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11594911 No.11594911 [Reply] [Original]

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA help me /lit/ solipsism and relativism are driving me insane.

>> No.11595026

bruh...jus b urself lol

>> No.11595058

Solipsism is a non-issue. What happens once you somehow determine that you indeed are the only thing that exists? Are you just going to ignore the brilliant and motivating forms that still appear before you? Good luck keeping that up for long

The world is simultaneously a tool and a sandbox for the little thing inside you that is your self

>> No.11595102

graduate high school :^)

>> No.11595128
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>> No.11595131
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Wait until you graduate to living in a ceaseless state of absolute existential terror, that's when the real fun starts

>> No.11595190

The bigger issue with solipsism is that you obviously have no control over all of the p-zombies in front of you, otherwise you'd have God-like powers.

Instead, if you were to kill somebody justifying it to yourself that they were 'just' a p-zombie, from your perspective all of the other p-zombies would haul your ass into jail. So even if everybody was a p-zombie, you are living in a reality where they have control over YOU and not the other way around.

So you have absolutely no choice but to live in the p-zombie world and follow their rules anyways. And that's why solipsism is dumb.

>> No.11596356
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Wait until you graduate to living through wu-wei, that's when the REAL fun starts

>> No.11596378

have you tried reading a single book

>> No.11596380

>go to another room
So much for the p-zombies, without me they won't exist, so much I bite my tongue, jump from a high place or stop breathing they will stop existing.

>> No.11596408

this kid in here trying to talk to himself baka

>> No.11596440

So... that's the power of solipsism

>> No.11596442

Understand that some sense can be made of this confusion. As lost as you feel, recognize that being alive is almost always synonymous with being perplexed - even the hardest and fastest rules decay when questioned with enough rigor.

Close your eyes. Listen to your breathing. Listen to your heartbeat. Speak a phrase over and over again in your mind (something simple and easy to remember).

Once you've done that, open your eyes and start to think again.

HARDMODE: Give up thinking forever.