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11571910 No.11571910 [Reply] [Original]

>be a native spanish speaker
>retard gringo author misspells a spanish word

>> No.11571974

>one chance at life
>born a shitskin

>> No.11571993

>every spanish speaker is dark skinned
the state of /lit/

>> No.11572003

>uses gringo unironically
>isn't a shitskin

>> No.11572017

>feels offended by a colloquial term on 4chan
>immediately calls me a "shitskin"
you're weak

>> No.11572029

what's the essential /spanishcore/ senpai

>> No.11572042

Not him fagola.

>> No.11572050

then why mess with the comment chain, bitch.

>> No.11572189

Aj carambo

>> No.11572221

Hay, carumba!

>> No.11572229

Oy, corimba!

>> No.11572259

He said that he was a native spanish speaker, not that he was born as an american.

>> No.11572323

Estupido ranaposteador

>> No.11572334

That’s not our fault...

Honestly, stupidity these days

>> No.11572343

>having the reading comprehension of a five year old
of course you're american.

>> No.11572344


>> No.11572360

No you misunderstood the original poster. He’s blaming him for being born a Spaniard or Mexican, meanwhile he could have been born a white American.

That guy is a fucking idiot, people act like you don’t have a choice as to what you’re born as

>> No.11572372

No, he's calling Americans shitskins.

>> No.11572389

>being born any color other than white
You must have an IQ of under 80

>> No.11572405

>human skin pigmentation is binary
only faggots unironically care about IQ, and you sound like a pillow biter so I guess it fits.

>> No.11572464

I just said anything other than white, there are lots of different races other than white you moron, go culturally enrich yourself in a library, there are other countries than the one you’re living in

>> No.11572492

You're acting like "White" is a monoblock thing. Only in Murica this is the case.

>> No.11572685

>white American
no such thing

>> No.11572698

Only because Europeans are actually gay
I’m trolling anyway. It isn’t anyone’s fault whose race they are, it’s their fault how they act, and despite all the stupid racists and mysogynists on this board, if you are just a good person overall, it will turn out well for your life

>> No.11572759

I will just say "conchetumare puta pa que venis a /lit/ a escribir weas, pero con amor" and I'll leave

>> No.11572772


Start with the Castillans

>> No.11572776

I hate mexicans

>> No.11572797

I hate you, too, mong.

>> No.11572811

yeah, just keep coming here then, indio

>> No.11572816

but you're Chilean, you're sometimes worse than Anglos when it comes to Spanish.

>> No.11572838

I'm not there but we will continue to invade your country.

>> No.11572863

Yeah, I'm chilean but I wast just joking, only "flaytes" speak that way.

>> No.11572887

>I'm not there but we will continue to risk our very lives to scratch around in the dust for pennies so you can have cheap food*

>> No.11572893

But native speakers misspell words all the time.

>> No.11572896

Even better, we get rid of the weak and the social scum and you have cheap food, win-win.

>> No.11572907

We're talking *published texts* here, not facebook. Books that already passed by the editor's desk and still have errors.

>> No.11572937

That seems like more the editor's fault than the author's.

>> No.11573002

Why would you expect a Spic to know that?

>> No.11573028

You're all acting like authors are retarded babies. When inf fact they're the ones making the mistake in the first place, add to that an ignorant editor and you're in for a treat.

>> No.11573246

you speak mexican you retard.

>> No.11573549

All Spanish is mispelled Latin.

>> No.11573580

It deviated so much that it became its own thing, though.

>> No.11574095

Why are you faggots so pretentious?

>> No.11574126

We aren't.

>> No.11574164

Who's gonna stop him, faggot?

>> No.11574166

Cool story, Mohamed.

>> No.11574179

but isn't "gringo" used mainly by dark-skinned Latin Americans?

>> No.11574220

gringo is mexican't speech, fuck off you negroid.

>> No.11574226

>race is only skin deep

>> No.11574235

lmao you niggas can't even tell the difference between a b and a v like why would anyone care about your spelling lol

>> No.11574237

Me pueden comer la polla, gringos.

>> No.11574247
File: 27 KB, 420x343, unamuno_miguel_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this nigga

>> No.11574249 [DELETED] 

It's the same as "kiwi" for Australians, just colloquial speech.

I'm not Black, sorry.

Never claimed that, he implied it.

>> No.11574266

no. where did you get that from?

>> No.11574267

>tries to apply his native language's rules to a foreign language
ridiculous, btw you sound like a nigger

>> No.11574271

boy these gringos sure are mad

>> No.11574281

Stop pretending not to be a fucking indio, gringo means "greengo", if you used it it means two things, you are a butthurt mexican't/chicano or an indio/white (pretending to be black which is equally disgusting).

>> No.11574284

It's the same as "kiwi" for New Zealanders, just colloquial speech.

I'm not Black, sorry.

Never claimed that, he implied it.

>> No.11574291

>words and their usage dont change over time

>> No.11574297

>gringo means "greengo"
Yeah Spanish speakers using English words to form a Spanish term? Makes no sense, nobody knows the exact etymology.
>you are a butthurt mexican't/chicano or an indio/white (pretending to be black which is equally disgusting).
So I'm everything? Good to know lol

>> No.11574315

Indios have a warped view of how americ* works (they believe they are white in any form), so they express their inferiority complex by saying "gringo", many words exist for them that are better than that indio babble, yank, negroids, jewish slaves, but of course you are so fucking stupid or just evading that you will pretend to not understand, you are not worth engaging and I'm leaving this thread.

>> No.11574329

adiós gringo

>> No.11574333


>> No.11574347

you are implying that gringo means something bad. at least in my country (S.A.) it just means "foreigner"

>> No.11574348

Why even have two seperate letters if they sound the same? They also have to fuck it up every time. As a rule of thumb: If it's spelt v in Latin it becomes a b in Spanish and vice versa.

>> No.11574377
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>how dare they have colloquial terms for muh nationality! how dare they have their own language! them indios crossing muh border, build da wall MAGA

>> No.11574383

>Why even have two seperate letters if they sound the same?
You can't be this retarded, can you?

>> No.11574422

mexicans can go to hell, ugly as fuck, smells like shit and they´re a bunch of human waste

>> No.11574426


>> No.11574498

he is writing for other 'gringos', even if it is not spelt right it is correct for them.

also, even when sudaca spanish is right it is still wrong.

>> No.11574549

>be aztec descendant
>steal spanish to larp as white people
>now spanish is associated with shit because stupid mexicans
thanks a lot fuckers
>be a native spanish speaker
>see mexican

>> No.11574575

I'm sorry, Juan, but Spain is a shithole, too and always has been seen as such.

>> No.11574583

An entire continent dislikes you and your variety of Spanish.

>> No.11574592

good post. fucking indios/mestizos/pardos, etc. disgusting. spain and portugal made a mistake and should've genocided harder.

>> No.11574593

Just the brown ones.

>> No.11574619

Nothing funnier than brown on brown racism.

>> No.11574625

meditarranean brown > disgusting indio brown

>> No.11574638

Nothing funnier than an american't thinking it is white.

>> No.11574866
File: 180 KB, 796x1600, 1532259277329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Properly speaking, Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, and some others such as southern Frenchmen, etc. are not "white." The Southern Europeans have their own unique racial makeup and could more properly be called "Mediterranean." This idea was developed around the same time as Nazi racial theories were advanced, excluding Southern Europeans as white. The Southerners reacted by proclaiming themselves non-white, but superior to the Northern Europeans. This is "Mediterraneanism." I'm Spanish and I agree with this assessment. Southern Europeans have though absorbed a significant amount of North Europeans into their population and so things can be a bit fuzzy. Nonetheless, Mediterranean civilization is without a doubt one of the greatest the earth has ever seen. The blend of Southern and Northern European components is peak civilization though, many examples testify to this such as the Holy Roman Empire.

>> No.11574881

By the way, pictured in this painting is a Mediterranean warrior that has kidnapped a Northern barbarian woman and will soon pump her with many, many babies. Nords have suffered from this cuckoldry for many ages.

>> No.11574890

>Anon mentions he's from a Spanish-speaking background
>Racism and negativity ensue
>Hardcore racial post are thrown in
>History and anthropology bla bla

>> No.11574904

based (and redpilled) spaintards

>> No.11574982

Illiterate. Every single one of you.

>> No.11574997
File: 192 KB, 800x1200, 1522811586302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I find this phenomenon to be really indicative of the underlying sentiments of the Anglo user base. Not even when the user admits to being jewish, arab, or a nigger is the reaction as visceral and long lasting, it usually limits to a snide comment and then the topic of discussion just resumes as expected, threads that try to mention the use of spanish in literature (or not even that, the sole mention spanish as a native tongue by OP), quickly devolves into a shitstorm and never recover.

Why does being a native spanish speaker implies his heritage is mestizo? Its perfectly reasonable to speculate his parents could be from any race, and they could've moved to such a country to exploit job opportunities, this being the case of my particular family.

Ultimately, why does it matter? I never, ever see this subject being brought up when discussion the works of established south american / spanish authors like Borges of Cervantes.

>> No.11575007

yeah, Americans can barely speak English, I'm asking too much from them by wanting basic Spanish words spelled correctly in an English book.

>> No.11575073

I think it's because most of the userbase is American, and in their lively ignorance, Spanish speaker=Mexican. And they have a strong dislike for Mexicans for some reason. maybe it's the political climate or maybe it's something historical. Now, Hispanics, unlike Blacks or Jews, have stronger ties to their native countries, their cultures (read: body of literature and art) are also tied to their national image (US Blacks have no national identity). This fact challenges the American ego. As well the idea that someone who's native tongue is not English is discussing English stuff.

>> No.11575089

>Anglo user base
*American. I associate Spanish, funnily enough, with Spain

>> No.11576116

>yes, I find this phenomenon to be really indicative of the underlying sentiments of the Anglo user base. Not even when the user admits to being jewish, arab, or a nigger is the reaction as visceral and long lasting, it usually limits to a snide comment and then the topic of discussion just resumes as expected, threads that try to mention the use of spanish in literature (or not even that, the sole mention spanish as a native tongue by OP), quickly devolves into a shitstorm and never recover.
>Why does being a native spanish speaker implies his heritage is mestizo? Its perfectly reasonable to speculate his parents could be from any race, and they could've moved to such a country to exploit job opportunities, this being the case of my particular family.
>Ultimately, why does it matter? I never, ever see this subject being brought up when discussion the works of established south american / spanish authors like Borges of Cervantes.
ya but not all sentiments are the same

>> No.11576124

>one chance at life
>born a whiteboi pussy in the 21st century

I give you guys respect for the past, but contempory whiteys are pathetic. I enjoy fucking your women

>> No.11576130

I'm not the spic dude, but gringo is pretty much used in all of latin america, not just Mexico.
Pretty common in Brazil.

>> No.11576170

>only “flaytes” speak that way
imagine having this level of siutiquería, yikes

>> No.11576188

What the hell does that mean? Google is giving me nothing.

>> No.11576191
File: 148 KB, 750x492, AB0300B3-9333-4151-8920-E7F8D517865E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11576194

>lives in Latin America
>not even raza cósmica
stay plen, werito

>> No.11576204

Thanks, other true Americans reading this can know it's Chilean slang for a
1. [person] That pretends to be fine, elegant and distinguished but it tends to be ridiculous, distasteful or pretentious.
2. [garment] Which is ridiculous or inelegant.

>> No.11576222

I feel like the Latin American idealist intellectuals of the 20's and 30's have been used as bludgeons in the conservative media and conservative circles on the internet-- it makes no sense.
Like, they were all swept up in their own little coming of national age at those times from my understanding and of course they would be borrowing from the modernists of the 20's in the American and British world

>> No.11576232

man I love this word

>> No.11576235

From Wojciech Cejrowski's book "Gringo among the wild tribes"