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File: 258 KB, 1571x1960, Yousuf-Karsh-Ernest-Hemingway-1957-1571x1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11561361 No.11561361 [Reply] [Original]

If Ernest Hemingway was so manly why did he kill himself like a sad little bitch?

Talk about over-compensating.

>> No.11561388

Why do you think suicide is unmanly?

>> No.11561398

If I recall correctly he used his head to bang his way out of a crashed plane in Africa. This lead to brain damage. Which, in turn, lead to him killing himself.

>> No.11561473

Brain damage, impotence, and old age. “I shall go mad” ~ Lear

>> No.11561956

Suicide is literally the most manly thing one can do.

>> No.11561974

Because he's a fucking bitch idiot. Suicide is the most masculine thing ever. Imagine being so mad you fucking murder yourself.

This guy gets it.

>> No.11562004

Suicide is running away from your problems and in no way is it manly. Yes he was ill but that doesn't make it manly.

>> No.11562140

remember this thread and post you made when for weeks on end your organs are deteriorating on your death bed and a nurse has to pull away the diarrhea from your pants after every meal

>> No.11562161

It was a family thing.

>> No.11562198

Tbf the plane crash fucked his brain up

>> No.11562257


No excuse

>> No.11562266

>not getting off to a woman handling your scat against her will
Never gonna make it, sonny

>> No.11562318
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>why did he kill himself

Tried to read his own prose.

>> No.11562326


Seems his brain issues were more likely genetic. Suicide ran in his family.

>> No.11562337

you think highly and worthily of your self for no reason. Why does a nurse that has to handle your dying old man shit not have the right to kill you instead? Especially if your getting off to it, she could pull the plug right

>> No.11562351

I'm not sure if I'll kill myself by deciding to stop breathing or by eating raw octopus, which is more manly?

>> No.11562373

>running away from your problems
no, it's headrushing into the biggest problem imaginable. literally, EVERYTHING is a minor consideration compared to the weight of death.

>> No.11562397

He was severely depressed and his wife forced him to attend electrotherapy which only fried his brain more.

>> No.11562407

This isn't /fitlit/ anymore.

>> No.11562420

Well why would anyone kill themselves then?

>> No.11562433

I'm just really confused about what you are missing here.

>> No.11562476

wtf, is that true?

>> No.11562525

There is nothing manly about torturing a man. Obviously he believed he was experiencing unbearable pain and if you were to deprive him of his believed relief it would be akin to torture. Of course it is possible he acted severely in only a temporary harsh mood, which is what one hopes, and why yall say what you do, that if you were there to talk him out of it, he would have thanked you profusely that he was merely in a passing bad state of mind. Difficult to tell if the mood is just passing or if it would have been his there on out, and he wasnt getting any younger.

>> No.11562542

When your quality of life gets low and you get no enjoyment out of life, why stick around?

>> No.11562547

"Through the end of the 1950s, Hemingway continued to rework the material that would be published as A Moveable Feast.[133] In mid-1959, he visited Spain to research a series of bullfighting articles commissioned by Life magazine.[139] Life wanted only 10,000 words, but the manuscript grew out of control. For the first time in his life unable to organize his writing, he asked A. E. Hotchner to travel to Cuba to help him. Hotchner helped him trim the Life piece down to 40,000 words, and Scribner's agreed to a full-length book version (The Dangerous Summer) of almost 130,000 words.[140] Hotchner found Hemingway to be "unusually hesitant, disorganized, and confused",[141] and suffering badly from failing eyesight.[142]"

"On July 25, 1960, Hemingway and Mary left Cuba, never to return. During the summer of 1960, he set up a small office in his New York City apartment and attempted to work. He left New York City for good soon after. He then traveled alone to Spain to be photographed for the front cover for the Life magazine piece. A few days later, he was reported in the news to be seriously ill and on the verge of dying, which panicked Mary until she received a cable from him telling her, "Reports false. Enroute Madrid. Love Papa."[143] However, he was seriously ill and believed himself to be on the verge of a breakdown.[140] He was lonely and took to his bed for days, retreating into silence, despite having had the first installments of The Dangerous Summer published in Life in September 1960 to good reviews.[144] In October, he left Spain for New York, where he refused to leave Mary's apartment on the pretext that he was being watched. She quickly took him to Idaho, where George Saviers (a Sun Valley physician) met them at the train"

"At this time, Hemingway was constantly worried about money and his safety.[142] He worried about his taxes and that he would never return to Cuba to retrieve the manuscripts he had left there in a bank vault. He became paranoid, thinking the FBI was actively monitoring his movements in Ketchum.[145][146] The FBI had, in fact, opened a file on him during World War II, when he used the Pilar to patrol the waters off Cuba, and J. Edgar Hoover had an agent in Havana watch Hemingway during the 1950s.[147] By the end of November, Mary was at her wits' end, and Saviers suggested Hemingway go to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and Hemingway may have believed he was to be treated there for hypertension.[145]

>> No.11562551

The FBI knew Hemingway was at the Mayo Clinic, as an agent later documented in a letter written in January 1961.[148] In an attempt to maintain anonymity, Hemingway was checked in at the Mayo Clinic under Saviers's name.[144] Meyers writes that "an aura of secrecy surrounds Hemingway's treatment at the Mayo" but confirms he was treated with electroconvulsive therapy as many as 15 times in December 1960 and was "released in ruins" in January 1961.[149] Reynolds was able to access Hemingway's records at the Mayo, which indicated that the combination of medications given to Hemingway may have created the depressive state for which he was treated.[150]"

"Three months after Hemingway was released from the Mayo Clinic, when he was back in Ketchum in April 1961, Mary "found Hemingway holding a shotgun" in the kitchen one morning. She called Saviers, who sedated him and admitted him to the Sun Valley Hospital; from there he was returned to the Mayo Clinic for more electroshock treatments.[151] He was released in late June and arrived home in Ketchum on June 30. Two days later, in the early morning hours of July 2, 1961, Hemingway "quite deliberately" shot himself with his favorite shotgun"

"Hemingway's behavior during his final years had been similar to that of his father's before he killed himself;[158] his father may have had the genetic disease hemochromatosis, due to which the inability to metabolize iron culminates in mental and physical deterioration.[159] Medical records made available in 1991 confirm that Hemingway had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis in early 1961.[160] His sister Ursula and his brother Leicester also killed themselves.[161] In addition to being affected by his physical ailments, Hemingway's health was compromised by his having been a heavy drinker for most of his life.["

>> No.11562559

" The Hemingway family suffered a series of accidents and health problems in the years following the war: in a 1945 car accident, he "smashed his knee" and sustained another "deep wound on his forehead""

"Hemingway sank into depression as his literary friends began to die: in 1939 William Butler Yeats and Ford Madox Ford; in 1940 Scott Fitzgerald; in 1941 Sherwood Anderson and James Joyce; in 1946 Gertrude Stein; and the following year in 1947, Max Perkins, Hemingway's long-time Scribner's editor and friend.[113] During this period, he suffered from severe headaches, high blood pressure, weight problems, and eventually diabetes—much of which was the result of previous accidents and many years of heavy drinking"

"In 1954, while in Africa, Hemingway was almost fatally injured in two successive plane crashes. He chartered a sightseeing flight over the Belgian Congo as a Christmas present to Mary. On their way to photograph Murchison Falls from the air, the plane struck an abandoned utility pole and "crash landed in heavy brush". Hemingway's injuries included a head wound, while Mary broke two ribs.[120] The next day, attempting to reach medical care in Entebbe, they boarded a second plane that exploded at take-off, with Hemingway suffering burns and another concussion, this one serious enough to cause leaking of cerebral fluid.["

>> No.11562574

"When a bushfire broke out, he was again injured, sustaining second degree burns on his legs, front torso, lips, left hand and right forearm.[124] Months later in Venice, Mary reported to friends the full extent of Hemingway's injuries: two cracked discs, a kidney and liver rupture, a dislocated shoulder and a broken skull.[123] The accidents may have precipitated the physical deterioration that was to follow. After the plane crashes, Hemingway, who had been "a thinly controlled alcoholic throughout much of his life, drank more heavily than usual to combat the pain of his injuries."

"From the end of the year in 1955 to early 1956, Hemingway was bedridden.[131] He was told to stop drinking to mitigate liver damage, advice he initially followed but then disregarded.[132] In October 1956, he returned to Europe and met Basque writer Pio Baroja, who was seriously ill and died weeks later. During the trip, Hemingway became sick again and was treated for "high blood pressure, liver disease, and arteriosclerosis""

>> No.11562621

>He worried about his taxes
imagine a great eternal american worldly treasure having to worry about his taxes

how many bankers in history do you have to add together to equal a mozart

>> No.11562789

She willingly engaged the contract of employment knowing fully its requirements and responsibilities

>> No.11562810

I was merely wondering it might be more dignifiedly manly in such a state to kill oneself than inflict that type of disgrace onto the world and a young lady

>> No.11562953

^this, probably this op
>in a 1945 car accident, he "smashed his knee" and sustained another "deep wound on his forehead
>During this period, he suffered from severe headaches, high blood pressure, weight problems, and eventually diabetes—much of which was the result of previous accidents and many years of heavy drinking
>In 1954, while in Africa, Hemingway was almost fatally injured in two successive plane crashes. He chartered a sightseeing flight over the Belgian Congo as a Christmas present to Mary. On their way to photograph Murchison Falls from the air, the plane struck an abandoned utility pole and "crash landed in heavy brush". Hemingway's injuries included a head wound, while Mary broke two ribs.[120] The next day, attempting to reach medical care in Entebbe, they boarded a second plane that exploded at take-off, with Hemingway suffering burns and another concussion, this one serious enough to cause leaking of cerebral fluid
>When a bushfire broke out, he was again injured, sustaining second degree burns on his legs, front torso, lips, left hand and right forearm.[124] Months later in Venice, Mary reported to friends the full extent of Hemingway's injuries: two cracked discs, a kidney and liver rupture, a dislocated shoulder and a broken skull.[123] The accidents may have precipitated the physical deterioration that was to follow
>"From the end of the year in 1955 to early 1956, Hemingway was bedridden.[131] He was told to stop drinking to mitigate liver damage, advice he initially followed but then disregarded. During the trip, Hemingway became sick again and was treated for "high blood pressure, liver disease, and arteriosclerosis""
>and suffering badly from failing eyesight.
> A few days later, he was reported in the news to be seriously ill and on the verge of dying, which panicked Mary until she received a cable from him telling her, "Reports false. Enroute Madrid. Love Papa."[143] However, he was seriously ill and believed himself to be on the verge of a breakdown.
>but confirms he was treated with electroconvulsive therapy as many as 15 times in December 1960 and was "released in ruins"
>Reynolds was able to access Hemingway's records at the Mayo, which indicated that the combination of medications given to Hemingway may have created the depressive state for which he was treated
>She called Saviers, who sedated him and admitted him to the Sun Valley Hospital; from there he was returned to the Mayo Clinic for more electroshock treatments.[151] He was released in late June and arrived home in Ketchum on June 30. Two days later, in the early morning hours of July 2, 1961, Hemingway "quite deliberately" shot himself with his favorite shotgun"
>Medical records made available in 1991 confirm that Hemingway had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis in early 1961.[160] His sister Ursula and his brother Leicester also killed themselves.

>> No.11563115


Years of booze and brain trauma, plus his inability to relive his golden years. Hunter Thompson (before he became a drug addled caricature of himself) wrote a good article on Hemingway's final years that's not hard to find online.

>> No.11563966

Probably this op

>> No.11563978

Why did Hemingway think suicide was unmanly?

>> No.11564326

OP, it was probably this

>> No.11564340

Killing yourself is probably one of the most masculine ways of dying their is. Men are over-represented 4:1 in American suicides.

>> No.11564361
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>> No.11564387
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, F05434C1-5D7B-4935-A45A-E233017A006C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are actually more likely to attempt suicide than men. They’re just less likely to own guns and, if they do, they lack the spatial awareness to know where to put the bullet to hit something vital, so they usually fail. Men attempt suicude less often but are more likely to succeed

>> No.11564410

Suicide is manly as fuck. Do you know how much balls it takes to end your known life knowing that literally anything (or nothing at all) can happen afterwords?

>> No.11564417

This is like saying trannies are braver than soldiers.

>> No.11564426

This factoid doesn't take the fact that there are multiple types of suicide attempts into consideration. An attempt that amounts to a cry for help shouldn't be categorized the same as a genuine attempt.

>> No.11564825

>If Ernest Hemingway was so manly why did he kill himself like a sad little bitch?
Op, probably this

>> No.11564833
File: 341 KB, 1200x1600, 1531615909483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound so damn ignorant. I can tell you have no intimate knowledge concerning severe depression or true isolation.

There is a hopeless impossibility to it all, and despite any big breaks or brief turns for the better, it always wins in the end. Always.

>> No.11564839

No it’s not. The largest religion in the world believes that if you kill yourself you go to hell. Nothing soldiers go through can compare to eternal suffering.

>> No.11564844
File: 96 KB, 900x644, cf46e874b16572458d8da5a288db2f83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He was in the trenches you fucking cuck.
We can't even imagine what the was like.

Old demons persist.

>> No.11564854

Masculinity has always been associated with words, acts and behaviours that signal health and power in the man in possession of them. Some argument could be made that Cato’s suicide following the defeat of the senators of Rome was a masculine act. Indeed, I might see ritualistic suicide in the wake of defeat or severe dishonour in general as masculine. But killing yourself because of “the fundamental meaninglessness of everything” or some shit like that, though it may be poetic and even philosophical, is not masculine

>> No.11564873

Electroconvulsive therapy gets a bad rap, but it is actually very effective when done right. It does have a nontrivial chance of causing amnesia, leading to loss of skills, but it's a decent last resort.

>> No.11564885
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Chemical imbalance in the brain, topping himself off was family tradition for the Hemingway's.

>> No.11564902


>Chemical imbalance in the brain
This is fucking bullshit son.

>> No.11564907

The CIA was on his ass. They didn't like his socialist sympathies. Why do you think he lived in Cuba? He got Mcarthy'd

>> No.11565102

I would think the lowest possible voltages would be the safest start if anything, not what is show in like movies and stuff where they are spazzing out

>> No.11565107

probably this

>> No.11565120

You have to be 18+ to post on this site

>> No.11565559

Op, he probably killed himself because this

>> No.11565566

His writing came from memory, and he was diagnosed with Alzheimer. He was going to lose the one thing he held onto his entire life

>> No.11565611


See >>11564426, taking an extra two Ibuprofen and then calling all "those bitches who call themselves [your] friends" is only a suicide on paper.

>> No.11565619

>papists mocking Hemingway on /lit/
>not getting my fish on the train
It's enough to make a man join the Klan.

>> No.11565664

The answer to your OP, OP, is probably this

>> No.11565953

who else would have the balls to even try to kill Ernest Hemingway?

>> No.11566470

>Women are actually more likely to attempt suicide than men.
Everyone knows this already you pseud.
>They’re just less likely to own guns and, if they do, they lack the spatial awareness to know where to put the bullet to hit something vital, so they usually fail.
No, it's because there's a difference between killing yourself vs. attention seeking. Women don't accidentally "fail" at committing suicide, they just make more suicidal gestures with no intention of actually killing themselves.

>> No.11566477

It's almost exactly the same ratio in Europe (if anything it's a slightly higher male to female ratio in Europe).

>> No.11567221

>If Ernest Hemingway was so manly why did he kill himself
If I had to take a stab at it, or, give it a shot, I would gander it was probably this, op:

>> No.11567253

>electroshock treatments
Makes me wonder if medical doctors are using techniques today that are this wrongheaded and completely counterproductive.
My money is on chemotherapy.

>> No.11567262

this is the most low-t post I have ever seen and I have seen posts on /mu/

>> No.11567305

You are a fag
I bet you want death to take you like a little bitch

Instead of dying on your terms, standing like a real man

>> No.11568089

OP, it might be this

>> No.11568107


>> No.11568112

you cant write for shit

>> No.11568141

Nah that was a funny joke and you're an incel

>> No.11568171

if you think Hemmmmingay was masculine and that """""""joke"""""" was funny then I have no doubt I could beat the everloving shit out of you. First I would force your head down between your own legs and when you resisted I would kick the outside of your legs to make you fall on your ass then I would drag you into some prickly bushes and pull you pants down around your ankles. You'd be begging me to stop but I would slap your dick and your face with the same hand and you would cry like a bitch.

>> No.11568880


Electroshock is still being used, Anon.

>> No.11568969
File: 16 KB, 346x346, john I'm back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemingway's books are all self-glorified period pieces.

Prove me wrongo chucks

>> No.11568987

If you're smart enough to truly understand what you're doing then it takes a lot of balls to make the decision to no longer exist.

>> No.11569590

im not entirely sure about the exact answer of your op question op, but it may have something to do with this


>> No.11570518

OP, have you considered that this might be the reasons?

>> No.11571130

Can’t even fucking read.

I said suicide isn’t manly unless it’s done in a cultural context that necessitates those who lose honour kill themselves. Since you’re an idiot maybe you should kill yourself.

>> No.11571137
File: 121 KB, 1024x596, Nietzsche_Olde_04edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The better question is, why did Freddie go mad?

>> No.11571143
File: 361 KB, 640x480, 1413717302927 112 - Copy (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicide is unmanly
>killing yourself because you can't live up t your own bullshit life is literally the most manly thing one can do
The summer never ends.

>> No.11571673

have you considered this OP?

>> No.11571815

It's neither of these OP.
It's this one.

>> No.11572879

Op have you read this yet? it might contain some answers to your question

>> No.11573165

Like none because Mozart was poor

>> No.11573205

OP your question has a solution, and using an advanced Bayesian decision algorithm run on my GNU/LINUX work terminal, I have deduced that it is most likely this

>> No.11573227

also, he was probably a fatass. why else would he go to the mayo clinic like some sort of lardass american

>> No.11573253

I'm aware of methods such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, but these methods differ greatly from the more crude forms used in the early 60s and late 50s. In those days they would fry you, it was up their with lobotomy in terms of half baked procedures. Back in the day people would get lobotomized if they had an attitude adjustment problem. Nowadays you only get it if you have like a brain tumor tier issue.

>> No.11573263

up there with*
I'm really autistic about grammar errors

>> No.11573275

but considering his worth and value, some might say his art was invaluable, how many people have appreciated mozarts music, and have made and generated money from it, and for how many possible years to come? Do you really think if Mozart was not demanded by God to exalt him Mozart could not have been a banker?

>> No.11573751

was an answer like this, one you were looking for?

>> No.11574676

Op, if I had to take a guess, I guess I would guess it had something to do with this

>> No.11574956
File: 183 KB, 500x341, 612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11575014

Damn, you're such an idiot

>> No.11575610

I think this might interest you, take a look, here

>> No.11575823

Can't answer you, OP, but >>11562953
Might be a clue

>> No.11575870

I don't really see how any of this has anything to do with OP's question

>> No.11575878

Op, I think I see how this has to do everything with your question

>> No.11576082

^this Op

>> No.11576321

suicide is badass

>> No.11576351

I enjoy the study of history and appreciate your perspective because I wish I could inculcate myself in the world that was that period of time because the very stimuli and strains of existence, be it the many feedback loops that their lifestyle created and
the following expectations that came with it, ultimately guided their value for something like the idea of being valorous.

>> No.11576432

>Suicide is the most masculine thing ever. Imagine being so mad you fucking murder yourself.
holy reddit batman

>> No.11576761

suicide is badass

>> No.11577672

oh wow, op did you see this?

>> No.11577701

>holy reddit batman
holy faggot, queer

>> No.11578400

Holy crap, I cant believe your sentiment could so shatteringly be destroyed resulting in you being so absolu

>> No.11578463

Perhaps it is this, OP?

>> No.11579129

Yo OP, you see this?

>> No.11579933


>> No.11580613

Holla atcha boiiiii

>> No.11581478

c-check em

>> No.11581482

i-if i-i d-didnt s-stutter I would have g-got t-those dubs so i-it counts alright

>> No.11581588

*waves hand across*
these are the posts youre looking for

>> No.11581609

>attempting suicide and failing because you're a pussy
>attempting suicide and fucking ending yourself because you're a man and don't take no for an answer

Suicide isn't necessarily the best way to go out, nor the most 'manly' but it's not something that little bitches can do.

>> No.11582583



>> No.11582793

Suicide is pretty manly. It requires guts and gumption. Most people who consider it (myself included) end up pussying out because we're milksops.

>> No.11583768

Yo, OP, did you see this?

>> No.11584569

We dont always get the answers we are looking for, but this may not be one of those times, what do you think OP?

>> No.11584711

Women are statistically more likely to attempt "clean" suicides that are also more likely to fail, like drug overdoses. Men usually opt for messy but effective, like throwing yourself under a train.

>> No.11585399

Well! Looky Looky here!

>> No.11586202


>> No.11586300

I thought he did red cross work in the front lines,not actually be in trenches and shit

>> No.11586843

Is this reasonable?

>> No.11587097


>> No.11587115

Is hanging more common with women? I'd consider that clean but effective.

>> No.11587126
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, [NaishoGrup][720p] 150802 Nogizaka46 – Nogizaka Under Construction ep15-[23.40.552-23.52.831].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if killing yourself is the pussy way out, then anyone should be able to do including you. kill yourself to prove it's the pussy way out. if not then you're full of shit and you are afraid to die. you're a pussy

>> No.11587134

is it actually a clean vs dirty dichotomy, or are men just more likely to attempt actually effective suicide methods

>> No.11587140

truly redpilled people kill themselves

it takes bluepill to keep living(hope and that something might happen to you in the future that will make it worth waiting). in reality, nothing comes and you die a wage slave loser

>> No.11588311

Yoooooooooooo, op, you see dis ish?

>> No.11588942


>> No.11588955
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, mcmahon reaction gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so mad you fucking murder yourself.

>> No.11589293

I tried to OD. Am I womanly, anon? I could transition for some hot anon, if they want.

>> No.11589298

Hanging is hard to do. Where the fuck am I going to do that? LMAO!

>> No.11589308

Is this bait or

Because hanging is one of the easiest ways to go. Get rope. Do partial suspension. Be dead in 30 minutes.

>> No.11590589

He was so manly he could only be killed by himself

>> No.11590601

>confronts death
you sound like the bitch

>> No.11590798

Yo, op, you see this yet?

>> No.11591020


You mean they're more likely to fake a suicide attempt for attention than men.

Suicide's not actually hard if it's really what you want.

>omg I totally thought taking 7 tylenol would kill me, please pay attention to me ;_____;

>> No.11591061

I'd be an even bigger pussy if I let a fucking stranger on the internet decide how I live my life.

>> No.11591191

masculinity and femininity are both life affirming, they both signal health.

>> No.11591252

>they lack the spatial awareness to know where to put the bullet to hit something vital

>> No.11592122

>What is SRS?

>> No.11592683

Ahem, ahem

>> No.11592686
File: 12 KB, 250x253, Yukio-Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Yukio Mishima was so manly why did he kill himself like a sad little bitch?

Talk about over-compensating.

>> No.11592794

c-check emmmmmmmm

>> No.11592817

OP, the answer to your question probably lies herein:

>> No.11593778


>> No.11594400

harakiri is manly as fck

>> No.11594408

dub dubs of truth

>> No.11595226

Does this answer your question?

>> No.11595317

Heil Hitler,

I don't know why it could be seen as unmanly in Hemingway's case. He accomplished the things he wanted to, he just wanted out.

>> No.11595485

>Staging a coup against the government you don't like, giving a passionate speech, and committing honourable suicide isn't the manliest thing ever.

>> No.11596519


>> No.11596555
File: 556 KB, 1280x1572, yJA2xiA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suicide can be the most chad way to die

>> No.11597377
File: 199 KB, 1024x1226, 1533353302466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is the second manliest way to die after dying alongside your brothers in the heat of battle.

>> No.11597398

Spontaneous human combustion is cool too, because you know that Satan wants you early

>> No.11598013

Yoooo opopopopopopop do you think this fits the mould for eliminating your quandaryious query?

>> No.11599102

would this perhaps perchance maybe mayhaps be relevant to the question so elegantly posed in the OPs OP?

>> No.11599153

Care to post examples of these supposed contradictions?

>> No.11599816

OP do you think this solution solves the problem of the provokement of your OPs pungent portrayal?

>> No.11600087

>Zeno stopped breathing
>Diogenes ate raw octopus

Diogenes is far manlier than Zeno, go for the octopus.

>> No.11600126


Fantastic. I kek'd.

>> No.11600883

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11601363

not true I became a nurse as a goof

>> No.11601946

>why did he
maybe, just a maybe, all we have is a maybe

>> No.11603413

get a load of this

>> No.11603530

c-check it out c- c-h ch- ch- ch- check it ooout

>> No.11604539


>> No.11604791

And what if death doesn't scare and you've concluded that your problems can't be solved?

>> No.11605283

Do you think this touches upon your question op?

>> No.11605817

here here, here thee here thee

>> No.11606890

maybe dis doe ma ma ma may may may be be be be be maybe dis doe dis doe dis doe maybe dis da dis da dis da dis da da da diss dis dsizip disip er er erp erpat erpatzz zatsss zippp dizipp maybe diz da diz da diz da diz da diz doe dis doe di di di di di di dididididididid dis doe maybe dis doe

>> No.11606971

He fucked kids

>> No.11607066

>Mayo Clinic
sounds delicious

>> No.11607250


>> No.11607273

He killed himself because he was afraid of getting older and dying of something like cancer in a hospital bed. It's almost the same reason as why DFW killed himself.

>> No.11607280

everything's comin' up kevin

>> No.11608489

holy fuck, not that anon, but you just proved his point. even if you are anderson silva deep inside you're just an incel.

>> No.11608670

>Hemingway was hypermasculine
When did this meme start?

His books aren't about masculinity. They're barely about men. His best works involve both men and women, men that are damaged or far past their prime, and people that generally have to find their own way in the world, unable to rely on old comforts like a job or a wife or a penis.

Seriously, who started this shit? Hemingway's characters are pathetic sobs, not tree-chopping manly men.