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11569482 No.11569482[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Atheists should have a special star on their posts so we know who to ignore.

>> No.11569500

State your religion so we can make fun of you anon.

>> No.11569507
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Christian, obviously.

>> No.11569511

>le double bait XD

>> No.11569527
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It's not bait, it would change the dynamic of all posts and create a better atmosphere on 4chan

>> No.11569531

I dont know if I should join in on the atheist witch hunt as a joke, tell you im an atheist outright or ask if you're a nazi and I think that's what truly constitutes a great post.

>> No.11569532

Why did God let so many priests sexually abuse children anon? Why does he allow so many people do die horribly every day? Why don’t we see any grand miracles like in the Bible anymore?

>> No.11569536

Why would he, he has read stirner's before he even existed.

>> No.11569556
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just like dem joos

>> No.11569558

He's a personal God. Do you understand how that means there is no uniformity of morality?

Do you understand what sin is?

>> No.11569561

Oh are Athiests worried about being ignored? Are you still that immature?

>> No.11569562
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>Why did God let so many priests sexually abuse children anon?
Because it would violate our freedom to force us to be good.
>Why does he allow so many people do die horribly every day?
Death is not a bad thing if you aren't a materialist.
>Why don’t we see any grand miracles like in the Bible anymore?
They do.

>> No.11569576

>I can't handle criticism of my special snowflake beliefs, and so I just ignore it.

>> No.11569623

What? Your words smell like hornet spray by your breath that sends the ladies away.

It's more like they try to talk about philsophy when they have no authority for the moral decisions. And I rather not read stupid propositions by brainlet athiests.

>> No.11569632

This but unironically

>> No.11569635

I agree but it'd be to know who actually isn't retarded as opposed to those who think that they have souls and that these are immortal and they are going to walk streets of gold with their loved one for all eternity (kek)

>> No.11569641

>I can't even spell the word "atheists" correctly.
Typical brainlet christstain.

>> No.11569657

You don't even understand the idea of Heaven and yet you life.

Like iron pottery folks

>> No.11569660

>militant atheism
>devoid of autism

>> No.11569671
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x772, 1533270889362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. I was a lost young man—a casualty of LIBERALISM—and I realised that I had to become a Conservative and a Christian if I wanted to save society. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, okay?). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw a /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and follies of Pride. I read St Augustine’s Confessions and I CRIED. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are going to hell) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board! and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, maybe one day I will be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that my belief is merely a reactionary façade to distinguish me from the LIBTARDS. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.11569682

Me Unironically

>> No.11569690


>> No.11569704

Don't force this meme

>> No.11569709

Morals are not subjugated to the will of the self.

>> No.11569855

I agree… if that star is shaped like shuriken to symbolize the sharpness of my thought.

>> No.11569890
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>> No.11569907

If someone tells me their are atheist I legit stop caring about anything they say

>> No.11569914

What do you mean? It isn't all an accident and coincidence?

>> No.11569918

This anon gets it.
I tried simplifying this concept down to communicate it but the only way I could do it was through dialogues.

t. Plato

>> No.11569919

jews in hollywood abuse more kids than the catholic church
jews also run the catholic church

>> No.11569922


>> No.11569927
File: 64 KB, 630x750, mooney1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.11570025

The amount of variance on that chart is insane, and 90% of the countries are in the right half of the graph. You could write a book on how to make a pseuds panties wet with a graph that says fuck all

>> No.11570038

Underrated post

ESP the last part tvqhwyfam

>> No.11570045
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>a correlation with r-squared>0.8 and p<0.01 is bad because I don't like the graph

>> No.11570059

god likes letting people get raped genesis 19:8 also judges 19 where a man sends his concubine to be gang raped and then cuts her body in 12 pieces and sends one to each if the 12 tribes of israel

>> No.11570073

not even him but dismissing his argument because of a minor typo isn't really becoming of a fedora-tipping intellectual like yourself

>> No.11570077

Let St Clare guide you!

Seriously though, look up her Eucharistic Miracle in case you aren't aware of it. It's badass

>> No.11570087

I’m a Muslim but God bless

>> No.11570088

Free will

>> No.11570093 [DELETED] 

poo and shit>>11569500
motherfucker pissy pants shit fuck piss poo poo poo poo

>> No.11570096


>> No.11570101

This is the Atheist as he truly is: take notes people, we’ve broke him

>> No.11570109 [DELETED] 

>>>11570093 (You)
im a fuckin jew

>> No.11570111

Same difference

>> No.11570112

Of course, we are all brothers and sisters in God.


>> No.11570119
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>> No.11570291

>Because it would violate our freedom to force us to be good.
I sure am glad the government doesn't value people's freedom to commit rape as much as God does.

>> No.11570300
File: 707 KB, 768x768, 925FAFC1-55CA-4330-8DE6-AAB866CCED90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians should be shadowbanned upon posting

>> No.11570316
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>> No.11570330
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I bet you are

>> No.11570335 [DELETED] 

stirner was Xtian

>> No.11570348
File: 21 KB, 650x365, 8c9f4cd2fb644a106d606e65e68a0736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they say our free speech isnt being culled

>> No.11570356

Honestly it wouldn't be that much of a problem if it was.

>> No.11570365

>trust me guys god says fucking kids is okay
based and redpilled

>> No.11570412

>thinks God doesn't judge your misdoings


>> No.11570415 [DELETED] 



>> No.11570416

this is my new favorite pasta by far

>> No.11570558

go back

>> No.11570596

You were already btfo in the last thread

>> No.11570945

Stop with this fucking pasta it's unironically tiring to even see it

>> No.11570964

Religion doesnt add anything to prose

>> No.11570969

Free will and for the sake of fairness.

>> No.11570976

The only thing wrong with any of this is the /pol/ gibberish

>> No.11570983

women and niggers too

>> No.11571171
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Because he wants you to fear him.

>> No.11571178


>> No.11571193


>> No.11571195

>He hasn't read Schopenhauer to reconcile himself with religion on a deeper level

Don't kill yourself, there is still much for you to do.

>> No.11571261

>can't detect an atheist after reading one sentence

Not going to make it bro

>> No.11571264


>> No.11571267

because it is our duty to clean this earth, not God's

>> No.11571313

Oh but it's easy to identify both atheists and theists, OP.
Christian's arguments sound delusional, fallacious and like they are trying to cope.
Atheists' arguments sound the opposite. So see? No need for stars

>> No.11571997

What's my belief then?