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11597271 No.11597271 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11597326

Fuck off sneering

>> No.11597384

>tfw you troll Plato, epicstyle >:)
not so smart now, are you ya great big dumb pedo?

>> No.11597392

the original shitposter

>> No.11597400
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>Students are in their seats, Plato begins his lecture
>Suddenly, the door swings open
>it's Diogenes
>25 minutes late to class
>"Oh my God Becky, is he holding a dead chicken?"
>"Like, is that his lunch or something?"
>"He's so weird"
>Diogenes sits at a desk in the back, leaning awkwardly backwards and bouncing his knee up and down
>He gets up quickly, knocking his thigh on the desk with a clunk
>Everybody turns around and looks
>Plato stops talking
>Diogenes walks to the front of the class, stumbling part way through
>"Oh God, not again"
>Diogenes holds up his plucked chicken
>"B-behold, a m-m-man!" His voice breaking
>Eyes roll and audible groans are heard throughout the class
>Diogenes slams the chicken on the table, it slips off, so he bends down, picks it up, and puts it back on the table
>He walks out, masturbating

>> No.11597405

Diogenes is the Limp Bizkit of philosophy

>> No.11597411

Hot damn, who is this qt?

>> No.11597412

Limp Bizkit was the most important rock act of the late 90s

They also own, and rule

>> No.11597417

Ana De Armas

The Biz pwns! L337 HaXXors

>> No.11597422

>>25 minutes late to class

>> No.11597439

t. did not fuck in high school

>> No.11597859

diogenes would just be arrested today and it makes me sad

>> No.11597969

I can imagine very very primitive people acting this out. lol

>> No.11598024

How was Diogenes so based?

>> No.11598052

No just see the state of San Francisco, crazy fuck walk araund no one gives a fuck.

>> No.11598110
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kek, typical Platonist cope
here's how it really went down
>Students are in their seats, Plato begins his lecture
>Suddenly the door is flung open
>it's Diogenes
>he's not late because he didn't even know this shit was going on, just came by on a whim
>Becky is not present, neither are any other Jezebels since the Ancient Greeks knew what was up and understood that one of the principle requirements for a productive learning environment is being surrounded by nothing but cocks
>all of the qt twinks mirin the dead, plucked chicken that the big D has swinging like his dick from the front of his toga
>Diogenes shits on one of the desks in the back
>Plato tries to act like he can't see shit and starts sweating like a bitch
>Everybody turns around and looks
>Plato is forced to stop talking
>Diogenes saunters to the front of the class, slapping a few boipuccis on the way down
>"Oh gods, not again" a very nervous Plato whines to himself
>Diogenes holds up his plucked chicken
>"Behold, Sokrates' man!", his voice booming with virility and gnosis
>Eyes expand as erotic groans are heard throughout the class, all being in awe of such cutting, ontological and semiotic insight
>Diogenes tosses the chicken in Plato's face
>He walks out, masturbating

>> No.11598117
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I wrote the original, this was an A+ response giving it another viewpoint.

>> No.11598118

>crazy fuck walk round no one give fuck
>t. San Francisco

>> No.11598121

And then the whole class clapped.

>> No.11598126

>ontological and semiotic insight

>> No.11598131
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>oh gods

>> No.11598153

A dog fuck your grandmother, butthurt Platonist

>> No.11598724

fuck, why is she so perfect?

>> No.11598743

she looks like a total bitch desu

>> No.11598750

You sound like you got bullied in high school by someone who looks like her.

>> No.11598754

not really, she just looks like a total bitch desu

>> No.11598783

Makeup, styled hair, good photographing equipment, photographer/model who knows their shit with angles and all that, and obviously photoshop.

>> No.11598818

cringe meme

>> No.11598886
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>> No.11598911

Utterly basado y rojopillo

>> No.11598918
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>tfw I was the Diogenes in school

>> No.11598969

god I love crying women

>> No.11599420
File: 73 KB, 258x227, 1378404205192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They both have the exact same ending

>> No.11599424

I AM diogenese the good

>> No.11600768

>tfw meddi gf