, let alone dubliners

christ that's some depressing energy

if you think this, chances are you are shit in bed, Mr. i put the willy in and out until i cum

sex is more than penetration, let alone male orgasm

last sentence made me nostalgic smile thanks :)

hey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin.
but christ, if you arent shagging you should probably have better taste in literature

sorry but this is really bad prose. if you'd either put in more effort, or less, it wouldve been better

sex is not for procreation. you fuck bc youre horny. your "biological imperative" is to fuck, not procreate.

regrets? was this angry sex?

>> No.11612627

you managed to hit thestupid jackpott on every item

>> No.11612650

You just hit it once with your life.

>> No.11612697

>Brother's Karamazov
>Neil Gaiman's American Gods(got it as a present and tried to get through it to be able to talk about it with the gift giver but it read like a young adult monster girl fan fic)
>went soft as soon as the condom went on, limp penis was literally too small for the condom to fit, she said we could just do it raw but she was visibly having an outbreak of herpes or warts of some sort on her vagina, so I let her suck me off till I got a chub, put another condom on, and fucked her missionary for about 10 minutes until I went completely soft again and said I had enough
She also smelled bad, her pussy smell filled up the whole room and when my roommate got back he, a virgin, looked at me with such absolute disgust that I realized just how much of a sad mistake my entire life actually was. For some reason the girl seemed to enjoy it though, and gave good reviews to her friends who kept telling me that she couldn't stop talking about me afterwards. We did it one more time, during which I once again never got completely hard and eventually went completely soft so the condom just kind of drooped off, and then I told her I didn't want to see her anymore.
btw my dick works now, and I've had more positive sexual experiences since then, but I honestly I'm thankful I had such an awful first time. It took the magic out of it, helped me stop idealizing sex and wasting so much time worrying about obtaining it, at least in the long run. I felt insecure at the time to be completely honest.

>> No.11613331

>The Moviegoer
>Leaving the Atocha Station
>Drunk and horny in Amsterdam. She was in a booth across from the sex theater. Thin, young, blonde, I wanna say she was Slovakian.

>> No.11613401

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.11613458

>jaw numb
that happens when you don't switch your movements up

>> No.11613485

It's overdone and derivative, but you're on the right path anon. Keep trying.

>> No.11613497

>A Dutch book none of you would recognize anyway
En welk boek mag dat dan wel wezen?

>> No.11613559

>>your favourite book
the tempest
>>your least enjoyable book you read
david copperfield
>>describe your first time having sex
her nipple piercing came undone in my mouth. I couldn't stop giggling, nor could I cum

>> No.11613567

>There's no right answer but let's say - The Castle
>There are many many right answers, the most recent has been Gardens of the Moon
>I don't really remember, can you believe it? There are only vague characteristics floating in memory - vagina revealed through underwear pushed to the side, a dorm-room cot that is barely wide enough for one, darkness, people outside, being told I was "hot" even though I felt anything except... But was that all from the first time? Was that the same woman? I can't tell you. I can however tell you almost every unimportant detail of my life from an extremely early age, but remembering first sex is nearly impossible. To think that something I thought would be so important is so fleeting, ephemeral and now fading. What will never fade is memories of my childhood; my little plastic dog with a mechanism under its stand that made it twist and dance, my grandmother's hand leading me past the toy, my dear heroic grandmother who I will never see again... These memories and their seemingly pointless cousins are my bedrock. They mean nothing when said out loud but in their silent voices they speak to me of warmth, happiness and a sensation of love independent from the words "I love you".

>> No.11613578

Hmm weird i just fapped to this slut

>> No.11613596

>Heaven is for Real
>I was tempted by a woman at work when I was 22. I plan to remain chaste for the rest of my life.

>> No.11613639

>Fav: Finnegans Wake
>Least Fav: Catcher in the Rye
>Never had sex

>> No.11613642

>don't have one
>I really hated mother night
>Easily one of the worst experiences of my life.

>> No.11613667

>fav book
I haven't read enough books to really have a favorite. When it comes to all media nothing really jumps out, I just have some I enjoy and some I don't.

>least enjoyable book
Everything I was supposed to read in highschool because I couldn't struggle though any of them even a third of the way though, from a handmainds tale to Fahrenheit 451 to the giver and all that shit. I'm not a fan of fiction in general

I have never had sex or kissed a girl, but I have held hands and hugged/cuddled.

>> No.11613673

>Brothers K
>Infinite Jej

>> No.11613844

> Henry James’ A Portrait of a Lady
> Therese Raquin

It was with this rubinesque lass with whom I’d apathetically drifted into a passionless relationship. She drunkenly climbed on to my cock, and then started mashing it; not great. I still tried my best with her, but I didn’t cum, despite spending the better part of an afternoon fooling around with her. She seemed satisfied however, and for the longest time I thought that sex was just one of those overrated things in life. Most of my other experiences have been similarly un- satisfying. I think that most women aren’t told nearly enough about how bad at sex they are.

About a week ago I came to the rather depressing realisation that I’ve only ever orgasmed with prostitutes.

>> No.11613990

>The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft
>Dune (have to look up some geography term every five words and even when I understood what he was saying, the topography was too complex for me to visualize)

>> No.11614021
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>your favourite book
Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett

>your least enjoyable book you read
Can't think of one in specific.

>describe your first time having sex
My boyfriend stuck it in my pooper.

>> No.11614074

>Animorphs #5
>Infinite Jest
>All the bitches.

>> No.11614114

>100 years of solitude
> The Reader and Ishmael
Met up with a tinder fatty, actually thought she was cute though and ended up dating for a while. She had big tits which of course I love. Although now I like big dick more.

>> No.11614116

>The naked lunch

>Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione

>Sucked a dick
>Stoped because I got bored

>> No.11614122

>Fray Perico y su burrico
>Brave New World
I haven't had sex :c

>> No.11614132

>The Aeneid Prose Translation
>The Great Gatsby
Was with my longtime chaste gf after she lost her faith and decided she wanted to have sex. I had phimosis at the time and she was in a lot of pain as well and we had to stop before either of us could orgasm.

>> No.11614225

Absolutely based/10.

>> No.11614242

Based and redpilled

>> No.11614294

>your favourite book
i like anything in verse, especially dramas
>your least enjoyable book you read
hemingway, i almost had a nervous breakdown of utterly worthless unbearable retardation that is his writing
>describe your first time having sex
ahahahahhaah nice one

>> No.11614422

>The Sound and the Fury
>De Anima
>Obese Chinese friend/classmate comes over to study
>We end up getting drunk after finding a fifth of vodka in my older brother's room
>She tells me I'm the only person who has ever loved her (we hung out like 4 times and had known each other for like 5 months)
>Awkward virginal sex ensues

>> No.11614464

>Foundation, from Isaac Asimov
>1984, only because I was terrorised all the time
>I'm a wizard

>> No.11614493
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>Anna Karenina or The Gulag Archipelago
>Blood Meridian
>Fucked a whore in Amsterdam, pre gud, she was cute. Only did it so I know what to expect when I get a gf or hookup with a girl.

>> No.11614511

>Ada or Ardor
>idk On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky was particularly bad for me personally but others might like it
>first time was fucking amazing, I was with an older lady, 46 years old, looked like Helen Mirren, amazing tits, tight hairy pussy, we cuddle in bed naked for a bit and I finger her, it was cold and about 4.00 in the morning, then I ripped off the blankets and she put a condom on me and I just fucked her missionary for about 5 to 8 minutes, I was grabbing at her tits and it felt like hours. Wish I did more shit with her, she was wonderful. Ended up cumming hard into the condom and then I took it off and threw it on the floor, then we cuddled naked some more in bed for a bit but I had to get up early and leave the country and that was it.

>> No.11614590

but im addicted to porn (currently having same problem, cant cum from sex)

>> No.11615078

>All these impotent foreskin-less trim-dicks

>> No.11615151

Isome times wonder if James Joyce is still alive and amongst us

>> No.11615156

>not sure, maybe in the miso soup or mobby dick
>Infinite jest
>never had vaginal sex, but got a blowjob once from a whore and it made me irrationally hate women for a while

>> No.11615338

>A Dutch book none of you would recognize anyway
Zeg nou maar gewoon welk boek dat was, dan zien we wel of het bekend is

>> No.11615397

>Riddley Walker
>Naked Lunch
>I was a freshman in college and so drunk that I barely remember it

>> No.11615442

>Gorky's 3 part autobiography is my sentimental favorite along with "To the lighthouse". My "let's stand out favorites" are Ferdydurke by Gombrowicz and Słowacki's Anheli
>The Good Soldier Švejk. I really hate the composition and the meta-narative themes of the novel.
>I was 17, she was 20 something, not very pretty, kind of big framed. It was dark, I tried thinking of all the pokemons in their order from the Pokedex and came after around 10 minutes. She said I did good and I felt good. I waked up naked in the kitchen in the presence of her parent who said that I looked to young.

>> No.11615482

>Anna Karenina
>Probably some Harry Potter book after I got tired of YA
>17, girl was terrible in bed and it felt really meaningless since I didn't really liked her. Came on her face but didn't spend much time on her pussy since it hurted. After some time she broke up with me and I was destroyed.
Haven't had sex ever since

>> No.11615612

>Future of the Intelligentsia
>hunger games or some inane ya bullshit
I was close friends with the daughter of my boss when I worked at a restaurant in secondary school. One night we stole a bottle of my oldest brother's vodka and watched the Bastille Day fireworks, and ended up fucking on the hill overlooking my town. Started dating after that, still with her after seven years, God bless her.

>> No.11615632

Your roommate seems based.

>> No.11615741

Ew catcher in the rye, like reading an edgy teenagers diary

>> No.11615748

Based. But why not get married, anon?

>> No.11615956

Why would you even want to have sex? Serious q.

>> No.11615967
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why don't we ever discuss literature that will help me lose my virginity

>> No.11615990

>On Liberty
>Atlas Shrugged
>Be 18, met a 16 year old girl on omegle, chatted on FB for a few months, traveled 2 hours by ferry, 2 more hours on bus, hung out all day, crashed on her mom's couch in the living room, girl gave me a bj in the middle of the night. trekked home next day

first sexual encounter so whatever

>> No.11616001

It can feel pretty good a lot of the time. Also it’s decent cardio desu

>> No.11616929

I think this all I need a to see in this thread.

>> No.11618165

He definitely had a more old-fashioned Christian sensibility when to cosmic horror whereas Lovecraft was all about nihilistic dread. However, I would still recommend The Lurker at the Threshold. It's a very good horror novel.

>> No.11618184

I should've mentioned in my original post that Derleth was friends with Lovecraft and wrote horror stories during Lovecraft's lifetime but he didn't start contributing to Lovecraft's universe until after Lovecraft's death so his contributions aren't as reputable as Smith's or Howard's. Smith and Howard contributed while Lovecraft was alive so they were approved by Lovecraft whereas we'll never know what Lovecraft would've said of Derleth's contributions.

>> No.11618318

how'd you meet and get to that point, how old were you? and what makes ada or ardor your favorite?

>> No.11618665

>I can't be arsed to compare every book I've read
>The Alchemist
>Girl I was interning with was extremely thirsty and just got all over me at a club, I had drank a lot. Go to her place and did her every way with a drunken semi, I never came she did a few times. We stopped when she said her vagoo was too raw. Banged once more a few days later then never really spoke again despite working in the same office for the better part of a year afterwards.

>> No.11618689
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>The Bodhicaryāvatāra
>The Great Gatsby (at least picking from relatively famous ones)
I went to an Asian brothel/massage parlor. The girl rubbed me some with her naked body before hopping on for sex. We tried a number of positions. She had a nice butt but I wanted bigger tits. I didn't have any trouble staying hard but I couldn't cum. She finished me off with her hand and I kissed her cheek.

>> No.11619264

>how'd you meet
working together
>how'd you get to that point
were at a party together, everyone was asleep although a few were still drinking in another room, I went to a bedroom to sleep but watching something on my phone, then she came into the room and sort of got cuddly with me and honestly I got really nervous at that stage but I thought "fuck it" and just went in and started making out with her, then felt her up, went for her tits, then went for her pussy, then she stripped naked and all I did was finger her.

That was the first night

It sort of happened again two or three more nights (I was staying at this place) then lost my virginity on the last night.

I'm pretty happy it went so well/was so much fun. Wish I did more kinky shit though, like went down on her, tried other positions, lick her asshole etc but I get laid a lot now and experiment often. I thank her for making my first time so enjoyable.
>what makes ada or ardor your favorite?
Honestly, I'm a sucker for prose. The way Nabokov uses alliteration is sort of my thing. I was surprised in the way Ulysses was written, I thought it was going to be beautiful prose the whole way through but I felt like it was only the prose I was into near the very end (page 824 I think is the shit that everyone loves). So honestly, Ada or Ardor is my all time favorite due to the beauty in the way it's written, I also think the story is quite interesting and pushes the boundaries but the philosophical part, The Texture of Time, is great too.

>> No.11619277

Panorama der Ideologieën (N. Poelman)
Nothing special, some book from the 80's from my families bookcase. It's a nice introduction for me, as I've not read anything on political ideologies yet.

>> No.11619331

>least enjoyable book
Oh never mind I stated the book I am reading currently, remembered the question wrong.
Least enjoyable book: Voorwaardelijke Liefde - Thierry Baudet
What a fucking meme that was.

>> No.11619489


>> No.11619556

>Bourne identity
>the last hank the cowdog book. I cried nibba

The first time a bang a filthy whooore was on my first date. We ended up back at her place at around 4 pm cuz i wanted to go out early and not at night like some degenerates.i think her boyfriend was there. I think she cucked him with him in the house. Holy shit i just realized i saw them holding hands. We closed the door and put on loud music and everything while he played some pc game in the other room. She told me to lie and tell him i was gay. Thats why he was so pissed when i told her to tell him i wasnt gay. He didnt realize. She didnt have curtains and some kids walked by. I dont think they realized what they were seeing.

>> No.11619681


>> No.11619693

I ask because I started a German translation of a Dutch book that I first tabled to read later, then lost during a move. I remember nothing about the book other than it was set in Amsterdam and was written in the Seventies, I believe set during the same time. I am going crazy trying to remember it.

>> No.11619730

Oké pik, geen probleem.

>> No.11619792

>maybe she ruined my ability to trust those feelings again
last december isn't very long ago anon
wait a few more months.

>> No.11619821

>We ended up back at her place at around 4 pm cuz i wanted to go out early and not at night like some degenerates
What worldview do you have where a date at 7pm instead of 4pm makes you morally corrupt?

>> No.11619897
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>worries about the moral ramifications of going out at night
>fucks a 'filthy whooore'
>cucks a man in his own house
The pinnacle of morality ladies and gentlemen.

You really need to stop trying so hard.

>> No.11619925

> Demons
> First Lord of the Rings book
> Friend girl of mine and I went out to dinner then back to her apartment and she climbed on top of me in bed and gave me a handjob and made out while I awkwardly fumbled around with her butt and then her bed literally collapsed for some reason and then we slept because it was like 3am and I was tired af

>> No.11619984
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>Lord of the Rings
>Lost it to a girl named after a muse at moonlight in the middle of a botanical garden

>> No.11620282

>Revolt Against The Modern World
>too many to list
> The Breakfast Club. Intimate buildup and release. Half-baked erection. Blood.

The people in this thread trying to 'write' their first time having sex with overwrought prose need to die.

>> No.11620615
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Bump for OP

>> No.11620740

I know you're talking about me, and I'm sorry. I did basically make a blog post because I was thinking through what actually happened and ended up getting the feels.

>> No.11621215

So is The Alchemist commonly a part of high school curriculums or what?

>> No.11621220

This thread has survived two days now. What happened with Lana? Did instragram ever respond to her?

>> No.11621245

>Less than Zero
>hooked up with a 7/10 bear on grindr when I was 19, was bretty gud

>> No.11621260

>The Bible
>The BIble
Be me. Mid-late 20s. Never even kissed a girl. Girl I wasn't really attracted to throws herself at me. Thicc irish broad with blue eyes and curly hair. We go on a date, end up back at my dorm room. Get them panties off, say hello to heaven. I lap on her for a while, get hard and start drippin'. Roll on a jimmy hat and stick it in there. She's tight and wet, I'm a broad mushroom and diamonds. Feels amazing... all of my chromosomes are screaming out this is what I was made to do. Best sex of my life. She had that good snappin' pussy. We see each other a couple more times, then she ghosts on me and leaves the country.

>> No.11621805

So you took her virginity?

>> No.11621892
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fuck your picture
btw its fake, tears never fall from the center of the eyes, always the corners

hope she has HIV

>> No.11621917

her insta is long back

>> No.11621926

>Heart of Darkness.
>I'm just glad that I lasted much longer than I expected.

>> No.11621996


>> No.11622063

the picture of dorian gray
the art of war

>condom is too tight
>can't feel anything
>bitch doesn't even let me fuck her doggystile
>when she starts to moan I ask her why she has to make so much noise
>thrust a while anyway to get her off a little, then finish myself off by hand
>cringe shame and regret/10

>> No.11622070

>>when she starts to moan I ask her why she has to make so much noise

>> No.11622588

you have no idea how much time I spent on that stupid website

but it paid off somehow lol

>> No.11622961

>theory: Joseph of maistre, considerations on French revolution.
>fiction: Tolstoy Anna karenina.
>non fiction: john julius Norwich a history of byzantium.
>least favorite: crime and punishment
>virgin and most physical contact with a girl was a single hug several years ago.

>> No.11622965

>Taught stomach
Its taut you swine. If you are going to be a reddit essayist online at least put some effort.

>> No.11623291
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>I had done it, that was certain, it was a fact. I was a man.
p u r p l e

>> No.11623432

>maybe Absalom, Absalom!
>don't remember, usually too drunk to bother to remember books I didn't like. Ethan Frome I guess
>was in an adolescent psychiatric unit and she sneaked into my room at one-something in the morning and we went into the bathroom and fucked in the shower and I discovered why lube is extra important when you're fucking in a shower and I didn't come and I have no idea if she did but she acted like she did and to my knowledge neither of my roommates woke up or were any the wiser after the fact.

>> No.11623507

He was. The man did what I should have done in college. Studied and watched a whole fucking lot of hentai. God bless you, Brandon. You fucking legend.

>> No.11623624

>The Divine Comedy
>Tai Pei
>came in 12 seconds

>> No.11623772

Favorite book
>Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Least enjoyable
>Jane Eyre
First time having sex
>sophomore in high school, 14
>sort-of-gf at the time had just turned 16
>she's been coming onto me really strong for at least a month
>finally give in to hormones and woman
>after final exams, got out early so nobody is home
>first time I have kissed a girl
>first time since birth my dick has been touched by a woman
>five minutes into kissing, told I'm "thinking too hard"
>think about thinking less
>try to eat her out, less than 30 seconds and I can't do it. I think I tried to stick my tongue into her vagina as if it were a penis. Don't do that.
>she sucks me a little
>thrusting for about 45 minutes, mostly only missionary
>she did not come, but told me afterwards she did so I would feel better
>I would learn a few years later that she tried and failed to drown herself after going home
>break up a couple months later, stay friends
>learn several years later about this thing called the clitoris, never had bad sex like that again
>not an amazing experience, but it gave me a certain intimacy with her that's persisted across the years and she's mostly been a good friend

>> No.11623798 [DELETED] 

skipping the books part cuz no one cares

the first time i fucked i was so god damn stupid i didnt know to pump with my hips, i actually pushed with my feet up and down, this was when it was hard to get porn, i didnt realize you're supposed to thrust with your hips until i saw an ad on tv for some movie with jackie chan and some white guy where the white guy fucks the air by thrusting his hips and then i was like "ohhh shit, now i get it!" i was so drunk and the chick was a ultra thot so i think of it without cringing, but i do sort of laugh, everyone complains about how much porn is available these days, but its way better than when porn was rare ok

>> No.11623874

I think you're supposed to hate most of the characters in An Ideal Husband. While you might pity them, you probably wouldn't feel too bad if they all ended up failing miserably. Wilde's point, it seems to me, is that the reason the audience does not want this is because it would spoil the aesthetic beauty of the piece, even though you aren't invested in the characters and might get a better moral from the play if they fell from grace. I also think Wilde exaggerated the mannerisms of the upper class to deliberately make them sound obnoxious. He was a rather ardent socialist, after all.

>> No.11623901

hadn't heard of her before. nice ass. glad to see it was properly utilized

>> No.11624007

Absolutely based

>> No.11624192

As cringy as that prose was, I actually remember little of my first time. I remember the foreplay, but not the sex itself. I remember the second time reasonably well though.

The Foundation Trilogy is severely underrated. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend Pebble in the Sky.

>> No.11624402
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>Focault’s Pendelum
>Tuesday’s with Morry

Got laid when I was 16. This thicc brown asian qt came one to me really hard and we got along well. First girl I kissed. Fucked her that weekend.
>she asks me if I want music
>put on American Football for some reason idfk
>begin foreplay
>her pussy was tight but had a lot of sour beef
>still ate her out, made her cum really hard
>I then tried to insert my dick and I can’t remember if I was getting limp or if I couldn’t find her hole in all the beef
>she looks at me and reassuredly lays my back on the bed and rides me really hard for a half hour
>went in bare and came inside her
>felt fucking amazing and ended up cumming inside raw for a real long time
>she had birth control but I ended up impregnating her three months later
>kept fucking, all we did was fuck everywhere we went
>didn’t really know what to do about the baby
>ended up having a miscarriage 2 months in
>a few months afterwards she fucked my best friend when I was out of town
>they both left me and got married a month later

4 years later and haven’t made any intimate contact with a girl since

>> No.11624668

filthy sodomite

>> No.11624775

Thanks for the tip on the OW Completed Works, was going to read it soon.

>> No.11624789

My diary desu.
I'm a 28 yo kissless virgin lol

>> No.11624797

she got married at 16/17?

>> No.11624814

Joseph and His Brothers
The Castle

She was 13 and I smoked it raw nigga lol. The tightness was heavenly

>> No.11625086

>brothers karanazov
> the fledgling (completely horrendous)
> forever alone T_T

>> No.11625289

>Book of the New Sun
>I don’t read books that aren’t enjoyable
>at 14 or 15 with my girlfriend. Fucked her soft and gently the first time and she told me she loved me. Now it’s 12 years later and she’s married to someone else and pregnant.

>> No.11625891

She was 2 year older than me I forgot to mention

>> No.11625897

>the answer wouldn’t matter, I don’t push through if I’m bored

>> No.11626497

Can you say more? I'm doing a PhD that requires me to do a lot of technical writing and it has eliminated almost any knack I have for creative writing, unfortunately. I'm not pretending that I think that post was good work by any stretch of the imagination but because I would like to re-invent my writing after graduating, I would be glad if you could tell me some specifics about what you disliked.

>> No.11626514

The Mysterious Stranger
Atlas Shrugged
I was drunk and I got picked up by a tech guy, it was nice, but he gave me the clap.

>> No.11626522

Humbert, is that you?

>> No.11626549


>Ulysses (unironically)
>The Average American Male by Chad Kultgen (I'm Swiss)
>I paid an Amsterdam whore at 18: clinical and quick

>> No.11626575
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Dune maybe, or Cheever's/Updike's short story collections
I simply wanted to get my virginity over with because I didnt know if there was something wrong with me when it came to romance and that actually doing the act would fix it. Met a girl on tinder, went to her place a few times before having sex. It was purely mechanical for me, I felt like a robot, I felt nothing, and it took a long time because of that. She seemed to enjoy it was nice at first, so we had more sex in the coming months but I honestly couldnt feel anything for her. Sometimes I even had trouble getting it up or keeping it up, I just couldnt focus on what was going on

>> No.11626589

What is the clap

>> No.11626598
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Google it you fuck

>> No.11626661

100 Years of Solitude
Jane Eyre

Friend of some friends. I was 17 and she was 18. First kiss. She told me not to look at her. Felt something that wasn't a hand. First blowjob. After a few minutes of that she had me enter her. Took some help. "Too low." Came immediately upon entrance. Just sort of did pushups while getting flaccid. She asked if I ever did this before, told her no. She was cool and waited for me to recover before riding for about ten minutes. Told me to pick one position with my hips and to stop changing it, she's doing the work. Came again.

>> No.11626727

Not him, but writing a long rambling response about your life in general when asked a direct question is generally seen as pretty pretentious. Asking yourself questions, writing with stilted language, rambling off into tangents going nowhere, all Irritating to read, aren't they? I can't tell you for sure, I just know that you've managed to make these tiny electronic representations of letters, miracles of technology, a wonder in and of themselves, bore me, telling me nothing despite elongating your response to one of the lengthiest in the discussion...

>> No.11626801

>your favourite book
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace

>your least enjoyable book you read
Literally every single Shakespeare anything I've ever had to read throughout primary schools

>describe your first time having sex
In a car at a field party at 14

>> No.11626822

Sure, I can see what you mean. I only discovered that I had a hard time remembering once I started writing, so I was more-or-less walking myself through the process of understanding what that part of me is like. Personally, I like reading ramblings and seeing how people bare their unintentional quirks through draw-out monologues or otherwise(I enjoyed reading yours as well), I just need to put in a lot of work to make my writing be less pretentious and boring. Thank you, anon.

>> No.11626962

>The Metamorphis
>Not read a book I've disliked yet
>Cock deep in tranny boy pussy at 19

>> No.11627139

At an exams are finished aprty when I was 16 at my house, to one of the school 'hot girls' I had had a crush on for a few years. Sex was awful but I still jack off to the memory.

>> No.11627418

How was it awful?