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11591255 No.11591255 [Reply] [Original]

We are only animals, the objective meaning of life is: seek pleasure, avoid pain and reproduce

Any book to challenge my view ?

>> No.11591265

Any book does that inherently.

Go ahead and try to be an unthinking animal. You can't, it just doesn't work

>> No.11591268

Literally any work of philosophy that touches on ethics or politics or the meaning of life. Nicomachean Ethics, What is Enlightenment, Beyond Good and Evil, The Republic...

>> No.11591270
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unoriginal lanogironu

>> No.11591274

Please go back to your containment board.

>> No.11591281

Why is pleasure a good thing?
Why is pain a bad thing?
Why is reproduction a good thing?

>> No.11591286

inb4 OP tells you that his parents, classmates, and neighbours are all unthinking animals

Anon, you should read some philosophers who claim that there is no such thing as "objective meaning of life". Have you read The Myth of Sisyphus? Unique and its Property? Anything by Cioran?

If so, you should know some varied standpoints regarding meaning, objective meaning, meaning of life, and axiology in general.
my very personal belief is that humans are of partially dualist nature, in the sense that body and mind interfere, but, because of evolution, strive to achieve different things. The fact that we seek pleasure, avoid pain, and reproduce - yes, that's undeniable, and that might be keeping you down, but that is not the meaning of life. Even if that's the point, then that's the point of the body, maybe, but the body's attempts at controlling the entire being for the sake of its own needs don't mean that your mind can't have a fair share of humane, worthwhile being.

>> No.11591308

Because it is, you are literary designed to be like this because of evolution

>> No.11591312

>I want to be a slave to my programming

lmao have some self-respect you mongoloid

>> No.11591314

why are you assuming that he is seeking pleasure because it is good and avoiding pain because it is bad? he never mentioned the words good or bad in his post.

>> No.11591320

That's all we can do, it's the endgame, everything else is deluding yourself and wishing life was more than what it actually is.

>> No.11591321


>> No.11591322

Will you fight? Or perish like a dog?

>> No.11591326

We already are dogs, all we can do is perish

>> No.11591327

The Buddha, Plato, the Stoics, all do a good job of destroying hedonism. Pleasure is ultimately dependent and fleeting, so why bother chasing it?

>> No.11591328
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>> No.11591332

I'm only animal, the objective meaning of my life is to kill OP and his loved ones for my own pleasure

Any books to challenge my view?

>> No.11591337
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>> No.11591340

have fun licking your balls then

>> No.11591342

Meditations by Marky Aurls

>> No.11591349
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>The Buddha, Plato, the Stoics, all do a good job of destroying hedonism

>current year
>look around
>"yep no hedonism to be found"

>> No.11591352
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Go back

>> No.11591362
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>The mind isn't separate from the body

>> No.11591415
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>> No.11591425

That's because people don't read and understand them

>> No.11591454
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>> No.11591614

Why is it that hardcore hedonists become dissatisfied and struggle to overcome their addictions while the temperate, virtuous, spiritual, etc not only enjoy their life, but choose not to become hedonist when nothing is preventing them? My point is, even if pleasure is our only goal, shouldn’t you first experience the pleasures of different lifestyles before choosing pure hedonism?

>> No.11591617

hedonism is just an excuse made by lazy people to justify their short sghted ways

>> No.11591638

Too low IQ to feel the background processes and their series of autocommands.
It's an attempt to feel powerful by indulging in hedonism but in reality, it is an abandonment of it as you suggested and in reality, enslaves them, being no more than Skinnerian Bugmen, executing list of stimuli and cues followed by reward. Such individuals, have no control or agency and waste their one and only life on trivial desires which soon entraps them. They hold an idealistic view of the mind in this regard and neglect the material primativism if the evolutionary archaic faculties related to pleasure. You operate in the prefrontal cortex my friend, they do not.

>> No.11591649

>psh, nah bro, I party hard with molly and coke but on the weekdays, I'm all about that grinnddddd

Says all the failures at the party who are working minimum wage jobs

>> No.11591668

if that's your unironic view, then just stop reading books and go rape some bitch, you degenerate

>> No.11591694

But we are, you just don't need to see it as something negative.

>> No.11591695

>We are only animals
somebody would like to have a talk with
you dumbass nigger

>the objective meaning of life is: seek pleasure, avoid pain and reproduce
WRONG, the objective meaning of life for humans is to achieve transcendence, to become gods; even that retard Hegel argued the same thing with his idea of "all of the process humans take part in are to, directly or inderectly, become the absolute".

>> No.11591702
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>become gods

>> No.11591707

>you are literary designed to be like this because of evolution
lmao "evolution" doesn't "desing" anything, just like pouring water into a glass isn't me desinging the water to fit the glass.

>> No.11591709

>it's good because it just is
Imagine being this stupid a couple hundred years after Hume.

>> No.11591711
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>the objective meaning of life for humans is to achieve transcendence, to become gods

>> No.11591713
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>/pol/-tier christian humor

>> No.11591715

>seek pleasure, avoid pain

This is fucking stupid, you don't have to "seek" or "avoid" anything, you just have to reproduce, everything else is meaningless.

>> No.11591724

Why reproduce? The world will go on even if you kill a million people and off yourself.

>> No.11591734
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>you don't have to "seek" or "avoid" anything, you just have to reproduce

And how is one expected to reproduce if they don't seek copulation and avoid life-threating dangers, you utter dumbass?

>> No.11591736

>animals instincs tell it to reproduce, peak animalhood is to reproduce as much as it can
>humans are differentiated by animals by our use of reason
>humans can use reason, peak "humanhood" is to use reason a lot (philosophy)
>ultimate reason is to be all knowing (godhood)

bonus points
>if all knowing you know the point of life

>> No.11591738

>the objective meaning of life for humans is to achieve transcendence, to become gods

Where did this meme start

>> No.11591746

The only reason we have a drive to reproduce is because it feels pleasurable ya double dingus

>> No.11591751

like 2000 years ago.

>> No.11591757

Yikes, thought so.

>> No.11591768
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>somebody would like to have a talk with you dumbass nigger
pic related, forgot to bind in the photo.

>> No.11591775

an objects meaning comes from its essence. a knife's essence is its cutting edge, it is meant to cut. without its cutting edge, it isn't a knife. man's essence, or at least the main part of it is his consciousness, his ability to reason and contemplate and philosophize. even if you're an empiricist, you have to accept this fact - that man, even if he is just a product of nature and has no transcendent parts, is at least different from animals, simply by virtue of his consciousness. the only way to justify a life of hedonism is to claim that life has no meaning, you can't say that our objective meaning is to be like an animal when we are so clearly different from them. this is just fucking common sense, you don't need a book to tell you this.

>> No.11591792

By denying the transcendent principle of man for 1500 years Christianity is in a huge part responsible for the rise of godless hedonism

>> No.11591795

Why don't you just interpret and justify your existence on your own, nigger? Those crusty old 'philosophers' will just lead you to the same conclusion, which is to make your own destiny.

>> No.11591824
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>denying the transcendent principle of man
>spiritual beings
>made in God's image
>not transcendent

>> No.11591844
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not that anon but to be fair christianity never argued for man to "become" transcendent, but rather that it's origin was from "the" transcendent while still remaining in this shit dream called reality.

>> No.11591949

we are more than mammals. mammals are content to live in paradise

we reject that. we are the avatar of technology. proverbial son of god. simultaneously animal but also not. which is why we can never find peace

>> No.11592542

Does hume write about this?

>> No.11592551

Probably the utmost problem of today. Mindless hedonistic consumption to fulfill the most base desires.

>> No.11592561

Any dictionary that contains an entry on the word "meaning". The idea of "objective meaning" is ludicrous.

>> No.11592566
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Op did you find this after that b post that got this youtube channel taken down?

>> No.11592570

>We are only animals, the objective meaning of life
animals don't think about objective meanings of life, they just act on their impulses

>> No.11592591

Read Schopenhauer. You can look at life as only living in the present and seeking pleasure, but then again the present moment is always lost forever and useless so how can there be anything more useless than that

>> No.11592623

This is the opposite of the meaning of life. All lifeforms on Earth evolve by becoming accustomed to pain or stress and adapting to it. Of course they also "seek pleasure", but pleasure is only a temporary feeling to animals that have developed brains. Dopamine isn't an infinite resource, so most of life we experience is pain and suffering. It's the only way that animals change for the better. The only people who reproduce because it "feels good" are all low IQ good for nothing rejects who can barely raise their own child causing an endless cycle. That's why households with a mother AND father are significantly more example. Human nature is exactly what's holding us back, the only way we can reach peak achievement is from acknowledging the success of our precedents and the skills that we are born with and enhancing them. This isn't true for everyone, some people are simply more talented or smarter than others overall. Which I find sad to admit but their are many other qualities other than intelligence. I think humanity should just cultivate all the resources that are given to us and reach for the stars.

>> No.11592639

Based, intelligent and redpilled beyond existence.

>> No.11592681
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>OP coped my threads



Those philosophies seek to maximize pleasure by lowering the tolerance for it.
All ideologies inherently seek to maximize pleasure. Hedonism (which is not what we're talking about) is the strawman of pleasure seeking, as actually it seems to lead straight to pain.

That's a good point. Life's meaning (at least life as a human) is to maximize (keyword:) "net" pleasure, increase control / power, and ultimately become as God.

Drugs damage the body because the body becomes reliant on them (and cause the body to stop producing serotonin or testosterone) but there is no reason we couldn't learn to be in a state of constant pleasure without them. Landing on the clouds would look like leading an exceptionally happy life.

As a human superorganism, we reproduce and die in the same way cells do in our body. The goal is to achieve constant progression and, like I mentioned, to become God.

>> No.11592715

That's not a "meaning" dumbass

>> No.11592722

you are so redpill, where is yourtumblr?

>> No.11592735

The overwhelming majority of people in power understand the need to delay gratification and prey on those who don't.

>> No.11592771

Kek, where is that image from?

>> No.11592773

The goal with delaying gratification is to maximize gratification.

Semantics, but that is a proper use of meaning.
Not only that but it's a very well known saying. Think before posting


Lookout for my threads and ignore people that can't convey the message logically

>> No.11592774

You got BTFO in your previous thread, sonny.

>> No.11592778
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>seeking pleasure and avoiding pain
Truly the brainlet way of life, any genuinely transcendent and meaningful experience will involve significant pain, and often pain itself can be the transcendent experience

>> No.11592781


I've never been BTFO on 4chan and I never will be

>> No.11592797

>The goal with delaying gratification is to maximize gratification.
Right, but it doesn't value gratification over work inherently, as work leads to gratification. That's an important distinction often forgotten in typical godless hedonist what have you. Everyone today aspires to be a billionaire, regardless of how fundamentally immoral such a thing is. Few become one, not because they aren't willing, but because they're unable.

>> No.11592798

He does have a point though: the expression "meaning of life" is, at best, nebulous, and at worst, meaningless. It's a clichéd expression that almost always means "the importance of human life". It's infuriating that people talk about "the meaning of life" as if it were a crystal-clear expression.

>> No.11592813

>Semantics, but that is a proper use of meaning.

Then you're purposely hiding behind an equivocation fallacy. When people talk about the 'meaning of life' it is really about the purpose for which life developed in the first place. It is ignorant to say that life developed to reproduce itself as you are focusing more on the language than that concept to which the language refers.

>> No.11592823

>comments "That's a good point"
>going on, completely ignores my point
But yes, I too believe that self-deification is the only worthwhile goal of human life. Other people will disagree, saying that maximising short term pleasure is the adequate response to living in a "meaningless" world, ignoring their own role as meaning makers.

>> No.11592856
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Morality a term doesn't necessarily mean 'golden rule morality' and golden rule morality needs to prove itself as maximally beneficial to the individual's gratification before calling something 'immoral' means anything.

Meaning can mean the 'significance of something'. As in the meaning behind life is: [blank].
I'd say it's grammatically clear and even if it weren't it's well known to the point of being crystal clear.

I usually say 'imperative'.

I'm not OP, I'm who OP likely bit off of when making this thread.
Life didn't just 'develop', it's in the process developing. Which is to say it's in the process of improving (through some form of evolution). Improving toward an increase in power / control / science & tech which we inherently use to increase gratification / happiness / pick your word. Because happiness / pleasure / [whichever word you feel comfortable using] is the inherent 'meaning of life'

Meaning implies a perspective for the subject to mean something to. There may be no objective meaning to us. But to us, life does have one meaning.. and as many subjective delusions as you can name.
The phenomenon of existence creates perspective; creates bias; creates meaning.

>> No.11592862 [DELETED] 

>There may be no objective meaning to us
As in objectively we may mean nothing.

Or objectively we may mean something other than what we mean to ourselves.

I consider the objective POV to be 'God's' POV

>> No.11592870

>There may be no objective meaning to us. But to us, life does have one meaning.. and as many subjective delusions as you can name

Objectively we may mean nothing, but to us we clearly mean everything. There is one logical imperative to our existence.. and as many subjective delusions as you can name

>> No.11592916

>>Morality a term doesn't necessarily mean 'golden rule morality' and golden rule morality needs to prove itself as maximally beneficial to the individual's gratification before calling something 'immoral' means anything.
t. immoral subhuman
The nature of morality is perfectly understood by those within its realm. You are corrupt.

>> No.11592965

>Meaning can mean the 'significance of something'. As in the meaning behind life is: [blank].

This is far from OP's "the objective meaning" if it has become "a linguistic meaning". Even if you aren't OP, we're now just arguing about personal outlooks on life.

>Life didn't just 'develop', it's in the process developing
This is a semantic issue and is missing the point. The point concerns the actual reason for why there is life rather than no life, not whether after it began if it is still developing or not. The sense I am going for is its beginning.

You're conflating life in general with an anthropocentric view of life. Do animals feel happiness? If so, how have they not understood that happiness is the meaning of life, even if they themselves are alive, and thus used this to develop tech to make themselves happy? If they don't feel happiness, then where does happiness come from if man is an animal? Does happiness come from power? Then how do we know to exert power over others? What about plant life, which by our current understanding excludes happiness, science, etc.?

Evolution isn't a process guided by any sort of governing principle external to it; it is simply the stuff that managed to stick around until now, which has much to do with sheer luck and being in the right place at the right time. Its progress, that of life, is always immeasurable because the conditions that control it are always subject to change. It is not preordained or aligned to any teleological end. It just -is-, and our question concerns -why it is-.

>> No.11593108

this is hot. where to find more?

>> No.11593115


>> No.11593130

>Those philosophies seek to maximize pleasure by lowering the tolerance for it.
your definition of pleasure is so fucking broad lmao, i know what you are talking about. contentment and peace and health, which are different from pleasure. the life of a monk who eats rice and vegetables all day and meditates is objectively less pleasurable than the life of a CEO who can balance his life of pleasure with work.

>> No.11593135

You're delusional.

>a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society.

>the extent to which an action is right or wrong.

"There is no goodness above pleasure and there is no evil below pain" - Sefer Yetzirah

>It is not preordained or aligned to any teleological end

I'm saying otherwise and I'm calling on the nature of its ongoing development, which inarguably seems to be that of improvement (the what). Our imperative toward pleasure / happiness / gratification seems to be the driver of this improvement (the why).

Animals definitely seem to feel happiness. And they obviously seek it to the best of their abilities. Have you ever owned a pet?
I doubt plants have enough sentience to feel pleasure close to what we know it, but they will seek sun and water to the best of their abilities. Some plants will change flavor is they sense a predator in an attempt to stave off pain / death.

>> No.11593153

Pleasure seems to be the building block of all forms of happiness / gratification. But these are just words; use whatever you feel like.

From what I can tell eastern philosophy seems to think that basically [happiness] exists inside the cluttered room of our minds. The goal then is to remove all clutter. Get close to nothingness so that's all there is.

I'd rather focus on filling the room with happiness.

>> No.11593165

>a CEO
>balancing a life of pleasure with work
Lmao wow tankies really believe these people get handed money for nothing. If I don't even want to work 8 hours a day, never in my life would I wish to be a CEO, and in accordance with my value to work less rather than more, being a monk who only eats rice and vegetables and meditates is so much more desirable that they shouldn't even be juxtaposed in the same sentence.

>> No.11593169
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This is why chr*stians are as far from the divine as possible

>> No.11593190

Even if you think you are aware of your programming and escaping it by conscious efforts, you are still only a slave to your programming and you most likely fail to reproduce which is the reason you are failing at gaining pleasure, it's the utmost pleasure to feel wanted and needed, physically and mentally, since your subconscious has accepted that you are not going to have sex, every other pleasure is meaningless and you only feel the pain of being a loser in the evolutionary arms race. You try to cope with that

>> No.11593192
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I've essentially given up on trying to convince anyone here to accept truth though

>> No.11593208

>Why is pleasure a good thing?
>Why is pain a bad thing?
>Why is reproduction a good thing?
Think about those questions, OP. Basically 'pleasure of the flesh' is in most cases not good in the long run and leads to apathy, depression, anxiety. You realize it is worthless and it's hard to change that unless you jump on the 'there is more to life' bandwagon.
Pain can lead to plenty of pleasure in the long run, on the other hand. Suffering makes you receive more happiness when you experience something good. Also it can develop other paths to pleasure and happiness.

>> No.11593267

I'm reminded of a documentary where they were trying to explain to a serial killer sociopath that what he did was wrong, or at the very least that he should express remorse at his trial. I guess if you were able to get it, you would.

>> No.11593274

>baby's first descartes
>hurr durr you can't know nuffin'
Sure is Phil 101 in here.

>> No.11593280

That's just called not being short sighted but you're still doing exactly as OP said.

>> No.11593283

>Any book to challenge my view ?
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and pretty much any Nietzsche book.

Read about The Last Man (i.e. the 'Ultimate Man', which is meant sarcastically) and how pathetic he is.

>> No.11593298

>t. Dominatrix looking for clients

>> No.11593571
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>We are only animals, the objective meaning of life is: seek pleasure, avoid pain and reproduce
>Any book to challenge my view ?
Animals don't write or read books. Your "view" doesn't even have internal consistency enough for 2 sentences.

>> No.11593706

>he hasnt seen the webm
how new are ya?

>> No.11593765


>> No.11593803

Perhaps to the untrained mind this is true. Hedonism innately is so appealing to the everyday man because it fulfills our biological impulses, is simple to understand, and easy to participate in and see the immediate results from it. Though this is the case, you'd be wrong to think this could be reasoned as our only purpose/final assertions on our reality as all it truly does is lower ourselves, retrogresses us to the standard of beings of which we know we are biologically superior. The objective meaning of life in this sense is growth, change that is positive and conducive towards self discovery for the individual and to grow and enhance societies on a global level, as we have been doing with technology. The difficulty comes in truly knowing what is good for us, what it means to grow and develop, how to properly handle things that come about from technology (like the internet/social media) and how to communicate effectively what it is that enables us to grow individually or as a species.

>> No.11593805

Redpilled af, finally an intelligent man on /lit/

>> No.11593813

humans, being living organisms with sensory organs, are animals...

>> No.11594445 [DELETED] 

There is an obvious implied differentiation here which renders your pedantry both irrelevant and highly retarded, OP states that we are only animals precisely to challenge said differentiation, if it did not exist why would such a deeply redundant expression exist to plague its banality come every middle schooler's existential phase?

>> No.11594454

There is an obvious implied differentiation here which renders your pedantry both irrelevant and highly retarded, OP states that we are only animals precisely to challenge said differentiation, if it did not exist why would such a deeply redundant expression exist to plague us with its banality come every middle schooler's existential phase?

>> No.11594935

>the driver of this improvement (the why)

Life needs to exist in order to improve first. The question is, for the third time, why it exists in the first place.

>> No.11596014

What defines worthwhile or humane being, and why should we want it? If it is beyond the human precept of want, then what reason is there for it to exist above bodily experience, in a hierarchy of the good? Do you posit that there's truly no connection between desire and the good?

>> No.11596050

You say worthless without defining worth. Your post still implies the desire to avoid apathy, depression and anxiety.
The real problem is that "higher living" only gives us access to a better "experience" in that it confers to us personal satisfaction and contentment; there is no meaningful metric, at the most fundamental level, to compare lifestyles. All attempts at fulfillment are just guessing at the ways to waste our lives in a comforting way until we die.

>> No.11596127

We have all this power to define reality, but no reason to do it, even with all this ability to create "purpose", there's almost no reason to do so. We are just children in a playpen. There's no imperative, and even if there were one, it would in itself be absurd - that is, if it could be explained causally, and weren't somehow self-evidencing - since to understand its nature would be to understand its meaninglessness.

>> No.11596159
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>the objective meaning of life is:

>> No.11596571

If you like you then why not reproduce and make more things like you if not than kys I guess. Pleasure generally is associated with things that are evolutionary advantageous and pain with danger but not always we did not evolve in the type of environment we live in today.
Pain an pleasure are meaningless objectively try accomplishing something great people generally need to be engaged is something they find meaningful to be happy but I cant say what that will be for you.

The bhagavad gita (or any Hindu scripture)
The dhammapada (or any Buddhist scripture)
The analects of Confucius
The greeks
The stoics
Tao te ching
The eddas

These are just some things I find compelling good luck on you search anon.

>> No.11596609

When we die we all become one with god but at lest you believe in something and are not a nihilist like op and >>11591695

>> No.11596651

Pleasure, pain and reproductions are all affects linked to the constitution of the body. Whatever increases the body's power of acting (conatus) is good and whatever decreases it is bad. As we can see with this definition of conatus, each of those affects is not inherently good or bad. Pleasure may increase the body's joy and therefore it's power of acting however an excess of pleasure might lead to disease such as the pleasure of consuming sweet food leading to the greater pain of diabetes or the pleasure of playing video games leading to the greater pain of an unfit body and mind. Pain may be seen as bad as it is an indicator of bodily destruction however in the case of building muscle for instance, pain can lead to greater power later on through the body's mechanisms. Reproduction may also be seen as decreasing the power of acting of the pregnant person who is physically ailed, however the pleasure of raising a child could be seen as the ultimate power of acting as your body has essentially doubled it's power, increasing it's size and power of acting by creating another body of similar qualities. If you consider that a body is merely a series of individuals agreeing in terms of extension (motion and rest) than the presence of another body (that of the child) that agrees with your essence, more than any other person, is effectively a doubling of conatus.

>> No.11596668

>all that projection
Then go inject yourself some drugs to be in a constant state of pleasure you fucking beast while you let others build civilization ok ?

>> No.11596671

>Resorts to ad hominem fallacies.

>> No.11596805

By the way can someone finally tell me what's the big deal with reproducing ?
>You get to pass on you genes !
"My" genes are a mashup of million of other's genes which are themselves a mashup of other's etc... so this sense of individualization of the genes doesn't ring with me at all.
>You contribute to the expansion of Humanity !
I don't think it particularly needs me for that but even then why would i want to see it carry on ? I don't care at all what humanity does for the next millenia, we are not particularly special and i really don't get where we are going with this anyway. We expand endlessly, we take over the solar system, the galaxy, and a bunch of others and then what ? We get a trophy for the universal Free-for-all ?
>You get to leave something that outlasts you !
Again i don't get what's the big deal with leaving something behind. Do i get a good boy point in heaven for that ?
And let's be honest if your great grand children even manage to know your name that's already pretty good.
Genghis Khan has (allegedly) "his" genes in 5% of the world population. Good job ? I'm sure he feels really proud to see his name on the top 5 high scores in the after life.
>It feels good and my hormones command me to do so.
Ok have fun buddy.

>> No.11596825

Weak bait with far too many replies. Guaranteed 90% of posters itt are objectively underage.

>> No.11596843

guy gets executed by isis or some shit in slowmo
its a webm and his head just blows up like that

>> No.11596870

>reddit reaction image

>> No.11598069

That's straight from /tv/. The boy is looking at Chloe Moretz' ass

>> No.11599507

>ctrl-f no bible results

>> No.11599511

Because you don't know what Hedonism is.

>> No.11600689

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.11600805

Too much pleasure without pain warps your perception and becomes draining. It's why so many columnists write articles like
>I had another dull drunken threeway last night after a boring 200$ steak and bourbon, life is truly misery.