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11603371 No.11603371 [Reply] [Original]

Is Macron an accelerationist?

>> No.11603876

No he's intelligent and doesn't fall for posturing meme ideologies. A true Napoleonist seeking only what is great

>> No.11603883

>A true Napoleonist seeking only what is great


>> No.11603984

Niggers are a tool for the Republic. Let the blacks play footyball so the white man may focus on higher pursuits

>> No.11604033
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literally macron

>> No.11604077

i also like macron
dont know why

>> No.11604202
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>gets elected to keep out fascists
>sends his personal security to brutalize protestors
>blames africans for having too many kids
>wants mandatory military service
Absolutely Jupiterian

>> No.11604207

are you fucking braindead? nigger is bought
he was bought and paid for

its because you're retarded and don't actually know fuck all about anything

>> No.11604211

>>sends his personal security to brutalize protestors
>>blames africans for having too many kids
>>wants mandatory military service
Is that all true? Based as fuck

>> No.11604243

t. too dumb for extreme centrism

>> No.11604271
File: 73 KB, 640x492, macron-africa-civilizational-problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based illuminati rothschild banker

probably the only leader in the world currently active who has read hegel and such, with the exception of maybe xi jinping

>> No.11604275

b-but I want to have 7 or 8 kids

>> No.11604280

Why would you think that? He seems like a fairly typical social democrat.

>> No.11604284
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>with the exception of maybe xi jinping
How /lit/ is Xi?

>> No.11604288

He looks like he can't turn down a favour on his daughter's wedding day

>> No.11604364

is this guy legit smart and not merely a CCP puppet?

>> No.11604372

No, he's just a kike puppet BLACKing his population.

>> No.11604377

he's literally a Roman god

>> No.11604404
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>> No.11604417

we need a joke about his old wife and accelerationism

>> No.11604476

Don't recall the quote about niggers, but that does sound like him.


>> No.11604481

First as tragedy, than as a farce

>> No.11604485

Macron is the anagram for M. Coran

>> No.11604487

he's a puppet whose only goal is advancing the interests of (((international finance)))
and he's a legitimate faggot

>> No.11604545

why a puppet ? his decisions are his own. his ideas are his own. he's just a typical liberal, moneyloving, evil idiot.

>> No.11604554

what is european union

>> No.11604599

he's /tv/

>> No.11604695

Underrated pic

>> No.11604707
File: 31 KB, 700x394, AVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fool he literally got installed as finance minister in the last government by rotschilds, used to work at one of their banks before that. Following this he astroturfs an entire party(without ideology) from scratch and obtains an absolute majority. Seems legit.

I still like him though.

>> No.11604738

He got elected because Brexit and Trump had just happened and the French were shitting themselves that they were heading for the same thing. The old ruling Socialist party had proven to be an absolute joke and so when a motivated, vaguely-liberal young politician came along on the platform of "not being a racist", the election was basically handed to him.

>> No.11604750
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He's president for life now; nobody is sure exactly of Chinese politics work except the Chinese.

>> No.11604761

>nobody is sure exactly of Chinese politics work except the Chinese.
Anon, not even the mainland chinese knows what's happening down there.

>> No.11604776

>by rotschilds

hello, illiterate brainlet. do you want to discuss Notes from Underground or something ?

>> No.11604792

he literally worked for Rothschild & Cie Banque

>> No.11604794

wtf do you even mean

he was not installed as finance minister to do his own bidding retard, but that what his former employers wanted. If he believes the same as those above him is irrelevant

>> No.11604801
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>> No.11604807


>> No.11604827

please respond

>> No.11604838

No if anything he is responsible for the French socdem party’s decline

>> No.11604851

plz respond

>> No.11605053

So he worked for a major bank? Good for him

>> No.11605116

Son of Bogdanov

>> No.11605734

and that's a good thing!

>> No.11605756

>I want my politicians to be dummys who can't into economics

>> No.11606284

Yeah he's accelerating towards sucking dicks.

>> No.11606290

Rothschild memes aside he is a legitimate EUphile and hasn't shown otherwise. Can't see why 4chan obsesses over this guy when he literally is the status quo.

>> No.11606316

How is pushing the (((EU))) as hard as he does being the status quo ?

>> No.11606331

>Can't see why 4chan obsesses over this guy when he literally is the status quo.

Because we're not all fucking children harping for change for change sake. I'd consider one of the alternative parties in Europe if they haven't been proven to be run by idiots

>> No.11606353

What the fuck did I just read. The vast majority of politicians and the institutions in western Europe are all pro-EU. Hell, even the majority of politicians in Britain right now are pro-EU, which makes it funnier to see them try and leave.

>> No.11606356

Because it's the standard neoliberalism that's been happening for decades and people only decided to hate it because they let Arabs in

>> No.11606358

Yeah because they're all imagineless complacent cretins

>> No.11606363

>giving up your sovereignty and control over your legal system for some extra shekels, all while being invaded by foreigners is a good thing
absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11606364
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>Macron is based but I can't list a single non-meme accomplishment of his

It's been well over a year since he got power, and his party won a majority in the National Assembly. Literally what has he done that's affected the French?

>> No.11606375

He literally won the world cup

>> No.11606382

Yeah lets vote for our local Trump meme so he can shift the entire tax base onto the middle class, completely throw environmental and financial regulation out the window and not actually structurally empower heartland people whatsoever

>> No.11606384

hes fucking up unions and liberalising french economy whatever you make of that. exactly what neolibs wanted

>> No.11606389

He's not pushing the EU, he's trying to reform it but only to make it stronger and have France play a greater role (akin to Germany). Can't believe so many people think he's fighting the establishment/status quo. Most French are smart enough to see this and that's why his approval rating has plummeted.

>> No.11606395
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>if you don't support the EU you support retarded populist politicians who hardly achieve anything

>> No.11606401

Imagine actually shilling for the EU on 4chan of all places. Are you all from Brussels or something? Fuck off.

>> No.11606402

He is LITERALLY the neoliberal version of Napoleon and insanely based

>> No.11606408
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I'd love for it not to be the case but thats pretty much the only options we have on the table
Would love to see more politicians like the Moggman but its clearly not an option at the moment

>> No.11606414

>one of the greatest military minds of all time, saved the revolution, defended France from the coalition aggressors, created the Napoleonic code, led France to it's greatest glory in history
>will be remembered for eternity

>manlet with a grandma for a wife
>will be forgotten in 20 years

>> No.11606417

>pulling the manlet card on Macron when comparing him to Napoleon

>> No.11606423

Macron will do that, except neoliberal style

>> No.11606425
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Mogg is a literal meme. I can agree with him on the EU but for me it stops there. He's practically a libertarian and not a conservative at all. But then again there aren't any conservatives in the Tory party anyways.

>> No.11606431

He's no to abortion and gay marriage. Thats a good enough start for me

>> No.11606432

Napoleon was actually average height for his time. Meanwhile Macron is a literal manlet by today's standards.

>> No.11606433

He is a mildly competent defender of the status quo and nothing more. He's better than Hollande (not saying much) but comparing him to Napoleon is insulting. His legacy won't be a tiny fraction of Napoleon's.

>> No.11606440

The "Napoleon manlet" was literally Anglo propaganda. Just look it up.

>> No.11606450

eh iirc he's no to those things but he wouldn't significantly alter the law to those things. It's not like he could really anyways.

>> No.11606451

he still believes in catholic dogma so a conservative on some issues. Still the tories will never again be led by a truly conservative mam youre right about that

Britain is finished simple as

>> No.11606463

>muh average height at the time!!

Nope doesn't count. Even if he was above average for commoners he was still short for anyone that mattered back then

>> No.11606464

He's an earnest neoliberal, an ideology that necessitates the state must act to oil the national economy in the interest of the global market

>> No.11606492

You shouldnt even compare him to the average height of the french. Napoleon was quite tall for an italian

>> No.11606505

Pushing as in applying.

He's not reforming shit, he's just applying by the letter the agenday (((they))) put him in power for, all the while trying soooo hard it's almost cute to look like Obama.

He's a less inept -in a worrying sense- version of Trudeau

>> No.11606514

Corsega is french.

>> No.11606519

no it's not.

t. mainland french

>> No.11606530

Doenst matter

>napoleon di buanaparte

family is of tuscan origin, if thats not italian i dont know.

Fact is this man had zero (0) frog genes in his body

so quite tall for a tuscan (italian)

>> No.11606558

They're all basically the same thing anyway. Bread eating oily continentals

>> No.11606573

fuck off you arrogant brit. no need to worry about those on the continent. Worry instead that none of your nieces or family gets groomed by pakis.

>> No.11606579

>arrogant brit

you'd think a /lit/fag would know how to avoid a pleonasm.

>> No.11606583


Added to head-dictionary

>> No.11606592
File: 243 KB, 588x900, 1522641051046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting a bit riled up are we pierre? don't forget to take care of your african bull today

>> No.11606612

true lmao

im flemish retard so i bear no great amount of love for the french. Really the arrogant bit that so much britoids put up is just sad really pretending to still be superiour while your country went from empire where the sun never sets to barely holding on to sc*tland and norniron

Humility is a virtue you know, shame your excuse for a church didnt educate you on that

>> No.11606613
File: 76 KB, 460x568, 7e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more accurate pic

>> No.11606617
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You mean this one

>> No.11606624
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>> No.11606628

Ignore them, they're just doing what Euros have always done. OBSESSING rent free for all eternity

>> No.11606642

>fucking up unions
Oh, cool. So the French get to be like the Americans and work 50 hours a week and still barely afford housing. This Macron guy sounds based.

>> No.11606649

Yeah so they also don't end up in 15% unemployment again since you have to pay a billion dollars to get someone to sweep a hall

>> No.11606650

>my country isn't collapsing, it's just continentals are jealous

>> No.11606651

Just have the honour to respond to this post and not take the easy road of another snarky "lmao" got em shit britoid response

Yeah france is certainly fucked though. White boomer hate working so strike constantly. blacks and arabs simply dont work and debt is piling up. Future for france will not be easy

crash is coming in, who can say what will follow it

>> No.11606652

lmao dumb american rationalizing again how he is a lowly paid serf for jewish upper clas because of freedom

>> No.11606653

>Muh Scotland
>Muh Pound
>Muh upheaval
>Muh economy

Face it. All your predictions came out to shit.
Britain is doing fine and in 10 years its going to be the new Norway. Sorry, not sorry

>> No.11606656
File: 70 KB, 645x729, 1512230054346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unions are bad
Unless you're a literal billionaire you have no right to say this.

>> No.11606657

>no house, no car, no guns, no dignity, no income
>b-but at least we don't voluntarily work as hard as Americans

lol ok

>> No.11606660

>Britain is doing fine

I think you meant the Islamic Caliphate of the British Isles

>Muh Scotland

It'll be fun when scots stop swallowing BBC propaganda and run away with the oil wells.

>> No.11606661

I don't dislike Unions in theory but its clear the anti-work culture in France is leading to the nation lagging far behind economically and culturally. This is not French tradition, its 20th century bulldogging that needs to be cut in check

>> No.11606663

have you ever worked in a unionized environment?

>> No.11606668

not him but

todays union are retarded though if they had any foresight they would have battled furiously against globalism, now they have become powerless anyway

this blind faith in your "nations" principles is retarded brah

only thing that you list that is true is >no guns

how long do you think the 2nd amendment will last when texas turn blue because of mexicans brother :^) Current predictions are 2022 midterms :^)

>> No.11606678

>anti-work culture
I need to move to France.

>> No.11606680

Try Africa instead you fucking nigger

>> No.11606695


>> No.11606720
File: 211 KB, 712x1024, back2reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to pol or thedonald

>> No.11607112

Napoleon himself was insulted when someone told him he wasn't French once.

>> No.11607128

Napoleon was a professional shitposter who would take on emotions as he saw fit

>> No.11607199

Ok /lit/, you're smart

by "Jupiterian presidency" was Macron referring to the late Roman emperors' shedding of the "first among equals" facade? Is he distancing himself from the common man, more so than is normal for a french president?

>> No.11607208

Yeah, thought that was pretty obvious

>> No.11607232

>has read Hegel

No wonder he's a moron who can't produce a single semi-coherent statement or semi-original idea!

>> No.11607233

I take as him being genuinely insulted.

>> No.11607238

Dunno but I'm a brakist -I don't really want to buy anything, all worthwhile work appears to have been done, I just want to live with a scintilla of style and uselessness, having lucked into being born in a rich place.

>> No.11607242

Based and bluepilled

>> No.11607493


>> No.11607540

this but unironically

>> No.11608044

He said himself he was born a Corsican but died a Frenchman.

>> No.11608263

I have spent some time doing China Studies research in my political science degree. Xi seems very intelligent, very well read and very much in control of what is going on in China.

>> No.11608320


Please tell me how this is "Jupiterian."

>> No.11608605
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>implying the rothschild are in control of Macron

>> No.11608617

fuck you commie unions killed my dog

>> No.11608625


fucking based. piece of shit commoners have no respect for legitimate authority and power. fuck commoners, monarchy now

>> No.11609494

>demanding respect for the hierarchy
>not jupiterian

>> No.11609497
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>talking down to a kid
Looks like someone with too much ego

>> No.11609499

>they would have battled furiously against globalism
They did? Who did you think dragged Europe into globalism?

>> No.11609501

Xi is /ourguy/.

>When he was interviewed in Sochi during the 2014 Winter Olympics, he provided a laundry list of Russian authors he admired: “Krylov, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, [and] Sholokhov.” In France a month later, Xi had a similar list handy of French figures: Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Sartre, Montaigne, La Fontaine, Molière, Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, George Sand, Flaubert, Alexandre Dumas fils, Maupassant, Romain Rolland, and Jules Verne. In Germany he noted his fondness for Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Heidegger, and Marcuse and spoke of the “enchanting melodies by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, and Brahms.

>> No.11609502

>needing to tell people to respect you instead of automatically obtaining respect

Virgin Macron

>> No.11609504

Just a run off the mill liberal, just perpetuating the same faulty ideology that is driving the whole planet into the ground.

>> No.11610055

The only question that needs to asked and answered is "!how many volumes of books has he written"? A communist party leader who has not written extensively is not fit to be leader. Stalin wrote 13 volumes of works.

>> No.11610263

Gross, don't post like this on /lit/ pls.

>> No.11610270

estrogenposting is worse than polposting

>> No.11610282

Probably not much, given that the entirety of the CCP is composed of STEMlord bugmen.

>> No.11610287

Not unless it's estropolposting!!

>> No.11610297

did he literally just pull that shit from "list of famous artists, philosophers and writers from x country"? sounds like chinkoid "culturation"

>> No.11610309

>automatically obtaining respect
>In France

lol what

>> No.11610314

This place has gone completely to shit.

>> No.11610320

Now this is effortposting

>> No.11610339

There's like 20 worse threads here right now. This is a quality thread

>> No.11610350

>going full sperglord on a 13yo kid who wanted to act cool in front of his friends
>absolutely respect-worthy

>> No.11610356

Kid looked BTFO to me. Probably cut his faggot lefty hair and became a respectul extreme centrist after that

>> No.11610375

The first part, about calling him President was as based as an adult can talk to a kid. The second part about "If you want to start a revolution you have to go to school" kind of dribble made it cringe and showed he was way too triggered by it.

>> No.11610383

Literally every other french president would have acted with more class -Sarkozy included.

That's not how you act when you want your country to perceive you as your friendly-neighborhood president who has everyone's best interest in mind.

There's a reason everyone made montages of macron and OSS 117 afterwards. It's just another one of his PR disasters.

>> No.11610385

That was pretty much everyone's reaction.
First part was okay, second full sperglord and just show how classist he is and how fragile his ego is.

>> No.11610400

>he's trying to reform it but only to make it stronger and have France play a greater role (akin to Germany)
literally jewish tricks to weaken my nation, once again

>> No.11610404

Sounds like you connect a bit too close to the kid. Sorry you get told hard

>> No.11610424

>dodging contradiction 101

>> No.11610539

>That's not how you act when you want your country to perceive you as your friendly-neighborhood president who has everyone's best interest in mind.

Where did you get the impression that's what he wants?

>> No.11610574


>> No.11610583

From his campaign.

>> No.11610587

France didn't need brexit or trump to elect Macron. the Le Pen family has been diabolized for decades. They never had a chance.

>> No.11610588


The guy literally got elected on being "young and dynamic"

>> No.11610621

He coulkd barely write in french. He was a greedy military man who only wanted gold for him and his family. He was controlled by the banque of france, who lended money to him

>> No.11610639

>That's not how you act when you want your country to perceive you as your friendly-neighborhood president

That's exactly how you want to act. Other presidents whould have acted with more class but that's the contrary to being perceived as friendly neighborhood president

>> No.11610653

Your argument is invalid.
Obama probably works for an american comparison.

>> No.11610678

Friendly neighbors don’t scold and talk down to your kids

>> No.11610695

Trump and macron both try to be more close to the people by talking freely to the people. Trump with his tweets and macron with tweets and carefully spaced videos of him acting "natural". Chirac was perceived as dumb and obama is a nigger who spend his entire presidency trying to act cool. He wasn't really close to the people, at least white people

>> No.11610700

It wasn't a scolding. He just asked him to respect him and was smiling.

>> No.11610708

>Chirac was perceived as dumb
Chirac was perceived as a suave gangster. He was fucking people over, but at least he had the decency to be dashing while doing it.
And while Macron and Trump strategy are similar in ways (Macron having copied the whole e-presence thing) their goals are different because they have different images and work for different agendas.

>> No.11610710

Nah the tone was definitely conflicting his smile. Even the second part when he turned back to add more words shows his actions going against his body language.

>> No.11610742

still it's more neighborhood friendly than asking the cops to put him in jail. At least he reacted in a kinda natural way.

>> No.11610768

>than asking the cops to put him in jail.
Is that really the low bar you are comparing against? kek.

>kinda natural
Again no, his tone and words especially how he turned showed that he was triggered and seething by a fucking child

>> No.11610804

And what can a president do to act as to be perceived friendly for you? There's a formality you can't shake off otherwise you seem unpresidential.

He was triggered as he should be being the president of France. And yes he acted more natural than any president would have ever been besides maybe trump.

I'm not saying if it's good or not so you can keep your anger against macron to yourself

>> No.11610817

Macron is based for telling that little twerp off.
Fuck you.

>> No.11610826

Not him but stoping at "it's an official ceremony and you should behave" would have been fine.

>> No.11610856

Yes and that's more or less what he told him in his own words. I think Macron wants to appear like a normal guys which explains the videos he posted of him being natural. This "scolding" was shared on his personal twitter account. There's also this one posted by his team :

>> No.11610906

One is a crafted PR stunt fashioned after Trump tactics that accomplishes its job of placing the public discussion where he wants it
The other is an adult getting triggered by a 13yo kid who wanted to look badass at recess


>> No.11610926

Just ignore him completely or be polite. Don’t even need to respond with the second or even the first part. Macron got baited really hard by a RL shitposter fishing for (You)s.

Looks like someone is as triggered as Macron

>> No.11610997

Yes the two are PR stunts, that's what I was saying

>> No.11611196

The only redeeming feature of this thread is op’s pic

>> No.11612010

He looks like ted bundy

>> No.11612101

his staff gave him a list of cultural figures to spew out in a transparent attempt to build rapport you retard. Xi is a stem ant like every other chinese.

>> No.11612116

art taste with chinese characteristics

>> No.11612330

t. seppo