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11556856 No.11556856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone on 4chan suddenly lapping as a Christian? Suddenly everyone is pretending like they're devout Catholics that pray everyday and go to Mass.

>> No.11556867



Choose one

>> No.11556868

i dunno, i do love Christian mythology and history, but myth is really all there is to Christianity. either god abandon us, or there never was a god to begin with in the first place.

>> No.11556891

>implying they aren't

>> No.11556896

You aren't meant to enjoy or understand this life. It's preparation for God's kingdom in the next.

>> No.11556900

jokes on you im orthodox

>> No.11556929

Contrarianism, the /pol/fags searching for some traditionalist footing for muh deus vult LARP'ing, or maybe there are actual Christians or cultural Christians here

>> No.11556936

A veneer of being spiritual and intellectual.

>> No.11556943

Do you want to know how I know you're an enormous faggot?

>> No.11556947

Everyone's scared because some beans and people using different pronouns are destroying Western Civilization.

>> No.11556956

>fedora tipping
>neverending story girl
atheists have been made fun of for about a decade on here but i don't think anyone is pretending, in everyday life you get a glimpse of peoples belief in God all the time, if you care to notice. why would you call people seeking meaning and goodness "pretending"

>> No.11556963
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Because 4chan's oldfags finally grew up into an proper adults.

>> No.11556982

A better question is why do people keep making these threads. Clogging up the boards.

>> No.11556988

New? The 4chan Christianity meme is like 5 years old already.

>> No.11556995

I can't speak for them but I've always been Christian and recently returned to Catholicism specifically. Also I'm sure many have genuinely seen the light. You're next OP.

>> No.11557029

>Ezekiel 40-48 says the Temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices reinstated when the messianic prince appears
>Christians believe the physical temple and sacrifices were abolished forever

>> No.11557046

While I may not believe in god, I will always be Catholic.

>> No.11557051

because christianity is fucking based

>> No.11557055

Pretty easy. They’re all spineless fags who think being “counterculture” equates to some sort of identity, when really they’re dumb subhuman animals who can’t form their own notion of selfhood.

>> No.11557060

Normies are atheists now

>> No.11557061

She didn't improve she just covered up the fat

>> No.11557065

You know the answer already. You also know why frog posting has taken over. Dont act dumb for your shitty thread.

>> No.11557069

There is a conspiracy to turn lit into atheism. There have been constant threads lately. Probably a discord group.

>> No.11557073

I think it's far more difficult to find meaning as a non religious person. I think Christian's are not lazy, but rather believe that the godless life is meaningless. I think they come to that because they're jaded with technology and capitalism.

>> No.11557078

Hardly anyone is jewgod fagging. Just the alt right imbeciles and slavs are so they can say deus vult and remove kebab. And some normal guys who have always been normal Christians

>> No.11557081

Your jelly is showing.

>> No.11557090

I'm definitely not catholic, nor do I care about mass since I'm non-denominational.
This. I just see no point in our lives. Also, I'm actually more of a leftist, and I still retain a lot of my previous beliefs. It's just that the end game of so many of these leftist ideologies or academic schools like deconstruction and several strands of feminism just ultimately end up in a void, despite using a large base of moral premises to support their actions.
It feels... incomplete. All of it, all of these political sides and ideologies. Christianity strikes deep into the issue for me, which is why, and how I should live my life. Thinkers like Kierkegaard and Simone Weil go far beyond mindless traditions and look into the essence of christianity, which is to think about the meaning of life, and to understand what the dillema is, and what is the solution.


What do I know about God and the purpose of life?
I know that this world exists.
That I am placed in it like my eye in its visual field.
That something about it is problematic, which we call its meaning.
This meaning does not lie in it but outside of it.
That life is the world.
That my will penetrates the world.
That my will is good or evil.
Therefore that good and evil are somehow connected with the meaning of the world.
The meaning of life, i.e. the meaning of the world, we can call God.
And connect with this the comparison of God to a father.
To pray is to think about the meaning of life."
This is a quote by Wittgenstein that truly got me to realize where the importance lies. I only hope it's a growth in spirit and not a soulless reaction to "progressive" culture.

>> No.11557091


choose one

>> No.11557095
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>> No.11557096

Why is everything a conspiracy, LARP, or something else? There are 2.2 Billion Christians on the planet. There's no reason to be appalled or surprised to find some on /lit/. If anything 1/4 of us should be.

>> No.11557098



>> No.11557099
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Because some people on 4chan became Christian, why is it so difficult for internet athiests to imagine that people can leave the echo chamber?

>> No.11557102

>When you consumer so much internet that all life exists around /pol/ memes
Go outside

>> No.11557113

These anons know. 4chan is contrarian. Apparently Christian are out of favor this season.

>> No.11557115

>Ezekiel 40-48 says the Temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices reinstated when the messianic prince appears
No it doesn't lmao, what cringe fedora blog did you read this off of?

>> No.11557118

>cultural Christian

>> No.11557120

... But this describes athiests perfectly?

>> No.11557138

relligion is personal experience, not something to show off retard

>> No.11557140

Because 666 will soon be found

>> No.11557144

a christian using a website which provides a place for hate speech and gore threads is kinda weird

>> No.11557148
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Because I am Napoleon

>> No.11557156
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>tfw reformed protestant
>can enjoy top tier, logical theology and lifestyle without giving into idolatry or evangelical tomfoolery
feels good

>> No.11557159
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Because Christianity was the first religion they came into contact with/'grew up in' so naturally it's the true religion.
Also: frick you dumb heathen LARPer.

>> No.11557198
File: 267 KB, 806x1207, Matka-Boza-Czestochowska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual Christians or cultural Christians
i'm a pole, we're catholics by definition and by default, whether we like it or not :)

and jesus is our king, officially (i kid you not, he was enthroned in 2016)

all you other "christians" should just stop pretending, you are not christians, you are filthy heretics, you are abominations and you should burn

>> No.11557199

>Hate speech is not Christian
Episcopalians are barely Christian don't listen to them

>> No.11557235

Moron detected. Look at where we are commenting. Lol!

>> No.11557237

Do you think Poland will become a monarchy soon?

>> No.11557246

Don't trigger the Polish hussar! Deus vultures! Hail Peterson!

>> No.11557273


>> No.11557274

I don't know if it's satire but the people trying to mock Christians come off as extremely pathetic, it's probably the one thing that pushes me the most toward faith, not wanting to be this kind of miserable person.

>> No.11557291

Firstly I am a theist because I consider it rational. No evidence of God? What about the sublime order and harmony of the universe? There is a purpose for every phenomena, either directly or as a by-product of a more immediate purpose. We don't find pointless or useless things in nature.
I then turned to mysticism because of a desire to see the purpose of man, of which mysticism explains adequately. Finally, if mysticism is true, then surely someone by now must have been successful, which is how I think of the personality of Christ."Seek and you will find."

>> No.11557293

Christianity is trash for brainlets. There, now go to church you retard.

>> No.11557295

it's complicated :(

but we have a king, so it's a good start

and who knows, we used to have an elective monarchy (oh what fun that was!), and it's not that much different from presidential system with a lifelong presidency, could work in modern poland better than this parody of democracy we have now.

>> No.11557305

Well, I'm cheering for you guys. Keep on rejecting the EU. Hungary, Austria, and Italy will be on your side.

>> No.11557316


>> No.11557329

Why are Polish people consistently exemplifying what not to do?
Is Poland trying to be a cautionary tale on purpose?
Is the national bird a canary?

>> No.11557341

Atheist arguments are so lame. I remember when somebody in a debate tried to use this "you're only Christian because you grew up with it" on Dinesh D'Souza but it was quickly shut down by pointing out that he's an Indian who grew up a Hindu.

The atheist claim here is essentially that Christianity only propagates itself through the birth of new members. Nobody ever converted for intellectual reasons because that would involve examining the specific historical arguments that if accepted make Christianity true.

>> No.11557346

Is not only Christianity, is a whole series of conservative ticks and surge of conservative opinions. My guess is that this is something of a fashion, or maybe the general spirit of this new generation. I guess they somehow feel satisfied to turn against what they see as the standard character of society.

It’s more of a countercultural thing than something actually thought off. More of the contrarian itch in the intestines than the cold and reasonable approach.

That’s with the young people. Among the older people there are lots of guys here who ended up becoming so depressed with their lives and feeling so devoid of meaning that one day they “discovered” Christ and started feeling better about themselves (now that they have a comical dad that loves them and they know they and they loved ones will exist forever in some manner of still-unknown being). There was a thread some days ago filled with stories like this.

My point is: it’s all much more emotional and visceral than cerebral. The old human weakness.

>> No.11557353

All the Christians I know are pathetic and miserable, my parents were pagans.

>> No.11557367

What the fuck is your point?

>> No.11557374

The argument is stupid.

>> No.11557377


>> No.11557383

Let me know when an atheist breaks into the top 100,000 books of the canon.

>> No.11557384

Because it's claiming that Christianity only propagate through birth. That there are no intellectual conversions.

>> No.11557394

Yes anon everything you read here is not genuine is just a larp. You solved the 4chan puzzle.

>> No.11557396

middle American MAGApede invasion from the 2016 elections this caused impressionable mens rights redditards and Youturds with zero personality to adopt half-felt Christianity to fit into new dystopian board cultures.

>> No.11557421

>own notion of selfhood
Amerilard being proud about his personality-in-a-box.

>> No.11557425

Why are you guys so hateful? Is it that hard to consider the possibility that some of these people may seek faith for a legitimate reason rather than as a fashion accessory? All you all that jaded?

>> No.11557434

What do you mean by atheist? Non believer, non practitioner, or edgelord? All the greatest writers had some belief in the sublime or transcendent even if they hesitated to call it supernatural, let alone holy.

>> No.11557444

Atheists are usually on the spectrum. They're not as capable of empathy so they have trouble understanding how people think. Couple that with the natural narcissistic tendencies of younger people and I don't think it's much of a mystery why they're so confident in their beliefs and show indignation to anyone who thinks otherwise.

>> No.11557449


Shakespeare showed a curiously skeptical mind in his work. He rarely referred to Christ, and in many of his tragedies he seemed to show no faith in another life. This in spite of the fact that he was born about 400 years ago, when everyone in Britain were Christians of some kind.

Emily Dickinson was notoriously skeptical, often referring to God as absent, stating that his hand was "amputated". She said that her family knelt all morning before an "eclipse".

But if you want more names, here it goes:

Pablo Neruda
Primo Levi
Giacomo Leopardi
João Cabral de Melo Neto (one of the greatyest poets of the portuguese language)
Joseph Conrad
Virginia Woolf
George Bernard Shaw


>> No.11557459

>cultural Christians
this is larping by definition

>> No.11557619

Which Christians believe this?
I just read it and I can confirm it does actually say this.

The thing is, sacrifices in the Bible were often food also. I personally don't see a problem with this practice. What's wrong with it?

>> No.11557629

They're trying to feel strong to compensate for being manhandled like toys for one thousand years. All visegrad states are.

>> No.11557637

You poor child.

>> No.11557643

I learnt that from actually reading the Bible, maybe you should do the same.

>Which Christians believe this?
The author of Hebrews for one, see chapters 9 and 10, Christ is the final sacrifice and the Old Covenant sacrifices were inadequate to remove sin as they had to be done continually. Christ removed the need for them according to the author, yet Ezekiel clearly thinks they'll be reinstated and continue in perpetuity.

>> No.11557710

So it must then be interpreted that the sacrifices are no longer for atonement but are symbolic.

Comparising the temple rituals of the old covenant (as set by Moses) and this new one described in Ezekiel seems to corroborate this. In Moses time they had the Pentecost, Trumpets and Day of Atonement as described in Leviticus 23, these are all absent in relation to the new sacrifices.


Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah and Day of Atonement/

The Bible repeatedly references the final trumpets, perhaps to signify the end of a need to atone as the Bible dictates that God will rid the world of sin.

>> No.11557713

Comparing* doink, my bad.

>> No.11557722
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You damn kids

>> No.11557736

>That 30 year old boomer who's an expert on 4chan culture

>> No.11557737

Christianity is a joke, I work at the museum of orthodox christianity formed inside of a monastery and I've yet to meet a single devoted christian who weren't a complete loon or a fake-ass nigga

>> No.11557740

The same reason they larp as stoics or buddhists. Adolescents are desperate for some form of identity that will make them feel special and cool.

>> No.11557754

How can you have a level headed opinion of people who aren't doing you any harm and are presumably helping to pay your wages in some respect if you decide Christianity is a joke and that all of them are either bad or bad? You don't seem like a very nice person, anon.

>> No.11557756

Removing the problem glasses was a big help

>> No.11557762

They're not bad, they're just lost. I'm not against the ideas behind christianity, but it's absolutely unappliable in modern society without insanity or hipocrisy

>> No.11557768

Are you saying there isn't a rational explanation for faith?

>> No.11557770

It’s all just a load of sand people nursery rhymes. Bit cringe that people actually take them seriously.

>> No.11557783

Orthodox here, Devil worshipping Pope can suck it.

>> No.11557786

>papal infallibility
>can't even make their minds up about the death penalty

>> No.11557792

lol no everyone on /pol/ hates christianity because its "cucked" and they larp as pagans instead.

>> No.11557797

Kafka was a jew.

>> No.11557804

I thought God loves us all

>> No.11557808

It's the current trend. Just like everybody was a hc atheist ten years ago.

>> No.11557809

Humans are hardwired to seek answer to things unexplained
And when we face unexplainable, we turn to templates like religion. But it's just impossible to have a universal template, so you either go insane from contradictions believing there's none or you lie to yourslef constantly
There's no difference for us if god exists or not, because we invented him anyway and we are the governing force behind it
I believe that we should let this mentality go and embrace the unknown