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11567810 No.11567810 [Reply] [Original]

I posted a similar thread an hour ago on /mu/. But /mu/ is currently turning into porn shitposting, and the thread is about to die anyways due to the spam. So I thought I might as well repost this here.
Post some good music related books. Or any music books you’re currently reading right now

>> No.11567818

i'll admit I'm reading that Born To Run autobio by Springsteen. It's not super great, but it does surpass my expectations. I'd be interested to know in serio how much he wrote vs ghostwritten.

>> No.11568076

That’s cool.
Reminds me to listen to more Spingsteen.

>> No.11568619

Anyone read The Rest Is Noise?

>> No.11568624
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Oh God. Not another music thread on /lit/

>> No.11568628
File: 56 KB, 333x499, 34DE78D9-91D8-495B-8289-A1F9769BFECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more fiction like this, anyone?

>> No.11568632

Oh God. Not another faggot.

>> No.11568633

the beatles suck

>> No.11568643

Gogol’s Overcoat is pure shoegaze desu

>> No.11568645

Its already begun!

>> No.11568649

Please fuck off.

>> No.11568687

While I never have actually read any music biographies, they are on my list, i heard MIles Davis's autobiography is great and hilarious, like, he talks shit about everyone else in his book basically!! kek. Also, the ANthony Kedis one was pretty popular amongst lesbian normies when I was in HS.

Lol, from what is that picture? It looks like early AD chinese guy being tortured, but reverse image search calls it persian..

heard that mentioned on a recent altright podcast thing, wanted to check it out.

Have you read that? D Ellington and J Coltrane are arguable the undisputed champions of jazz music, MOnk could have given them a run for their money if he wasn't an absolute scatterbrain.

>> No.11568874

So what's the bottom line vis-a-vis Strays? Did they fug or not?

>> No.11570282


>> No.11570285 [DELETED] 


>> No.11570347

Confessions of a Heretic by Adam Nergal Darski(the guy from Behemoth) is surprisingly good, he talks a lot about growing up in Poland, the USSR, dating some famous actress, leukemia, etc.

>> No.11570397

Just a couple of books about music I've read and can recommend
Miles Davis' Autobiography
The History of Jazz by Ted Giola - a great book, I really recommend it
But Beautiful by Geoff Dyer
Rip It Up and Start Again, Totally Wired, Bring the Noise, Energy Flash and Retromania by Reynolds
Future Days by D. Stubbs
Freedom Is, Freedom Ain't Jazz and the Making of the Sixties by Scott Saul
Techno Rebels by Dan Sicko
How Music Works by Byrne
Begin Again: A Biography of John Cage by K. Silverman
Bass Culture: When Reggae Was King by L. Bradley
Ocean of Sound: Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds by D. Toop
Hard bop: Jazz and Black Music, 1955-1965 by D. Rosenthal
A Very Irregular Head by R. Chapman
Give the Anarchist a Cigarette by M. Farren
White Bicycles by Joe Boyd
London Calling by Barry Miles
I'm probably going to start going through Taruskin's books on history of classical music because I want to learn more about it.

>> No.11570400 [DELETED] 

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>> No.11570418
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Cool stuff thanks for this anon

>> No.11570435

if yer into American indie/alternative I also recommend reading Our Band Could Be Your Life (I haven't read it, though). It's about:
Black Flag
Mission of Burma
Minor Threat
Hüsker Dü
The Replacements
Sonic Youth
Butthole Surfers
Big Black
Dinosaur Jr.
Beat Happening

>> No.11570445

I love you man, thanks for the effort. Will buy this from book depository now. Just ordered The history of jazz, how to listen to jazz and how music works from your list as well. Greatly appreciated

>> No.11570467

Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann
A composer sells his soul to the devil so he can complete his great work.
anyone who's interested in black metal or the esoteric/satanic side of music and art will get a kick out of this book. lots of heavy philosophical dialogue that maybe translates a bit awkwardly into your native tongue though so be warned.

>> No.11570497

Hope you'll enjoy them mate. Also, you can find all of those books online if you have an e-reader.

>> No.11570625

what a disgusting list of bands, basically buttrock for numales