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11599728 No.11599728 [Reply] [Original]

What is the deepest thought that you have had, that you can explain?

Bonus points if its from a certain book.

>> No.11599736

God loves me

>> No.11599743,1 [INTERNAL] 

The division sign is just a fraction with dots in place of the numbers.

I know this sounds Facebookish, but I arrived at it independently and it is still my greatest accomplishment

>> No.11599743

Not from a book, embarrassingly enough while on an acid trip, but the intuition that the world is in fact a single simple object with a single simple property, where that property is the two-place relation of attending to itself.

>> No.11599770

Truth always exists, so existence is necessary.

The highest reality is that which cannot be simulated, but simulates. As simulations contain less information than before, the highest reality is not discrete, but continuous, undifferentiated existence.

>> No.11599776

Thoughts, unlike your mom's butthole, aren't the kind of objects that can be "deep". Stop using clichés.

>> No.11599778

God doesn't exist.

>> No.11599780

the division sign is just a fraction with dots in place of the numbers

i know this is on facebook, but i arrived at it independently and it is still my greatest accomplishment

>> No.11599786

>truth always exists
Not true. "Being true" is a property of an assertive sentence, so truth could hardly exist before language emerged.

>> No.11599789

Truth is more real than facts

>> No.11599800

allah is more fun to worship because he condones reciprocal violence against those who malign you

>> No.11599809

Truth is that which is. If there were nothing, then nothing would be, which is a contradiction. That which is not would rather be that which is not, while that which is would rather be that which is.

>> No.11599841

So, non-existence is most true when it doesn’t exist, and existence is most true when it does exist. And truth is what drives everything.

>> No.11599848

That's really working out well in the Muslim world isn't it?
>You shall know them by their fruits

>> No.11599855

I read every major work in the western canon, then the eastern canon, over the course of 12 years. Then I tried to relate what I'd read to what I'd experienced in life, and realized that I didn't know anything for sure.

It's liberating to know that the hunt for truth was just crazing my mind, and that now I can relax.

>> No.11599867

haha, it's not for everyone. i have a low iq and am borderline aspd, so i don't operate on as many levels as some

>> No.11599872

>Truth is that which is
No, sweetie. I'm not sure what universe you're from, but where I'm from, "that which is" are physical objects, like the cup of coffee I have in my hand.

>> No.11599884
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>yfw everything you thought was "true" was just useful

>> No.11599893

>everything you thought was "true" was just useful
Is this statement true, or just useful?

>> No.11599901

clearly not useful, as it's causing me to enter a conniption fit, so maybe somewhere in-between

>> No.11599907

>so maybe somewhere in-between
Or maybe it’s false

>> No.11600003

Nothing that is fundamental to love is fundamental to you.

>> No.11600031

Occam's Razor is giantly helpful in a lot of circumstances

>> No.11600053

>deepest thought is Occam’s razor

>> No.11600067

what did you read from the eastern canon

>> No.11600077
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Becь вoпpoc—ктo кoгo oпepeдит? is the sole question of life. It's not deep at all - "deep" is a spook and a cope.

>> No.11600130

Natsume Soseki
Osamu Dazi

The Epic Of Gilgamesh

Daodejing, Zhuangzhi, Liezi, Daozang, many others

The Book Of Lord Shang, Han Feizi, Shenzi, Guanzi (quotations)

Analects, Book of Rites, I Ching, Great Learning

The Vedas, The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, The Agamas

Book of Koans

The Tripitaka, Mahayana Sutras, The Tibetan Book Of The Dead (lel)

The Guru Granth Sahib

Works of Sun Tzu, Rumi, Guru Nanak Dev, Chairman Mao

Li Bai, Wang Bo, Li Yu

The Qur'An, Hadith Collections, Sira, Commentaries on all of the previous

Anthology of Middle Eastern poets

Anthology of African poets

Commentaries on all of the above, as well as 1-on-1 time with spiritual teachers, philosophy professors, guys who were in the mob, etc.

>> No.11600543

When I came to realization I was not taking in awareness three active streams in my head. Once I separated all three they created infinite layers, a city of dialogue all dying and creating anew criticizing growing, reaching absurdity points

>> No.11601431

cool dude

>> No.11601439

actually fuck you for robbing me of maybe coming to that conclusion by myself one day aswell

>> No.11601641
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That "morals" don't exist. It's all based on cultural norms of where/how you grow up.

The social proof is that cannibalism might be /morally/ repulsive to us in the West, but to the cannibal tribes of Papua New Guinea it's just normal and a way of life.

With that said, a society, as defined as a group of people, can get together and decide on a moral construct and build a set of morals, but at the end of the day it's a construct. They may be influenced by nature, but they are still constructed.

This isn't to say they don't have a purpose and shouldn't be promoted and adhered to as a concept, but we just need to understand this when we look at and analyze the world.

>> No.11601656

dude we're all just like molecules and atoms and shit.. nothing has any meaning

>> No.11601679
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The only thing deep about shit like this is the infinite void where your brain should be.

>> No.11601684
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Pic related
Except I unironically believe this, I know it is superficial and embarrassing, but I can't get over nihilism, rec me some

>> No.11601703
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>can't get over nihilism
Well don't we have a bunch of hippy faggots in this thread.

>> No.11601719

Ray Ban isn´t a name

>> No.11601745

Umm, sorry, sweetie, I've outgrown tribalism by 7th grade.

>> No.11601747

Human beings have a psychological predisposition to worshipping a higher being. We are happiest when we believe such a being exists apart from us, even if that's not the case and it only exists as that predisposition

>> No.11601755
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As I was saying, a bunch of hippy faggot.

>> No.11601764

Words are cognitive heuristics that allow you to deal with bigger ideas using the same amount of focus and brainpower by treating extremely complicated and detailed things, things that are in fact made up of many distinct and conflicting parts, as discrete objects with a few key and straightforward properties.

For reference, consider the difference between trying to imagine the collective actions of millions of people and just saying 'society'.

'Society', in its common manner of use, is simpler than that which it signifies, no more complex and mentally taxing than water. Because in and of itself, without further elaboration, it's like a child's stuffed animal compared to a real life bear.

>> No.11601766

The ubermenschen probably already exist, just not in a form that is perceptible to us

>> No.11601770

life isn't that special or extraordinary. Consciousness is where its at

>> No.11601774

Away with it, then!

>> No.11601782

The worst and the best, all men end the day alone with their thoughts, listening to themselves

>> No.11601783

All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe

>> No.11601829
File: 94 KB, 748x409, A5E7821C-4F53-4454-A465-E132ADBA2619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is circular reasoning
>truth exists therefore reality exists therefore truth exists

>> No.11601837

>he doesn't know that the regress argument forms a loop

>> No.11601846
File: 39 KB, 480x759, 1492580237735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan is appealing to us autists because while their culture is still suffering under modernism, it's the comfiest form of that suffering because the fundamental building blocks of their society isn't at risk.

you're a lonely consumer drone there too, but at least you get to live in an aesthetic box apt and get neat looking consumer products and things kind of make sense.

compare to what it's like living in the free market american sewer culture, where most places are tacky and ugly and comfiness is often ruined by the constant shroud of the impending collapse. you can't even enjoy the melancholy because there are disgusting mutt dykes shrieking in your face or on tv 24/7

>> No.11601859

I spent a lot of time contemplating abstract objects after I encountered the Forms. Too bad I never wrote my thoughts done. Can't remember them, but I know they were quite deep

>> No.11601888

>he doesn’t know we’re all just riding on the back of a turtle

>> No.11601897

whats the problem with free market?

>> No.11601915

every place looks the same. no unified style or standards for architecture or anything anymore. our cities and neighborhoods are dominated by mcdonalds and walmart, parking garages and giant glass rectangle buildings.

>> No.11601918

Don't blame the free market for capitalism, and no, they aren't the same thing

>> No.11601919


>> No.11601939

obviously we're being a little hyperbolic, but if you live in the US outside of one of the cities with many historical buildings you know what is meant.

>> No.11601943
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>tfw u forget your enlightening experience

>> No.11601949

Most people are idiots. There is no other truth in the universe but nature and thus artificial systems like politics, technology, popular culture and education are meaningless and will not ever improve anyone in any way.

>> No.11602008

>will not ever improve anyone in any way
Why don't you just kill yourself then, bud? I mean, what's the point, right?

>> No.11602012

>artificial systems
But if nature made people, and people make these "artificial systems" didn't nature make them, thus removing the artificial descriptor?

You're statement is extremely flawed.

>> No.11602024

Yeah, I guess the shitty feeling I get when I stomp on a puppy's head was instilled by my culture.

I don't care too much for relativism. What's our purpose?

>> No.11602040
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not the guy you're quoting,


>nature created politics, technology and pop culture

>> No.11602053

As a living being? To survive by any means necessary. This is the single common thing among all life, is the never ending desire to survive, even if it's just until reproduction. That's why a pregnant cockroach will shit out it's larvae if it's being threatened and about to die. To give her offspring, and by extension her, a chance to survive.

>> No.11602057
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You might not like it because it's simple, but the logic checks out. Prove it wrong if you're so smart then.

>> No.11602066

We live in a society

>> No.11602067

feels > reals

>> No.11602083

But there is a point. In the natural order that is.

Well if everything we do is unartificial and natural then what is the point of having the words nature and natural to begin with? Instead of saying 'nature' let's just say 'everything' and instead of saying artificial let's just be silent. See how much sense you're making?
You 'RE brain is flawed.

>> No.11602084

>deepest thought that you have had
>Bonus points if its from a certain book.

>> No.11602099

>just be silent
It's about understanding if it's was created naturally or by our own hand. It's a way of knowing where something comes from in relation to us.

>> No.11602100

history is a lemniscate cycle of ironies

>> No.11602105

After reading Locke's Essay, I was trying to come up with a way to save his account of sensitive knowledge (which openly conflicts with his account of general knowledge). I ended up creating the transcendental unity of apperception, without having read Kant.

Most of my original ideas are in philosophy, and then I learn that other, smarter people have beat me to the punch. I try not to let it get to me, though.

>> No.11602116

I started to feel really sad when I thought about the possibility of a solipsist reality, because I started to think that all the people I loved such as my family and friends existed only on my mind, that it was all a dream or illusion. I cried.

Also one day I felt very sad when I realized that all the time I talked with myself in my mind it was only an imaginary friend I created. We don’t have like another voice inside our heads, it is us trying to feel less alone.

>> No.11602117

I do agree that this is one of the most important questions for mankind, but I don't want the rest of your post's baggage.

>> No.11602125
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Yes. What word do you call things that are for example bird-made; made by birds? You know why we don't have words like that? Because unlike every other species, man has been given Reason/rationality and it allows us to mess with all other nature and do things that are unnatural. It also allows us to refuse our body's desires and purify our soul and bring us closer to the divine, which is what I believe is the purpose of this gift/curse of Reason. Sadly most people or almost nobody follow this natural purpose but exploit it to do unnatural things in order to feed their natural desires over the natural limits that creatures without Reason can't. That means to hide from suffering but gain pleasure and other such things.
Feel free to disagree but remember: you're a brainlet monkey nigger for disagreeing.

>> No.11602136


>> No.11602137

I think that everything that's happening is destined to happen, but not because it is divinely inscribed to be so, but because it's the inevitable natural progression of reality. Humans are going into self-destruct mode because civilisation is a natural mechanism to cull the human populace, not because of some secretive elite NWO master plan, though they to are a natural part of it. We are a part of nature no matter what, and we cannot work outside its parameters, civilisation is not man-made, it's another extension of nature, like a viral plague or infection, designed to control, kill and restore balance. We're all allocated pawns in this beautifully contrived natural succession of natural-order. I don't even read philosophy I'm just schizo.

>> No.11602142

>you have had
>from a book
Pick one

>> No.11602151


>> No.11602159

How good or bad somethig feels is like an extra dimension of sensation beyond what it feels like. Hence how masochists can enjoy pain and how there are so many things that feel good/bad without really having anything in common except the undefinable feeling of goodness/badness.

>> No.11602170

you sound fun

>> No.11602174

instilled in your genetics, dumbass

>> No.11602178

>I read every major work in the western canon

How many books is that?

>> No.11602182

>he doesn't know that all matter is the abortion of envy from the shadow of the kingdom of Sophia

>> No.11602187

Tgus is also true for large numbers. The only reason we can reason about "exactly a thousand" of something is because we have a word for it. You can't mentally grasp a thousand the way you can 3.

>> No.11602190

Interesting opinion and I kind of agree. But you gotta wonder: would nature really go to such lengths as to create a disease (civilization) that kills millions of other species to extinction in it's wake just to wipe out one single human species? If so then nature really is a cruel mistress indeed. Something tells me she wont make the mistake of allowing a species to evolve this far in intelligence ever again.

>> No.11602193


That there's no real individuality under capitalism and there's no real "you." It's an amalgamation of everything that has ever influenced you. It's not "you" but small/large parts of the aforementioned.

>> No.11602231

It doesn't have to be true, I just think it's an interesting theory I've got. It could be expanded upon. Look at the history of civilisation for example, it repeats itself; emergence, establish, dissolve. Same pattern. Each time like a virus it comes back larger and stronger, because strong survive and become weak, and must thus perish, until only the strong remain, and remain strong they must, or they will perish once again. It's a system of auto-domestication, like farm animals, but human babies being born into plastic buildings, injected and sent into slavery.

We've now created the perfect conditions for natural selection, because we're unnaturally selecting the weak, I too am probably one of the weak, but maybe I can become strong, become accepted and be spared.

We've got channel the reaming genetic power of all of our ancestors who were strong and honorable, and we must purge the weak in us, the filth that we have inherited of those who were not worthy,those who made poor decisions, or succumbed to temptation and comfort. We must suffer. The suffering will separate the weak from the strong.

I think so, if you believe in evolutionary theory, you see a rise and fall in specie diversity over time. I think some will survive, both good and bad, and I think we will see a un-domestication process of the strong, like poodles slowly learning to become wolves again. The weak will try to recreate civilisation as that's the only way they are prepared to live.

>> No.11602280

And that's an argument for moral relativism? If we all have genes that make us feel bad for stomping on puppies, that's something I'd consider "absolute."

>> No.11602286

I should've said major philosophical works. I've read quite a bit of fiction too, though.

I'd say just shy of 500 books.

>> No.11602318
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something isn't absolutely wrong because we theres propensity not to do it. It's intuitive to think there's a god, and we prob have religious genes, but there's no reason to believe it.

>> No.11602342

You guys are missing something important

There is right and wrong, but morals are designed to keep us on one path. You can have "good" morals, or "bad" morals, but you'll always have morals independent of right and wrong.

>> No.11602376

im pretty sure morals are just high expression genes under selective pressure. You ought to be kind because girls will want to have your kids and men will be kind in return. I'm not convinced it's objective and the burden of proof is on those who say it is

>> No.11602389

You're not entirely wrong.

but you also have to keep in mind that for the extreme majority of our history mating has been "you have vagina, I want vagina, I'm going to take vagina and kill anyone who tells me otherwise"

This stuff about "being kind" is all relatively new and is also explains why women so easily fall prey to Stockholm syndrome. They were literally bred for submissiveness.

>> No.11602428

I never thought about Stockholm syndrome, makes sense. I think maybe being kind is about economics rather than basic instinct

>> No.11602608

What have you gotten out of it friend?

>> No.11602611

Is it fun being 16?

>> No.11602633

Hes not wrong though

>> No.11602656

Seen a cat take a dump the other day.
Then I proceeded to have an emotional breakdown.
Like, the cat dug a hole, shat in it and then covered it up, leaving the area clean and undisturbed or so it would appear to anyone passing by afterwards.
That one event made me so upset.
A human wouldnt do that. We'd shit up along the fucking walls because we are disgusting.
We have murdered the planet.
Fucking scumbag bastards.

>> No.11602670

I bet they do that to disguise their own trail and maintain the initiative in any future confrontation with a rival.

I highly doubt its about environmentalism

>> No.11602674

Nothing is deep

>> No.11602682
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Life is a healing journey and women- can't live with 'em. Can't live without 'em

>> No.11602822

In a sense. Females select mates based on two criteria, "Alpha" genes, biggest dog in the yard type stuff for strong children, and those that would make good providers for their children. This is why you'll see some chicks riding the cock carosel for 10-15 years from 17/18-30 and more than likely get knocked up one or more times, then settle down with some betacuck. She fucks the alphas, has their children, then goes to a more docile provider who will bow to her every whim.

A lot of that is societal intensives tho in the modern era. Remember kids, don't marry a girl unless she signs a prenup saying she gets nothing. Not even the kids. She wants to leave, fine, but she gets nothing.

>> No.11602828

Is it fun being a faggot?

>> No.11602860

A car that is always on empty and is refilled five dollars at a time is far less efficient than a car that is filled to full and refilled when it reaches quarter way.

>> No.11602898
File: 207 KB, 1600x1600, 0CDD6523-E5C6-4FF0-B400-8C829E58728B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me more anon.

>> No.11603235
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You must be at least 18 years old to browse 4chan.

>> No.11603245

>every place looks the same.
>no unified style

b r a i n l e t

>> No.11603261

This is like the part in tropic of cancer where he sees the Indian shit in the bidet and begins to experience a mental breakdown

>> No.11603275

A lot of things poor people are forced to do due to a lack of money are less economically efficient than other methods that require higher initial payments. It's a depressing cycle

>> No.11603299

this is what everyone experiences on acid

>> No.11603328

That Zarathustra was right. Namely, that the reason the world works is that the number 2, the most important number (because logic, and all of thought 2bqh, is about relations, and relations relate 2 things) is such that 2 times 2 is 2 plus 2. This is why Hilbert spaces works (they admit a scalar product, and are auto-dual), and physics is essentially Hilbert spaces.

>> No.11603351

Language is the biggest limiting factor for humanity, with telepathy or a new form of communication we can overcome so many hurdles and become incredibly advanced

>> No.11603376

There are as many different views on reality as there are people, and yet there is only one proper way for me to see reality.

>> No.11603681

many are knocked unconscious, and most minds are silent

>> No.11603693

we literally invented toilets you dumb bastard

>> No.11603700

being lovable is not a trait but an act.

>> No.11603748

>change mind cope
Reduce anything enough and it becomes nothing. You are no different between the instants of the refreshing of the screen you stare at. You are nothing in comparison to the lifespan of the universe. You are nothing compared to the age of the sun. From the birth of you to the death of you, you are absolutely everything.
>use ideology to cope
"Nothing has meaning" is the reason I'm going to invest so much money into one company's stock that I can singlehandedly vote myself CEO. I won't, but the meaning of doing something is exactly the same as the meaning of doing nothing, so why choose inaction if it's not preferable by any definition? I strongly believe that basment dwelling nihilists don't actually believe nothing has meaning, but rather it's their cope to being absolute losers that don't get everything free of consequence, so they become averse to perceived pain and suffering to an extreme degree and claim a faux moral superiority so they don't have to face the crushing "reality" that the one thing they control is beyond their grasp.

>tl;dr relativism if you want to be the big gay, nihilism to justify apathy and/or misanthropy if you want to be double gay, nihilism to justify acting sociopathic if you want to "live" "life" on fun mode

>> No.11603788

excellent post, anon

>> No.11603801

God is real, but as an event or experience. It can be mentally concieved and as such become the basis of all the transceental "truths" we hold dear. But because transcedental philosophy/religion is based on lies or misapropriations of metaphysical "truths", God or the "divine" can be more accurately described as the "sacred". The sacred is a socially defined performative action, it ties together peoples, their way of life, the economy, the notion of sacrifice,morality, transcendance and transgression.

It is in this way, the life of all hitherto humans who have ever lived or who will live , walking a tightrope beatwenn the divine experience and transgression, salvation and damnation. For human life to be allowed to exist, the sacred must first be affirmed, and so it has been for all great cultures, that to answer the riddle of death, that is whether life is worth living or not, they must affirm a sacred order. If the West continues to deny this sacred order, denies transgression, denies theosis, it will never affirm life again.

>> No.11603815


You should look into minimalist theology

>> No.11604235

You don't have to watch the "mutt dykes" on TV, anon.

>> No.11604238

>deepest thought that you have had
>Bonus points if its from a certain book

So which is it? Original thoughts or those gleaned from a book?

>> No.11604240

Press x to doubt

>> No.11604247
File: 63 KB, 509x556, ac3bc93a75683041d135839759e93625--church-history-orthodox-christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.

>> No.11604248

Wrong. Deep means thoroughly though out. This post makes me think you've never thoroughly though out anything in your entire life lol.

>> No.11604252

Based and redpilled. Also the deepest thought in this thread.

>> No.11604334

Based boomer philosophy

>> No.11604672
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That's a male?

>> No.11604817

No, i know that.
Its more so that just watching the cat for some reason just made me feel a deep hatred for people.
I dunno, maybe Im loco esé.

>> No.11604824

Shut the fuck up you spastic bitch.
Its not about toilets. Or burying shit. Or shitting on a wall. Its about how disgusting we are as a species. We suck ass and deserve wholly to be wiped out.
You especially, you twat.

>> No.11604867
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Spiritual strength, not in the religious sense but in the individual, is the highest virtue.

This isnt something I've rationally figured out, but it's something that I believe almost instinctually

>> No.11604877

God bless you anon

>> No.11604888

Damn I wanna read tropic of cancer now

>> No.11604915

>highest virtue
There is no highest, the same way there's no "best hand" You need both your right and left to be fully functional. Spiritual strength is nothing without physical strength to back it up.

>> No.11604968

Absolutely, but I see spiritual strength as the most fundamental. A man can be strong physically or mentally, but if he is weak in spirit he will never do anything great with himself. Spiritual strength is fundamental to the noble, aristocratic life

>> No.11605447

That all of the incredible feelings and experiences often attributed to religion/faith/the soul - love, beauty, spirituality - are actually products of the human brain in all of its incredible complexity, and that fact these things exist within and that we have the capacity to experience these things through pure evolutionary chance is the most incredible thing of all and gives them even more worth than if they were the result of intelligent design

>> No.11606099

They actually teach that in elementary school, sorry m8

>> No.11606141
File: 1.96 MB, 865x1821, cc5f44591723b3bd72129b7d6b87523a6a1319a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that is is condign and contributory to all, else it would not be.

>> No.11606144

>>That's really working out well in the Muslim world isn't it?
You can thank centuries of inbreeding for that, it has little to do with anything else frankly other than constant cousin fucking.

>> No.11606167


>> No.11606173

The ampersand looks like a little fella scootin' his arse o'ercross the floor, how about tha'?

>> No.11606202

But one day it will be.
..(and that's a good thing!)

>> No.11606228

>and most minds are silent
I believe this deep down too but figure I'm most likely just a narcissist

>> No.11606234

That I'm not as smart as I thought I was.

>> No.11606245

You should be good for goodness sake.

>> No.11606273

Shroom inspired this thought.

>reading Shakespeare with the bois
>midway through a heavy valhalla truffle trip
>somebody mentions that Shakespeare said "the world is a stage and life is a play"
>mind bites onto this like a rabid dog
>realise all my life, i have been trying to play the character that has been given to me (name, family, values, career and the character that comes with my career)
>get blown away even more when i realise i don't have to play in the play.
>Now I play the character when situation requires me to, but never lose sight that it's just a game.
>Now I can sit in spectator seat and watch the rest try to keep the elements of their character together whilst trying to fit into the play

Life's good boys

>> No.11606287

Come back to the green room, we've got pretzels and caprisuns

>> No.11606296

read Oblomov

>> No.11606303 [DELETED] 

Gross. I'm not sure what philosophical school supports an idea like that, but I would want nothing to do with it.

>> No.11606312

subjectivity is the only objectivity of consciousness; ultimately, there is no "objectivity" besides the individual subjectivity of experience, which can be proven is not objective in that it is subject to change (memories being false, perception being false, hallucinations, ect.). There can only be said to be an objective Now, which is rendered null by the next Now.
Subject/Object is a superfluous self-imposed distinction of a single being; once the subject identifies subjectivity also in the object will this distinction start to break down.
thought this on the toilet after drinking a bottle of sake and a few beers.

>> No.11606317

Fuck you that was my thought first

>> No.11606345

Pluraity is only perceived. We are all one.

>> No.11606360

that's just the sort of contradiction a brainlet would find.

>> No.11606387
File: 52 KB, 640x595, DhGgM2GWAAAksTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianism has been infect by platonism and spiritualist doctrines that since its beginning has tried to destroy the materiality of god and the true nature of the divine.

>> No.11606410

That the continuous processes of consciousness and our memories make us who we are, and losing either practically means death. Whoever lives in your body after that is a completely different person. Its tough to explain, but it makes perfect sense to me. The realisation of this suddenly struck me not a long time ago like a divine providence

>> No.11606497

Truly useful to continue doubting of the previous thought, and trying to obtain that way more power with our praxis called “theory”

>> No.11606504

i like this thought

>> No.11606710

Recently I came to the conclusion that the question of God's existense is a pointless one.
If he does exists he would love me for living a virtous life. If he doesnt exist, I would still live a life of virtue, a life of peace with a mind free from fear and anger.
Its a liberating thought.

>> No.11606769

What if God considers virtue as following his will?

>> No.11607414
File: 508 KB, 1536x2048, received_1584818621647232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck do you mean you "read" the (sic) "I Ching" you fucking brainlet??
Cover-to-cover?? lmaooooo

>> No.11607502

Then he would admire any disciple who follows the path virtue. Whatever their reasons for doing so.

>> No.11607514


>> No.11607525
File: 159 KB, 516x849, kubrick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I sit on my hand until it's numb then jerk off, it feels like someone else is jerking me off.

>> No.11607687

>thought that you have had
>from a certain book