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/lit/ - Literature

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11600147 No.11600147 [Reply] [Original]

>reach a sex scene in book
>become extremely uncomfortable, almost depressed. Feel like pic related
It doesn’t happen during movies or anything. Only when reading. Anyone else?

>> No.11600155

I don't read smut desu

>> No.11600159

Blacked syndrome

>> No.11600183

>reading Glamorama
>reach chapter with the gay sex scene
>disgusted but don't want to miss any detail
>chapter ends and nothing happens

Fuck Bret Easton Ellis making me read his degenerate shit.

>> No.11600202

becuase unlike a sex scene youre brain cant comprehend it becuase youre a virgin and deep down you realize you dont even know basic that most people experience without effort.

>> No.11600234
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>> No.11600241

yeah but at least you're a noble white man!

>> No.11600254

It happens to me with movies and series too, to the level I prefer prudish authors with little to no active involvement of young/beautiful women in regards to fiction. I'm not a virgin, just a weirdo and a crypto-mysoginist.

>> No.11600260

>you dont even know basic that most people experience without effort
Nice sentence, Einstein.

>> No.11600269

That's true.

>> No.11600284

*basic intimacy

>> No.11600310

*basic intimacy,

>> No.11600323

Regardless of whether a sex scene occurs or not, I've found literature without romantic subplots to be infinitely more enjoyable than those that focus a lot on romance. This was true both when I was a virgin and afterwords.

>> No.11600332

thanks Word™

>> No.11600341

I'm actually just guessing and since English is my 3rd best language I have no idea how and even if punctuation is formally defined in the English syntax.

>> No.11600430

I’m not a Virgin though

>> No.11600460

well maybe youre just lonely

>> No.11600569

Shulgin's TiHKAL is full of uncomfortable geriatric intercourse, check it out

>> No.11600775
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No u

>> No.11600944


Experience is irrelevant to understanding.

>> No.11602194

I always stop reading the book and dismiss it as trash should a graphic sex scene occur. This is the case with most literature of the past 60 years. Phillip Roth, Pynchon, Wallace, they are all shit. Even the roughest translation of a Dostoyevsky novel puts these shit tier authors to shame.

>> No.11602204

there has literally never been a well-written sex scene in literature. prove me wrong.

>> No.11602209

Epic! Here's an upvote for showing those sexist incels who's boss!

>> No.11602216
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>reading a book with sex in it

>> No.11602225

You passively watch a movie.

But you actively insert yourself into a book like a faggot or a woman. Which is why the sex scene makes you so uncomfortable. You faggot.

>> No.11602237

Both defile the mind and cause arousal which is undesriable for maintaining productivity. It is an instant gratification pitfall, something your incredibly low IQ brain fails to recognize. You're less of a man for indulging in either.

>> No.11602277

It shows a weakness and a lacking that one needs to avert their mind from such mindless and debased sexual content. If you cannot read about sex whilst remaining pure and untainted by arousal than you are lacking in readiness to accept God. Beatitude isn't a gift received without effort.

>> No.11602599

I feel you, just an overwhelming sense of inferiority

>> No.11602662

i cant bare the thought so many humans are rejected a basic need that might had shaped their personalities and beliefs, it seems like there not very few where I live and its just because theyre ugly and people wont fuck them for their "intellect" or oversenstive humor they adapt around females. in extreme cases the essence of female is foreign to them, I know a guy who just decided girl are fiction and he is not going the keep any non business relation with a female . he cant bare the tragedy that he won't get to experience what intimacy and realtion is like so he just won't mind their being, by minimising any contact with female thought or media.

>> No.11602961


any of Joyce's

>> No.11603007

stay assblasted /pol/