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/lit/ - Literature

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11567973 No.11567973 [Reply] [Original]

What are some people that literally dragged their entire artform forward in ways that had never been foreseen?

>> No.11567978

the to be or not to be guy

>> No.11567983

James Joyce, Stanley Kubrick, Alan Moore, The Beatles.

>> No.11567991

>Stanley Kubrick, Alan Moore, The Beatles.
*crack* yep those are some real artists, not like this crud today *sips*

>> No.11567996

>the beatles
come on kid...

>> No.11568000

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.11568002

this but unironically.

>> No.11568005

the fact that so many books...

>> No.11568010

there it is

>> No.11568022

A Day in the Life alone is better than any other song from the 60s. It's basically /lit/: the song. And yeah I know it's a pasta.

>> No.11568027

except that it sucks and you're an underage psued

>> No.11568030

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

>> No.11568039

Only the second half of this post is true.

>> No.11568044


>> No.11568046

It's one of their few songs that are actually really good but best of the decade is total shite.

>> No.11568047

So you diminish their influence only because they happened to be popular? Shakespeare is also popular.

>> No.11568051

Only musicians and truly understand The Beatles.
Objectively the greatest band of all time.

>> No.11568056

if this is actually your opinion then congratulations, you're a meme

>> No.11568060
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reddit, the band

>> No.11568061

And so are you.

>> No.11568064

Too low IQ to understand.

>> No.11568068

What's the connection to Reddit other than your subjetive naysay?

>> No.11568069

>Gadsby was diagnosed with ADHD and is on the Autism spectrum, both later in life diagnoses.
Fucking called it. I know this kind
I worked with a girl just like this. Slight autism, the kind is takes a few days to realize is there. Slightly fucked up face, certainly not deformed but you can just tell something's "off." Vaguely refers to herself as "queer," doesn't really elaborate on what that means. Wears masculine "quirky" clothing like blazers and bowties, but does about as well at dressing like a man that you'd expect someone who isn't a man to do.
They're always getting uppity about social issues. They constantly refer to their queerness and continue to avoid elaborating on what the fuck that means. If they've had anything even remotely close to traumatic in their past, bet your ASS you're gonna be hearing about it.
They're ALWAYS into spoken word, be it slam poetry or stand-up "comedy." They go nuts for any excuse to start choking up on stage as they rattle off platitudes that people will clap for without thinking

How do these sub-types of humans emerge? Why do so many people have identical tastes and behaviors?

>> No.11568071

>oh wow a sitar and DUDE WEED
really makes me think

>> No.11568077

that would be q*een

>> No.11568079

I forgot that their weird fat bodies is a dead give away. They get fat in very strange ways. Narrow shoulders, thin arms, massive disgusting asses and lumpy thighs.

>> No.11568084


>> No.11568090

literally beatles of the 80s (ie when most of the boomers on r*ddit were born)

>> No.11568091

Wow have you guys never heard of bands like Tool and Crimson King? Dude seriously you don't know what you are missing they will literally open your mind and tear your perceptions asunder!

>> No.11568093

They look like people but they aren't. They make jokes and laugh and post things to social media, but there is nothing behind those eye other than cold calculation and opportunism. It isn't like anything to be like them. Unexamined lives, you feel? They are inhuman, and they are jealous of the humans they come into contact with, so they all flock to these nifty little preset templates. Templates that come with artificial tastes, artificial beliefs, artificial emotions, artificial friendships. They don their disguises and walk out, looking for people unwise enough to take them into their social circles, or god forbid give them a stage

>> No.11568115

kanye is the most /lit/ artist of all time

>> No.11568117


>> No.11568120

Music is the most Reddit art form there is

>> No.11568129


>> No.11568133

>not daniel johnston

>> No.11568135 [DELETED] 

yo astroworld fucking sucks it has those gay mini songs that dont line up with the tracks like on tlop, the only really gud song "sicko mode" is ruined by a retarded intro and and then 3 minutes of drank after the 90 minutes that was actually good, so disapointed although u can tell pitchfork is already hyping it up to get bnm and be make scott "the new kanye" such crap

>> No.11568137


>> No.11568138

Music is the most esoteric art form there is

>> No.11568140

Did you read the captions in OPs pic?

>> No.11568150

Not popular music, though. Literature is way more esoteric.

>> No.11568157


>> No.11568165

Sorry, how am I rendering Hannah Gadsby powerless?

>> No.11568178

he sucks

>> No.11568181
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/mu/ are hilarious

>> No.11568201

There are many.

Let's start with English Language poetry

Beowulf poet
Langland (arguably)
Marlowe (arguably)
Six Major Romantic Poets
Ashberry (arguably)

There are many many other good poets (some better than the ones above, some I prefer more - I fucking hate Ashberry for example) but these are the ones that made their indelible mark on history.

The Beatles have been slated here -mostly because everyone here is either a contrarian or an ironic shitposter. The Beatles are the dominant musical force of the second half of the twentieth century. There isn't a single artist both popular or classical that has done what they did in terms of cultural reach and artistic breadth and beauty. And then did most of it in 7 years.

>> No.11568210
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>> No.11568213

>The Beatles have been slated here -mostly because everyone here is either a contrarian or an ironic shitposter. The Beatles are the dominant musical force of the second half of the twentieth century. There isn't a single artist both popular or classical that has done what they did in terms of cultural reach and artistic breadth and beauty. And then did most of it in 7 years.
oh wow they put a sitar in a rock and roll song and they sang about weed and acid how progressive. how genre bending.

you're a brainlet

>> No.11568214

>They go nuts for any excuse to start choking up on stage as they rattle off platitudes that people will clap for without thinking

>> No.11568218

Not him but you're an absolute mong if you don't see the titanic difference between music before and after the Beatles. You're not even human a total shitspouting memelord

>> No.11568220

>I don't like them therefore they are not important.
You are a child.

>> No.11568226

>the titanic difference between music before and after the Beatles
i havent encountered this perspective in quite a while, how can anyone think this, they werent evne remotely the most innovative people of that period

>> No.11568231

They're not important because they're not important. Beowulf and Canturbury Tales are incredibly mediocre works that are only of interest because they happened to be the first of their kind in English which is no real achievement since they could just be entirely derivative from French and other traditions
And Spencer and Pound are just jokes. They didn't influence shit

>> No.11568233

>absolute mong
oh look a british beta is criticizing someone else for not recognizing how anglos saved culture

your """"country""""" is shit and has produced 0 art ever. the beatles sound like every other surfer boyband before and since them. get your teeth fixed and say hi to your queen

>> No.11568235

>assblasted bong defends da beatles
cringe you seem like the kind of person who tells people how old he is on youtube videos of dadrock songs

>> No.11568238

Whatever you say contrarian nobody whose non-opinions nobody will ever care about. If you want to contribute any thoughts of values you need to first acknowledge reality.

Provide one example of a band producing music that was more evocative of modern music before the Beatles. I'll wait all year because you won't have fucking anything

>> No.11568241

Not British retards. Nice non-argument mongs (i.e. mongoloids, i.e down syndromes)

>> No.11568246

>the beatles are gud
>dey changeded musicc
how? give me one example of how they made music better as a whole? I'll wait.

>> No.11568247

Listen to popular music before 1963. Just listen to it, properly steep yourself in it for a while.

Then listen to The Beatles.

There is such an extreme leap in energy and vitality and complexity and beauty, it seems like a miracle. It seems to come out from nowhere. It didn't obviously, its a layered conglomeration of influences from girls groups, to blues, to rock and roll, to skiffle and many more.

Listen to one song per album and notice how quickly they progress and notice, if you can, how the rest of the music world struggles to keep up with them for those seven years.

If you can't hear it, then that doesn't mean you're some higher intelligence that can see the emperor is naked - it just means you're missing out.

>> No.11568248

Look at the difference between music before and after Elvis
Look at the difference between music before and after Captain Beefheart and Frank Zappa
Look at the difference between music before and after Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Look at the difference between music before and after Chuck Berry
Look at the difference between music before and after Django Reinhardt
Look at the difference between music before and after Cromagnon
Look at-... wait...
Maybe... just maybe... these are all artists that existed during a time of continuous and unending changes across all of popular music...

>> No.11568251

We're talking about influence not "improvement" try keep up

>> No.11568255

Bob Dylan, Captain beefheart, The velvet underground, etc

>> No.11568256

Elvis is literally the one on that list you have an argument with
>Frank Zappa
lmao alright buddy

>> No.11568258

All post-Beatles. Holyshit you are dumb

>> No.11568259

>they werent evne remotely the most innovative people of that period
In popular music, yes they were. If we consider the innovation-influence ratio their influence on popular music is unsurpassed. Not every innovative musician had a direct influence on the entire art form, which is what OP is asking for. You may dislike their music but you can't deny their influence, that you simply can't do without coming off as a delusional contrarian.

>> No.11568262

not post-experimental beatles, the early beatles stuff was just pop songs

>> No.11568263

so I've read your post and I'm familliar with the music you're talking about but here is what I got out of your post
>if you don't think the beatles are based then your dumb
dadrock af my dude. they sound just like a thousand other bands except worse.

>> No.11568264

Based Scaruffles. The only living rock critic worth taking seriously. He's absolutely right about Bowie, Kanye, Radiohead and Bjork too.

>> No.11568268

i dont dislike the beatles, i dont think theyre bad at all, i think they were really talented. Theyre just not at all the people i think of when i thnk of how later decades were influenced by mid 60s music

>> No.11568270

>not post-experimental beatles, the early beatles stuff was just pop songs

Confirmed for knowing nothing about what you're talking about

>> No.11568271

Are you 15?

>> No.11568274

>if you don't like the beatles you are musicall illiterate they are the best even though I can't explain how they're good
why are beatles fans such literal children? all their songs sound the same.

>> No.11568275

They may be chronologically post-beatles (Dylan actually wasn't) but they have practically nothing to do with them musically.
Imagine being such a drone to think any beatles album is more 'evocative' than the VU debut.

>> No.11568277

I'd rather be that a delusional 30 year old boomer who still stands by Zappa

>> No.11568278

but that is just true, the earliest experimental stuff they had was what in 65 or something? Dylan released Highway 61 revisited in that year

>> No.11568280

You absolute mongoloids. Ask any person who actually lived through the sixties if the Beatles were “innovative” or not

>> No.11568281

I don't even like Zappa. Beefheart was leagues better. But you're just straight up wrong here, friend

>> No.11568283
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>Velvet Underground have nothing to do with the Beatles musically

>> No.11568285

Tell me of those "surfer boybands" who had I Am the Walrus, A Day in the Life, and Helter Skelter in ther repertoire. Literally talking out of your ass.

>> No.11568292

They don't.
Ah yes, while masterpieces like I Am the Walrus, A Day in the Life, and Helter Skelter were being released shit like this was being produced.

>> No.11568293
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>You're a drone dude! Velvet Underground are the best!!
Imagine managing to be this on 4chan

>> No.11568301

>I Am the Walrus,
trash song made up with 2deep4u lyrics to confuse retards like you
> A Day in the Life,
sounds like shit, literally just a bunch of music and lyrics they couldn't fit in their other songs mashed together
>and Helter Skelter
also sucked. between 4 dude none of them could sing for shit. and this song proved it

>> No.11568303

Beowulf was the first major poem in the English Language. You must be deeply stupid not to recognize how this makes it important to the history of English Language poetry.

Chaucer is pretty much single handedly responsible for legitimizing English vernacular literature in a time where it was thought uncouth and unsuitable for artistic expression

Without Pound, there is no literary modernism as we know it today.

These are all facts you would know if you were arguing in good faith.

>> No.11568306

It's just a matter of listening to any shit outside the radio 60's.

>> No.11568307

I don't even like the velvet underground but they did a lot more for music than the fucking beatles
For me, though, it's amon duul ii

>> No.11568308
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>> A Day in the Life,
>sounds like shit

>> No.11568313

who gives a fuck what an old ass boomer who smoked wed and dropped acid for all of his life thinks about music? just cause he's old doesn't mean his opinions are dogshit

>> No.11568316

Its true though.

They don't sound like a thousand other bands.

>> No.11568318

Thats post Beatles, 1968.

>> No.11568324

>Beowulf was the first major poem in the English Language.

You mean Anglo-Saxon. Less English than modern Dutch. You realize pretty much every single English poet since then has never been able to read Beowulf. Its a historical curiosity and nothing more
>Without Pound, there is no literary modernism as we know it today.

>> No.11568328

I'm objectively right. take off your nostalgia glasses grandpa, do some research on that song and you'll find that it was just a bunch of the shitty music and shitty lyrics they couldn't fit into any of their other songs so they frankensteined it into one shitty mashup.
>ooooohhh the temp changed!!!! what a deep song!!!

>> No.11568330

I didn't say it wasn't. I sure hope you're not trying to imply VU was influenced significantly by any beatles though.

>> No.11568331

Woah someone got a hold of a Norton Anthology recently. This reeks of undergrad humanities ya big doofus

>> No.11568334

Velvet Underground would not have been possible without the Beatles. Their influence has been minor in comparison.

And please don't use that inartistic dirge as an example of their musical superiority. They were talented but had very little discipline.

>> No.11568335

>take off your nostalgia glasses grandpa

What do you think I'm fucking 90? Beatles remain one of the most popular bands on Earth TODAY

>> No.11568336

half of their shit sounds like the beach boys if brian wilson had to suck a dick and sing at the same time, the other half sounds like some drugged up poetry that they had to recite to sitar music.

>> No.11568337

holy fuck you buy screenprint band tshirts from walmart dont you

>> No.11568340

/lit/ once again shows it has terrible taste in music

>> No.11568345

Yeah you caught me, rocking my Dark Side of the Moon t-shirt now

>> No.11568348

>Their influence has been minor in comparison.
Musically VU was far more influential for the side of rock that actually developed and innovated sound. Beatles influenced widely in the sense they were the face-men of the 60's movements and inspired thousands of mostly similar sounding bands.

>> No.11568352

and look at their fanbase a bunch of old ass hippies drug addicts and teenage girls who comment on every one of their songs on youtube
>I wish my generation made music like this *sigh* music is dead

that should tell you all you need to know

>> No.11568353

confirmed bait. most “muh mind is blown” middle school songs ever. you either googled these are purposefully picked their most meme songs. might as well have thrown “ive just seen a face” and “yellow submarine” on there.

>> No.11568354

It doesn't sound anything like that. Either listen to their music or work on your analogies.

>> No.11568356

>They are inhuman, and they are jealous of the humans they come into contact with, so they all flock to these nifty little preset templates.
That is pretty sad t.b.h.

>> No.11568364

>and look at their fanbase a bunch of old ass hippies drug addicts and teenage girls who comment on every one of their songs on youtube

Thats called universal appeal. Now look at the people who resent that, pseud losers who need to strategically come up with counter-points to basic opinions because they have no authentic sense of taste

>> No.11568367

Resentiment is a hell of a drug

>> No.11568368

I Am the Walrus is consciously designed that way. It's part of that nonsense tradition like Alice in Wonderland, Bob Dylan later did some songs in that genre.

A Day in the Life is one the earliest examples of the collage technique in modern music.

Helter Skelter had an obvious influence on heavy metal, some people even call it the first heavy metal song.

>inb4 b-but the beatles suck they didnt influence nothin'

>> No.11568369

>universal appeal
Much in the same sense Stephen King and Tarantino have 'universal appeal'.

>> No.11568370

not him but he has a point. their music sounds objectively bad. I can't picture anyone who isn't a baby boomer or a preteen liking them unironically. all the early barbershop sounding stuff just makes me sick. and when they smoked weed and thought they were philosophers? CRINGE

>> No.11568373

Teenage girls don't like either of those. Try again

>> No.11568374

No I mean Old English, which is a very particular dialect of Saxon which came into prominence through several cultural and political factors, one of which being the popularity of a poem called Beowulf which was written in said dialect.

Explain how Pound isn't important to literary modernism.

Not an argument.

>> No.11568376

Why on earth would someone resent Hannah fucking Gadsby

>> No.11568378

teenage girls love tarantino

>> No.11568379

You do realize Beowulf was not at all read in English until fairly recently. People had zero knowledge of it whatsoever. And there are tremendously better pre-middle English poems anyways, Dream of the Road and the Seafarer being my personal favs. Also confirmed pseud for taking Pound “lel copy paste ibspeak fifteen languages” seriously.

>> No.11568380

Sorry I thought we were talking about the Beatles

>> No.11568382

Are you joking m8?

>> No.11568385

mobile fag

>> No.11568386

Never seen this in my experience whatsoever. I think of him as a very boyish director

>> No.11568387

>I Am the Walrus is consciously designed that way. It's part of that nonsense tradition like Alice in Wonderland, Bob Dylan later did some songs in that genre.
yes I know that's why I pointed it out. these guys smoked some weed and thought they were the smartest philosophers on the planet.
>A Day in the Life is one the earliest examples of the collage technique in modern music.
that doesn't make it a good song or easy to listen to
>Helter Skelter had an obvious influence on heavy metal, some people even call it the first heavy metal song.
yeah it's metal for boomer women who drink wine and post minion memes on facebook

just because you have a lot of people listen to your song doesnt make you a good band

>> No.11568388

We're talking about their influence, not if they blew your mind in middle school.

>> No.11568395

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Ango-Saxon ended up dominating the British Isles because they just beat the shit out of the weaker Celts. Beowulf had zero to do with it and was just something likely carried over more or less from Germany.
We're not talking about fucking Dante here

>> No.11568400

We're talking about their inarguable influence 9n popular music, not if you personally like their music. Those are different things, stay in topic.

>> No.11568402

no when your audience is entirely made up of plebs that makes you a shit artist.

>> No.11568403

Velvet Underground are influential to a fairly particular form of rock music
The Bealtles have influenced almost every form of popular music.

It's like comparing Donne and Shakespeare here.

>> No.11568407

If you say so contrarian faggot. Why don't you go tell your Dad instead of leaking your butthurt on here

>> No.11568409
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I see. Well as I said I think the most important influence they've had is shown other bands what kind of music we don't need any more of. or indeed ever want to hear again.

>> No.11568412

>We're talking about their influence
Please stop this meme. Yeah they influenced a lot of radio boys to go 'woah this is slick, let me explore some more music/play a guitar', that doesn't make them music geniuses.

>> No.11568414

>these guys smoked some weed and thought they were the smartest philosophers on the planet.
No, Lennon admitted the lyrics to that song were nonsense, and they didnt think of themselves as the smartest philosophers of the planet, you perceive them as such.

>> No.11568419

Yeah but I’m right and you’re a pseud big dawg. I don’t have to give you an argument. Your knowledge of literature is limited to that of a sophomore you make it so obvious . You don’t get to demand discourse like you have credibility or some shit.

>> No.11568420

>y-you're c-c-contrarian
lel stay assblasted retard not my fault your taste in music sucks.

>> No.11568421

>Velvet Underground are influential to a fairly particular form of rock music
A wide variety of forms that weren't mainstream at the time and for decades to come.
>It's like comparing Donne and Shakespeare here.
It's like comparing JK Rowling and James Joyce.

>> No.11568422

>Please stop this meme. Yeah they influenced a lot of radio boys to go 'woah this is slick, let me explore some more music/play a guitar', that doesn't make them music geniuses.
But it does answer OP's question. They influenced popular music more than any other band. Name one band whose *influence* on popular music is greater. Remember we're talking influence not if you like them. Go.

>> No.11568426

>It's like comparing JK Rowling and James Joyce.

Awful brainlet's first grasp analogy. Joyce has had enormous influence in popular media

>> No.11568428

Lennon saw other stoners look at his drug addled lyrics and he was like "dude what if I wrote drug addled lyrics like I always do but this time I'm not talking about civil rights or getting high, what if I'm talking about like nothing man..."
I'm familiar with the genesis of that song. he was still a pseud stoner who thought he was the smartest guy on the planet. and he beat his wife and wrote communist anthems from his mansion

>> No.11568434
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This entire post

>> No.11568437

Name poets more influential.

>> No.11568441

prove me wrong.

>> No.11568440

>wrote communist anthems from his mansion
thought he didnt like the commies, he has that jab at Mao in whatever that song is. Wasnt he some kind of vague pacificist type of person

>> No.11568442

So did VU in indirect ways. The point is one does so through far less accessible forms. And I don't see old James talked about and inspiring nearly as much in the normal populace these days and Rowling and her work.

>> No.11568446


>> No.11568449

yeah but is this communism? this sounds much vaguer and more all encompassing than communism

i realize it's of a kind with communism but i was under the impression he had disagreements with actual Marxists

>> No.11568450

Than Pound? In that period T.S Eliot was the real giant. Like its not even comparable

>> No.11568455

>one does so through far less accessible forms
*but with a more obvious artistic merit I should clarify. Basically, beatles aren't worth the long memory in comparison.

>> No.11568456

To quote my main man Ringo, he's just saying imagine not race war now

>> No.11568457

>Also confirmed pseud for taking Pound “lel copy paste ibspeak fifteen languages” seriously
So he wasn't influential?

>> No.11568465

whatever atheist sharing utopia where we all just get along and sing imagine with each other and link hands that Mr Lennon imagined, it doesn't change the fact he was a hypocrite and a brainlet.

>> No.11568471

way to derail the thread moron! we could be talking about sjws right now!

>> No.11568473

>Eliot is in the list you replied to
>Eliot was directly influenced by Pound and his greatest poem was heavily edited by him
>calls others sophomore yet can't think of a better poet than Eliot

>> No.11568477

>yes I know that's why I pointed it out. these guys smoked some weed and thought they were the smartest
philosophers on the planet.
No they didnt think that, you said that.

>that doesn't make it a good song or easy to listen to
Never claimed that, see the original poster's question.

>yeah it's metal for boomer women who drink wine and post minion memes on facebook
Not an argument, just retarded stereotypes you have.

>just because you have a lot of people listen to your song doesnt make you a good band
Oh I thought they were hard to listen, which one is it? Nobody is claiming they were good because they had lots of listeners. They were good because you can clearly see a difference in modern popular music pre Beatles and post Beatles. I see you dislike them but that does not negate their contributions nor their influence.

>> No.11568482

The rest of the Norton anthology you left out. Also English is a bad language for poetry Pound should’ve at least taught you that.

>> No.11568483

Doesn't change anything. Eliot is the real titan of modernist poetry, Pound was a scenester faggot that was a good salesman but contributed nothing of substancial value ever
I don't even like Eliot, I think modernist poetry was a unaminous failure in the end but this is the facts of the situation

>> No.11568484


>> No.11568489

I assume OP mean more than mere influence alone. Bill Nye and Degrasse have influenced a lot of people to dabble in science, doesn't make them great innovators of anything though.

>> No.11568491
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This thread has convinced me to stop coming on this shithole. You are all retarded and I sincerely hope you all die soon.

>> No.11568492

He received letters from fans asking what his lyrics meant then he made that song to shut them up. And we're talking about their music, not if they beat their wife or not.

>> No.11568499

It doesnt answer anything I replied to, you are a moron.

>> No.11568500

>No they didnt think that, you said that.
oh yes they did. They said they were bigger than Jesus and Lennon constantly talked about how his lyrics should be studied like the bible
>Never claimed that, see the original poster's question.
the "original poster" is a /tv/ crossboarder and he was just trying to start a bait thread about some aussie comedian that triggers /pol/
>Not an argument, just retarded stereotypes you have.
I think I touched a nerve

>> No.11568501

Good riddance, one less Jezebel poster.

>> No.11568503

see you tomorrow

>> No.11568506

Beatles are fucking teenager trash, a cash grab band with great production because they were the most popular act of the decade. Also, rock in general is pretty weak when compared to guys like Charlie Parker and Bartok, the only "rock" musician I can truly take seriously was Zappa, the only guy that made consistent great music for decades.

>> No.11568516

answer me honestly, are you above 18?

>> No.11568518
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>. Also, rock in general is pretty weak

>> No.11568523
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>> No.11568525

>oh yes they did. They said they were bigger than Jesus and Lennon constantly talked about how his lyrics should be studied like the bible
Actually they said they were more popular than Jesus lol can't even make a cheeky comment without the boomers suddenly lynching you

>think I touched a nerve
Believe me you didn't. I'm not wine-drinking woman who shares minion memes on fb, I'm a man in my early 20s and barely use fb nowadays.

>> No.11568531

Its more like an argument between the guy in that comic being the normie with an even more edgy guy a further layer down

>> No.11568545

I laughed to this back in 2009

>> No.11568549

>that 26 year old boomer who uses facebook and listens to the beatles

>> No.11568554


>> No.11568560

I dont even listen to them anymore, but I'm aware of their influence on popular music. Lynch me already, faggots.

>> No.11568568
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>> No.11568715

underage b&

>> No.11568727

The beastie boys are the only band to have contributed something unique to the art in literally 200 years. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11568750
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sure kiddo

>> No.11568767

Theyre not even the best artists of their decade.

>> No.11568778

You don't have to be the best to contribute something unique.
They just happen to be both.

>> No.11568780

what did they do that was unique?

>> No.11568785


>> No.11568875

Bob Dylan, George Lucas, Tarantino.

>> No.11569067

I agree with the Joyce comment.

>> No.11569122

Stanley Kubrick is one of the top 5 greatest film directors of all time and Alan Moore is the only comic book author who has any chance of being canonized.

>> No.11569142

Plato, Aristotle, Kant

>> No.11569184


It's like how seinfeld seems unoriginal because everything after it copied it.

>> No.11569219
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>Alan Moore
stop chatting shit ffs, he's definitely a very good writer with an eye for detail and worked with artists effectively but he did not elevate the medium beyond the pre-existing accomplishments of Robert Crumb, Art Spiegelman and their various proteges.

>> No.11569239

Did Proust do this?

>> No.11569240

boy, that sure is wrong

>> No.11570542


So we all complain when bands that make shit music are popular and sell well, yet when a good band makes good music AND sells well, we have to downplay their work because "if it's popular, it must necessarily suck." ??

Is this the world we want to live in?

>> No.11570592
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>he's posting on 4chan in the middle of summer
>he expects the content to be good

>> No.11570603

>Faerie Queene didn't influence anything
Holy fuck are you retarded

>> No.11570828
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>> No.11570833

Bullshit. Moore's contribution to comics permanently altered the genre.

>> No.11570880
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>it's c/lit/s reveal their inner /mu/tard episode
I'll give you a hint, scaruffi is at best dubious music historian, his music criticism points to no knowledge of music theory (that's why he like fantano resorts to vague adjectives when he describing something, the only difference between them is there's no avant teen credit in aping fantano).

>> No.11570896

Yikes. Please educate yourself.

>> No.11571071

All my boomer family have been telling me to watch this “powerful” stand up

>> No.11571309

what did he fucking contribute? he influenced other writers to add literary pretensions to their corporate superhero comics?? he introduced metafiction to superhero comics?? it had all already been done in the 60s to the 80s by underground comics artists, he wasn't elevating shit unless you conflate "comics" with "marvel and dc comics where superhero punch da guy"

>> No.11571321

Watchmen was a milestone in comics, let's not kid ourselves and take it for granted, it changed comics.

>> No.11571329

you can repeat the same claim ad nauseam if you want or you can try telling us what it was about watchmen that elevated the medium as a whole

>> No.11571331

yeah I don't understand these guys, "it sucks because it's popular"

>> No.11571336

who cares, what's that got to do with anything?

>> No.11571738

Kraftwerk are the most influential band of the 20th century.