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11582838 No.11582838 [Reply] [Original]

how do I stop being so insecure about my intelligence? I dont think I had this problem before I came to 4chan

>> No.11582857

Why exactly do you care about your intelligence?

>> No.11582859

Would you prefer you children have an IQ of 85 or 140?

>> No.11582865

If I were 85 IQ I probably wouldn't care and just fuck. If I were 140 IQ I would be fine having kids. If I were 100 IQ i'd be average. I see no problem with that. Besides, be real, you're on 4chan. When are you going to have children?

>> No.11582869


This: >>11582857

And also learn or simply learn to express humility. E. g. listen to others and ask questions, sincere questions, not gotcha questions. Free yourself from the burden of being already decided on everything, and listen to what others say. They may be wrong most of the time, even then you can learn from them in aggregate, like you could learn where people tend to be wrong and what fallacies they commit.

>> No.11582871

Reaching success is not all about intelligence even though its a big part of it. Realise that there is little you can do about increasing your intelligence since it is mostly genetic, but realise also that there is a lot you can do about your current self-discipline and work ethic.

>> No.11582872

Realize that intelligence is tied to genetics like every other attribute of ours and that you just have to deal with what you've got. No point in crying over the universe's spilled milk.

>> No.11582884

cheat on yo IQ test and score 98 and tell everyone you scored 98/100 on the test n that means you got a A+ on the IQ test and you r super intelligent. boom! u no longer insecure, you outsecure

>> No.11582889


>> No.11582890

Read about the lives of brilliant researchers who got fucked by life.

Study logic, geometry, algebra and arithmetic.

>> No.11582891

Judging by your post they're going to be stuck with 85.


>> No.11582899
File: 35 KB, 600x600, groyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what I do, and delude yourself into believing you're 130+ without having the balls to actually take a real IQ test.

>> No.11582902

>that one internet iq test once gave me 130+
See you later retards

>> No.11582906

Become the Eternal Pseud, embrace it. Only a handful of people will be able to see through your deception anyway.

>> No.11582907

This is true but also missing a whole other angle. Raw brainpower aside, you can feel sharper or duller, more or less attentive based on your mood and on your body. If you increase physical well-being and emotional well-being, your mind will be clearer. Meditation also helps make the mind clearer. Finally, sheer will-power in making yourself learn new things, read books, etc also helps. A 180 IQ is not much help if you’re addicted to video games and TV and can’t bother picking up a book.

>> No.11582908

Don't worry, that means you're IQ is at least 120.

>> No.11582911

As someone who would normally be considered "intelligent" (well-read, educated, high IQ, academically success) I struggled with this to the point that I had to get therapy because of low self-esteem and accompanying complexes and issues. All I can say here is: once you decide to compete on intelligence --- better school grades, wider vocabulary, more knowledge --- and make everything about *appearing* intelligent, you're going to live a miserable life.

>> No.11582914

Stephen Hawking once said that he thinks IQ is overrated.

Then again he was Stephen Hawking...

>> No.11582915
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>> No.11582917

Not that you're wrong, but consider acquiring basic literacy first.

>> No.11582948

I think it definitely has to do with how we're raised as well. It takes a certain confidence to push yourself and endure the pain the constant ambiguity required to discover truth.

>> No.11582951

Hilarious. I bet you're sitting there with that smug "I like the smell of my own farts" look on your face, proud of your wit. "Acquire basic literacy" - oh, how ironic. You mongoloid.

>> No.11582957

damn nig, relax. S'all good. Just learn to English is all.

>> No.11582960

You got trolled, bucko ;)

>> No.11582964

meanwhile he never got laid once

>> No.11582976


Just accept that there are going to be loads of people that are smarter than you. And even people that are dumber are going to know a lot of things you don't know anyway.

>> No.11582984

OP here. I just want to clarify that I didn't mean that I was uncomfortable with people being smarter than me, it's just that I always feel like I have to prove to everyone, both smart people and dumb people alike, that I am smart too. I have a big chip on my shoulder and it's really burdensome

>> No.11582991

Well in that case I would say just be yourself

>> No.11582997

>No point in crying over the universe's spilled milk.

Did you came out with that? Do you mind if I steal it?

>> No.11583002

No, it's the kind of metaphor that'll compliment your command of grammar nicely.

>> No.11583017

but the problem with that is my real self is also actually obnoxious too

>> No.11583052
File: 38 KB, 659x525, smart apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop giving a fuck about things outside of your control. intelligence is as out of your control as your dick size and height are, granted neither of those things holds as much influence over your capacity for financial and intellectual achievement, but there is such a thing as willpower, work ethic, attitude and they count for just as much if not more than raw aptitude. when you frequent a website with as pathological an attitude towards intelligence as this one, you're going to become insecure and start to believe that all the other qualities becoming of a successful person are unimportant, but just remember that they are important. you should not allow your limitations to imprison you, but not be so vain as to think you can disregard and live your life in spite of them, because that doesn't work either. try to find a happy medium between i can do this, and i can't do this.

>> No.11583053

Honestly, this. I'm "that guy" who always picks debates and asks too many questions, not even out of a desire to show off or prove something, but just on automatic because I enjoy it. Do I still b myself or is this something that needs to change? Never got a good resolution to this problem.

>> No.11583119

It's all yours, friend ;)

>> No.11583140

>A 180 IQ is not much help if you’re addicted to video games and TV and can’t bother picking up a book.
Is this what addicts tell themselves to sleep better?

>> No.11583339

People don't actually care