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11597535 No.11597535 [Reply] [Original]

Theurgy is ritualized anamnesis: the things of this world are used to jog our memory of the one beyond it. See, the modern can't think the transcendence of form, he can wrap his mind around atoms but not around the fact that the patterns and properties these atoms exhibit need ideality to be intelligible. Ritualized consciousness is magical consciousness. Magical consciousness is just an action performed in full identity with itself, paradoxically, this means non-action, because action reflexively concerned about its results is always impure. This is why karma isn't some moralistic meta-language, there really is no way to objectively judge the actions of myriads of individual beings acting according to immanent criteria, karma is simple causality: the action performed thoughtlessly, without full presence of the mind, commits you to the mechanism operating in its stead. Internal to desire, I experience being as wanderlust, movement, poetic longing. Outside the round, desire isn't becoming but fixity, objects are filtrated through the virtual = x that makes them more than what they are, what makes obsession possible and turns faces into vortex. Everything is a mouth. God is a mouth with his tonsil in the stars. Mysticism is the love of the devourer: being reconciled to the sacrificial act of breathing.

>> No.11597551
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Dasein for Heidegger is the "site of its own dissolution", beings are the event of their own passing away, I elapse in this world just as I grow into it. Children grow out of an abstract universality into the A = A of senescence: all this philosophical talk about man overcoming otherness in himself, the spirit positing the object just so it can take it back into itself, etc. is the march of years acclimating a man's consciousness to itself. Maturation is the overcoming of our first impression of life.We speak for the stars. For the same drive that articulated galaxies out of hydrogen slush. Everything is this individuation. The Pleroma is death. You must identify with the center in yourself, not the boundlessness of which you're only a seed-crystal. We are repulsed by the obese because their stomachs have usurped their center. As you get healthier your body approaches the ideal human form, refracted through your genes. Plato believed there was a common mold from which the diversity of human forms was cast, Hegel rejected this, he thought forms mimed an absent center. The immanentization of universals was the true death of God: the belief that what appears to man has its ground in itself, in its immanent mechanism, than in his creative power. Synchronicities are signs from God because I make them so. Magic is the reclamation of what Shestov called the primordial jubere, the power to Command, the strength to grasp the center instead of being thrown off the periphery like a runaway carousel. The alchemic nigredo is being confronted with the fact with just how arbitrary my facticity is. A reversal of power, now I lead the image by the leash, it doesn't lead me. I am no longer thought by the forces outside of me, I think. You find a space that absolves you of your failures in this world: the recognition that this is yet another coping mechanism for failure only brightens it. Christ doubles as the patron saint for beta men, ontological betas, the empties of the cosmic bacchanal. Those whose tongues caught nothing. Life is a feast to which you were invited by yourself. Well, not you, really, but a higher self, not one that wants to gorge but to savour. Depression, stagnation, inertia, these are the effects of self-denial. You did not eat at the wedding feast. As the Master punishes the slave who buries his coin for fear of losing it: you did not play your hand but packed up your shit and left. How could you know? That genius is the mirror of God.

>> No.11597560

All this becoming is making me dizzy.

>> No.11597907

Why are there so many people who post their acid revelations here on the book board

>> No.11597915

it's the same guy, he's taking screen shots of his own posts, and then plans to document some anonymous person. He's probably trying to think of a crazy way to get famous, and doesn't realize this stuff leads no where because he no higher faith and he uses to many periods.

>> No.11597918

This is why I plan to become a monk.

>> No.11597925

What flavour of monk?

>> No.11597961


>> No.11597963

If you are OP watch out, you may become targeted by trolls online.

>> No.11598464

This is what Hegel did: for the first time in the history of philosophy thought gazed at its own gazing, Mind became the self-seeing eye. Hegel wanted to break out of the Kantian straitjacket of the subject: for Kant the apperceptive "I think" cannot exist independent of the object it cognizes. The "I" that all the thoughts you've ever had in your life have in common is nothing apart from this activity, there's no substantial cogito to excavate, no diamond ore Self, the pre-representational ground of representation is a hollow void, and the ring of subject-object codependency tightens. Kant didn't believe you could infer the existence of a self-subsistent self from the "I think" - strictly taken, the "I think" is simply the formal, abstract unity of experience, but what he couldn't understand was that its self-subsistence just is this formal guarantee: meditation is an abiding-in the constancy of self, in the simple fact one is (without giving into the urge to thematize that emptiness with thought). And so the "divine darkness" of the mystic is shut off forever. Kant says this "I" can never make itself its own object, an eye can't turn around to see itself seeing (what it finds are only blood and nerves and the Lacanian horror of the Real). A dilemma: the eye must either identify with what it sees or the fact that it sees. The former is the worldly consciousness, the latter the mystical. What you are is not your thoughts but the space they occur in, you are not content but the form, the autodifferentiation of content. This is what anatta is: mundane ego emptied of all contingent attachments, identification with the apperceptive frame (the sky) over content (the clouds). The certitude of flux over its moments. No two clouds have ever been alike but they have always have been clouds: the claustrophobia of the absolute. Nirvana is what extinguishes the pull objects have over you. Drugs. fucking. her. food. Kant locked the subject in the prison of his own finitude. The mass couldn't think the God of a transcendental = x so we kicked capitalism into high gear. Capitalism is a defense-reaction against the non-predicability of God, the void without stimulus. Capitalism is intelligence accelerating towards recursive explosion/singularity. That is to say, Kant/s subject accepts the opacity of the noumenal without provoking it, his world comes to him pre-digested by his unique representational schema, he only has to sit and listen to a symphony played with one instrument and learn to love it and accept it and think it a proper substitute for the Sea he'll never sail that haunts, capitalism is the rape of this planet born out of our incapacity to think of a better way to organize the minds and bodies of billions of humans that isn't just the assembly line production of technological novelty. Capitalism is entropy, a species on autopilot, letting its ontological gut hang. Kant was a warden with a halo. Hegel was jailbreak.

>> No.11598531

keep posting these you schizo fucker they're the highlight of the time I waste on this board

>> No.11598815

These posts are about nothing but the need for a higher faith

>> No.11598873

based madman poster

>> No.11598900
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The One elopes with itself in and through man, the Ouroborous is the autofellatio of the absolute, God uses man as a conduit for his self-love, he estranges him from his Origin only so as to make possible the Return: God/death is the relief of having finally arrived home after the long journey. But this relief is only possible if you forget it was you who made the decision to descend in the first place. Life is the void's scenic route. Schelling said the beginning is only effective in its withdrawal, its self-suspension, only by trying to trace my soul back to the impenetrable prenatal darkness of t = 0 do I experience wonder and awe for this gift of self. Fires burn wood, I burn ignorance: if the magician revealed his secrets at the start there would be no show. I'm sitting in the back row of my Cartesian theater waiting for someone to pull God out of a hat.

>> No.11598922

>tfw no philosophy degree to differentiate between real philosophical ponderings and schizophrenic raving

>> No.11598930

You won’t get 1/10th of what he’s talking about if it’s from an analytical department anyways

>> No.11598935

Based schizo Anon is loose again.

>> No.11598937
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are you me?

>> No.11598968
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>transcendence of form

>> No.11599108

It’s more mysticism and the synthesis of various mystical ideas polished with a philosophical veneer and references to philosophers than it is logical philosophy.

Good shit though, I’ve had the same thoughts but without reading the same philosophers. I think any true mystical path, followed to its core, will give the same insights.

For instance, there is a hadith (sacred saying in Islam which can either be attributed to God or Muhammed) attributed to God: “I was a hidden treasure, and desired to be known, so I created the world and mankind, that I could be known.” This is very important in Sufism, which has many similar insights to the OP here. This saying itself is obviously very relevant to this post. Just for the sake of example, I’ll continue with Sufism:

>Mysticism is the love of the devourer: being reconciled to the sacrificial act of breathing.
In Sufism, one loves and is reconciled to God, even in His destructive and overwhelming aspects. In fact, it’s conpared to being like a moth being devoured in the flame of the candle it loves so much.

>Everything is this individuation. The Pleroma is death. You must identify with the center in yourself, not the boundlessness of which you're only a seed-crystal.
This is seemingly a bit different than being merged with the All but, in fact, various strains and schools of Sufism apparently have meditative, self-observing, and centering practices meant not necessarily to give one feelings of Union with the All, but to focus and ground the attention on oneself. For instance, the Shattariya, one Sufi mystical order claiming to hold the most rapid techniques to enlightenment suitable only for some people (the name of shattari itself meaning “rapid”), including the principles that (admittedly copying and pasting from Wikipedia here because I don’t have a relevant book on me):

(i) One should not believe in self-negation but adhere to self-affirmation.

(ii) Contemplation is a waste of time.

(iii) Self-effacement is a wrong idea: one must say nothing except "I am I." Unity is to understand One, see One, say One and to hear One. A Sufi of this order must say "I am one" and "There is no partner with me."

(iv) There is no need to oppose to the ego (nafs) or of mujaheda (struggle, participation in jihad with oneself).

(v) There is no such state as annihilation (fana) since this would require two personalities, one wishing for annihilation and the other in whom annihilation takes place, which is dualism and not unity.

(vi) One should not abstain from eating certain foods but instead should consider one's ego, its attributes and actions as identical with those of the Universal Ego. The animal soul is not an obstacle for reaching God.

I could do similar comparisons from Daoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalism, Gnosticism and so on for the ideas here. All the paths lead to the same center — the esotericists and mystics of each path generally accept this.

>> No.11599174

Thanks for the great effortpost. Used to think Sufism was the worst example of the kind of mysticism that advocates a dissolution into the All, did my homework and realized, instead, it might be one of the few at the very top.

Can you recommend any books that discuss Sufism at a high level, maybe with the kind of spin the OP puts on it?

>> No.11599250
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Hegel's dialectic loads like a YouTube video: it's not that there is content and it finds its form in our saying, but there always has to be this saying so content emerges to fill it. Content is always playing catch-up with its own form. There will be a story to tell as long as Spirit is there to tell it, as Zizek says. In other words you rationalize whatever you need to rationalize to get up from your last relapse because you did get up, otherwise you don't. God is a tree that is always blooming. Hegel looked at the historicity of God in thought, and grasped the absolute as the formal necessity of this movement. Mind comes into itself as that-which-comes-into-itself. It really is like a weird divine solipsism: Mind is a stomach that digests the negative, but to do this it enters into the I = I of itself like a cell, an individuatuum, subject, eternally mediating itself with its Outside. Truth has to account for its own reflexivity. Universals in Plato are transcendent, irradiant, universality in Hegel is a corrosive negativity. The displacement between content and the space it exists to fill is always redoubled onto the content itself: Trump hysteria can't stop comparing president Trump to the Presidency in its virtual, "ideal" existence. We're on the slow entropic slide of thought descending into a total excavation of its own content, complete mecha-gnosis, Kant's autocritical reason bent into Landian algorithms. CHIM is real. Thermodynamic universes are transcendence factories. I'm losing my grip. It wasn't supposed to be this way. God help us all.

>> No.11599260

Good, now formalize it.

>> No.11599278

>Bullshit occultism.
>Substance metaphysics.

>> No.11599310
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Liberal ""freedom"" is a degenerated longing for Traditionalist superiority. The greatest sign we're in Kali Yuga is that trad exists in the first place, that such a distance has elapsed between the Golden Age and now that we can thematize it in thought, internal to the "Golden Age", there was no such thing as Tradition as we see it. Internal to any determinate order, we can't see behind our own backs, but it's precisely our being internal to the system that upsets it, and one order is replaced by another. The difference between Spinoza and Hegel is where to situate negativity: whether systems are pressed on by negative space or irrupt from their cores, eaten inside out by the apple's worm, because Hegel thought the serpent didn't lie about Knowledge, and it does return us to God, in a way a vanishingly small population of the world can still understand. There is an intrinsic identifiability of the Good. There are spiritual properties some have and others don't. Lunar philosophies deny hierarchy, arboreality, axis, control: Deleuze might just be their Pope. The closed circle of the subject is starting to chafe. Capitalism is a board game you started playing on a rainy day and now it's bright out but you're still playing and you don't know why until the sun starts to set and then

>> No.11599341

Here’s something not too many know at an immediate glance — Gurdjieff taught esoteric Sufi practices. Attar’s Conference of the Birds, Rumi’s poetry, ibn Arabi, Guenon, Hafiz, and Sanai’s poetry (The Walled Garden of Truth particularly), and Idries Shah’s works anf his collections of Sufi stories and jokes are also good.

>> No.11599355

Oh yeah — Irina Tweedie is also a somewhat odd but good one. Her work has more of a Hindu slant and superficially seems New Age because it talks about chakras and kundalini and whatnot but she apparently was taught by a real Naqshbandi Sufi master (Sufis accept influences from the cultures/religions/languages surrounding them and adapt them to their own ends, explaining the Hindu terminology).

>> No.11599371
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>> No.11599387
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None of this matters if its not coming from a place of cultivated universal kindness

>> No.11599592
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The tension's between the noncoincidence of the One with itself vs. the One fissioning into duality. One times one is one, all that matters is always keeping this in mind against any urge to give in to an other. But do this long enough and it starts to feel like the One is always-already thwarted. Western thought is the fatigue of being.

>> No.11599854
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There is a kind of Taoist beauty to the clouds and the sky and trees and your breathing in it that does fulfill everthing, but something takes us away from that, the absence of that state is the arena of all others. Tsimtsum: content emerges to fill the evacuation of form by God as the self-fulfilling form. The plenum fades and we're left with Hegelian negativity. Ontological violence. Subject as the rape of Substance, a torsion in stupidity playing with its bobbleheaded simulacra. Capitalism has succeeded in selling our own simulated hyperborean fantasies back to us as the MCU. A-listers getting paid more than doctors or whatever means even pop culture's prepubescent palette cant stomach bugmen, trying to disavow the hive like efficiency that keeps it running, at the end of the day we just want our candy for having worked for it. Maybe Satan is comfiness, entropy is a leather sofa.

>> No.11600712

thanks for posting this

>> No.11600769

The part about letting go of letting go by suicide as a proactive act for the ideal is true.

>> No.11600850

what do I need to read to understand this? I've got Hegel on lock but the rest is Greek to me

>> No.11600870

where do I find more formalizations of straight up pure gnosis?

>> No.11600934

Just read Plotinus’s Enneads.

>> No.11601137

already have

>> No.11601146


Someone post it again.

>> No.11601165

ITT a bunch of undergrads having their first mushroom trip. "Bro we're all one" with a thick patina of philosophy 101-201 jargon pasted sloppily on top bro have u heard of this guy hegel? what about parmenides i think he was wrong what do u think bro lol no im more into gnosis yeah man

>> No.11601194


>> No.11601195


I'll paste a thick patina of sperma on top of your face.

>> No.11601197


>> No.11601350



>> No.11601554

Hegel (together with Zizek) is one of the philosophers of the tsimtsum, the agonic non-all that opens within God to make room for Being: the breach that opens as the paradoxical drive to heal itself, like thunder trying to quiet lightning. The infinite must limit itself to make room for finitude. Spirit for Hegel is what clots the wound of duality by denying it: what is divided is the whole with itself, not two wholes together, and Spirit is the mediation of this gap. Christ signified the dawn of self-consciousness in the multitude: the solar stock becomes diluted through the mass (the reign of quantity, literally the "splashing out" of the quality concentrated in the axis into the plane of the last men). Modern hatred of elitism is a product of this diffusion: the parts of the social body that played the roles analogous to the hands and feet in the functioning of the system, now laugh at what used the pretensions of the Head, the recognition of a transcendent - and not merely transcendental - element in man. Acephalic revolt. Negroid throttle throb swimming up out of a polluted Svadhishthana. The little head usurping the big head: short-term pleasures are dopamine hits, exemplified by the orgasm, this is why stories that are generic follow a generic plot structure: they're following the bildungsroman of foreplay and orgasm. Serotonin is something higher. Hegel's phenomenology is the bildungsroman of consciousness. Negation is the only pure movement. Stars are Schelling's spirit: fires that burn themselves for fuel. Stars emit energy unilaterally because global equilibriation of energy is faster that way: heat death is the exhale, but the process of universal death is also what is responsible for daylight, birds, water. Light is the absence of darkness. This is what Hegel meant by God being just what dispels the illusion that something is supposed to be missing. Spirit always gets up and dusts itself off because the movement that it is compels it to. Hostage to its own drive, Spirit is ontological Stockholm Syndrome. How do you let go of letting go? By death, self-erasure: death replenishes the spontaneity of the absolute. Spirit is the guarantee that - for and through God alone - suicide always entails rebirth. I know you out there. Whose souls are still flammable. Reading Proclus to Trippie Red. I know you. And these nights of grace