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1157369 No.1157369 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, is The Catcher in the Rye really that good a book? It did only become famous as it is today because it had excessive swearing including the word "fuck" in it and not giving it such a happy end.

>> No.1157376

>It did only become famous as it is today because it had excessive swearing including the word "fuck" in it and not giving it such a happy end.

I think youll love it OP

>> No.1157382

It is a good book, it is not as good as one might be lead to expect from all of the hype (which is not as much as most bitter high school students would take it to be from being forced to read it), it did not become famous for using fuck and having an unhappy end, unpleasant language and unhappiness have been around for quite some time now, even in literature

>> No.1157384


Fuck was only used once.

>> No.1157402

It's well written, everyone age 13-18 should read it. It's a bit of anti-idealism that everyone feels in teenage years.

>> No.1157406

>It's a bit of anti-idealism that everyone feels in teenage years
no please stop this. teen angst is as fictional as the hipster sub-culture.

>> No.1157497

Meet the new trip, same as the old trip!
Seriously you're dumb.

>> No.1157503

Why so angsty bro?

>> No.1157506

i'm trying to be nicer now. i was just saying.

burden of proof, no?

>> No.1157511

burden of proof is a lovely little meta-epistemological claim that has yet to be validated

>> No.1157519

it takes more effort for me to prove something isn't true if I don't know why he thinks it is.

>> No.1157529

okey meng -- is not validation tho

>> No.1157542

think i should become a MSc or a Meng broski?

>> No.1157553

>make obviously antagonistic claim that teen-angst isn't real
>get called antagonistic/angsty
>makes argument for burden of proof of self-angst
>already hypocritically has the burden of proof for initial claim of teen-angst being fictional

burden of proof yourself, broseph

>> No.1157564

no not self-angst.

we were discussing whether teen-angst is real or not. why do you think it's real? everyone gets angsty not specifically teens.

>> No.1157565

My theory is that catcher in the rye made up teen angst.
See, it was made in the time when optimism was flowing, the most popular movie was singing in the rain, batman danced the batdance and Fonzie rolled through the streets.

Now days he justs looks like another emo kid who thinks he's so edgy because he's too stupid to pass highschool.

>> No.1157577

It wasn't terrible or anything, but it's not worth hype. My favorite thing about the book is how frequently it's banned in schools, which is amusingly ironic.

>> No.1157579
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I think you got it.

>> No.1157590

The only people who experience angst are teens and those who never grew out of their teens.

>> No.1157598

so you're stretching the age of a "teen" to a wider range just so you can say that only teens are angsty?

What about people who never got angsty? Were they born adults? Still children?

>> No.1157599

Also, the only people who actually believe the hipster sub-culture doesn't exist are hipsters themselves and people who never get off of 4chan and actually socialize.

>> No.1157605

are you implying kids cant do angst?

>> No.1157606
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>The only people who experience angst are teens and those who never grew out of their teens.

>> No.1157608

>What about people who never got angsty?
They don't exist or they're autistic.

>so you're stretching the age of a "teen"
No, you're stretching the meaning of "maturity" into "age"

>> No.1157622

what is a "hipster" then?

>They don't exist or they're autistic
sounds like you're the one that needs to meet more people.

people don't just naturally become depressed in their world-views from around 12-17.

>> No.1157631

>They don't exist or they're autistic.
>has never read Coming of Age in Samoa

>> No.1157633

It's good if you're 15

>> No.1157635

12 is not a teen, and the teens do not end at 17. You can believe what you want. I believe you're an angsty teen trying to excuse yourself from condescension from adults.

I don't have the time to go into hipsterism. I have to get ready and leave for work now :(

>> No.1157637

this post sounds like a moan of defeat to me...

>> No.1157642

angst isn't depression in world-views, you're confusing existential-angst with teenage-angst I think. It's not your fault, it's just a misunderstanding of qualifiers.

Catcher is more about the dictionary definition of angst: " : a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity <teenage angst> " (From Merriam-Webster)

as opposed to existential-angst: " Kierkegaard used the word Angest (in common Danish, angst, meaning "dread" or "anxiety") to describe a profound and deep-seated spiritual condition of insecurity and fear in the free human being." (From Wikipedia)

One concerns the characteristic teenage insecurities and anxieties felt by pretty much everyone during the teenage years, while the other concerns the concerns and anxieties of those who contemplate the meaning of existence, etc.

Just trying to clarify, as I don't think you're unintelligent, I just think we were arguing about two different things.

>> No.1157661

>Catcher is more about the dictionary definition of angst: " : a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity <teenage angst> " (From Merriam-Webster)
I've not read Catcher or really seen a real-life example of this either & that definition doesn't really help me imagine it. Anxiety about what? The only thing I see teens "angsty"about is fitting in & it's only a minority that feels that way, & that's more to do with the high school structure than simply being an age thing.

>> No.1157698

it's not a BAD book, its not a GREAT book either, but it sure a as hell worth a reading book.