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11560264 No.11560264 [Reply] [Original]

what authors figured out how psychologically damaging modern metropolitan society is

>> No.11560344

Theodore Kaczynski.

>> No.11561426

Michel Houellebecq

>> No.11561434

Rene Guenon

>> No.11561452

T.S. Eliot. Roughly paraphrasing one of his essays:
>the modern condition can be summarized as the feeling of being alone when in a crowd

>> No.11561470

Mein Kampf desu

>> No.11561641


>> No.11561666

Ellul did it better.

>> No.11561693

Ellul is a hypocrite

>> No.11561704


>> No.11561706


>> No.11561708

Paul Schrader

>> No.11561712

Fyodor "/lit/'s own bitch" Dostoevsky.

>> No.11561713


>> No.11561736
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What makes it such a bad place?

>> No.11561749

Read Heroes by Bifo Berardi

>> No.11561789

Aldous Huxley

>> No.11561799

Uncle Ted, Hitler, few others

>> No.11561807
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gotchu senpai

>> No.11561809

Ok, so after the books are read, what’s the best thing we can do in order to shield ourselves from this damage?

>> No.11561824
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>> No.11561831

Prayer I would think. What else could possibly stop humans from destroying themselves and this planet?

>> No.11561848

There are no abstract problems, only abstract people

>> No.11561906

Mark Fischer, Capitalist Realism.

>> No.11561916

>kill himself
>left wing
That's gonna be a NO from me senpai, he'd support and promote 70% of the problem

>> No.11561933
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>Walter Benjamin

Just read the book brainlet, it's barely even 100 pages.

>> No.11561935

Realise that the damage you receive is self-inflicted, and that you can choose to not be affected such things if you know from whence they come.

>> No.11561942

If he supports a left wing social and cultural agenda, then he clearly has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.11561946

What are you on about? It's one of the best books written for todays issues.

>> No.11561950

People posting names; which books specifically are the best for this topic?

>> No.11561952
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>partisan politics

>> No.11561958

It's not partisan politics, I >>11561916 clearly agree with him on important issues. It's just a matter of fact that if you support a left wing social & cultural agenda, you have no credibility on OP's topic

>> No.11561960


>> No.11561961

Marx. Can all of you just start blaming the actual problem? Capitalism. You guys blame literally everything else but you won't say the actual problem. It's Stockholm syndrome with capitalism. Scary thing.

>> No.11561968

>unironically believing the most successful economic system in human history at reducing poverty is the cause of modern day ills

Imagine being this brainlet.

>> No.11561970
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Money is the problem. It should be used solely in the process of exchanging goods. Hoarding it, living your life for the sole purpose of acquiring wealth, is the cancer that is destroying this world. The end goal is not a good one, not a moral one, not a just one.

>> No.11561983

>That's gonna be a NO from me senpai, he'd support and promote 70% of the problem

The answer is definitely NOT someone who isn't promoting religion lmao

>> No.11561984

Obviously capitalism has some good things about it but the point is that it doesn't fulfil humans. It doesn't give a shit about culture, the human experience, meaning, nothing. Does better technology and being rich bring happiness? It may to a certain degree but this whole cult worship of capitalism is bizarre. You can't criticise capitalism, money is God.

>> No.11561991

Blaming capitalism for social ills is retarded. It's like blaming cars for traffic. It's literal brainlet cargo cult tier logic.

The problem is PEOPLE. We were never meant to exist in societies this large, interconnected, and densely populated.

>> No.11561996

Ernesto Sabato.

>> No.11561997

is-ought bullshit

>> No.11562005

You know what I mean, don't pull leddit tier logical fallacy bullshit on me. Dunbar's number means we can only know about 300 people. That is our cognitive limit. Now throw such a highly evolved ape into a scenario where they can peacock for the attention of millions.

>> No.11562009
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Deep unyielding loyalty and compassion to friends and strangers alike, and an equally unyielding commitment to critical thinking.

You don't even know what those mean. "Social and cultural agenda's" are illusions that, at best, only serve to reinforce the problem. Part of the whole point of the work is pointing out how those sorts of movements have, up until this point, been reactionary at best because they don't recognize the radical changes undergone in capitalism since the 70s. Furthermore, referring to "The Left" as some sort of single ideology, especially if you include liberalism in that already vague category, only shows how little thought you actually put into political or social matters. It's a reactionary response, and means you'll never actually learn about any of the things you supposedly started this thread to learn about.

continuing from >>11561933
>Adorno - Dialectic of Enlightenment
>Arendt - Origins of Totalitarianism
>Baudelaire - Flowers of Evil
>Balzac - Père Goriot
>Beckett - Any, really.
>Brecht - Threepenny Opera, & War Primer (if you can get your hands on it)
>Broch - The Sleepwalkers
>DeBord - Society of the Spectacle
>Doblin - Berlin Alexanderplatz
>Kafka - The Trial
>Marx - Das Capital
>Musil - The Man Without Qualities
>Pessoa - Book of Disquiet
>Proust - In Search of Lost Time
>Walter Benjamin - One Way Street, Arcades Project
>Walser - Berlin Stories, Jakob von Gunten

I'll also add:
>Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther
>Rilke - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
>Valery - Dialogues, Monsieur Triste

>> No.11562010

>Blaming capitalism for social ills is retarded.
Why? It doesn't, in fact, reward the most hard working of people. It's not exactly a fair system, it's very prone to exploitation.

>It's like blaming cars for traffic.
Expand on that because it makes zero sense.

>It's literal brainlet cargo cult tier logic.

The problem is PEOPLE. We were never meant to exist in societies this large, interconnected, and densely populated.
Well, of course. I agree. Obviously I don't look at capitalism and see it as some evil personification. It's a tool that people thought of and implemented but it's a flawed tool and some people exploit those flaws while others suffer because of it. The world is a complete and utter fucking mess; pollution, overpopulation, piss poor 3rd world countries. I don't believe in an utopia but we can do better. And I do believe it has to do with our current system that we're using.

>> No.11562012

>the Kingdom's problems are because of the King's subjects, not the king!

>> No.11562019

>We were never meant to exist in societies this large, interconnected, and densely populated.
What is global capitalism?

>> No.11562024

>hurr durr why has the economy changed since Friedman and the neoclassicals starting debunking a lot of keynesian ideas
>hurr durr the left's social policies aren't nearly completely homogenous
Shut the fuck up

>> No.11562029

>and densely populated.
And guess what? Capitalism, wealth, the urge to advance etc. may have something to do with the fact that people are moving into cities, expanding them and cramping the whole place up.

>> No.11562031
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So why do you blame capitalism?

>> No.11562032

associating fisher with the left is a terrible simplification made only to discredit him

>> No.11562042

Because it doesn't give a shit about the things that make human lives worth living. Money and technological advancement doesn't necessarily get you happiness. Obviously it has good qualities but it's far from perfect.

>> No.11562046

People conflating the availability of commodities with a good life are absolutely lost.

>> No.11562052

>W-w-we need the free and open exchange of i-ideas !1
And this is supposed to change my position how? Let me know when he advocates for Theocracy

"The show was defiantly pro-immigrant, pro-communist, anti-homophobic, saturated with working class intelligence and not afraid to show it, and queer in the way that popular culture used to be"


>> No.11562063

daily reminder that those living in tribal societies have more lasting, real abundance of resources than those under capitalism which relies on the constant threat of scarcity to function

>> No.11562070


>> No.11562072

Why would the Russian Pokemon girl know how bad things really are? She's a spokesperson for one arm of the Russian's authorities tool of control and conquest if I remember correctly, that makes her just as if not more complicit in the utter shitshow of modernity as any regular bluepilled normie.

>> No.11562076

his critiques of capitalism can be used just as easily by advocates of theocracy

>> No.11562086

Guy Debord

>> No.11562091

the whole essay is a rebuke of identity politics, but okay.
>associating fisher with the left is a terrible simplification made only to discredit him
He's not a liberal, but liberals aren't associated with the "left' (anti-capitalist, anti-hierarchy) anyway. The dude's a marxist, albeit a very strange one, most visibly influenced by Jameson, Benjamin, Derrida, Zizek, and Delueze.

That's simply not true, if one of his whole problems with capitalism is its hierarchies.

>> No.11562092

>obsesses over technology
>wants to make Berlin a city of autistically-oversized buildings and city blocks
>wants to increase the German population like fourfold, which would by default increase population in the cities

Yeah, nah, Hitler really didn't care about this

>> No.11562118

Wow he's so woke he's criqtiquing post-structuralism!11

>anti-"islamophobe" anti-"sexist" anti-"homophobe"

>> No.11562134

>That's simply not true, if one of his whole problems with capitalism is its hierarchies.
ok, some of his critiques then, at least the ones pertaining to OP, which aren't made on the basis of hierarchy but on the ways in which capitalism makes alternative political possibilities seem impossible

>> No.11562158

>which aren't made on the basis of hierarchy but on the ways in which capitalism makes alternative political possibilities seem impossible
It'd be naive to think that theocratic societies aren't alienated. Hierarchy is necessarily alienating; captialism's alienation on the other hand, if we want to be traditional Marxists here, is based first and foremost in commodity production, which itself creates a hierarchy, but in which the top is no longer necessarily individuals wielding unchecked power over everyone else, but rather where commodities themselves assert themselves as more important and more "real" than the people who create them. This marxist critique doesn't seem to really support theocratic arguments.

The point is, if you really want an unalienated society, you need to eliminate hierarchy.

>> No.11562174

I've only read the Tunnel and enjoyed it. I saw On Heroes and Tombs in Waterstones a few weeks ago for 2for3 quid and regret not buying it.

Anything else of his that's worth checking out?

>> No.11562201
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picrel is the perfect novelist for the subject

>> No.11562586

money commits no crime
only humanities greed comits these atrocities

>> No.11562598
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>ctrl+f baudrillard
>0 results


>> No.11562605

>implying modern metropolitan society is psychologically damaging
This is the best time in human history to be alive, and modern metropolitan society is less psychologically damaging than any other model in the history of humanity. Go live in some Indian village where you have to obey the elders or get gangraped and tell me about psychological damage

>> No.11562618


>> No.11562632

>t. hasntreadanythingaboutnatsoc

>> No.11562641
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I think you mean Hank Schrader

>> No.11562648

Nothing is more psychologically damaging than metropolitan society, heterogeneous populations and cosmopolitism.

Getting raped in a society where you have the necessary social and cultural infrastructure tk deal with it in a human fashion would be a blessing compared to gettimg raped in an alley-way by people that do not speak your language, only to get medicine for it at a faceless doctor and then go home to Uoutube and your friendless existence.

We were never meant to be sheltered like this, combined with an inability to deal with issues when we're not. Your modernist society is anti-human, and I reject it wholesale.

>> No.11562650

yeah they jerked off over some fantasy aryan peasant, but they still also had a hard-on for industry and material ""progress.""

Also their architecture was brutalist nonsense and would've been just as shitty to live around as modern concrete/glass bs

>> No.11562702
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>wahh people weren't supposed to live with other people. hearing other languages make me fweel sad :(
>now I will jerk off to roman society, which, as everyone knows, wasn't metropolitan, heterogeneous, or cosmopolitan

maybe you feel so sheltered because you stay inside all day and don't have any fucking friends.

>> No.11562750

Not him but it's hard to deny that modern urban society makes it exceedingly hard to form lasting and meaningful relationships, especially after the gestation period of early childhood/adolescence.

If you find yourself in a situation where you don't have many solid friends, there's little communal opportunities to go out and naturally form friendships. Instead you have to force yourself to go to either bars / pubs or specific gatherings, like poetry nights or DnD competitions or whatever. And if you don't already have people who you know there, you're going to feel out of place and rather awkward. And on top of THAT, even if you do manage to strike up some conversations with people there, most people are just so damn busy and occupied these days that they're barely going to have time to remember "that one guy from that DnD night a few months ago."

I'm not going to fetishise the past as some human utopia, but there was clearly a much more communal element to relationships, friends, etc. It's the difference between being close friends with your old timey grocer and having a bland conversation with Wallmart Clerk #0485.

>> No.11562771
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>> No.11562887

Oh I'll never deny that society is deeply alienating in every aspect, but it's not because all of a sudden there are brown people and big cities. That's such a foul misunderstanding of how alienation works.

>> No.11562901


>> No.11562985

How does it work then? How can our giant, post-industrial conglomerates NOT be alienating? What would a "communal metropolis" look like?

>> No.11563008

God is dead, bucko

>> No.11563016

But you need to read the full Prelude to really appreciate his perspective.

How oft, amid those overflowing streets,
Have I gone forward with the crowd, and said
Unto myself, "The face of every one
That passes by me is a mystery!"
Thus have I looked, nor ceased to look, oppressed
By thoughts of what and whither, when and how,
Until the shapes before my eyes became
A second-sight procession, such as glides
Over still mountains, or appears in dreams;

>> No.11563025

just be rich and enjoy life lol

>> No.11563042
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I'm not really sure.
One in my opinion could be Camus,he has a lot of books and stories regarding human ethical,moral and philosophical degradation.
I remember in The Stranger when it portrays a damaged and aesthetically unpleasing Paris as well as the pathological relationship between a lonely old man and his dog,I remember reading aswell a short story about a young man tired of visiting a decrepit old woman.

>> No.11563123

This is very true.

>> No.11563224

who is ths sermon demon?

>> No.11563227

>We were never meant to exist in societies this large, interconnected, and densely populated.
who says that?

>> No.11563242

>wanting a bunch of jews to save you from modernity
never gonna make it

>> No.11563255

until somone destroys the internet we are not going to survive past when we are supposed to...
idk how to destroy the internet but dget the TIOP guys on it WE NEED TO DESTROY IT complacency rises.
Please mediatate. Pray to god. Please anons. Energy is needed.
Thank you, love you all. I love all of you... <3

t. k swizz

>> No.11563263

marx, lukacs, debord

>> No.11563277
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>Your modernist society is anti-human, and I reject it wholesale
-Sent from my iPhone

>> No.11563589

Probably, but manifestos with numbered thesis statements, especially when related to some esoteric or cultish topic like Ted's one, are the comfiest type of literature bar none.

>> No.11563594

Goddess-Empress for life
also known as mummy

>> No.11563597
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>> No.11564080

> what are existential questions

It is pathetic how “X are not happy because they get much less money than Y” is even considered a problem to study in that closed atmosphere.

>> No.11564184

Teddy actually believed in his shit enough to kill for it though. That makes it 100x more powerful.

>> No.11564195

Not that anon, but probably because Ellul didn't actually attempt to "live out" his philosophy. He's still an incredible author though; I highly recommend him.

>> No.11564197

Wishful thinking.

>> No.11564209
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>living one's philosophy.
>living one's sociopolitical philosophy.
>by one's self.
>in the woods.
>admiring a terrorist.
what the heck

>> No.11564250

Nobody can tell you that. That's something you need to figure out for yourself after all the books are read.

>> No.11564256

>but it's not because all of a sudden there are brown people
If you are surrounded by people who look different to you, then the feeling of alienation does become more intense.

>> No.11564264 [DELETED] 

My penisvpoopee>>11561426

>> No.11564268


>> No.11564320

There's probably a lot of books out there about humans being consumed by the things we've created. The fact that you can live in a city with thousands of people walking past you everyday on their way to work for enough money to have a place to go home to and food to eat just to be alive to wake up and do it again the next morning isn't something new to anyone. Even if everyone knows that's the way things are, what are they supposed to do? Be homeless? Live inna woods? There's no escaping this self-perpetuating machine we've created that consumes our time and spits out the right to be alive.

>> No.11564394

can't beat em join em

>> No.11564399

Murray Bookchin

>> No.11564411
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>> No.11564414

> still believes the debunked is-ought fallacy
Neck yourself.

>> No.11564423

>waah capitalism doesn't handhold me Into good choices waaah

>> No.11564425

Why are you all so hung up on false necessity?
Why must the absence of Capitalism necessarily be Marxism?
Why must everything be framed as a war of two powers in this way?

Is there no peace from this ideology?

Why can we not throw both Friedman and Marx out the fucking window?

Why must it always be Pepsi vs Coca Cola?
Can we not imagine the possibility of Mtn Dew and Mello Yello?

>> No.11564455
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>> No.11564457

I dont think the problem is that captialism isn't babying is. It's more the fact that the amount of effort required to make money is grossly variant and for the most part the qualifiers for who makes the most money are way way too stringent to the point where the whole system has become one eternal lottery where the reward is the right to live comfortably and be entered again for a chance to live luxuriously.

>> No.11564467
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>Is there no peace from this ideology?

>> No.11564474

if he wasn't a terrorist nobody would know who he was, nor would his manifesto be so widely read. that's not admiration, just truth.

>> No.11564489

How do you frame an alternative to modern capitalism while completely throwing out the ideas of Friedman and Marx?

>> No.11564503

*the amount of money made according to required effort is grossly variant

>> No.11564516
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I see you and raise you

>> No.11564526
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>Not the essence of ideology

>> No.11564527

For examples see the works of Bookchin as one example and Unger as another.

That's just on the anti-Marx left, there's as much in the conservative world as well, it's not all neofeudalism and fascism. Just got to keep an open mind

>> No.11564535


That word does not apply in this situation. Keep your kike religion to yourself.

>> No.11564558
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>kike religion

I find your lack of tov meod disturbing...

>> No.11564615

imagine being such a terrible writer (which he was) that you need to resort to terrorism to get people to read your crap

>> No.11564620

>psychologically damaging modern metropolitan society is
Living a the rural area with no one to talk to is worse.
Everyone saying this shit is a city dweller.

There's no opportunity here in the sticks. No jobs. Nothing. Life sucks. No where to go. Takes 40 minutes to drive anywhere. That's why I'm on this God forsaken site.

I'd move to a city in a heart beat if I could. You see, I'm poor in wealth and in credit score so no apartment for me.

>> No.11564627

Unironically, Osama Bin Laden's letter to America (hello FBI) is a cohesive indictment against the U.S. and western civilization if you ignore all the 'muh Islam' parts.

>> No.11564645
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>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>tell mummy i need to speak to her about something very private
>mummy reassure me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where peepee go big and stiff very irritating
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke peepee and it go hard again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly feel rush and peepee start pulsing
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>mummy licks love yogurt on her hand
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy

>> No.11564658
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>> No.11564671

Irony is a plague

>> No.11564676

>finds an incest fantasy on 4chan
>thinks its ironic

summer fags ...

>> No.11564682

you were supposed to make social connections with your community

you will be no less lonely in the city

>> No.11564707

There is no community here.

>> No.11564709

thanks now I'm ashamed of my MILF fetish you goddamn freak

>> No.11564715

I live a fulfilling life in a small town (~1,500 people) in "flyover country" and I've lived in multiple cities like Portland and Savannah et c and I have to say, urban life is a concentration camp you have to pay rent for

>> No.11564727

This is my image being used against me

>> No.11564739

absurd. nobody created these memes, they popped into being

>> No.11564979

Make a new one, bucko. You can't bloody sit around crying about the damnex thing I mean, like, it's too late, man. You're just enabling more people to steal your memes. Either you get your shit together and recognize what you did go help cause this to avoid it again in the future or it's gonna keep happening.

>> No.11565020

>arms you dealt to the lowest of scum for a hefty profit (of you's) being turned against you
History shall repeat itself till the end of time

>> No.11565213

even without the bucko this is a perfect jorden impression

>> No.11565231

You don't find it hard to make friends because of modern life, it's because you're an asshole. You would also have been an asshole in whatever fantasy world you imagine is better

>> No.11565239

that guys sounds like a totally ok human being.
You don't need to take it so personally when someone attacks your civilization.

>> No.11565246

I'm a complete asshole and I have a ton of friends irl m8, too many to keep up with actually. You sound like you're projecting some personal issue onto anon.

>> No.11565252

as an asshole, making friends is not hard, it's just about playing whatever game they want to play, and being reserved enough that they can project what they want you to be on to you. It's maintaining this facade that becomes difficult after a while especially if you drink too much around them and your actual interior asshole slips out too much

>> No.11565257

>I do not like smoking cigarettes and yet I do
Do you see how retarded your analogy is now?

>> No.11565264
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Too close eh?

>> No.11565385


>> No.11565396
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Ok faggot you got me

>> No.11566156


>> No.11566173
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>> No.11566205

By the numbers it's actually Communism but let's forget about China and Russia

>> No.11566208


>> No.11566209

2 iq post

>> No.11567169

how does berlin alexanderplatz fit in there? genuinely curious.

>> No.11568754 [SPOILER] 
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She's also an RPF icon in Russia, thanks to her worship of Tsar Nicholas II, and has RPF written about her in return.

>> No.11568784

Was the 08 financial crisis one of the worst psychologically detrimental events in human history?

>> No.11568798
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>I reject cigarettes wholesale

>> No.11568918

Friedrich Von Hayek's concept of market economics is a cybernetic concept: the market as a massive self regulating information exchange system, that's just been getting more and more efficient as the capacity to harvest information grows and grows. Our civilisation is built on the ruins of the war effort of the 40s and the subsequent dyonisian orgy of the 60s just like medieval civilisation was built on the ruins of Rome. hippies took to buckminster fuller's ideal of the comprehensive designer and the cowboy archetype of the american frontier, in the 70s and 80s, cyberpunk filled the vacuum left behind by utopia, the refuse and the remnant of runaway capital accumulation. Reagan and Thatcher were not conservatives, but revolutionary agents of deterritorialisation. Trump and May are nothing but degenerated clones of the original prototype. Our popular culture, now managed by investment bankers, focus groups and 'woke' 20th somethings, remains likewise fixated on the collective childhood of the 80s. social media becomes another way of enforcing repression and narcissistic dependency. The spectre of the alt right is just another disciplinary boogeyman, just like 'radical islamic terrorism' and the soviet international. It's relation to the liberal media and the frightened cyberserfs is one of codependency. a self regulating system means something else entirely when you are the one being regulated.



>> No.11568925

Niggas will do anything to get on the hotsheets.

Very little has changed.

>> No.11568929

If you need to kill people for your shitty manifest to get read maybe its not worth reading

>> No.11568935

Who is the girl in the OP?

>> No.11568956
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tis right real authors kill themselves to promote books. A true intellectual's marketing technique.

>> No.11568991

The only way to distance yourself from modern society is to be a self sustainable outcast; and even then, if you engage in doubleplusungood thought, the drone can appear over your shack at any moment. Of course, in the next 50 years ChinkoIslamic Corpostate will make that sort of lifestyle impossible.

>> No.11568993

Anime cyborg.

>> No.11569249

>Reagan and Thatcher were not conservatives, but revolutionary agents of deterritorialisation. Trump and May are nothing but degenerated clones of the original prototype.

Insightful. But the ineffectual leadership of both Trump and May is the result of warring factions sabotaging one another. Clinton was poised to continue Reagan's agenda far beyond what Reagan himself would likely deem wise or responsible. Her husband's short-sighted avarice is the reason China is now steadily consuming Africa.

We've been long overdue for another FDR. Someone strong enough to re-calibrate corporate interests with societal obligations. That's what lies at the heart of this political division: this forgotten history. A testament to corporate attempts to discredit and erase all populist and socialist legacies that have shaped society for the better.

You all step away from the problem. You either wish to destroy it - thus producing a vacuum you will not be able to fill - or avoid it. Creating viable alternatives is promising, but not enough to change things entirely. Someone has to get in there and wrestle with the beast.

This is the fourth hottest year in recorded history. Things are bad and bound to get worse. Either we change now, willingly and proactively, or we change later - unwillingly, reactively, and tragically. I'd rather pursue the former.

>> No.11569264

If it's psychologically damaging, why are there tons of healthy, happy people living in modern metro areas for decades?

>> No.11569380

Found her: She's qt Russian politician

>> No.11569468

there is nothing wrong with society, only lazy people end up as losers
t. ayn bland

>> No.11569490

>healthy, happy people living in modern metro areas

>> No.11569518

dont dick around

>> No.11569643

The real question is, how do I survive the collapse of civilization?

>> No.11569862

The same way we survived classical Rome and Mayan collapse, or the cycles of collapse in China

>> No.11569873

Stay in denial I guess

>> No.11569911

yeah but if you're posting on 4chan lets be real, you're not going to make it through any purge or societal collapse. might as well eat the bullet

>> No.11569917

It's likelier that the people who can't survive urban life today will die out than urban life will.

>> No.11569954

No dude you have it wrong. Trump is the messiah.

>> No.11569973

Bullshit. Where there's a will there's a way.
There are veterans of Afghanistan war on this site right now.

Git gud

>> No.11569975

>Because it doesn't give a shit about the things that make human lives worth living.
And who makes you the arbiter for what I or others find is "worth living"

>> No.11569976

Urban areas literally import everything, including food from rural areas. Majority white flyover states stand a much better chance for survival when shit hits the fan.

>> No.11569982

I doubt it.

>> No.11569991

Completely bonkers bullshit. If "shit hit the fan" to the extent that urban life was no longer sustainable, everyone's done for. The government has major stakes in its cities.

>> No.11570008

He killed people before he even created the manifesto, and stopped sending out bombs after he wrote it so you're wrong. He didn't kill people to get them to read his manifesto he killed people who in his eyes represented what was destroying society.

>> No.11570020

the government is not god, life will go on when it collapses

>> No.11570031


Industrial society and it's future is getting truer and truer everyday.

>> No.11570043

I'm looking at this whether populated areas can function independently if communication and transportation networks are shutdown. Outside of foreign invasion, I don't see how urban life and civility breaking down affects the whole.

>> No.11570047
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assume this stance

>> No.11570048

The government isn't an abstract object either. It's not just going to collapse.

You're looking at it the wrong way. Do you think cities just grew out of the ground or something? They were formed by people, extremely powerful people with high stakes in them. Rural flyover states would sooner be sacrificed for the cities than the other way around.

>> No.11570061

There is clearly something I'm missing here. Care to walk us through it?

>> No.11570069


>> No.11570075

It was either him or a borderline tyrannical scumbag.

Two more years to go. Here's hoping that blue wave hits him hard in the meantime.

I don't think any of us are ready for climate-induced collapse. Our best bet is to work together to combat climate change. We need big sweeping solutions now.

>> No.11570083

You're missing the numbers. Statistically, cities get protection from the military first. You also act like city people are all completely useless on their own when that's also bullshit. Like I said, cities didn't just grow out of the ground; they were formed by people, namely, the most competitive and most intelligent people that exist.

>> No.11570097

Let me guess, carbon taxes?
Fucking people on the left always throw out these vagueries about “big solutions,” when they will really just shill the same old one at the end of the day. And that solution has more to do with making the populace settle for less-happily. The only sweeping solution is massive population decline that will actually make a change. I nominate the continent of Africa and all the users of reddit and twitter to start.

>> No.11570103

The Roman and Mayan collapses were very instructive-- once the infrastructure and economic support for cities goes, then they are abandoned. They are then used as quarries for building material, usually to the point that people don't even remember that their great grandparents were part of that city.

Government is just human organization.
Church, Family, Tribe, Business, State, all are competing governments.

>> No.11570134

t. 15 year old brainlet

>> No.11570141

I was thinking something more along the lines of a New Deal but for climate change. The government should treat climate change as seriously as it does military endeavors - both are a threat to national security. It's an issue that requires ambitious programs, big subsidies, that kind of thing. That's what the socialist democrats' platform should be.

>> No.11570149 [DELETED] 



>> No.11570153 [DELETED] 


>> No.11570164

Ayn Rand (sort of, in her book "Anthem")

>> No.11570185

Again, all it would take is another nation, most of whom are more populated, to produce more pollution to undo whatever we might reduce. The planet cannot sustain unlimited growth of human beings. But don’t worry, it will right our ship soon enough without us having to lift a finger.

>> No.11570263

Preposterous. Most of the world is united in combating climate change - especially China. The only notable exception is US and that's because we have the largest, most formidable monster in the market being the capitalist superpower that we are. The enemy isn't another nation, it's corporate interest.

We have the capacity to solve this problem as long as we properly subsidize the research and development of meaningful solutions.

You're really rooting for mass annihilation, huh? I hate the thought of it.

>> No.11570280

>The planet cannot sustain unlimited growth of human beings.
We won't just be on this planet forever.

>> No.11570294

Are you fucking nuts? Ever been to China? I have and it is a nightmare of non-regulation. They literally “refine” shit oil and sell it to cook with. They have coal fire plants for everything and use banned refrigerants routinely. I am an HVAC engineer and have seen how they purge huge AC equipment: by simply venting it into the atmosphere.
Son, just the waste of human beings alone contaminating the ground water is too big a problem for humans to solve. Asimov did the calculations long ago that if humans increased by the current ratio they would consume all the resources of the known universe within a 1000 years.
You might know some of these things if your head wasn’t in the delusional fog of nonreality populated by those of your mindset.

>> No.11570309

A regional nuclear war would fix it.
You could event purposely set off a volcano to do it.
A couple of nukes would create enough atmospheric cover to set the clock back 200 years.

It's been covered in science journals and even in pop sci media. Nat Geo has an article.

Look up Carboniferous Period man, all this carbon was in the air before, and many animals survive today from that time.

In fact, read Alan Weisman's The World Without Us. It makes it clear that there will simply be a different planetary ecological order, there will be no apocalypse. Only change.

Even as places like Oklahoma become worthless desert, the Canadian Plains are thawing and becoming arable.

>> No.11570338

I'm not saying our rate of consumption should stay the same. I'm not saying that the human population should continue to increase exponentially. I'm saying I'd rather avoid mass annihilation. There is no reason why we should allow ourselves to idly drift toward global catastrophe. It's kinda sick the way you long for it.

I hear America was an environmental disaster before the EPA was enacted. The world can bounce back if we fight for it.

>> No.11570354
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>thinking The Stranger takes place in Paris

>> No.11570378

lol nice catch wtf

>> No.11570405

real shit

>> No.11570419

Mods don't do it
Pooposter is too good for /lit/

>> No.11570427

gods post among us

>> No.11570433

Now you’re talking. The “world” won’t end- just our place in it.
And really, nothing so striking need happen. A good old fashioned virus usually does a pretty good job on us.

>> No.11570454

You heard wrong. Again, you’re clearly a kid with little world experience. People once did the right thing because they saw the land as part of their world. Now, divorced from nature people do just what the letter of the law says and no more. I’ve never seen the EPA show up to a job site in 20 years of doing it. Not once. I’ve seen every kind of violation and open polluting of the enviroment not just tolerated but sanctioned. It comes back to the common denominator problem: man.

>> No.11570516


>> No.11570622

>everyone has free reign to choose their own interests and proclivities
>people consequentially have less in common with each other than they used to
almost seems like an axiom.

although there are certainly still "common" beliefs they're a weird cultural gestalt. which leaves every individual with the choice to either aim for their personal immage of this gestalt, the "common man," a common-sense life, which usually just means a 9-5 workaday existence or to invoke its antithesis and live like a troll or an underground man.

but still the modern world is probably not as bad as grim channers would have you believe, people have been faced with similar decisions at many points throughout history and have still managed to do great and transcendent things.

>> No.11570778

You’d have to be unironically retarded to believe this.

>> No.11570811

Underrated post. I consider myself a fairly patriotic American because Iove our freedom and our Constitution. Never the less I am aware that America, like all things temporal, will pass away eventually. If that happens sooner rather than later, the people who “laid up treasure in heaven” will come off better than those who put their faith in money, or government.

>> No.11570859

I really hope it's a virus, desu. For some reaso I'd feel better slowly coughing my lungs out to death than starving to death or being killed by some desperate person for my flesh.

>> No.11570862

god she is so gorgeous. literally anime girl tier. how can we ever hope to attain such a beautiful real-life-waifu? we can't. it sucks

>> No.11570990

good post, did you write this yourself or quote someone? any reading recs?

>> No.11571023


>> No.11571030

Send mail bombs

>> No.11571240

nigga what?

>> No.11571251

god i wish

>> No.11571270

jus b urself

>> No.11571281

you literally fucking can blame cars for traffic, you dipshit

>> No.11571357
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Varg Vikernes of course.

>> No.11573015

Read Stirner + this post

>> No.11573563

Grand Vizier of the Russian oblast of Crimea

>> No.11573579

Gonna slide Flaubert into that list

>> No.11574048

based and rediplled

>> No.11574361

But feeling alone is a good feeling. It's not the same as feeling lonely. It's a feeling of self-identity and a source of pride.

>> No.11575095

Juden Peterstein