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11568795 No.11568795 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11568823


Dragons arguing

>> No.11568850

Fuck you.

>> No.11568854


>> No.11568867

Arguing dragons

>> No.11568895

Restaurant owner receives shipment of shaving cream instead of whipped cream on the day he’s supposed to serve dessert to the king.

>> No.11568931


>> No.11569031

A story begins and then it ends

>> No.11569191

A fantasy about a mystical weapon, a kingdom in peril and an epic journey to kill the evil Necromancer.
But the MC is female.

>> No.11569383

Gay. The female heroine market is currently oversaturated and not even that good.

>> No.11569390

A man BRAAAPPPS and his shit becometh alive

>> No.11569404

Guy sees a lost dog poster and finds dog in a sketchy backyard, assuming it was kidnapped, and retrieves it but ends up actually kidnapping the dog because the lost dog signs were old and never taken down because who remembers to take down old signs and the cops and an array of characters are now after him and he has a sidekick who is a little fat kid with a bowl cut and he doesn't talk

>> No.11569418

A illegal immigrant runs from the law in new york as he trys to find work as a victim of both the underground and the laws of the country. His family in Mexico is indebted to a drug cartel that saves him from a local gangs' thuggery and are being held hostage until he delivers a large amount of cocaine to a drop location at the end of the month. He loses the cocaine and his fake ID within the first week of being in the city being physically attacked and robbed by a roval drug ring. He needs to find a way to make enough money to get 1kg of coke to be delivered by the end of the month or his family will be killed.

>> No.11569493

A millionaire finds a rift in reality that takes him to a planet of humanoid aliens where he must stop a rebellion group from overthrowing the current government if he wants to go home.

>> No.11569522

why a millionaire?

>> No.11569529

A black man rapes a girl.

>> No.11569543


>> No.11569601


>> No.11569611

I had an idea for a novel where all of the psychiatrists and therapists across a city or state just sort of make a pact to start playing headgames with their patients, and they start to horribly fuck people up to the escalation point of their patients committing huge crimes. It would be a kind of black comedy/thriller type thing.

>> No.11569748

A recently married couple learn that they're having a baby, and the woman struggles with doubts in her ability to be a good mother.

>> No.11569850

a rabbi struggles with circumcision and repeatedly mangles jewish baby penises

>> No.11570725
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A pathetic NEET is hit by a bolt of lightning one sunday afternoon and suddenly has superintelligence. One of his first realisations is that 'love does not exist' so he dumps his gf. Initially he wants to help the world: he cures cancer, gets rid of the smog so people can see the beautiful stars of the galaxies in cities again, and massively reduces pollution. But he becomes redpilled and sees that the world will only survive under a totalitarian regime, because otherwise we would eventually nuke ourselves. He also sees that overpopulation is killing the planet and he must stop that too.

He begins manufacturing deadly diseases and covertly inserting them into the world, a second Black Death wipes out 33% of the population. While this is going on he manufactures AI, and gets an AI gf who is perfect because she will always be loyal and her love is undying. He uses his AI to create a self-replicating robot army, and launches his invasion against the planet.

To win, he must conduct various surprise attacks to catch the countries of the world off-guard. He wipes out each nuclear missle silo, blows up California, destroys the eastern coast of China and sinks Britain into the water.

The governments of the world surrender. He becomes known as the 'Administrator' of mankind. He infects the water so that people can't have babies anymore unless they get the vaccine he has made. He decides to only let about 10,000,000 people have the vaccine, so the vast majority of mankind will depopulate from earth.

With billions killed and billions sterilised, and because he is hated by everyone, he becomes a recluse. He only talks with his AI gf, and after many cyborg modications to his enhance with body and grant him with eternal life, he wonders if he is really human anymore.

>> No.11571538

Yeah but my MC is a massive slut.

>> No.11571550

Interesting idea. Go on anon, develop more I think it should be unknown to the reader, that they are conspiring against the mentally ill.

Also, what would legitimize the attempt of subverting such scrutinized practices?

I mean, you dont get to make your reader believe that everyone just thought it would be fun to fuck around with some pathological patients.

What is your legitimacy?

>> No.11571552

debased and bluepilled

>> No.11571566

>50 shades of anons self insert

Boomer, yuck

>> No.11571587

A man's life is destroyed when his wife gets into a car accident rendering her a vegetable. In order to afford a medical procedure to allow her to regain motor functions, he agrees to be a subject in a radical experiment wherein the right half of his body will be cut off and replaced with a synthetic (yet extremely humanlike) body-half.

The surgery goes well, but he suffers amnesia as a symptom due to the brain surgery necessary to cut the whole right side of his body off. While not yet remembering his wife (who is recovering quickly) he finds himself smitten with his 24/7 nurse/physical trainer. She has mixed emotions concerning his advances but over the weeks he eventually begins to win her over. Deep down, she knows the truth concerning him though, and she would not have allowed a romance to blossom if things were different.

They are in love, but she must desperately hide the truth from him in order to preserve it. She can only hide it for so long though, and the truth eventually is let loose. He remembers that he has a wife, and he will try to go to her. But he will only find pain and suffering there as he realizes his right half wasn't just cut off. It too was given a synthetic humanlike half. It lives happily with its wife and now young baby on the way.

He is devastated, but even more so confused. Why is he conscious as this body and not that one? He remembers being conscious before, as one brain. And now he is conscious as one half-brain. But why this brain? Why this and not that? Why me and not you?

>> No.11571612

Made me chuckle

You had me until the female part

HBO tier

Seems kafkaesque

I like the idea of a superintelligent neet, just cut out the existential nihilism and it could be a winning concept, sir.

>> No.11571805

Stitches goes back in time and performs his Molly Cyrus song to Pope Leo who is enthralled by its Germanic vulgarity and by Stitches' arrogance in claiming his bestial mercantilism wholly redeems his bestial hedonism - the perfect Catholic.


>> No.11572140

Yes but like I said, instead of the strong willed, independent female shit that is flooding the market today, my MC will be a dumb whore who only surpasses her obstacles by getting her tits out, sucking dick and relying on men to fight her battles. Its an epic fantasy but with a underlying truth: dont send a ho to do a bro job.

>> No.11572289

My novel idea is the story of an undercover man in the Templar order. Due to the murder of his parents by the Templar organisation 15 years ago he has developped over the years a deep hate for Templars and religion. His aim is to stop this organisation by killing it from the inside. He would make ennemis and friends during his adventure, he would reconsider himself, his actions and his point of view of good and evil and what the religion is.

>> No.11572309

>Does massive genocides and crimes against humanity for utilitarian purposes
>Prefers robot pussy rather than a flesh one
>A-Am still human
Kek,good concept nonetheless

>> No.11573781

assassin's creed rogue?

>> No.11573818

Its like Eyes Wide Shut but from a female perspective

>> No.11573831
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Not a novel idea, but I want to do a short story about a shut-in who gets added by a female friend of a friend on Goodreads who proceeds to enter into what he thinks as an epic romance with her through what they read, what they shelve, how quickly they read, etc. He spends weeks sat alone in his room, reading books he doesn't like in a dark corner just so he can post it on Goodreads and continue their "dialogue," their "dance."

I haven't decided whether he discovers that she doesn't even know who he is, or if she's actually in love with him. I'm leaning towards a surrealist angle where it's only at the bottom of the rabbit hole that he meets her so his entire narration of the meeting is unreliable, so I can focus more on his experience of going off the deep end with her.

>> No.11573841

sartre tapir

>> No.11573850

A girl picks mushrooms in the woods

>> No.11573880

a space program is trying to decide which one of their astronauts to send into space. a few heated debates later, they finally come to a decision and send one of the more arrogant but obstinate personalities. it's then revealed to one of the other astronauts that the rocket was purposefully tampered with, and he looks on in horror as he tries to alert the other workers that the rocket will explode, but to no avail, and the chosen cadet with differing opinions dies before leaving the atmosphere.

>> No.11573889
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A writer is walking to a publishing house to propose his new book on the Scottish highlands, on his way he encounters an LGBT parade, he comments on how society is messed up and appears extremely homophobic, afterwards he enters the publishers, they apologise and tell him they are only looking for LGBT literature and decline him. Dejected he exits the publishing house and his boyfriend arrives in a car to pick him up.

>> No.11574109

Gay sex. Unironically, I am writing a novel about gay sex.

>> No.11574142 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 341x341, 544275ce-b432-457c-a199-6a6149b35e0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people do it? How do they get up every single day and write and think to themselves, "yes, I'm going to upload/publish this" and believe that their writing alone is going to matter to other people, that other people will actually care about reading it? I'm so scared to start. I have no online presence, no social clout, it would be highly unlikely anyone would find what I write, let alone want to read what I have to offer. I'm so focused on the goal of success that I've lost the passion for telling stories inside of me. I just don't see myself making it anymore.

>> No.11574197

Embed that feeling into your writing anon. If you do it well enough it will connect with the hordes of other people online who feel the same way.

>> No.11574812

after trying to live his own life for a spell , Eliezer, 25, came back home and got hired by the hassidic community he came from; it's the only kind of job he can do since having just studied the torah at school like everyone else he is unfit for the job market. While cleaning the sauna he notices shit in the corner and remembers being molested by a rabbi in there when he was 11. It's not too difficult for him to figure out what kids are getting molested right now , he tries to alert the medias by suing the government for 4 million dolalrs for the anti-semitic crime of letting down the kids of his community left unprotected , isolated and unfit to live in society.

>> No.11574859

after 2 news cycles everybody have forgotten about it . he spend the rest of his life on wellfare with his gf and whomever bother to pay attention to what he mumbles on the bus or on the street can hear him rant to himself that the whole society is anti-semitic.

>> No.11574873

There's this guy (not me I swear!) who like wants to be a writer and he's not very good but it's also from his point of view so that I can excuse all of my shortcomings on him, and he like, I don't know goes on some sort of adventure probably.

>> No.11575288

Actually I just finished mine and tossed it up on Amazon.

>I'm too nervous to shill it to friends and family because IMO they'd make fun of me for the subject matter

Plot centers around a mentally ill teenage girl. Her boyfriend is about to be recruited to play hockey professionally and she is hoping to mooch off the spoils of his career because she knows isn't stable enough to go to university or get a job.

Just as things get serious with his career (scouts, team reps. offering contracts), she starts having mental breakdowns and has to try her best to keep the relationship afloat to secure her future with him.

It obviously doesn't go well. She progressively gets worse and hits rock bottom. While she finally commits to therapy, the boyfriend dumps her anyway. She is devastated, but in therapy learns her plan was extremely selfish, and by the end of the book gathers up enough courage to apply for a part-time job and somewhat get her shit together. She is handed her first paycheck as the TV in the background of the coffee shop shows highlights of her ex-boyfriend playing in his first game.

>> No.11575333

A realtor has an expensive property on its own small island he needs to inspect. While checking on the boat dock, he falls down the steps and breaks his leg. Without a cell phone, he has to climb a very steep and woody mile back to the house to get help. Along the way, he starts seeing some very strange things that seem very real, like hundreds of tiny eyes in the forest watching him very closely.

>> No.11575341

Is it free?

>> No.11575355

A chubby NEET girl whose only real skill is that she can shrink herself small enough to hide inside people's (and dogs') rectums gets hired by the CIA as a special operative. One day she gets discovered when her mark visits a handsome gay prostitute—who happens to be a Russian agent.

>> No.11575356

An aimless man (white) spends a year attempting to live by every motto on Wikipedia's "list of mottos" page at the same time, intending to write a book about the experience and thereby become notable. The ensuing contradictions cause the collapse of his ontological universe and a lot of weird bullshit and sex happens for the next 469 pages.

I intend to become the next Pynchon.

>> No.11575408

my problem is I have multiple paths to go about this. One of the things I thought of was that these people in these institutions of mental health are collectively passing moral judgment on a society that they feel they have to take care of, coddle, and reshape to fit the world around them. The idea is they're sick and tired of people being broken and this is how they fix them, by turning them into the most depraved version of themselves, a kind of twisted logic if you will.

>> No.11575424

Red Dwarf but without the bl*cks

>> No.11575447
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Something like stoner but the main character is a very open and out going person who embeds himself into many countless relationships and commitments all the while he just tries to live a quiet agrarian life.

>> No.11575462

Sounds more like murakami. You're penis might grow to be more Asian like. Good for you.

>> No.11575479

if you have kindle unlimited it's free.

>> No.11575485

I'm thinking about how to create a superfluous man story that has not been done yet.

>> No.11575581

The protagonist is an average dude. He lives in an utopia, where women does not exist and human get created out of artificial wombs. In this world, everybody has a special power that they can use without limit, but nobody abuses it. They all use it for the good. The protagonist can heal people, regardless of how severe the wound is. He works as a doctor and lives his life peacefully until one day, he gets 'isekaied' into a strange world: the gender ratio of the world is 100 female to 1 male; women rule the world, since their magic abilities are a lot stronger than men's.

Lots of reverse rape and romance since the protagonist's healing ability is addicting and women are thirsty for it.

I think I will finish it because I am an ugly and lonely guy in real life. My job gives me lots of free time to spend.

>> No.11575752

An emo pedophile who is addicted to vicodin discovers something supernatural after stripping a loli and finding a growth on her back.

>> No.11575818

Shitty World: There is an alternate world where human being poop only once in their lives. When they eat food, after it is digested it is transported to a pocket dimension which exists outside of time. At a random point in their life they will have their Poo Moment, which is when they expel all the poo they ever have and ever will create.

If you had your Poo Moment when you were 2, you might realize you are more likely to die young than someone who has their Poo Moment when they are 16. Also if you had a relatively brief Poo Moment you might realize you are probably going to die young because you ate less total food throughout your entire life. However, these realization doesn't occur to people, maybe because the government knows and is blocking them out.

The Poo Moment is somewhat of a religious thing in this world. When people begin to realize they can use their Poo Moment to get an idea of how long they will live, society falls into chaos. Concepts such as the nature of life and death and what it means to be human are explored.

If a five-year old has his Poo Moment and poos an amount equal to a sixty-year lifespan, can you chop his head off, killing him then and causing a paradox? If you have your Poo Moment when you're twenty and it's equal to thirty years of poo, can you change your habits and live longer? Do we truly have free will, or is the Universe bound by determinism?

One very old scientist, who has not had his Poo Moment yet, is working on creating artificial babies. These would be useful for sterile couples, or if humanity were affected by a virus. However the test-tube babies don't have random Poo Moments, you have to choose one an encode it into the baby's DNA.

This sparks an outrage because the whole point of the Poo Moment is it's your personal thing and nobody chose it for you, so people consider these babies inhuman. When it's discovered the scientist hasn't had his Poo Moment yet, and people now realize such a thing is improbable, they riot and declare him inhuman.

At the end of the novel, the scientist would be in a hospital bed, dying. The riot breaks into the hospital and people pour into his room, holding picket signs and throwing rocks and shouting that he's over a hundred years old and still hasn't had his Poo Moment, so he must be inhumane. In his last moments of life his stomach makes a deafening roar, he grins, and expels a hundred years worth of poo upon the crowd.

What do you think?

>> No.11576183

Kind of

>> No.11576201

So this guy keeps trying to catch this whale but IT FUCKING EATS HIM HAHAHA and then, and then... IT WAS ALL A METAPHOR HAHAHA

>> No.11576202


>> No.11576263

i wanna write something about modern men who live meaningless lives and seek meaning in a political cult of sorts

>> No.11576737

Depressed and obsessive kid graduating from highschool and going to college far away. Decides he wants to spend his last few months at home to mend strained relationships and overcome himself. A journey of tragicomic self discovery ensues

>> No.11576929


Guy gets to make a wish, genie or whatever, and the actual ramifications of that are explored like, the ability to fundamentally alter the entirety of reality, meet god, become god etc. It ends with the reader never finding out what he wishes for.

>> No.11576936
File: 183 KB, 350x262, futuramaholoshed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens invade. They trounce humans on every single level and are ready to take over and begin their dark plans, but fortunately one human scientist has just invented time machine.

He can't go back in time to change the outcome of already fought battles, but he CAN go further back in time to get help. So he heads on into the streams of time and picks up the greatest generals, commanders, diplomats, and warlords of history - Alexander the Great, Subutai, Erwin Rommel, and others - bringing them back to the present to fight off the invasion.

>> No.11576947

So Skyrim, the novel?

>> No.11576961

>It ends with the reader never finding out what he wishes for.
oh fuck off