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1158722 No.1158722 [Reply] [Original]

Man kills self, leaves 1900+ page suicide note


>> No.1158729

reminds me of quentin compson from the sound and the fury

>> No.1158737


>> No.1158739

Link http://www.suicidenote.info/ebook/suicide_note.pdf

>> No.1158744

>Selected Bibliography
>(What suicide note would be complete without a

I like this guy. The thing reminds me a bit of the unabomber manifesto...incoherent ramblings of an insane person with small diamonds littered throughout.

The font is pretty big, btw. It could easily fit on less than 500 pages.

>> No.1158763
File: 83 KB, 200x190, reaction_babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is no extant God and no extant gods, no good and
no evil, no right and no wrong, no meaning and no purpose;
if there are no values that are inherently valuable; no justice
that is ultimately justifiable; no reasoning that is
fundamentally rational, then there is no sane way to choose
between science, religion, racism, philosophy, nationalism,
art, conservatism, nihilism, liberalism, surrealism, fascism,
asceticism, egalitarianism, subjectivism, elitism, ismism.

>mvq the guy makes jokes in his suicide note

>> No.1158765

What an asshole. All his loved ones are gonna have to read all that shit.

>> No.1158813

>Barack Obama: Supernigger

>> No.1158820

“I expected him to come here to help me move, which I am in the process of,” she said. “I expected him to come back in October. He really was non-committal.”

Sure was committed to writing this.

>> No.1158840

Pretty cool guy.
His writing reads like something out of a notebook I keep...

>> No.1158871

Man, I was going to kill myself but now I feel like this guy would just one-up me.

>> No.1158877

Wait, so was this the "book" the guy was writing?

>> No.1158936

Bump, this is amazing and needs research.

>> No.1158945

>darwin, hitler, "genetic esperanto", jewz, asperger, ronery

confirmed for /r9k/ bible

>> No.1158962

So why did he kill himself?

>> No.1158964

he had writer's block and couldn't finish last chapter

>> No.1158965

kinda reminds of the movie "World's Greatest Dad"

>> No.1158971
File: 38 KB, 400x595, tumblr_kpa8ezpvPW1qzlacqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, world!

For I have reasoned with you and have been left no choice but to cease my fruitless existence, so please read this shit pile of angst masquerading as musings of substance and forever take pity in my passing, as if I were a child aborted by God herself.

>> No.1158977

"The Noble Aryan Anus - page 518"

Yes I think I've read enough.

>> No.1159000
File: 13 KB, 250x272, 1283165510225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My objective is to kill myself. Now how can I explain this?
If reason cannot determine ultimate values, then how do I
explain the facts of my values?
I can begin to explain myself through the Nietzschean

>> No.1159007

After being raped repeatedly and customarily by these Frenchified Vikings to the point where it became a normal household routine, the Anglo-Saxonwoman seems to have found a weird pleasure in being so penetrated. Out of the combination of a Puritanicalmasochistic impulse and an inability to resist the penetration of the French sexual mores the Normans introduced, the Anglo-Saxon-woman had a perverse epiphany: she kinda liked it.

>> No.1159014

A true nihilist wouldn't have taken all the time to write all of that.

>> No.1159026

I'll read it at some point, but I'm sure he is going to misrepresent ethical anti-realism, nihilism, neitzche and probably anything tangentially related.
People just seem to have the hardest time grasping the idea of valueless metaphysics

>> No.1159040

A bored one may have.

>> No.1159043

So I've read a bit and it seems the note is about showing that enlightenment values irrationally value life over non-life. What I don't get is why he killed himself. Was it just to prove the point that he went beyond those values and beyond self-preservation? That would be pretty badass...

>> No.1159058

It seems it's just a discourse on how there's not really any meaning to anything. Nothing new really, except maybe... its context.

I guess it's a pity no one made him aware of the fact that if everything is meaningless, killing yourself is too.

But then again. Don't listen to me. I only skimmed the beginning, end, and random parts from the middle.

>> No.1159061

If you abandon God, then nihilism is the logical outcome. Suicide is a logical outcome of nihilism.

>> No.1159067

Hey man, we all have girl problems.

>> No.1159068

what's the point? there is no 'boredom'

>> No.1159070

No. Because if everything is meaningless and has no value, that goes for suicide as well. There is no automatic, neutral logical outcome of nihilism.

>> No.1159071 [DELETED] 

>1900+ page suicide note

Oh shit, George R. R. Martin killed himself?

>> No.1159072

>writes 1900+ suicide note
>kills self on the steps of a church in front of a bunch of people

Christ, what a fucking attention whore.

>> No.1159073

A while ago I came to the conclusion that whether there is or isn't a purpose to live, the universe and everything, I don't see it, and I like the idea of life having no point or purpose to it, it's kind of liberating. I derive my own meaning from things, I suppose in this sense I am existentialist. I get up in the morning to see what's out there. Feel free to choose death, I've got a lot more things to choose before I try that.

>> No.1159075


Kinda. I think the point he's trying to make is that we've abandoned traditional ideas about objective morality and accepted the the lack of inherent value in almost everything except for the life vs non-life dichotomy, due to the self-preservation bias, etc.

>> No.1159076

now, knowing that you are all roneryfags up to anything, read the notes of people with taste. take the apologia, the one by fassbinder or the one by goebbels. i personally like the one by mayakovsky:
>"Mother, sisters, friends, forgive me—this is not the way (I do not recommend it to others), but there is no other way out for me. / Lily - love me."
and mind that he had a fairly legitimate reason. most of his futurist and formalist peers chose to suck even harder ending up, anyways, shot.

>> No.1159077

he said not knowing he was bound to the demiurge's will

>> No.1159080


I disagree. If everything is meaningless, then the logic is to get it all out of the way as fast as possible for convenience's sake. The shortest distance between two points is zero. It's efficient.

>> No.1159081

Well, life being meaningless doesn't mean there aren't things worth living for. But if you're so distraught about things in general, you probably can't see whatever those things are. But he honestly probably just needed perspective, he was fairly-young, educated, white man in America. I can't imagine he was in any more psychological duress than anyone on here.

>> No.1159082

You're not a nihilist if you believe in efficiency and logic. At that point you've created your own meaning, becoming an existentialist. If there are no values and no meaning to anything, neither is there to save time, get stuff out of the way as fast as possible etc.

>> No.1159083

If you think being alive is an inconvenience then please do kill yourself.

>> No.1159084

Another D.F.Wallace?
Jokes aside, I really liked it. If any of the deep thinkers on atheism and nietzsche'd like to follow I promise to read what you write.

>> No.1159085

Mayakovsky on my /lit/?
I never thought I'd see the day...

>> No.1159086

> At that point you've created your own meaning, becoming an existentialist.

Is existentialism therefore a subset of nihilism then, in which the inherent meaninglessness is recognise but subjective meaning is applied?

>> No.1159089

>life is meaningless

>> No.1159090

>Is existentialism therefore a subset of nihilism then
existentialism is the subset of nietzschean nihilism in which you actually might have a girlfriend

>> No.1159092

Existentialism is a movement where the subjective perspective is put over generalizing. Biological and social factors are not important to the existentialist. What matters is how you, as an individual, subjectively perceive the world, and the freedom you derive from this. In other words, existentialism *can* be a subset of nihilism, but it doesn't have to be. To Sartre and Nietzsche, for example it was, but not to Kierkegaard who was Christian. (It is in other words a possible way of dealing with nihilism.)

>> No.1159094

>Existentialism is a movement where the subjective perspective is put over generalizing.
but where does this subjective position begin? i, for one, am subjectively repulsed by niggers. So all Sartre says is "trust your guts"? how is he different from any of the fascists?

>> No.1159096

You, from your boundless freedom, chose your position. That's where it starts. Sartre is better than the fascists because he chose winning side.

As for that "nigger" thing of yours, Proust being a bit of an existentialist in the subset-of-nihilism-way we've vaguely defined today, said that he was moral for the sake of elegance or something. You could something like that yourself, and then you don't have to be a racist. Or you could create your own, original complex way of perceiving the world, and live that out. Either that, or you could get frightened by the amount of freedom you have and kill an arab or get naseous. Camus and Sartre, respectively.

>> No.1159098

>Sartre is better than the fascists because he chose winning side.

Actually Sartre was a big Stalin fanboi, so he chose the shitty side.

>> No.1159101

In this way I think Zhuangzi was existentialist. He didn't believe in gods or spirits as was normal in that place and time, but he did believe we need to free ourselves of being used by other men; that to be useless is to be most human, not to grow like an apple tree for the purposes of men, but like a great Oak that grows for no purpose, it's just growing. Of course, great and probably irreversible facets of your personality is modelled around being useful. How do you say you are truly useless and in your natural state? Well, you can at least try. Zhuangzi's solution was to bugger off and meditate for 7 years, but hey!

>> No.1159105

>create your own, original complex way of perceiving the world
so, in other words, he claims I have a tabula rasa that i am ought to fill with an "original and complex way of perceiving the world" which I could share with my black-clad friends in french?

>> No.1159109

first objectivist

>> No.1159113

You know back then Stalin and America and France and all of those were one, big happy side. So unless you're a third world dude(ette) or German or Italian or Japanese or something, the "shitty side" is your side. Our side.

Doesn't have to be original and complex. He's pretty much saying life is a bowl, and that you can fill it with whatever you want. Just watch out so you don't fill it with something you, when all comes to all, really do not want to fill it with, so-called "bad faith", or get angsty because of the amount of choices you have and the absurdity of the choice.

>> No.1159115

>I have never touched a history book in my life

Brool Story co.

>> No.1159124

After reading the table of contents, I must say I'm at least somewhat intrigued.

I'll probably end up downloading it and reading it every so often when I'm bored.

>> No.1159127

>He thinks there is prejudice against death
Death sucks; You don't get to do much.
This guy is up himself, seriously.
Great thing he offed himself.

>> No.1159129

All philosophy is groundless verbage, including nihilism.

Remember that no matter how much anybody thinks, discusses or writes about it, the whole endeavour is pointless and "rationalisation" has recently been outlined by a scientific study as being a useless vestige of our biologically derived propensity to convince others in order maintain social power and therefore reproductive power.

A good analogy would be:

Rationality is to cognition,
what porn is to reproduction.

The collective works of Sartre, Baudrillard, Foucault, Nietzsche, Plato and every other philosopher, including this dumbass that killed himself, are of no greater value or consequence than a day of me playing TF2.

>> No.1159131

It's a great read, and if I had not known this was a suicide note, I would actually have a better time reading it because you know, every time he talks about death (Which he does a lot) he's thinking about his suicide, which makes it much less interesting.

>> No.1159135

I agree with this, even though you are acting like a 13 year old "LOL IT DOESN'T MATTER TO ME, THEREFORE IT'S GARBAGE"

Philosophy is absolutely useless; it never changes the way the masses think. We all have our own way of dealing with the burden of life, and everyday we think about it. Their works give us something interesting to theorize about, and think about for a short time, but it is ultimately useless compared to more practical sciences.

>> No.1159149

Oh god is he using the 'Impact' font? Seriously, the typography on this is terrible. Kids, this is why you should go to a publisher.

I'd rather download a text file where it's all in Courier New than this .pdf bullshit. Way to look amateur.

>> No.1159150

>implying the profound philosophical implications in the theories of Freud, Marx and Darwin didn't engender massive social upheaval

>> No.1159151

>Philosophy is absolutely useless
Only as useless as every other human thing. It's true, philosophy has been embraced whole-heartedly and applied on a society without it being perverted to achieved certain ends. That's where the real power in it lies anyway...

>> No.1159207

To say that PHILOSOPHY is useless is to imply that there are other things that are useful. Which, from your POV is clearly false.

>> No.1159211

His critique of Dawkins is fucking brilliant.

This is all I have to say so far. I have to say, I haven't found much in fault yet. The work is rather insightful...

The paper is holding together quite well. We'll see how it goes from page 80 onward... X_x

>> No.1159228

what is his background? did he study anything?

>page 469 it is esier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, jesus believed, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god. sounds like marx's attacks on rich capitalists and the evils of capitlism to me. would the filthy riches of greedy capitalists survive the communist revolution?

reading chapters on topics one is, more or less, well versed in demonstrate significant deficits on the side of the author. both his terminilogy and most of the topics he addressed well be received better by an educated American than by a european like myself. writing that Marx was trying to be "politically correct" made me, for instance, want to his head off on spot but the overall quality is higher than that of /lit/.

>> No.1159233

I started reading through this thing and there's a section where he tells the reader not to be so bigoted as to think life is better than death. After all, there is no reason for anything to be good or bad except that it produces minor evolutionary gains.

>> No.1159235

>what is his background? did he study anything?

Born in New York City in 1975,and graduated with a bachelor’s in psychology from the University of Albany.

>> No.1159238


Did you really have to take a pot-shot at American education like that?

>If my hypothesis is correct, this work will be repressed.

So he's wrong from line one. Hah.

>> No.1159239

DFW's was pretty good I guess I'll read this guy's next

>> No.1159247

>want to be read
>kill self

>> No.1159248

He was proving the value of his thesis.
It was a rational and reasoned act that serves his paper quite well.

>> No.1159272

the karamazovs had an engineer dude who killed himself to prove some "nihilist" point of his. what was he called again?

>> No.1159282


exactly what i thought.

this is garbage.

>> No.1159322

"In practice, this experiment in nihilism began, in part, as
an experiment in systematic physicalism; i.e. an attempted
systematic comparison of every subjective experience with
the outer physical world."

This book should be made available in print.

>> No.1159324

>It was a rational and reasoned act that serves his paper quite well.

No it doesn't. It does the opposite. If you have tasked yourself with drawing attention from other people towards your argument that there is no purpose in anything, then you become a complete hypocrite.

If he was a true nihilist, the what would be the point in writing a jot about it? You already believe that arguments are eternally flawed.

It's just a completely transparent attempt to shortcut his way into the world's history books of notability by killing himself and pulling the "tortured genius" card.

>> No.1159329

Wasn't that Kirilov in Demons?

>> No.1159337

Just because it is available on a website on the internet doesn't mean that it won't be repressed...

>> No.1159342

His work will be "repressed" alright. Nobody is even going to remember who he was tomorrow.

>> No.1159343


The argument he's making isn't "LOL THERE'S NO PURPOSE". He's saying that there is an irrational (biologically induced) bias against non-being in people's valuation of things. It's in the same vein as Ishmael (the book that inspired that crazy discovery channel gunner). As such, suicide is a useful demonstration.

>> No.1159347

He actually addresses that in the first few pages, maybe you should read what he wrote before you start bashing him.

>> No.1159354

So goes the Age of Warhol.

>> No.1159910
File: 81 KB, 523x478, 1281615355890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1159912


>> No.1159919

Can anyone distill it down to bullet points for me?

>> No.1159942
File: 10 KB, 200x238, mitchel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rage at the entire cosmos for having no ultimate meaning.
tldr: baaaw

>> No.1160147

Eh. Anyone still reading this? I saved it last night to read later.

>> No.1160222

>If the marginal view is most Jewish view, then the most
marginal view for a Jew is in a sense the most Jewish Jewish
view. The attempt towards this kind of self-consistent
Jewishness leads towards empowering the margins of the
Jewish margin.

Holy shit what a terrible author. Can't write for shit. Should have killed himself years ago.

>> No.1160233

This is what evolutionary theory does to people.
It makes them feel insignificant, and so they kill themselves. Modern science is partially to blame for this mess.

>> No.1160244

Well said. Must God saves us all. I love you Jesus Christ.

>> No.1160247


-10000myheadisfullofderp00000 / 10

must try harder

>> No.1160270

I read a little bit of his analysis of Jesus' "You must hate your mother and your father" teachings. He draws from this that the original Christianity was against families in contrast to the family values of Rome and Judea. A lot of christians tip toe around those scriptures and it was interesting to see someone talking about them.

>> No.1160273

Hardly - this is a direct consequence of the evil mind-viruses that are all the Abrahamic religions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are evil forces in the world and their total elimination from history and human awareness would do nothing but good.

>> No.1160300

to put it shortly, -he's a scatterbrained idiot.
to extrapolate: He rants, in the fashion of Huntington, Oswald Spengler and Luttwak, about history and civilisation using terms and quoting passages from several philosophers he didn't have the time to understand.
it is the work of a loner containing quite rediculous far-fetched conclusions fueled by superficial factoids grasped from wikipedia with particular attention to the popular discourse of USA - atheism, the loony fundamentalists, feminism/rape, fun hipster racism and the civil war.
too bad he didn't have a teddy/friend.

>> No.1160312


>is ok with subject/object description
>is not familiar with phenomenology
>rants about philosophy


>> No.1160315

>The Seditious Genius of the Spiritual Penis of Jesus
>How Christianity’s Subversion of
>Kin Selective Altruism Evolved into
>the Modern Idea of Social Progress

>> No.1160316

the same point is addressed by Nietzsche in his Genealogy of Morals.

>> No.1160322

I see a lot of you are treating this as a legitimate piece of literature. Would you recommend reading it?

>> No.1160323

If I ever form a mod band, I now have a resource from which I can pull any number of pretentious album and song titles.

>> No.1160327

>Why the Norman Conquest was the
>World-Historical Ass-Kicking
>that Deflected the English-speaking World
>from the German Path to Nazism


>> No.1160331


fucking historicism how does it work?

>> No.1160349

>Now, if one superimposes the triangular symbol of >the pyramid with its inversion, what do you have? >The Star of David, the symbol of Judaism:
>▲ + ▼ = *

nigga can triforce

>> No.1160421


>> No.1160427


The Norman Conquest meant that a caste system was the form that best preserved the kinship or genetic basis of English order as a whole. A dilution of the English caste system could only be accomplished by diluting the importance of kinship, and thus breaking down the genetic basis of the so-called English “class” system. From this point
of view, the rise of modern individualism was a
formalization of sociobiological degeneration.
The liberal democratic revolution reversed the priorities
of kinship and individualism, unleashing the abstract
individual as the monkeywrench in the gene machine.

The Anglo-Saxons were in a position to take a lead in this revolution because they had failed to preserve the most genetically adaptive way of life usurped by the Norman ruling caste. The modern, liberal Anglo-Saxon emphasis on individual adaptation, change, and freedom is related to failure of the survival of sociobiological organism forms that survived among the Germans.

>> No.1160444

>This work is free and licensed by Mitchell Heisman for
copying and distribution under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
United States License.

big mistake

>> No.1160454



>> No.1160459

You can't do anything with this work but hand it out for free, at least pick a license that allows for publication, because nobody will distribute this for free. Then he says "how the very act of repressing this work..." fuck man, at least leave some options open.

>> No.1160471

i thought the manuscript for the pale king was only 1000 pages

>> No.1160606

little of what he writes is original content, it is mostly copypasta.
>The thing reminds me a bit of the unabomber manifesto...incoherent ramblings of an insane person with small diamonds littered throughout.
has anybody read the Unabomber manifesto? What is it about? Can anybody link it, please?

>> No.1160621


>has anybody read the Unabomber manifesto? >What is it about?

It's anarcho-primivitist garbage.
"Agriculture is bad"; that sort of thing.

>> No.1160631



>> No.1160658

>Barack obama:supernigger

This chapter starts off with, why are we so happy Barack Obama was elected? Then ends with, the elevation of a half-black person contributes to Anglo-Saxon racial pride. But it takes 10 pages.

this part's a little weird but not bad:

>Creating God is the last and greatest goal that the human race is capable. If and when there exists an artificial intelligence greater than all of the greatest philosophers of human history combined, philosophy will quite likely be different because the philosopher will quite likely be different. The AI God
>philosopher is the overcoming of Nietzsche in the overcoming of the conflict between “reason and revelation”.

overall, this is garbage.

last line - terrrrrible
>Is this absurd? If this is absurd then it must also be absurd
that I rage at the entire cosmos for having no ultimate
But there is no reason to be pessimistic. There is no
justification whatsoever for a negative attitude! There is no
justification whatsoever for a positive attitude! There is no
justification whatsoever for a neutral attitude!
Who knows what will happen with certainty? I could be
strolling down the street, being beautiful, on my way to kill
myself, when suddenly I am run over by a bus.
But wait a minute. Why am I doing this? Ah, yes, now I
remember the punchline:
I’ll try anything once!
There is nothing to take seriously!

>> No.1160681

the internet is full of bloggers like that.
spread the word
make them do an hero, anon

>> No.1160790

>This chapter starts off with, why are we so happy Barack Obama was elected? Then ends with, the elevation of a half-black person contributes to Anglo-Saxon racial pride. But it takes 10 pages.
he's pretty much fixed on viking cock throughout the book

>> No.1161242

up you go!

>> No.1161264

He should have sent it to a fucking editor before he offed himself. I tried reading it in a few points, but he never manages to finish anything he's talking about. He gets about half way into a topic and starts going on about some other shit. If he has the gall to make a 1900 page suicide note he should have at least worked on making it readable/entertaining.

>> No.1161271 [DELETED] 

>He should have sent it to a fucking editor before he offed himself.
indeed! he had nothing to lose. i'd have made a cookie out of it and i'd even have gladly help him to go for a little fee.

>> No.1161281

jesus trolls ITT, or is /lit/ crawling with pseudo-intellectual christians. "If you accept anything written by Darwin or Nietzsche you have to kill yourself lol" etc.

>> No.1161281,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're a fucking mongoloid.

>> No.1161281,2 [INTERNAL] 

>"Everyone but me is stupid!"
