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11557567 No.11557567 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you start with Land and Accelerationism? What is the best way to get accustomed to its seemingly dense vocabulary?

>> No.11557583
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some cool guy has compiled all the resources you need over here. the overy and greenspan theses are both really good.


if you have some familiarity with deleuze that will help. and probably before deleuze will really bake your biscuit you may want to go through Uncle Slavoj's wild ride, but it may not be necessary.

fwiw the more i think about acceleration the more i find myself becoming breadpilled. but it's possible that i was a secret breadpill all along and only really needed to stare into the void long enough to realize it.

anyways, glhf

>> No.11557601


I hope you just don't want to get anything out of this, because brain meltdown is all that awaits you. Basically just keep reading it until you melt

>> No.11557638

Just read Das Kapital to see how the illusion of capital having a life of its own is created. Marx destroyed the very foundation of accelerationism 150 years ago.

>> No.11557653

Thanks. Personally I'm already breadpilled but have always had an interest in the aesthetics, also find it intriguing how materiality seems to be treated under this system. I know I'm not the only one who sees this line of thought as the most likely of contemporary philosophy to step forward into baptism so to speak, quite a lot of potential if so.

>> No.11557657
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>> No.11557668


yes, this is obviously a good place to start too. theoryfiction doesn't seem to have a copy available, so i sent a dm.

this is a good read OP.