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/lit/ - Literature

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11605442 No.11605442 [Reply] [Original]

any books about dealing with the fact that you are smarter than 99% of people on the planet and everywhere you look makes you feel sad at the absolute state of billions of people and their pathetic brainlet lives?

>> No.11605480

Infinite Jest

>> No.11605485
File: 133 KB, 1300x894, 1834DB56-748A-4344-99EE-2D9FF066F90B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay, Einshtein! Read THIS

>> No.11605488

not smartass enough. i need something more like "the god delusion" but less reddit, if you know what i mean.

>> No.11605497

i'd clock you in the fucking teeth, you little shit. i'd literally meet up with you and crack your fucking skull open just to post a pic on /lit/ warning people what happens when a dumb fucking bum like you talks shit online.

i hate pseuds and i hate plebs but there's one thing i hate more and it's little pathetic ass bitch ass tryhards like you. 1v1 fuck face ass bandit.

>> No.11605502

my diary desu

>> No.11605512

r u fine?

>> No.11605519

The book is written by a man who 'thought' he was smart, and read and then acclaimed by people who 'think' they are smart. The objective reality is, neither DFW nor most of his readers are that bright. People with an IQ over 140 realize he is a fraud. His IQ was 115 at best. His notoriety was made only possible by his professor parents and their connections.
You know the parents that put "My child made honors list!" on their bumper sticker? That child was DFW and that phrase summarizes his mentality and the mental of his fans such as yourself.

>> No.11605533

My IQ is 142 and I thought IJ was overall pretty brilliant. IQ doesn't mean shit past a certain point

>> No.11605534
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Bleeding Edge

>> No.11605535

and they will all achieve more than jacking off to bataille in moms basement lmao

>> No.11605549

oh man fuck its so burdensome to be so smart ahh geez life is tragic it is a curse to have such a superior intellect tfw smart but lazy tfw surrounded by unselfaware zombie-like populace mindlessly following trends grrrr im the only authentic individual

>> No.11605550

>People with an IQ over 140
Unless but "over 140" you mean "I took an online test and it scored me over 140" then you should realise you're talking about literal geniuses, in which case that excludes you.

>> No.11605554

It seems like you need a large dose of "you aren't special". I'm not sure what book would give you the amount you need though.

>> No.11605562

OP here. you are right AND funny and I wish I was as right and funny as you. UNIRONICALLY.

>> No.11605568

Doubtful. I’m 6’10, 300 lbs

>> No.11605576

i'm 5'8 (only a welterweight) but i swear to god i'd punch you so hard your frontal cortex would have the same fate as one of a lobotomy patient


>> No.11605593

Trying too hard now buddy

>> No.11605596

LMAO pussy ass bitcj copping out the banter

>> No.11606264

confederacy of dunces and my twisted world

>> No.11606269

Cease talking about David Foster Wallace. His time has past. He was never that great to begin with. His writing lacks emotional honesty. It's detached to the point of creepiness or ineffectiveness. While his intelligence is very high, and his prose is ruthlessly intelligent, he lacks the gift of making his stories emotionally relatable or approachable. It cuts out a whole dimension of literary merit from his oeuvre.

>> No.11606286

the manlet delusion

>> No.11606337
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>tfw not smart enough to handle DFW's writing
I've tried to read Infinite Jest and The Pale King and they were both too much for me. How do I cope with this, bros?

>> No.11606344
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Having (somewhat)high IQ plus low conscientiousness really is shitty tho. I don't think it's fun, cool, or makes me better than others. I don't envy others for being 'brainlets' i envy people who have balanced personalities. I think this combination of traits creates a distinct form of psychic pain that manifests itself as what we often call "edginess".

>> No.11606359

His prose is just plain shit though.

>> No.11606368

By reading actually good books and not getting upset you can't understand a meme author who isn't respected by serious scholars in the field.

>> No.11606374

>his prose is ruthlessly intelligent
Wardine be cry.

>> No.11606379

What would you recommend, anon?

>> No.11606388

Yeah, is called "Dunning–Kruger effect" and you can read about it on Wikipedia, I bet you are going to love it, it fits perfectly smart people like you OP!

>> No.11606418
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Not OP but this is the reason why you shouldn’t bother sharing your IQ friends; stating any IQ above 100 is going to bring this sort EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. You have to think from a primitive’s standpoint and realize that, to them, high IQ is akin to you claiming to summon demons from the Goetia.

>> No.11606420

Start with the Greeks, unironically. Hell pick up the Oxford World Classics edition of Aesop's Fables and within 300 pages you will have 600 insightful and thought-provoking stories under your belt and will learn something about an entire genre of writing.

>> No.11606461

>thinking this is good
If you are exactly 99th percentile that means you are the dumbest of the top 1%, if you are 99.9th you are the dumbest of the 0.1%, if you are 99.99th then you are the dumbest of the top 0.01%. Considering how many people are on earth, and how people self select based on professions, there are always at any point people in your vicinity that make you look like a fucking moron.

>> No.11606511

The thoughts you have that you think are "deep" are probably more common than you realize. You just don't talk to people enough or are in a context to have those kinds of conversations. If you were so smart, would it not be the smart choice to enlighten and teach them?

>> No.11606566

Preach brother

>> No.11606605

Given the loads of shitposting and the site structure and ability to do so i doubt truly inteligent people come here.

How does the brainlet find inteligent forum? I'm not gonna post there just read.

>> No.11606625

You don't, if you want to delude yourself you go hang out on reddit with all the pretentious fart-sniffers and act smart together.

>> No.11606635

I dunno man - can't really helpful if you're referring to literary forums, I think /lit/ is as a general place to discuss literature, probably the best place in terms of the things discussed, not necessarily in the quality of the content. You might have better structure and quality in the Goodreads forums, for instance, but the things that are commonly discussed there are generally dire, and the more interesting literature and philosophy falls by the wayside. There are lots of great places to discuss literature in a more specific sense, i.e an individual work or writer. This place is an active forum if you want to discuss quantum physics: https://www.physicsforums.com/forums/quantum-physics.62/

>> No.11608110

just read plato damn

>> No.11608166
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Oh yeah, well Frank Zappa would like to have a world with you...

>> No.11608187
File: 262 KB, 680x661, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Smug11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genius IQ here
IQ is pseudoscience

>> No.11608206

shaved balls

>> No.11608259


Came here to say this. If you ignore the irnonic tone it's just what you want, a deluded megalomaniac surrounded by scumbags

>> No.11608347
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IQ of 160 here
IQ is meaningless though and says nothing about a person's abilities. it's work ethic that is most important!

>> No.11608860


>> No.11608879


>> No.11608880

>smarter than 99% of people on the planet
>can't utilize your intellect to obtain happiness
got some unsettling news for you