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11592466 No.11592466 [Reply] [Original]

>she's gone
>how do i live now?
so yea, she left me. she was pulling the whole "time for marriage and kids" thing and the relationship was stale after years but I was so comfy that i don't know what to do now.
I have been studying the Desert Fathers but they are only helping so much and I could use something a bit more contemporary.
I feel I can finally breath again but at the same time, I feel there is only cold and darkness around me, and cannot forsee anything else in my life anytime soon.
>TLDR : books for this feel?

>> No.11592471

give a bit more details about how it ended anon?

and a good book for getting over things like that would be one that lets you reframe romantic things in a new context. I'd recommend a Hero of our Times. really though you have to just find a new girl asap, best way to get over an old one

>> No.11592473
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Good luck dude

>> No.11592479

So she left you because you're an immature manchild who doesn't want to marry and have children?

>> No.11592482

>an immature manchild who doesn't want to marry and have children?
getting married in this social and legal climate is absolute insanity, having kids is maybe even worse.

>> No.11592676

Long-time lurker, seldom poster. Had a very similar break-up, OP. Gf of nearly seven years left me after talking about marriage, having children, all that. I overheard her having phone sex with another man when she was in the bathroom one night (moaning and talking dirty). Called her out on it and she said she hadn't loved me in years, hated having sex with me, all this other terrible stuff. She moved out and left me with the cost of our apartment which I could already hardly afford after going on a slut parade around town. She and her friends tried to get my partner in founding a publishing house to drop out of the project and tried pinning it all on me for working more to afford the apartment she demanded.

What you have to do is take this as an opportunity to better yourself. Start lifting (no meme), read more, study harder, take more notice of the people around you and treat your next qt even better. That's all you can do. Good luck m8. I made it through and am all the better for it and know that you can, too.

>> No.11592685

Not OP, but glad to hear you made it through, are doing better, and haven't given in to the 4chan women-haters crowd

>> No.11592692

i am telling you from the depths of my heart, man to man, read this so you don't get fucked over like that again


i know you'll probably be averse to what he says, but it can save you so much harm if you integrate what he has to say and don't fall prey to the same traps again

when you say 'treat your next qt even better' it is exactly what you shouldn't do and your life will be really bad if you go down that path, countless men have been killed by that good impulse, literally they have killed themselves, you have to not do that

>> No.11592703
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thanks a lot man this was really all I wanted to hear by making this thread, as this is more or less the road im already on (eating better, nofap, doing pullups). plus your breakup sounds waaaaay nastier than mine so that really puts it into perspective for me, but its still pretty raw right now she just left me about 2 weeks ago and if im being honest with myself here I honestly just really accepted it right before making the thread.
so yea, anyhow, thanks man I appreciate a genuine human like you stopping by. I was really emotionally codependant with her so its gonna take some time to rewire myself I guess

>> No.11592709

Not him but it was gratifying to see this exchange. Good you're dealing with it like a champ man.

>> No.11592710

>I was really emotionally codependant with her so
i am actually begging you man read this guy's blog, all of it, and accept it

you seriously do not understand how dangerous this game is

>> No.11592714

thanks to you too im gonna read this, and I do agree with what you say about the kindness impulse. now that I am really accepting shes really gone, im realizing I compromised a lot of my values for her

>> No.11592720
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I'm not the people you are replying to, but any of that how to pick up girls blog stuff is usually just a load of fluff. Literally just treat your partner well without being co-dependant and while still having your own hobbies as well as sharing in hobbies/entertainment with them. If they don't treat you well in return, than leave. This is why you hsould always hold a little distance for the first few months - see how they react to having a bad day, it's also really hard to be on your best behavior longer than 3 months. This is coming from an older person with lots and lots of experience with women. No need to make it complicated - just be your best self, treat your woman right, and leave if she isn't treating you right

>> No.11592724

>woman wants a family as is her biological imperative
>her man spergs out ends up going full MGTOW
>she says cya bitch
>bitch comes to cry on /lit/

>> No.11592729

it is not going to be pleasant man, it really isn't, but i haven't found a better guy out there who can outline things for men in a sense they cam act on it

im not 100% on board with him of course, i havemy own ideas from my own relationnships and what i know

but you got seriously burned right? by this girl? it doesnt have to happen the same way again, it can be different, it really can. I say this seriously just out of a desire to not have another guy be serioulsy hurt like that, please man, just think on it, even if it doesn't seem right at first.

>> No.11592736
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good now you can focus all your efforts on the revolution

>> No.11592743

dude it is unfortunate but the reality is not that, it really isn't. You sound like you know part of it but there is more if it than that.

it is really a shitshow, and i didnt accept that for years, but wth every girldfriend i had, and every couple i say, no matter what their station, i saw it being reaffirmed again and again.

It's not PUA shit at all, it's not about just fucking as many girls as you can, not at all, it's just an honest appraisal of how intersex dynaimcs work, and especially for men, because men have no understanding of this shit in our world

>> No.11592751
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Cuck anon here.

I think falling for the misogyny trap is one of the worst decisions a dude can make after a nasty break-up. I simply worked on myself and am now in a much happier casual relationship. If that doesn't work out, which odds are, it will (because how many relationships last a lifetime?), then I know how to live with myself, now.

I wouldn't call myself "blue-pilled" much at all. I'm not a political person but a lot of my friends give me shit for being too conservative. I do see where the person is coming from who wrote this and will consider this perspective. I'm a little tipsy and tired as fuck, so I can't comment on it in any depth. What I can say is that I recognize a lot of lessons I learned the hard way, here.

I'm two or three months down the line since she moved out (and straight in with an ex she dated four years before me, the one she always said treated her awfully and cheated and was so embarrassed to have ever been with lol). It does get better. You just have to learn how to make a happy lifestyle for yourself and don't lose sight of that, even when you meet somebody else. Somebody told me, if you're getting out of a relationship where you weren't treated right, you need to start treating yourself the way you want to be treated. Start giving yourself advice the way you'd give advice to a friend if you were on the outside looking in. People love people who love themselves. Fucking start writing a book if that's what it takes. I started writing my ninth and decided to publish my backlog because I now have the motivation/confidence to do so. My indie publishing house is doing much better than I ever projected it doing at this stage. I went from being something to pity to being somebody people around me call "inspirational." Not saying that I am (I'm not.), but I'm saying that things get so much better, anon. Recognize the pain. Go through the stages of grief but don't forget that it gets better if you have patience and work towards self-improvement every day. Pic related.

>> No.11592758

i don't hold any meaning in those terms

read everything and decide for yourself

all im saying is please read that guy's blog, it could literally save your life, literally anon

>> No.11592761

>e one she always said treated her awfully and cheated and was so embarrassed to have ever been with lol). I
you have no idea how much you have to read that blog, i am literall drying for you dude

>> No.11592766

this thread is pathetic.

>> No.11592772

Please succinctly tell me what the reality, as championed by your site, is

>> No.11592775

this thread is men honestly trying to deal with reality, which naturally frightens your estrogen tinged mind

>> No.11592783

>in with an ex she dated four years before me, the one she always said treated her awfully and cheated and was so embarrassed to have ever been with lol)
OP again man, and I feel we must have some similar taste in women man, because I can absolutely see this happening with my ex. she was dating a guy who i sort of kind of became friends with over the course of a year or so after he and she broke up, after she had left him and I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if she crawled back to him now. looking at the whole big picture objectively, im now forced to admit that it was unhealthy, toxic, and doomed from the beginning. well, life lesson it is! glad to hear your life going so well

>> No.11592793

I really can't do it justice right now, i have to go to sleep soon and go to work tomorrow.

Just read the guy's site, all of it.

It boils down to the different sexual strategies men and women have and how they impact their understanding of reality, especially connected to reproduction, but also to everything else.

>> No.11592795

maybe it is, maybe it isnt, but your porn addiction and hentai collection are pathetic without question

>> No.11592820


>> No.11592825

its just rebbit tier autism, go to r/theredpill if you want to burrow down that rabbit hole

>> No.11592827

I'm not going to read it because I'm happy with my relationships with women and it looks like a long, drawn out piece designed to push a load of bull, in all honesty. If you can't tell me the basic points, while you have been consistently pushing it hard, then it makes it look like bullshit even more

>> No.11592830

I feel you, anon. You might just be the author of the site pimping your own work but I do intend to look into it further. It might change the way I see things; I might agree on some points and disagree with others, but I'll give it an honest consideration.

Just remember that those are her actions and only define her, not you. Wish her the best and hope that she learns to correct her own faults and do the same for yourself. Her life is her own, now, and yours is something else entirely. You can only change one of those two things and that's what's on your own plate.

>> No.11592834

Oh God, if it's just r/theredpill, then I know it is shit. For goodness sake, it's not hard. Don't be codependant, treat her like a normal person, have your own hobbies, have shared interest, and treat her well (not like a princess, just like you treat a good friend). If she is selfish or doesn't treat you well in return, then leave. A lot of guys get into trouble because they stay too long and develop strong feelings for a girl who they know is treating them wrong, or has been sending up red flags. There is an ass for every saddle, go find a girl who matches you (hint: just because she is cute, doesn't mean she is a match for your personality)

>> No.11592838

i cant do it because im fucking off right now, but i am just telling you to read something guy to guy, worst case you read it and its bullshit right

please bro read it, i dont want you to end up like all those guys killng themsleves

if you want tomorrow on lit ill post a proper thread i just cant do it i reallty have to go to sleep now for work

>> No.11592842
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Alright man, have a good night. I promise you I won't kill myself over a woman. I'm an independant person and I learned a looong time ago not to let a woman control my life. I'll be ok, whatever your website says. I know you have good intentions in mind, and even though I don't really care for what you are pushing, I respect the good intentions and good will. Sweet Dreams

>> No.11592846

i just think it could help man, that is honestly all, it's a hard world out there and everyone needs all the help they can get i think

>> No.11592852

Goddamn americans are bizarre. Shoutout to my spanish, italian and french bros. We still have some sense of what's it like to be human.

>> No.11592858

I absolutely adore the new trend of niceposting.

Having someone say please don't kill yourself instead of kys fag is very refreshing.

>> No.11592860
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/lit/ is growing up

>> No.11592937
File: 49 KB, 1321x1621, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I absolutely adore the new trend of niceposting.

me too.

>> No.11592956

>Thread Themes:



>> No.11592969
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>> No.11592979

Don't forget...

>> No.11593002


Please for the love of god fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.11593074

Watch out, fellas. We've got ourselves a male feminist who respects women here.

>> No.11593081

Religion can't help you, it has no answer - the only solution is to become an absurdist. Read The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.11593087

Can't mods just delete these threads of sappy kids who thinks reading a book will sort of their shit life?

>> No.11593089

Niceposting is fucking beautiful, really brights my day to see other anons being nice to each other

>> No.11593237

I'm afraid of this happening to me. But I actually want kids and all that and she does too but I basically have zero good career aspects yet she still stays with me. Lifes hard man.

>> No.11593244

You know if you find a woman who is actually a decent person none of that matters, right?
I know, I know:
>All women are sluts man mgtow

>> No.11593249

>She and her friends tried to get my partner in founding a publishing house to drop out of the project and tried pinning it all on me for working more to afford the apartment she demanded
Well doesn't she sound lovely.