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File: 16 KB, 214x317, tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11564465 No.11564465 [Reply] [Original]

He set the bar impossibly high, why even bother writing fantasy?

>> No.11564475
File: 32 KB, 300x438, md2191562555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel is dope af and it's not tolkien

tolkien is a god no doubt, but there other good things to read besides him in that genre

>> No.11564476

I think it's important to keep the bar high. Just because there are now high standards for fantasy doesn't mean that it's impossible to write a brilliant piece of work. It's justt a mter of usees isn its' just its just its justsss

>> No.11564490

did you have a stroke?

>> No.11564505

Send help to this Anon please :(

>> No.11565103

is that the Von Bek books in a single volume?

>> No.11565112

Tolkien's work was so good he literally ruined the genre

Change my mind

>> No.11565116

Basically. I mean he invented fucking languages. Some people go the extra mile but fuck, man.

>> No.11565117
File: 19 KB, 378x527, 1.0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent, someone check his inbox asap!

>> No.11565146

GRRM perfected it

>> No.11565162

He hasn't even finished yet.

>> No.11565163

>He set the bar

Eric Rücker Eddison. Tolkien-fellating fanboys HATE him!

"The greatest and most convincing writer of invented worlds that I have read." -t Tolkien

>> No.11565176

>Tolkien generally approved Eddison's literary style, but found the underlying philosophy rebarbative; while Eddison in turn thought Tolkien's views "soft"
what did he mean by this

>> No.11565193

And then Tolkien came in and flipped everything up

>> No.11565276

I read Worm Ouroboros and loved it. Then I just recently ready Mistress of Mistresses after seeing it at a used book store, and holy fucking shit, want a unique book. The ending blew me away, much more than expected. Time to get my hands on Fish Dinner in Memison, which sounds even weirder.

>> No.11565277

The bar isn't high enough. Might as well raise it.

>> No.11566673

not sure, just chose this one for the cover art

>> No.11566680

More like he invented languages and then wrote a book for it.

>> No.11566703

>dildo braggings
>slay le dragongs
>big mage with powerful spells, woah
>orcs vs. humans
>virgin elve pussies
>took an arrow in to the kne
>"run, fools" -- Gandhi
>the little dude is actually a huge hero dude
>(size don' matter, kids [buy muy books])
>hop on my griffon, master Harry

He was a fucking retard

>> No.11566708


>> No.11566724

That's what happens when you try to rationalize a little too hard

>> No.11566734

He was a great linguist and worldbuilder, but he was a horrible poet and mediocre writer.

>> No.11566742

Agreed. Tolkien made good world for his little Bombadillo adventures and "muh second breakfast", but only likes of G.R.R Martin would make the world actually seem alive with taxation and realism.

>> No.11566762

He could do pretty great fairy tales, which is why The Hobbit and Farmer Giles of Ham are so good. LotR unfortunately is not a fairy tale, and falls flat.

>> No.11566862

Is this self contained? Or do I need familiarity with his multiverse?

>> No.11566914
File: 1.72 MB, 1576x2480, Graf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. and no, you don't need any familiarity with the multiverse. it's really only the first story, the warhound and the world's pain. i don't even know why i like it so much. the middle parts are kind of meh but the overall idea is just perfect.

>> No.11566929

But he didn't. It's just most people as capable as him don't write fantasy so you just get hacks writing it.

>> No.11567043

Because Tolkien didn't write fantasy. He wrote synthetic mythology.

>> No.11567484

We take it for granted now, of course, but his contribution was enormous.

>> No.11567486

Shit the fuck up, you jokester

>> No.11567487

Taxation lol who cares

>> No.11567516

So you're saying he did...

>> No.11567540

>>the little dude is actually a huge hero dude
Hey, fuck off, one of the whole things about Tolkien is that the hobbits actually make better heroes in kind, not in size. Hobbits don't fix things because they're actually secretly really strong, or secretly really good at throwing rocks, it's because they're brave in a moral sense (as distinguished from the "unafraid to fight the big bad guy with a sword" sense). Fuck out of here with your hack shit, please

>> No.11567548

I'm saying the bar isn't high it's just that people that are capable don't write fantasy

Tolkien is mediocre overall.

>> No.11567575

>people that are capable don't write fantasy
>Tolkien is mediocre

But if anyone better than Tolkien doesn't write fantasy, wouldn't he still be pretty good in the context of fantasy writers?

>> No.11567588

Yes, i was more comparing him to writers a whole. He's a giant in fantasy but that's it.

>> No.11567592

I think the hobbits fucking sucked

>> No.11567824


>> No.11567832
File: 913 KB, 727x717, 1489887371258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. elf