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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 121 KB, 645x716, 1527223992890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11566254 No.11566254 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ the last stage? I'm already getting tired of it, will I finally be free soon?

>> No.11566258

haha nope

>> No.11566333

last stage... what terms of?

>> No.11566336

/lit/ is the last stage but it is not the end.

>> No.11566454

Yes, it is time to grow up and move on.

>> No.11566458

Once you discover semen retention it is.

>> No.11566497

Take everything at face value
Get angry
Embrace social isolation
Feel that you are fighting a fight alone
Realize you might be wrong
Plunge into guilt over foolish adoption of propaganda myths
Acceptance of ignorance
Become suspicious of ideas
Principles are developed
Realize it was all satire

>> No.11566503

epik, I too love irony and the absurd

*holds up spork*

>> No.11566832

Post of the week

>> No.11566846

How long have you been here? It takes at least three years to complete this stage.

>> No.11566853

t. 16 year old boomer

>> No.11566966

What's the next one?

>> No.11566970


>> No.11567277
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4chan is like a 10-15 year old prison sentence with stages.
It goes /b/ --> /pol/, /sp/, /tv/ and /fit/ --> /lit/ --> freedom
It's your last phase, anon. Keep going, you're almost free from this hell

>> No.11567309
File: 32 KB, 688x578, fuck my shit up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never be free

>> No.11567313

except in dreams no one is ever really free

>> No.11567320

2008, /lit/ by way of /mu/

>> No.11567332

I went /x/ --> /mlp/ --> /r9k/ --> /wizchan/ --> /lit/

>> No.11567338

Holy shit, except for /sp/, I feel called out.

>> No.11567346

Not anymore since it's filled with pseuds who are burnt out by /pol/ and /tv/ and want to feel more intellectual to feed their ego by shitposting about books they haven't read.

>> No.11567362

you need to leave.

>> No.11567372
File: 68 KB, 1010x897, doggos_sads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's almost over for me. I will ascend, brothers.

>> No.11567393
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soon brother, soon.

>> No.11567396

godspeed based doggo poster

>> No.11567421

I will leave when I stop being epitome of overly qualified for this place.

>> No.11567426

You know how I know that's a lie? Because /lit/ was created in 2010, and I would know since I've been here since its inception (you can also look it up).

Now how long have you really been here?

>> No.11567430

/out/ and /ck/. After a year on those boards you leave 4chan forever.

>> No.11567433

very very accurate

>> No.11567434

I'm starting my philosophy doctorate next year. Still visiting this damned board daily.

>> No.11567436

My trajectory was a simple /b/ > /mu/ > /fa/fit/ > /lit/ with some pepperings of /v/ and /tv/ throughout

>> No.11567443

t. Edgy teenagers calling others edgy teens when they don't understand something

>> No.11567453

stage 1: /b/ testing the waters. Probably heard that 4chan is "the most depraved place on the internet" and wants to check it out, out of morbid curiosity. Is a mostly normal person who enjoys edgy shit. Just wants to have fun on the internet. Most true normies never will go past this point.
stage 2: /v/, and /tv/ because "hey I like movies and videogames." May also include other boards reflecting personal interest such as /tg/ and so on. At this point the anon sees 4chan as their "online space" and begins to show contempt for more mainstream outlets such as twitter or reddit.
stage 3: /pol/ because you get sick of the retarded SJWs in media. As a result, you overreact and adopt/court reactionary worldviews. Likely also becomes an athiest as you believe that spirituality is just another controll mechanism. At this point the anon feels a clear sense of alienation from others, and likewise others probably view the anon as wierd or stunted in some way (usually rightfully so). Many never get past this stage ie all the kekistan types
stage 4: /r9k/ eventually you realize that /pol/ is just sound and fury, and even dumber then the SJWs you once saw as your great enemy. Feeling no attachment to any group or ideology, one withdraws from society (or at the very least, internet society) and falls into nhilism/hedonism. May also check out /biz/ in an attempt to make money off of crypto without any real effort. Relies mostly on vapid escapism to remain sane. As with before, many get trapped at this stage (people who become NEETs or severely agoraphobic)
Stage 5: /fit/ /adv/ /ck/ etc. Eventually the r9k'er realizes that their life is hollow and isolated. Half out of boredom and half out of contempt for their former, childish ways, they attempt to better themselves through physical fitness and by learning practical skills. May fall prey to pseud shit like nofap, Myer Briggs or Jordan Peterson. Still somewhat misanthropic, seeing others as an obstacle to one's own personal happiness
Stage 6: /lit/ /his/ /sci/. The anon takes their personal growth to the next level by trying to cultivate the mind by learning more about sciences the humanities and art. May also return to religion/spirituality in a quest for purpose. Begins to see other people as a path, not an obstacle to happieness. Realizes much of their life was wasted and their youth is dead but chooses to keep moving foward reguardless. Understands that suffering is inevitable if one wants to become their best self.
Stage 7: freedom. Though the anon has suffered a great deal to get to this point, they have also gained a decent amount of wisdom and self knowledge in the process.

>> No.11567460

/b/, /r9k/, /v/, /pol/, /g/ /ck/ /diy/ and /lit/

>> No.11567462

>Embrace social isolation
why? your system is not meant to be socially isolated and you will never be truly content without socialisation.

>> No.11567473

/b/ -> /pol/, /r9k/, /soc/ -> /tv/, /fit/, /fa/ -> /lit/, /tv/

>> No.11567475

Where should I begin?

>> No.11567483


>> No.11567485

>/pol/ was one of his first boards

>> No.11567492

At the very beginning, a very good place to start.

>> No.11567499

So, Genesis?

>> No.11567511

I only come to /lit/ because i have no one in real life to talk about books with

>> No.11567530

I know that feel, Anon.

>> No.11567650

/b/ --> /r9k/--> /ck/ -- > /lit/

>> No.11567691

/v/ -> /vp/ -> /mu/ -> /fa/ -> /lit/

>> No.11567700

/b/--->/fa/;/x/---->/mu/---->/lit/---->kill myself

>> No.11567704


>> No.11567754

i got here in 2011 on /mu/ because i was very obsessed with music at the time. Around 2012 i started going on /fit/ because ive always worked out and i always went on /fit/ infrequently because working out is just somethign i do not a part of my personality.

2013 was the beginning of the end for me, i came to /lit/ and I liked it here because there were people i could talk to about the books I read and theyd actually be willing to engage in long discussion without the normal vapid posturing I encountered in real life trying to do that. I slowly became aware of this 'other element' though, this hidden sort of set of subjects you werent allowed to touch that an occasional anon would start bringing up and everyone would act weird, and that led me to /pol/ in 2014 and well that was it, i basically radically dropped out of society(mentally), and my entire existence now is a facade of normalcy behind a blinding rage and desire to kill almost everyone around me. I go to work and act more or less normal, i go to bars or parties or whatever and just avoid all topics that could come close, but there is this constant ominous sense of hostility and impending catastrophe that /pol/ bred in me.

The only way i can mediate this fury is by meditation or reading stuff like the New Testament, but most of the time I just can't check it and it comes out occasionally really intensely.

>> No.11567764
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>come to /lit/
>to talk about books

>> No.11567773

/mu/ - /tv/ - /lit/ for me.

This is by far my favorite board

>> No.11567784

/jp/ -> /ic/ -> /lit/

>> No.11567792

all those boards are garbage i am ashamed to share a board with you

>> No.11567803

Now this is a wew and a half

>> No.11567826
File: 44 KB, 720x498, cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. And many experience a similar journey, I would bet. Maybe skipping a board here or there, but otherwise this is probably pretty close to most. I have been spending less and less time on 4chan for a few weeks now, and I am looking forward to leaving this place for good soon. I look at /pol/ now and I can't believe I used to spend so much time looking at that toxic board now. Good luck to all anons who read this, I hope we all go on to better things

>> No.11567847
File: 480 KB, 960x1280, 221017_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ -> /v/ -> /p/,/mu/,/tv/ -> /lit/

>> No.11567871


Most ancient tribes used isolation as part of their regular rituals, especially for things like manhood rituals. The human animal flourishes in social situations, but isolation can be clarifying for that animal's internal life.

>> No.11567878

Most i get related to books

>> No.11567883

/lit/, then /x/, then return to /b/ from whenst you came

>> No.11567888

Next month will mark 10 years of me using 4chan. Is it time to end my life?

>> No.11567892

the trips mean "no, embrace your life, quit this place and live."

>> No.11567896
File: 67 KB, 1160x258, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at 21.17.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join a monastery.
>pic related

>> No.11567909

hey, my version didn't specify that he should do that without any relation to Christ.

>> No.11567927
File: 98 KB, 564x796, 4C800596-084D-45FA-B4F8-37BA100F8CE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still hope for us lads

>> No.11567929

>no /x/
not going to make it

>> No.11567964

for me, it's:
>come to /b/ for le funny greentextz
>start browsing /r9k/ too since it's just weird /b/
>pick up the other degenerate boards like /v/ and /pol/
>become incel and fall for the mgtow meme
>/r9k/ goes full degenerate
>get depressed all the time because i fell into nihilism too
>realize i'm wrong and that it's not that modern society is broken, it's just that i am
>start browsing /fit/ looking to change myself
>fix sleep schedule, eat properly, and workout daily for gains
>depression is gone
>stop browsing degenerate boards and give up vidya
>browse /lit/ and read instead
>focus on being a better programmer
>keep getting better everyday

>> No.11568049

/mu/ --> /b/ and /r9k/ --> /his/ --> /lit/

>> No.11568096

love this blog

>> No.11568110

To think for a second that I share a board with this guy

>> No.11568284

Not him but what was /lit/ like for those first few years? Compared to now at least

>> No.11568298

way slower
a lot of meme trilogy
no /pol/ crossposters (/pol/ wasn't around)
Nick Land (current Landposting is barely a revival of original Landposting)
less memes

>> No.11568304

The meme trilogy was a much more pervasive force

>> No.11568311
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>he doesn't about the last and never-ending [s4s] eternal-hell phase

>> No.11568344

i remember back in like 2011 i read about Land because i was into Ray Brassier and he liked Land a lot before he went NRX

feels like a lifetime ago, i thought of things so differently back then, philosophy was just this hobby i had developed in highschool because i thought it was fun to think about those questions

>> No.11568641
File: 89 KB, 498x416, 48588444774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 2011 was 15 years ago

>> No.11568668
File: 96 KB, 241x228, 052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2015 was twenty years ago

>> No.11568677

/r9k/ -> /mu/ /tv/ -> quick /pol/ phase -> /fa/ /sp/ /tv/ -> /lit/ /s/

>> No.11568691

/int/v/ > /vg/ > /mu/ >/lit/
I don't know what I saw in /int/
I'm American, so there wasn't really any point

>> No.11568772
File: 30 KB, 600x630, 00000343434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2008 was fourty years ago

>> No.11568787

what are you like now friend? what has changed?

>> No.11568810

>realize Western society is, by its very nature and foundation, doomed to collapse into hedonism and moral corruption
>understand that you are no different from a hundred billion people who lived before you, and a hundred billion who will live after you
>accept that joy and misery are ultimately meaningless if existence has no purpose
>either become existentially depressed and kill self, or become Muslim
I'm going on 7 years, ya brotheroon.

>> No.11568834


It's /pol/ to /lit/.
That's the only true path.
Don't give me the /pol/ wasn't here before around 2011 or so. The website was a cesspool before that dedicated to anime and debauchery. Transvestite acceptance and libertarianism. In otherwords, Low IQ degenerates. Things turned around here thanks to /pol/.

Most other boards are degenerate. Theres a few alright ones like /o/ and /out/ but pretty much all degenerate boards should be purged from the site. That includes all the porn ones, the horse fucker one, and /b/.

>muh containment boards!
It's simple.
Ban everyone with a post history on these boards from the website.

>> No.11568836

i went crazy and philosophy became this intensely important pursuit. In my moments of clarity I realize im not evne really writing philosophy, im just a psycho. These moments dont last long though, I can guarantee tonight i will be writing page after page of drivel that will seem really really important to me while I write it

>> No.11568843

Tenured professor here... you're not going anywhere.

>> No.11568845

/b/ -> /mu/ -> /lit/ /fa/ /r9k/

>> No.11568852

It should only be /pol/ to /lit/ once you realize how wrong /pol/ is about virtually everything. If you haven't made that realization you still belong on /pol/.

>> No.11568861

in your case, it should go
/b/ -> /mu/ -> /lit/ /fa/ /r9k/ -> /lit/ -> freedom from this hell
/r9k/ is by far the most horrid nightmare I've ever experienced in terms of online communities. I've spent half a year there.

>> No.11568878

why do you do it though? philosophy is gay and represents a deviation from true intellectuality

>> No.11568887
File: 671 KB, 534x800, The great Incelby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ ---> /pol/ ---> /tv/ /g/ /fa/ --->[s4s] /biz/ /fit/ ---> /lit/

It's been wacky fellas

>> No.11568890

/b/ ---> /r9k/ ---> /pol/ --> /lit/

The sad thing it that it somehow sums up the last 3 years of my life.

>> No.11568891

during what era? I used to browse /r9k/ but that was before the normie invasion, when it was actually a place for NEETs and virgins
I would never go anywhere near it as it is now

>> No.11568896

circa 2014. when did the invasion take place?

>> No.11568900

/pol/ --> /lit/

if you had any other phases, you're a fag

>> No.11568901

I don't remember at this point, probably around then or soon after

>> No.11568903

/v/ > /co/ > /mu/ > /r9k/ > /tv/ > /lit/

>> No.11568909
File: 144 KB, 720x561, itolduabouttechbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my [s4s] phase was the most bizzaro; I wonder if swaglord knows he's the crypt keeper.

>> No.11568916

/r9k/ got stuffed up with normie phone posters around 2015 with thy poo poo pee pee shitz.

>> No.11568920

me exactly minus /tv/

>> No.11568924
File: 70 KB, 380x349, 1530749661236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1969 was a year ago

>> No.11568932
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>there are people here that don't watch anime
why are you on this website what the fuck. /lit/ has changed drastically

also lots of envy of you all due to the sheer amount of unexperienced 11/10 fiction

>> No.11568944

Reminder that anyone who came here from /pol/ is just looking for authority in the form of books and essays to back up their knee jerk reactions to dumb literally whos on Twitter. Hence the constant “what book will fix my life/make me believe in god/own my liberal friend” threads.

>> No.11568952

Personally I didn't include /a/ because I've just browsed it on and off for my entire 4chan history, now I only browse /lit/ and sometimes /a/

>> No.11568958

I've watched NGE twice and it's one of my favourite pieces of art, I've also seen all the anime kino films, but... why would I go on /a/? it's like going on /lit/ after having read just The Stranger or to /sp/ just for basketball discussion.

>> No.11568959

btw you don't have to go on /a/ to watch anime

>> No.11568971

I mean>>11568903 is me and I looked at /a/ on and off, but that board is only good if you watch anime seasonally

>> No.11569003

It's the opposite. I've accepted the validity of nearly all viewpoints. I see the logic of any ideological viewpoint from Marxism Leninism to Anarcho Capitalism to Nazism. They all operate in a rational framework. Like a lawyer, I can play devils advocate for any of them. Ultimately what one believes is contingent on upbringing and circumstance.
I've ascended such trivial conventions and arbitrarily pick and choose what I believe now. I view theology as superior to the study of politics now as it elevates an individual, as opposed to lowering.

>> No.11569015

transcendentally meta and irongreenblackbluegreenpilled my friend-o

>> No.11569029

Anime is a dead end. It is time wasted to fill some sort of void. These are cartoons meant for kids and teenagers. If you're a man of books, a man of philosophy, a man of intellect, etc or plainly a man, then there is no room for anime. I pity you that you watch these strange effeminate Japanese cartoons in silence to drown out the pains of life. Nobody is going to sit on there deathbed wishing they had watched more anime.

>> No.11569036

What a joke! You all think you are on /lit/ stage while you are actually on socialfaggot blogging stage.

>> No.11569037

Thank you, dear friend.

>> No.11569051
File: 203 KB, 1200x768, 4chann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me /a/ was never funny, they always took their board too seriously. The elitism always killed off any memes and derailed ebin threads.

>> No.11569053

Yep, that's going in my copypasta folder

>> No.11569056

it doesn't have to be escapism, everyone needs entertainment
once a year I get into an anime-watching mood so I watch it, that's all

also laugh if you want but I've had meaningful and emotional experiences with some anime, there are ones that can actually touch your soul

>> No.11569104

yeah but when do I catch the ox

>> No.11569121

This post has the reasoning and stylometry of an incredibly low IQ person. An NPC relative to us. A further strike against anime watching.

>> No.11569133

20th century thought

>> No.11569217

/x/ is a low IQ shitshow

>> No.11569228

it used to be fun

>> No.11569232

Why aren't those threads an autoban? They should be purged instantly from the board when they get posted. They're nothing but spam.

>> No.11569238

/b/ > /fit/ /mu/ > /lit/ > leave 4chan forever
This is the true patrician path

>> No.11569246

Degenerate path

>> No.11569251


>> No.11569258

>low IQ
is it ever, youtube tier people there. We occasionally have that sort of person on pol, really really dumb just repeating kike, not understanding anything

>> No.11569385

/b/ --> /a/mu/ --> /r9k/ --> /s4s/ --> /a/lit/ --> /lit/

>> No.11569392
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>board entirely devoted to the paranormal and the supernatural
>it's full of extremely credible/gullible people

I'll never understand why the state of /x/ surprises anyone. I mean, what did you expect?

>> No.11569395

Anime has always given me a sort of malicious vibe. Cynical and cold, calculated to viciously attack the sad and lonely at their weakest dispositions and characteristics.

That, and being rather gay.

>> No.11569427

Garbage. Filled with degeneracy, porn and pedos.
Low IQ gym bros and homosexuals.
Vast majority of musical opinions are incorrect.
It's not a matter of chacun à son goût, there is an objective good and if you cannot perceive it or reversely listen to shit, your discussion on the matter is not valid. You see, most people lack the neurocircuitry required to render melody, same as animals. That's why most people resort to "identifying with the lyrics" or liking the beats and pacing of a song. Most musical "tastes" arise as the result of preference falsification.

Going to /mu/ to discuss music as is like going to a blind person club to discuss paintings.
Not quite in your case. You were but another blind person joining the blind.

All in all, you've made some bad choices and just happened to wind up on a corner of the internet with high IQ people, now telling you the obvious fact that you never belonged here in the first place.

>> No.11569443

I am at "become suspicious of ideas"

>> No.11569479

It's a reaction not an accomplishment.

>> No.11569486

but I've been here for 8 years anon...

>> No.11569551


>> No.11569571

>vidya is just like real life OMG
Please stop

>> No.11569583
File: 89 KB, 796x1060, 813494817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is OP. I went from being on 4chan basically constantly to being on /lit/ basically constantly to checking /lit/ a few times a day to maybe checking it in the evening if I'm exceptionally bored. The trick is to start doing actual shit in your life, you'll realize that 99% of the time you spend here is a waste and would be better used doing just about fucking anything else.

>> No.11569646

Oh hey look, it's an ambiguous schizo thread.
GB2 /x/.

>> No.11569651
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420chan -> /x/ /v/ -> /tv/ /pol/ -> /sci/ /lit/ /an/
Something like that.

>> No.11569665

/b/ > /pol/ /vg/ /a/> /a/ /c/> /a/ /c/ /lit/

>> No.11569747

Angel's Egg is kino, Yokohama Kadashi Kikou is a masterpiece, and I do like NGE. But /a/ sucks donkey dick.

>> No.11569838

/b --> /fit --> /pol --> /his --> /mu --> /lit --> /pol

Feels bad man

>> No.11569940
File: 75 KB, 440x660, 1426166111690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. My progression was:
/b/ > /mu/ > /g/ > /out/ > /k/ > /lit/

This being over a span of 6 years. I've been a quotidian /lit/ poster for a couple years now and don't really see myself moving anywhere else on this site. I only occasionally visit other boards. It's really interesting to see you guys' online odysseys and to think about how these different board cultures might have molded your personalities. Not many other /k/ommandos I see? Oh well. The idea that this (or any other) is an "exit board" is one I've never thought of. Wonder if my time is coming? Will we finally learn to socialize in "real life" and no longer need this place? Was 4chan a necessary cocoon to incubate a certain type of character that couldn't grow otherwise? It's a bittersweet thought, just want to say I appreciate you guys.

>> No.11570278
File: 946 KB, 1260x1016, dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan boards are the circles of hell. A hodge podge of souls enters in and each mingles with its like, forming a coagulation which serves as an artifact of the environment for other posters to respond to. Therefore the whole inferno is a spontaneously self-organizing system containing various degrees wherein free floaters ascend or descend according to their place in the hierarchy. As we near the last stage, the air becomes rarefied and the quality of content increases, finally we find a concentration of knowledge which causes those who have made it this far to evolve astronomically. Here one attains to such a velocity as to be unable to ground oneself in the whole 4chan apparatus altogether flying to who knows where, to the horror of the posters still remaining on the board, who see their fellows vanish suddenly without a trace. A select few will understand what has occurred and say a prayer, giving thanks to the archangels in heaven for saving another soul from the tortures of this hell.

>> No.11570681


>> No.11570692


>> No.11570735

based and redpilled

>> No.11570794

This is the opinion of someone who knows next to nothing of an entire medium. You might as well say the same of film the demographics and styles are so vast.

>> No.11570813


>> No.11570822

>anons who think one day they'll be able to leave
good luck faggots

>> No.11570963

I've been using /lit/ for like 4, maybe 5 years now? It doesn't get easier, and the ride never ends.
>/b/ -> /k/ -> /lit/ -> /tv/ -> /mu/ -> /lit/ & /trv/

>> No.11570970

No, you'll just start going to other chans.

>> No.11570994
File: 53 KB, 339x481, 1528575998331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/fag telling everyone that the degenerate boards are the containment boards

>> No.11571067

esfores is the best board though. The real high IQ one

But they won't brag about it

>> No.11571076

Eh, I left for 5 years and am only back for maybe 20 mins / day on /lit/. Gets old quickly these days

>> No.11571265

I went /b/ - /pol/ - /r9k/ - /3dcg/ - /k/ - /lit/

Still browse /r9k/ occasionally

>> No.11571290

I went there once but they were rude to me, don't go on that board anons!

>> No.11571435
File: 56 KB, 600x333, 1411003288355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of schizophrenia, does anyone else rely on some form of fortunetelling to decide whether a post you type is going to be worth posting? If it takes me more than 2 tries solving a captcha, I assume my post is sinful and lacks Zen and I discard it. If I type it smoothly and captcha gets accepted immediately, that means that lord Kek has smiled on my memes and graced them with inspiration and it's good to go

>> No.11571437

What if I already had that "going to alternative chans unironically" phase?

>> No.11571457


>> No.11571469

No idea, but I hope you didn't act like a typical 4channer.

>> No.11571474

I've never heard this question asked before.

>> No.11571666

Good post brother
Welcome to hell

>> No.11571761

Everyone's in hell. You're not special.

>> No.11572734

More like eternal paradise ;) xoxo

>> No.11572756

>Realize it was all satire
I was on your side until here.
4chan really is just full of shitty immoral people. The irony is just an escape hatch to backpedal on 99% of the time.

>> No.11572798
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Are you the guy who made the thread on /out/?

>> No.11572847

>free from this hell
4chan is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE.

>> No.11572864
File: 141 KB, 590x657, gondola hiking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens if i started there? did i break the system? am i here forever?

>> No.11572867

I don't go on /out/. Can you link the thread?

>> No.11572870


>> No.11572950
File: 649 KB, 498x378, 1518625122958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry some of our guys made fun of you folks in that thread. /out/ generally respects you smart anons quite a lot.

>> No.11573038

ive been here since 2004, there is no way out, im sorry

>> No.11573242



It honestly hasn't even been a bad time. Place is a shit hole but if you skim for quality and lurk I actually feel that (with the exception of /b/) I got something beneficial out of this place.

>> No.11573249

Fairly accurate
Embrace absurdity as a means of communication
Realize that networked thought is only a few steps away
Become hivemind

>> No.11573265


>> No.11573546


My stages were:

/b/ --> /gif/ --> /x/ --> /pol/ --> /fit/ --> /fa/ --> /tv/ --> /lit/

Next week I'll be free.

>> No.11573569

A porn board counted as an entire phase in your journey?
wtf man

>> No.11573970

I went /b/ to /r9k/ to /mu/ to /tv/ and /pol/, now im at /lit/ and /his/.

Im never going to leave this site...

>> No.11573990

I went from /fit/ to /lit/ after snap city...

>> No.11574022

How bad is it?

>> No.11574028

gif actually have more threads than just porn, before they made that other gif board there were a lot more threads about random stuff

>> No.11574052

never brows on other boards anymore

>> No.11574076

i sure hope this faggot got it right

>> No.11574096


>> No.11574273

I was:
/b/ for le funny memes
/tv/ because i love cinema and /b/ went full degenerate
/pol/ because i got interested on politics for all the gamergate bullshit. And /tv/ stopped talking about classic cinema
/lit/ because i grow up of /pol/ and the board was full of shitposters and larpers
/sp/ because the world cup

And now im a crossboarder between /lit/, /r9k/ because i like to cheer up sad anons, and /fit/ because im trying to change my life.
So yeah, that, i dont want to stop using 4chan tho, most of the times the memes or you people really cheer me up

>> No.11574277
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seems like it

>> No.11574459

/lit/ is shit. the sooner you leave this cesspool and start enjoying your own thoughts instead of consuming these retards bullshit opinions, the better you'll be as a person and as an artist.

fuck this place, really.

>> No.11574511


>> No.11574686

/b/ -> /v/ and /vg/ -> /a/ -> /r9k/ -> /mu/ and /fa/ -> /sp/ and /tv/ -> /lit/ and /g/
Now that I think about it the boards represent my personal life at the time pretty well.

>> No.11574750

I came to 4chan mostly for /co/, and it's still one of my favorite boards. I don't understand all the people who hate it.

>> No.11574790
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/pol/ is good for a little while to get truth on stuff, and I'm very fortunate that it helped me find Christ within the Orthodox faith. But for the most part /pol/ is a lot like pick up blogs and such, good to know the truth but it will make you heartless.

I jumped to /x/ for a bit and even /fringe/ on infinity Chan, but /lit/ and /fit/ have been lifesaver's, helping me focus inward and delay gratification.

>> No.11575040

I did use this board to generally get acquainted with literature and its memes and people, but now I just come here to shitpost. Getting (You)s serves as a substitute for my social life. It is one of the more intelligent boards so the quality of shitposting has a higher ceiling as well

>> No.11575121

hi brainlet

>> No.11575141

/b/ -> /v/ -> /co/ -> /vr/ and /co/ -> /mu/ -> /r9k/, /pol/, /fa/, /fit/ and /mu/ -> /pol/ and /mu/ -> /pol/, /rym/ and /bleep/ -> /lit/, /pol/, /rym/ and /bleep/ -> /lit/ and /bleep/ -> 1 year hiatus -> /lit/ and /bleep/

>> No.11575148

anyone who started on /b/ cant really be that new, the newfag tunnel has been /pol/ for 2 years now and was probably /v/ for 2 more before that

>> No.11575153
File: 212 KB, 629x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize 4chan is a mechanism by which disembodied consciousnesses influence the living

>> No.11575163

you HAVE to leave

>> No.11575176

desu once you start getting into alternative chans you have essentially ruined your life

>> No.11575182

i read a bit of Garo type manga and very rarely binge an anime if it catches my interest but nobody on /a/ seems that interested the same stuff as me desu

>> No.11575183

>alternative chans
what are these?

>> No.11575191

do you really want me to actually tell you when as i have just stated you will end up as a complete outcast and ruin your life

think about how avid internet users outside of 4chan are mainly social outcasts of a sort in the real world

and 4chan users are often a social outcast in both the real world and the mainstream internet

what do u think becomes of someone who spends excessive time on alternate chans

>> No.11575194

I suspect it has something to do with this. How did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.11575195

im basically a nazi dude, it's over for me anyway. I just pretend to be normal at work or when i have to see people.

how can they be worse than 4chan?

>> No.11575199

the constant manipulative and suggestive nature of the posts and memes, the fact that it seems completely impossible for anyone to buy into the dominant ideology here and continue to be a living functioning human

>> No.11575217 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 296x89, 1533516137925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are filtered from being posted apparently

>> No.11575218

but like what are they, would you mind giving a description? just going on one of them it would take a while to get a handle on what's what

>> No.11575228

4chan offshoots for people who dont like the moderation here, 4chan offshoots for people who dont like the community here anymore, sites for discussing subjects that don't have a board on 4chan, e.t.c.

>> No.11575229

real smart people realise anime is just another medium with good and bad things and judge it the same as tv or films or books or whatever

>> No.11575243

you're not really selling the whole 'they will ruin you life' bit very well to be perfectly congruent with regards to the relation between what i am saying and what i am thinking senpai

>> No.11575252

what i am saying is if you allow a bunch of people who can't even interact on 4chan well to become a major influence in your life then it is not going to lead to you having a particularly pleasurable life

>> No.11575269

it could have been so much more

>> No.11575287

>e a major influence in your life t
i mean it would be retarded to allow 4chan to influence you that way as well. I come here mostly as an outlet for my antisocial tendencies, and then secondly to discuss poetry and russian. I think the only time this board has ever influenced me is that anons here changed my mind about Deleuze. He really does have interesting things to say

>> No.11575290

i think you may lack a certain self-awareness if you dont believe 4chan has influenced your worldview

>> No.11575304

i came here specifically because i was looking for people who had my worldview, and i found a number of them. My worldview itself was created by personal experience, reading books, and reading blogs.

4chan has in large quantities the rather rare variant of person that will autistically argue about things no matter where the conclusion leads, evne if it is deeply taboo. that shit is crack to me so i come here, but i have very rarely been affected by peoples opinions here.

For example I browsed pol for years and I still do not even vaguely dislike Jews. Sometimes i think pol is somewhat correct about how much power they have but a) i do not care and b)it actually sort of endears them to me. I can't just take all the Jewish people i've known irl and say 'fuck these guys' just because Soros is a prick. It's not rational

>> No.11575406
File: 60 KB, 800x546, it hasnt even begun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11575584

god tier trips

>> No.11575598

Don’t overrate yourself, this place is just a forum for people who read, the popularity is what keeps me coming back. Most forums are very slow paced but this has a constant community

>> No.11575608

Ty, satan

>> No.11575626

>Don’t overrate yourself,
impossible, the doctors tell me it's a condition. But seriously you are underselling the value of totally anonymous nearly uncensored discussion. this is quite literally unprecedented in human interaction

>> No.11575826
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>> No.11575941
File: 11 KB, 299x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm getting the fuck out of here, bye all

>> No.11576245
File: 196 KB, 640x619, 1533360592644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my personal journey was:

/b/ -> /v/ -> /tv/ -> /lit/ and /out/

I'm pretty good at this stage. /lit/ might have to be dropped if this whole /pol/ thing doesn't blow over or is replaced by something somehow even worse.

>> No.11576395

no /biz/ is

>> No.11576404

t. Edgy teenager calling others edgy teens when they don't understand something

>> No.11576433

>Devil tier

>> No.11576445

It begins and ends when you talk about the rhetoric of course.

>> No.11576460

I get a tingling sensation on the middle of my tongue and the roof of my mouth whenever I think of sporks.

>> No.11576470

/b/ > /r9k/ > /pol/ > few months in between each, then shortly after /fa/ then /fit/ with a little bit of /x/ then /fitlitfatv/

>> No.11576480

Almost every anime that wasn’t a manga or animated before 2000 will never be kino

>> No.11576536

/mu/ --> /tv/ --> /fit/ --> /a/ --> /out/ --> /lit/
I think I missed a few turns somewhere

>> No.11576636

/b/ --> /v/ /mu/ /tv/ --> /lit/ for me
I'm still holding on hope that i can drag myself out of the dirt sometime soon

>> No.11576652



>> No.11576891

No, Catho/lit/ does not have to be the final stage.

>> No.11576897

I just started /lit/ i feel as though this will be a long one, due too all the books i have to read...

>> No.11577090

/mu/ -> /a/ -> /fa/ -> /r9k/ -> /fit/ -> /lit/ -> /pol/

then i was done with 4chan, although with /pol/ i only ever looked at /sg/

now i browse bb forums but just came back to see if /lit/ was still funny. desu though i don't consider /a/ to be a part of 4chan and check on it whenever i want to watch something else or see opinions about a show

>> No.11577095

What a waste of brain power.

>> No.11577103

/b/ -> /v/ -> /g/ -> /r9k/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/ -> /fit/ -> /lit/ -> /x/

It's been quite the journey.

>> No.11577130

what do you mean?

>> No.11577158
File: 1.15 MB, 1292x1180, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at 1.00.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /lit/ and /sci/ were my first stages, and then slowly leaked into /a/, /pol/, and /v/
>only to return to /lit/, and stick with /tv/ and /fit/
Where will I end my journey anons?

>> No.11577179


I've gone

/b/ > /v/ > /x/ > /fit/ > /lit/ > /his/ > /lit/

pretty sure /lit is not the last stage

>> No.11577184

You have no idea how good that place was 5-3 years ago

>> No.11577192

Is there anything one could read about how higher abstraction paradoxically makes for better/higher-level communication? My deepest thoughts can only ever be expressed in text form

>> No.11577282

You first.

>> No.11577314

I've been refreshing the front page since 2011. What does that make me?

>> No.11577356

Every time there's some huge purge for whatever reason a new chan is founded.

The first one was 7 chan, which is mostly abandoned today. It was mostly SomethingAwful rejects and oldfag /b/tards.

The newest is 8 chan which was just for the Gamergate autism. It's just as cancerous as 4chan so I don't recommend it.

All the other ones are mostly just for niche interests. Lain chan is a weird hybrid of weeb and /r9k/, uboa chan is for that Yume Nikki game, etc.

The only one worth visiting is 420 chan. It was founded waaaay back around when 7 chan was founded so it's a relic of a bygone era but last time I was there it was still relatively lively. As the name suggests it has a huge emphasis on drugculture but there's also plenty of general discussion there.

>> No.11577367

This is worst writing ever.

I am in awe.

Truly worthy copy/pasta.

>> No.11577380

>This is worst writing ever.
Something something spec out of their eye log in yours.

>> No.11577395

Old copypasta is good copypasta.

>> No.11577399

How the fuck do you go from /x/ to /fit/? Did those Schizos convince you that working out will summon aliens?

>> No.11577412

Now be overly-angry.

>> No.11577506

chans outside of 4chan are horrible because they're more insular and oftentimes retardation/irrationality is supported and promoted if it fits a chan's values/ideologies. it's a spiral of self-inflicted stupidity and delusion. results in somewhat more intelligent posters merely by being a bit more obscure and stricter in content engagement, yet also exceedingly delusional and/or memetic posters. conversely, 4chan/pol/, for example, is a jungle of ideological conflict and variety, in comparison.

>> No.11577765

all the >muh enlightened post-triple-backflip-absurd irony

are just faggots

>> No.11577770

last stage is unironic /pol/

>> No.11577775

You're basically a 4chan DYEL if you think that

>> No.11577783

/pol/ is where shitter who can't stand the grind anchored himself. The lurkers and front page browsers are the real overlords of 4chan

>> No.11577787

whats last stage my dude? abstract avatar posting as some obscure anime trap that looks like a minor but is actually a 400yo demon that fights evil?

if you sincerely have been here this long and seen the depths of the culture asshole so long and don't wish cleansing fire you might be on the post-ironic road to suicide, or worse, 50yo bugmanism

>> No.11577790

Last stage is the /r/askphilosophy discord's secret channel (not the secret channel you're thinking of homo)

>> No.11577817

This is one of those delightfully rare instances of God-tier bait

>> No.11578626
File: 524 KB, 680x517, 1448999477263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still at /tv/ stage
>bounced away from /fit/ few times

>> No.11578677
File: 318 KB, 1278x1098, 1442501616533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna make it brehs
this is hell
destory this site and destroy every bit of information claiming that it ever existed
it won't help us, but it will save the others

>> No.11578702

/x/ -> /v/ -> /tv/ -> /vg/ -> /fit -> /co/ -> /lit/

>> No.11578839


>> No.11578945

I started with /lit/ really. Only come here now when uni isn't overbearing or during holidays. I used to browse random boards like /pol/ or /gif/ for fucked up gore and racism as a teen because I thought it was funny, but the entire site seemed too sublime in its autism to stick around.

I came to /lit/ because of a friend who perused a lot, in the year 2016. We used to meme Infinite Jest and other memes from here on our meme page, and now it's slowly shown to be very autistic. And now we make our own content that I shill here occasionally. In other words, there is no exit, nor is there entrance. I am merely the house.

>> No.11579013

/pol/->/r9k/->/sci/, /fit/, /biz/-> /int/, /his/, /gif/, /lit/

>> No.11579090 [DELETED] 

unconsciousness -> hobby geek -> history/politics -> metaphysics/iterature -> living a fulfilling life

>> No.11579099

unconsciousness -> hobby geek -> politics -> history -> literature -> metaphysics/philosophy -> living a fulfilling life

>> No.11579133

good thing you edited that, my reddit comrade!! :^)

(would have downvoted otherwise)

>> No.11579304


join general_lit

>> No.11579441


>> No.11579446

Why is this so true this is my exact progression

>> No.11579479
File: 1.71 MB, 1451x1262, loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweaty...


>> No.11579569

same here

>> No.11579692

>they went to /pol/
>weren't even around for /new/fags being retarded too


>> No.11579802

the politics and history phase is only for people on the autistic spectrum

>> No.11579915

But if you’re still here, how can you know......

>> No.11580068
File: 56 KB, 759x500, culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are trashy anime for kids like Fullmetal Alchemist,
and there are masterpieces like Grave of the Fireflies and Princess Mononoke.

That means that you are not a man of culture, you are more of a larping wannabe and also a faggot.

>> No.11580076
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>> No.11580114
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I also like Netflix original series much more, especially the ones infested by far left extremist and gay ideology.

>> No.11580191

Mine was
/pol/ --> /d/ /trash/ /r9k/ --> /fit/ /lit/ /mu/
I am purified, begone red boards.

>> No.11580255

/gif/->/lit/, /gif/, /s/

>> No.11580268

/pol/ was a mistake.

>> No.11580310

Or you could stop watching tv altogether you worthless cunt
Either way there are many other boards for people like you

>> No.11580416

You were a mistake.

>> No.11580589
File: 121 KB, 361x332, 1469768483657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there isnt a definitive path, looking at this thread, it's kinda funny how everyone's path on this website is drastically different (no ones mentioned /his/ :( the one board that saved me) and how everyone is trying to convince everyone else what is "the definitive path towards board enlightenment" such is the culture of contrarians just know how to control ur browsing and dont feed into the malicious elements of this site, like the debate whether this website is anime exclusive -_-

you are here forever

>> No.11581182

idk what 90% of that shit is

>> No.11582353
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>> No.11582367

no the last stage is discussing literature on newgrounds

>> No.11582689

/v/ > /VG/ > /co/ > /his/ > /lit/.

Still do VG.

>> No.11582705

>I actually came here to condemn myself
I was severely depressed in my teens and used to browse bungie.net/the flood. I hated myself so much I thought the only place I deserved to be was 4chan.

>> No.11582714

I feel you, anon. Do you want to kill yourself with me?

>> No.11582715

unironic terminal braindeath

>> No.11582721
File: 156 KB, 1200x1200, 65FCC680-30EE-424C-BF80-26108A026218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are three good places:
1) /lit/
2) /jp/
3) /sp/

>> No.11582743


I bought some rope a few weeks ago but I'm on a self improvement path. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.11582766

everyone knows the holy trinity is /tv/, /sp/ and /pol/.
Although /lit/ is probably my favourite.

>> No.11582795

i went
/b/ for a hot second, /mu/, /fa/, /fit/, /g/, /lit/ and /out/, with (((/hm/))) and /lgbt/ throughout

please let me escapr

>> No.11582830

I went straight to pol to lit
I was on /b/ once before but I must've been too much of a normie because the loli hentai scared me away instantly
Just fucking close that sad shithole down, please.

I actually came back from freedom to /lit/ because I need more reading material

>> No.11582897
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>> No.11583904
File: 1.39 MB, 1150x1626, 1533121354429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has absolutely no redeeming qualities, there are quite possibly no worse places on the internet and I genuinely wish everyone who posts there frequently would just drop dead
/tv/ is just retarded at this point

>> No.11583946

Now /o/ you mongrel.

>> No.11584332

lit is not the last stage.

I started off in /fit/ in 2012 and realised that 4chan filled a hole in my life. The other online message boards were fucking stultifying, even if I had some great times.

fit stayed my main board but after 2012 I became heavily invested in browsing pol. The trayvon case was an early peak, then trump from mid 2015 to late 2016 was one long peak.

Since 2014 lit has been my main board. tv is the meme powerhouse of 4chan because of its unpretentious nature and proximity to pop culture. pol is good but kind of in a lull. A lack of happenings makes it flabby and weak.

I was kind of an r9ker throughout but stopped a few years ago. After Elliot Rodger became famous I browsed sluthate for around a year and my social redpilled went as strong as it can go.

biz, sci, g, are low IQ but also great people. his is good but it was created by cutting the arms off of lit. lit cannot accept it's loss of history and humanities. Nobody on lit can accept that novels are an entertainment medium.

sp used to be a meme powerhouse but stringent moderation turned it in to something mediocre.

So why isn't lit the final step? Because you come to realise that there are many oversocialised or low IQ people on here who mindlessly worship what academia and publishing companies tell them to.

>> No.11584615

this is probably right, as soon as I learnt about oversocialization and buffers through technology I only now come hear for the meme discussions, /tv/s best new thing and work on my hobbies.

>> No.11584866

Hello darkness my old friend (then thoughts my autistic mind)

>> No.11585478


I went through every stage on this list. Maybe soon I'll be free but in the meantime, just... one... more... book... recommendation... thread...

>> No.11585660
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 1531370378593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need (You)s to subsist.

(You)s are the breath and the joy of life. (You)s are the bread for the soul.

>> No.11585678

once democrat mike warner gets his internet license law passed and you can only use the internet after you verify your license no one is going to go to 4chan anymore lets be real this site's days are numbered

>> No.11585999

T-t-hanks man, that really struck a chord.

>> No.11586836
File: 23 KB, 601x508, 1527243331408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, get a load of this jabroni. Imagine actually being like that, hahaha...

>> No.11586848

>expecting me to keep up with what's happening in congress

>> No.11586933

>am i here forever?
I have some bad news for you...

>> No.11587045

/g/, /fit/, /lit/, and occasionally /a/.

Last stage of hell is still hell, OP. Stay strong.

>> No.11587256

I'm split between here, /pol/, /out/, /his/, and /x/ occasionally

It kind of feels like the last stage desu. I really like this board though despite the snarky lefty shitposts

>> No.11588461

Also, I forgot to mention: if my post gets dubs, that means it's a real good one and I should post more like it.

>> No.11588484

have a (You).

>> No.11588500

Thanks friend!

>> No.11588503

Thank you jail-Jesus
/fit/ and /lit/ this year, I'm almost out guys :`)

>> No.11588664

transcendental centrism

>> No.11588770

>terry davis
this shit is all over the place. It's like mocking someone for being a right-wing communist - wat

>> No.11588801
File: 18 KB, 509x411, 1532733384861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ -> /pol/ -> /p/, /ck/ -> /biz/ -> /g/ -> /lit/, /trv/ -> /r9k/ -> /g/ -> /biz/ -> /fit/, /lit/

this feels like I am caught in a loop

>> No.11589119

you came back within an hour didn't you