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File: 19 KB, 219x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11590309 No.11590309 [Reply] [Original]

>879. Every lifeform in the universe contributes, to some extent or other, in the universe's being exactly the way it is. This means that, if even a single lifeform did not want the universe to be exactly how it is, it would have acted in some way at least slightly differently to how it has acted, and as a result the universe would be at least a little different to what it actually is.The universe's being exactly the way it is PROVES that every lifeform in the universe WANTS it to be exactly the way it is.

>"And what about all those lifeforms whining that plenty of things in their lives and the universe are not what they want them to be?" Lifeforms that whine are weak, and hence not very intelligent. And lack of intelligence causes lack of understanding, including, and above all, self-understanding. Therefore whining is proof of nothing besides weakness, and certainly shouldn't be taken literally. Maybe those whining like whining? Have you ever thought about that? Maybe they simply enjoy it too much to let it go and actually try to achieve the things they are merely saying they want to achieve?
Ponder that for a moment. I know you have questions on this, and I'll get to them eventually, but in the meantime let this idea seep into your mind and marinate there for a while. As a result, you'll be that much readier to grasp the detailed, and earth-shatteringly radical, explanations when the time comes for them.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11590320

Sounds like Eastern religion

>> No.11590322

Nietzsche inspired the Nazis to genocide and inspired the most evil man to ever live, the Bikini Killer, to wreak havoc and murder whoever he wants. There are countless other examples of the evil Nietzsche's philosophy inspired.

Please tell me, why people continue to glorify this man with disgusting ideas and ideals? He is arguably the most dangerous man to ever live. His books and works should all be banned.

Everybody praising him are so naive.

>> No.11590329

How many died in the name of the Church? How many died in the name of Marxism? How many died in the name of peace? And you want to point the finger at Nietzsche?

>> No.11590356

>Disgusting ideas
>Enacting your will
I know this is a copypasta, but I really want to meet the pathetic bugman who wrote this.

>> No.11590389

the last 2 icybro posts are funnier but i guess the bait wouldn't work as well then eh

>> No.11590398

>"And what about all those lifeforms whining that plenty of things in their lives and the universe are not what they want them to be?"
>Lifeforms that whine are weak
Wasnt this pretty much most of Nietszhes writing?

>> No.11590404


>ctrl + f
>258 hits

Oh god this lolcow.

>872. —And what's the point of this philosophy?
>—But it sounds so painful!


>> No.11590418

Are these actual quotes of Nietzsche??

>> No.11590422


>869. I've only taken one IQ test in my life, online, out of sheer curiosity to see what it's like, and what kind of score I would get. I got 139, in a test that defined a score of 140+ as "Genius". And yes, the irony wasn't lost on me. [...] They are great at measuring the basic computational power of a brain, without which real intelligence is also impossible, and my score of 139 was a good indication that my brain functions way above the average in this regard, as befits a true philosopher's (and note that that was my first time taking such a test, and I had no idea what to expect. I have no doubt that with a little practice I could improve it greatly; I just can't be bothered to do it, because there'd be no point to it. It's just a test after all, whose only function is to prove something, and I have no one left to prove anything to at this point, not even to myself, really.)

>> No.11590435


How new are you?

>> No.11590462
File: 24 KB, 401x349, 130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>451. That shot of Richard Gere in a black Armani suit and gold tie in American Gigolo. So good looking, it seems a shame to waste him on a mere woman. And so it is that the Overman's breadth of taste is so extraordinary, that it can help him empathize with and understand even the homosexuals. Is it any wonder then, that it can also help him empathize with and understand everyone else?

>877. The absolute superiority of men over women can be seen by the fact that men are in the process of creating machines that will completely replace women — sexually, emotionally, you name it — but not vice versa. Indeed, if male androids are ever made to cater to women's needs, it will be men that will make them, and it was certainly men that imagined them first (which is the very first step to making them).

>> No.11590465

>when you're weak because you whine about whiners

lol sucks to be neechee

>> No.11590469

I've been lurking here for the last 2 days.

>> No.11590477

I hope you're enjoying it friend ;)

>> No.11590482

yeh it's good.

>> No.11590489


thanks for bringing a little joy to my life

>> No.11590494
File: 8 KB, 632x91, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>819. I have never listened to an audiobook in my life. We are not children who need a beditme story before going to bed; if you are listening to a book, it must be a shit book, otherwise you would not be able to parse it aurally, or at least parse it properly. The written text is supposed to be much denser than the spoken word — that is in fact the whole point of it — because the author has all the time in the world to build it carefully and pack it with meaning. You are supposed to read, stop, go back, stop, think, take notes even, etc. when reading a book that challenges you — and you should ONLY read books that challenge you, of course. Audiobooks are for morons, like podcasts, or YouTube vlogs, etc. If you touch that stuff at all I guarantee you that you are 100% subhuman. I would rather never read a word again than touch that shit, and in the one or two occasions that I have SKIMMED it in my entire life, or experimented with it in any way, I only did it to investigate the latest mindless fads subhumans have invented to waste their pathetic lives.

>> No.11590508

>2. This home-made mix CD will surely win Becky's heart!

>> No.11590745

hilarity is tripled because picrelated is how icy legitimately looks

>> No.11590753

you're goin in bro

>> No.11590756

I got 142 so take that bitch

>> No.11590780

>859. Is this about eating box? Cuz that's disgusting and the fast track to women disrespecting you. Nothing signals more powerfully to a woman's primal instincts that a male is unfit for reproduction than him risking the health of his face and mouth to lap upon her beef. It's a huge thrill for her, sure, but not because of any clitoral stimulation. Her "ohs" and "ahs" are entirely derived by amazement at the male's silly self sacrifice. Completely deluded, the box eater will munch away confident that he is a supreme lover, when the woman is secretly aghast at the implications of where he's putting his tongue. She's had that part of herself bored and excavated by many colors of cunt conquerors until she lost count. So many suitors have emptied themselves inside that box, smacking victoriously her vulvar filets with their slick protuberant phalluses afterwards. And here is her blessed self-avowed "pussy eater," breaking a sweat trying to lick that same battered clam meat. He even thinks those the prickly sensations in his mouth are from his muscular exertion, but the box eater has just ingested the top STDs of all 37 countries visited by that writhing, smiling woman, and those itching sensations in his throat are microscopically shown to be the conquest of his nerve tissue by her minge's army of misandrist microbes. Destroying his cells outright, the box's pox overwrites the beta's genome, rendering him more reproductive for the Papilloma species than his own. Don't be a goof and lick cloven meat.

>> No.11591090

But you left out the whole second part where he says IQ is mostly useless in determining true intelligence
>But to speak a serious word on the matter, the idea that these tests measure real intelligence is laughable. A huge part of intelligence is empathy, without which one cannot understand other lifeforms, i.e. psychology, i.e. all the coolest and deepest and most complex interactions in the universe. The only type of intelligence measured in IQ tests is the computational/mechanistic one that computers excel at, and the only thing proved by a score of 150 or 160 is that the person in question functions very similarly to a computer, i.e. that he's autistic, i.e. the exact opposite of intelligent: so stupid, that he requires drugs and institutionalization merely to survive everyday life (just as computers require practically everything they do to have been programmed).
So empathy, inventiveness, courage, nobility, wisdom, magnanimity, audacity: none of these qualities are measured in IQ tests, all of which are absolutely necessary, and to an extreme degree, at the REAL heights of intelligence and genius, since for example a very intelligent man who is a coward is an impossibility.
That is not to say that IQ tests are useless. They are great at measuring the basic computational power of a brain, without which real intelligence is also impossible, and my score of 139 was a good indication that my brain functions way above the average in this regard, as befits a true philosopher's (and note that that was my first time taking such a test, and I had no idea what to expect. I have no doubt that with a little practice I could improve it greatly; I just can't be bothered to do it, because there'd be no point to it. It's just a test after all, whose only function is to prove something, and I have no one left to prove anything to at this point, not even to myself, really.)

>> No.11591099

>when you're weak because you whine about whiners who whine about whiners
lol sucks to be anon

>> No.11591113


i love eating pussy and i don't care what anybody says

>> No.11591115

The most meme opinion of all.

Please immediately ingest something lethal.

>> No.11591131
File: 61 KB, 562x527, 1533584104364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>726. What is it like to be me? The protagonist in Limitless (2011) on a slightly milder version of that drug. That's how I've been since birth. You see a film to get an idea of what it's like to be me, but I've spent a lifetime trying to understand what it's like to be you. The result is my concept of subhuman. While the greatest achievement of your life would be to understand me, one of the greatest achievements of mine was to understand you.
So there's definitely a sense in which we are equal. Equally alien to each other, that is.

Incredibly based

>> No.11591272

redpilled af

>> No.11592462

coolest guy ever for sure

>> No.11592477

>132. Fondue sucks. It's just a pot of disgusting melted cheese in which you dip pieces of stale bread. The only reason subhumans are still eating it is because of all the apparatus on the table that makes them feel like children. Its continued popularity has nothing to do with culinary excellence but with subhuman childishness.

>> No.11592512
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, icycalm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Overman. You may not like it, but this is what the revaluation of all values looks like.

>506. Is it okay to judge a book by its cover or are appearances deceptive? Beggars, etc. But that's the majority of men! You pass me by and I look like a skater kid to you: it's okay to make the assumption that I am not a philosopher. You were wrong in this one instance, but in EVERY other instance of the hundreds of thousands of skaters you've passed by in your life you were right. If you had suspended your judgement on the matter you would have been obliged to talk in depth with every single one of them in order to establish if they are philosophers or not. But you can't live this way. To NOT judge continually by appearances is so idiotic, indeed impossible — and that's why no one does it — that, if you were determined to really live your life this way (instead of merely PRETENDING TO, like the pseudo-intellectuals), you'd be signing your death warrant. These are the borderline cases. But to deny the validity of the rule because of the existence of exceptions is idiotic (indeed, subhuman). — If I am really a philosopher you will also encounter me in another context, by coming across something I wrote somewhere, and then you'll have the chance to redress the mistake you made when you dismissed me on account of my appearance (which, as I've explained was anyway not a mistake). You may even come to realize why I dress the way I do. Because skater fashion rocks, and every other way of dressing — both for males and females — is, for the most part, an error.

>> No.11592519

This pasta is really weak. Add some racebaiting if you wabt some easy (you)s, or think of a more original concept next time. 2/10.

>> No.11592983
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, icycalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>539. Whatever Nietzsche might have said about the fundamental opposition between empire and culture, it seems that, in the long run, being demoted from a superpower to an insignificant parochial state wreaks havoc also to the intellectual prowess of a nation. That's why the Greeks haven't had anything interesting to say in over 2,000 years, while the Italians have been effectively silent for almost 500. So as the center of gravity of Western civilization moved ever westwards and northwards, so did the centers of its cultural production — until they hit the English Channel, that is, at which point the simplest and crudest intellectual forms did cross over (history, mathematics, economics, and so on), but all the most complex and refined ones stayed behind, primarily in France and, for a little while, the Germanic nations. For the Anglos have always been barbarians, culturally, compared to the continentals, while the Americans, who had to cross a much larger body of water than the Anglos to arrive at their promised land, could almost be categorized as savages (which they HAD to be, in order to colonize an entire continent with little more than horses and single-shot rifles while ruthlessly wiping out the worthless indigenous populations they found there, just as the Anglos earlier on HAD to reject and deny the French intellectual dominance, if for no other reason than to avoid being entirely assimilated by it, since the two nations were almost constantly at war with each other). — And as for me? I am beyond all of this petty nationalistic bullshit. I combine the unmatched European intellectual tradition with the practical American mindset of getting down to business and making stuff happen. I am part Greek, part American, all Human (and super-Human). I am the Overman.

>> No.11592986

That's icy, not Nietzsche lel.

>> No.11593009

This makes no sense. A lifeform might want to change something about the universe, but they are incapable of doing so. Sure, they may be able to make a small incremental change, but small incremental change is by definition not good enough.

>> No.11593051

He claims to be over six foot and yet is the same height as some random Japanese nerd.
My guess is around 5'7 and 120lbs

>> No.11593056

those are whitebois

>> No.11593067

The spotty guy on the right with acne scars is white?

>> No.11593114 [DELETED] 

>This is the Overman. You may not like it, but this is what the revaluation of all values looks like.

I'll help you with this good one, heh.

>506. Is it okay to judge a book by its cover or are appearances deceptive? Beggars, etc. But that's the majority of men! You pass me by and I look like a skater kid to you: it's okay to make the assumption that I am not a philosopher. You were wrong in this one instance, but in EVERY other instance of the hundreds of thousands of skaters you've passed by in your life you were right. If you had suspended your judgement on the matter you would have been obliged to talk in depth with every single one of them in order to establish if they are philosophers or not. But you can't live this way. To NOT judge continually by appearances is so idiotic, indeed impossible — and that's why no one does it — that, if you were determined to really live your life this way (instead of merely PRETENDING TO, like the pseudo-intellectuals), you'd be signing your death warrant. These are the borderline cases. But to deny the validity of the rule because of the existence of exceptions is idiotic (indeed, subhuman). — If I am really a philosopher you will also encounter me in another context, by coming across something I wrote somewhere, and then you'll have the chance to redress the mistake you made when you dismissed me on account of my appearance (which, as I've explained was anyway not a mistake). You may even come to realize why I dress the way I do. Because skater fashion rocks, and every other way of dressing — both for males and females — is, for the most part, an error.

>> No.11593913
File: 71 KB, 461x346, icycalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>412. I believe in America. When the bombs were falling on Kosovo and everyone in Greece was anti-American, I was wearing a t-shirt with the stars and stripes on the back, drawing sharp looks and criticisms wherever I would go. I grew up with American videogames. I learned English as a child through American comics. I became acquainted with my body and learned to take pleasure in it through American sports. I opened up to a world of drama and possibilities through American movies. My DNA is Greek, but my dreams are American. Who is the first American philosopher? I am.

>> No.11593952

Under perfect lighting he can appear somewhat muscular to the uninitiated.

>> No.11594019

Give me a quick rundown on this shit lmao.

>> No.11594025

>all these pseuds bashing icy itt
Gotta maintain your sanity somehow, I guess.

>> No.11594058

Lighting? Take your shirt off in front of a mirror and make the same pose as him. Your shoulders will look far more defined than they usually do.

>> No.11594077
File: 487 KB, 940x2296, 1528662491558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pseuds bashing
People attempting to find faults in the work of actually good writers are doing the writer a favour. Make of that what you will.

>> No.11594118

No, this guy. I'm uninitated.

This guy seems like the embodiment of a pseud.

>> No.11594141

He was a great Videogame critic who stuck a paywall up on his site and started writing in Nietzsches style claiming to be the next great philosopher.

>> No.11594195
File: 571 KB, 854x480, 1502439526465.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11594204

Okay but this one is actually true

>> No.11594215

Sure a couple of his articles were good but even a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.11594217

Still is.

>> No.11594236
File: 293 KB, 1024x768, icycalm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter? Did he hurt your feelings with one of his scathing breakdowns of sacred cows? Perhaps the one on Doom?

pic related--Overman taking out all the fagot fantasies, wolfensteins, goldeneyes, mario sixtyfours, dooms, quakes, starcrafts, tetrises etc. where they belong

>> No.11594259

>both for males and females

Wrong and retarded. Why would the ideal be for men and women to wear the same clothes? Men invented skating so you are saying women should wear men's clothes... The style of men and women should be opposite of each other's to represent their separated biological function.

>> No.11594271

I'l take your word for it. I'm not paying 5$ a month for a handful of reviews.

>> No.11595368


>> No.11595378

>Men invented skating so you are saying women should wear men's clothes
What's wrong with that? We've been dressing women up since the dawn of civilization. They've always been "wearing men's clothes" — all clothes are men's clothes. Women don't really design anything on their own.

That statement isn't saying that men and women should look identical. It's like saying that women should wear formal attire like men do at formal gatherings.