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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, 8AF3917D-47E8-4C49-BC0E-6C9C370C7154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11592889 No.11592889 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11592993

what's with her speech and why does she look like she had an overdose of fluoride?

>> No.11593024

Who did it the best?


Or based Dr Saddler?

>> No.11593048

nice i am so happy

>> No.11593057

That's one ugly tongue.

Canadians sure are weird looking.

>> No.11593063

Stop spamming your videos

>> No.11593079

>attractive, philosophically minded AND a huge fan of Jordan Peterson
I think I'm in love, boys.

>> No.11593084

shes a pseud.

>> No.11593103

Pomo detected.

>> No.11593117
File: 504 KB, 496x751, alfsvoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to pick up her book lads

>> No.11593143

Looks like her hair would slide off her head any noment

>> No.11593393


>> No.11593583

She is not beautiful in the classical sense but I still can't stop thinking about fucking her

>> No.11593600

>spamming your own dog shit on lit
>knowing 100's of so ymen will literally suck your arsehole even if you're a dribbling spaz

never fails, fucking brainlets

>> No.11593602

I hope she'll drops Jordan Peterson, radically and forever, possibly deleting her own videos where she supports him.

>> No.11593606

I bet you enjoy the writings of Noam Chomsky.

>> No.11593631

She's just young.

>> No.11593633

Same. I'd illegaly cross the border just go get to Canada with her.

>> No.11593650

No I don't. Chomsky is ((("anarchist"))) anyway.
I only hope some old school marxism washes memeson from this bitch's mind because I find her attractive enough to have fantasies.

>> No.11593676
File: 1.20 MB, 4608x1983, Numsa-Dancers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>labour theory of value

>> No.11593699

what do you think he body count is lads

>> No.11593702

she´s the jenny nicholson of literature

ergo she sucks

>> No.11593708

One thing I can't stand about her is her aesthetics. Reeks of "alt art whore who fucks niggers".

>> No.11593712

She looks fucking 40.

>> No.11593762

I literally just read the Wikipedia article about this yesterday and even I could have made this video having never taken a philosophy course or gone to college.

>> No.11593777

She’s pretty good, but her Wikipedia game got nothing on Cliff.

>> No.11593808

You're a pseud, alfo.
Even Jordan Buckerson is more credible than you.
Marxism isn't meant for bourgeois bitches such as yourself.

>> No.11593835

>M-marx was mainly wrong but we can use his insights as tools!
Why are all shitlibs like this? It's worse than the Alain de Botton interpretation.

>> No.11593857
File: 15 KB, 300x223, 1522547783984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bourgeois bitches

>> No.11593860


>> No.11593867

It's almost as if adsense millenials are spinning wikipedia articles into 2000 word (((essays))) for the redpill clickers.

Next up:

Riding the Tiger - the Evolian Tetrarchy of Knowledge

>> No.11593910

Are you stupid or what?

>> No.11593915
File: 49 KB, 640x424, 1518423242309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes lesbian

>> No.11593930

>college pro

the best part of being in college is that you get to pretend you will have a job and a nice life after you graduate, of course you won't and you know that, but it's still fun

>> No.11593942

no such thing

>> No.11593975

The big snu is clearly lesbian and she avidly grabs her, alfie is kinda retracting.

>> No.11594167

Yeah but you didn't.

>> No.11594383

What if I'm a stemfag?

>> No.11595106

post more pls
she's such a qt

>> No.11595203


>> No.11595253

I'm not even a marxist but this is absolutely based, any ideology is fine as long as its not Peterson's repackaged boomer ideals.

>> No.11595357

holy shit I love women. women women women, what a joy they are to experience! thank god op posted one because I almost forgot how much I fucking love women! that's why I come to a LITERATURE board, so I can listen and think about such gorgeous women!!

from their lovely motherly tongues to their plumpified, parental thighs, and intsy bitsy little feet that always must smells like clover or soap. they are like the best of everything all wrapped up into a warming, buttery something that every man just adores! yes sir, women sure are swell!

before he blew his fucking brains out with a 12 gauge a week before christmas, my old man used to say: "son, all women are whores", but I think different! I think that women are god's secret weapons against all the sad bad thoughts that life can give. I for one, can't stop adoring these mammary-equiped sapiens with their silky little armpits and trifling, rose-touching fingers.

yep, boy o man do I love women. I love all of the videos that they make and I definitely always want to hear what they have to say. thank you, sweet ladies! thankyou, o so so sweet ladies!

truly the world is blest to have you and if you have a patreon I'd love to sub to it!

>> No.11595369

>marxists needing to deny their being marxists


>> No.11595373
File: 27 KB, 962x284, Immagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we know who's making these

>> No.11595394
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, tfw no jessica gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She’s back! And guess what? She’s a marxist now?!
>she's switched mitford sisters
>she's still not nancy

>> No.11595401

This is a good test of the new report filtering system.

>> No.11596923


>> No.11597382

You're pathetic in more ways than one.

>> No.11597404

>he is a marginalist