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/lit/ - Literature

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11597080 No.11597080 [Reply] [Original]

Who is better and why?

>> No.11597113

Prefer Dosto by far, but overall Tolstoy has the greater legacy.

>> No.11597125

Unrelated but Dosto's books had better titles.

>> No.11597167

Dostoevsky when you're an angsty teen. Tolstoy when you're an adult.

>> No.11597171
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>Dosto btfos angsty teens in multiple novels

"Dostoyevsky is for angsty teens"

>> No.11597174


>> No.11597178
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Tolstoy is better for those who are interested in literature for literature's sake and Dost is more for philosophical/theologically minded reads.

>> No.11597179

Dosto is a more interesting characters. Tolstoy was basically a rich Russian hippie

>> No.11597207

They're both fantastic, yeah? I probably enjoy Dostoevsky slightly more because I am, like most edgelords, a closeted sentimentalist. Tolstoy has never made me cry, though he has made me shiver with awe

>> No.11597255

Tolstoy’s style is more quiet and contemplative. When I read him I feel close to beauty and goodness. And he writes small, seemingly uninmportant moments that I remember long time after and I get chills.
Dostoyevsky in the other hand spots the cynicals and nails him; Stavroguin, Raskolnikov, Ivan, etc. He makes troubled characters in a way that no one else does. I guarantee /lit/ is Ivan Karamazov central. Also when I read him I fly through his books and never get bored.

>> No.11597284

That's why you read it as an angsty teen, ya dolt.

>> No.11597349
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>people inherently seek out books which disconfirm their prejudices

>> No.11597359
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He meant that angsty teens read books that BTFO edgy teens because they see themselves as above the masses

>> No.11597371

let me get on my skyys

>> No.11597373

>Tolstoy has never made me cry, though he has made me shiver with awe
which Tolstoy book did this?

>> No.11597526

>Be Tolstoy
>Dismiss all previous work
Makes ya think

>> No.11598078

>Ivan Karamazov
u wot m8 i'm a dmitri
...and then I will disappear.

>> No.11598085

Both are great is their own way.
Stop whit the video game logic of X vs Y.

>> No.11598086
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*stabs you*

>> No.11598304

Wew lad. Russians don't fuck around.

>> No.11599080

Which Dostoyevsky book I should start with? Crime and Punishment? The Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.11599085

I think it's fake. I google that exact headline and get no returns.

>> No.11599091

Start with Notes then Crime then Brothers then Demons

>> No.11599232

Tolstoy has the mentality of those who commit atrocities.

>> No.11599565

Dostoevsky is a superior artist but Tolstoy is a superior writer.

>> No.11599591
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>> No.11599721

I just don’t get Tolstoy. I’m trying. But it’s wooden.

>> No.11599730

Anna Karenina is the best book I've ever read but I haven't read TBK yet so I guess I'll get back to you after that

>> No.11600046

dosto like gets me man

>> No.11601477
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only read crime and punishment

and tolstoy was aristocratic

so dosto of course :)

>> No.11601487

Try the short stories called Master and Servant, and The Devil.
Right now I'm reading Anna Karenina, it's really good but from time to time Tolstoy runs crazy and decides to waste a page or two on stupid descriptions of nature.

>> No.11601528
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i've only read Dosto (C&P, Notes from Underground and The Double.)
Today I bought Brothers Karamov and War & Peace so i can see for Tolsto compares :))

>> No.11601539

I started w Crime & punishment then read Notes and i think that was a good place to begin desu

>> No.11601574

This but unironically

>> No.11601584

Someone post the Chad vs Virgin meme for these two, I know you have it.

>> No.11601592

the editing on this photograph is disgusting

>> No.11601681

Tolstoy is a better writer, Dostoevsky is a better thinker. Tolstoy is more pleasant, Dostoevsky is more worthwhile.

>> No.11601839


>> No.11601857

>stupid descriptions of nature
Hey, don't say that. Those are some of my favorite passages.

>> No.11601864

They're both fine, I read Brothers Karamazov first, then C&P. Just keep in mind that Brothers Karamazov is a larger time sink and takes some dedication.

>> No.11601880

(That is to say, it takes a long time to set up before the story gets truly interesting.)

>> No.11602035

Notes from the Underground

>> No.11602372

You fucking with me right this is like if 4chan leaked out of the internet

>> No.11602427

Hard to compare, I've only read novellas and short stories by Tolstoy which I adored but I've read most of Dostoevsky's novels and they've all been excellent but with flaws.

I've found Tolstoy the more enjoyable of the two but if I read his novels I'd probably place them more equally.

>> No.11602496

Sometimes I imagine breaking plates and chairs over Tolstoy's head.

>> No.11602504

Demons, go all in FEEL THE FIRE

>> No.11602603

Read BrothersK and please calm down on the imagefagging, you're doing Ridley Scott a disservice.

>> No.11603908
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the follow up is even better
>reads C&P once

>> No.11605259

Dostoevsky for when you want to learn about individuals
Tolstoy for when you want to lean about groups

Dosto: Psychology
Tolstoy: Sociology

>> No.11605302

ahah, sorry. I must admit that reading Anna Karenina really wipes out most of my preconceived ideas about Tolstoy. He definitely deserves as much respect as Dosto.

Also there's one point that goes unnoticed too often : Dosto was insane. That is, mentally ill. He was crazy. Several things that we relate to "genius" are indeed consequences of plain and simple insanity.

>> No.11605333

They're just so different. Tolstoy's characters are stable and realistic, more like people who you could meet in every day life. Dostoyevsky's characters are 50% bat shit insine and exaggerated, which is also his appeal. Tolstoy was rich, Dosto was poor and traumatized. Tolstoy was more of a spiritual guru who had a lifelong battle with existential questions and attempted to solve these. Dosto was severely traumatized, drank and gambled a lot and found peace in Orthodox Christianity. I think Tolstoy was born to be a god tier writer, a real natural talent and an extremely intelligent man. Dostoyevsky was moulded into becoming a god tier writer after he went to hell (mock execution and Siberia for seven years) and came back. Dosto is the living evidence that severe suffering can make someone into a great artist.

>> No.11605636

>/lit/ is Ivan Karamazov central
No. /lit/ is Smerdyakov

>> No.11605642
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>> No.11605823

I am not Russian so I cannot judge either on their prose, but one thing I can say that Tolstoy does better is characters. I have only read his War and Peace but I have never encountered such lifelike characters anywhere else

>> No.11606313

We need Virgin vs Chad of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.