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11599332 No.11599332 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather die now or live forever ?

>> No.11599362

Live forever. Can’t die while mommy and daddy is still alive, doesn’t matter what the alternative is desu

>> No.11599532

>Implying the first doesn't automatically lead to the other unless you've reached moksha/nirvana

>> No.11599536


>> No.11599550

immortality because i hate myself

>> No.11599553

I'd rather you die

>> No.11599560

Dieing now is living fo revert tho.

>> No.11599562

Much rather die now. Living forever sounds absolutely horrifying. I don't I got more than twenty years of this shit left in me. My only true comfort is the knowledge that this....whatever the hell this is, whatever all this bullshit around me is, that it ends at some point.

>> No.11599704


Living forever sounds great on the surface but think of how long the universe will last and it suddenly becomes horrifying. Even if you can live forever it doesn't grant you invulnerablity, only immortality so yoyd still feel pain. Imagine being there when the sun explodes, or when the universe is nothing but dark matter, you'd still be there infinitely suffocating and freezing while living. No thanks.

>> No.11599708

There is no forever in a universe of flux.

>> No.11599988

I've thought about it a lot and I'd love to be immortal, even with all the hardships that it bares. The gift of living forever outweighs every negative you could ever think of.

>> No.11600605

tell me more

>> No.11600950

I'll take one death please.