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File: 55 KB, 634x696, bertrand-russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11555357 No.11555357 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw people on /lit/ think that consciousness doesn't arise from the brain

>> No.11555373

If Russell was alive today he'd be one of those Neoliberal R*eddit "Science is fucking awesome!" types and would champion Science(TM) ideas like "gender fluidity" and "cuckoldry".

>> No.11555382

>Distinguished science communicator Betrand Russell cuckfacing as he unboxes some AwEsOmE Rick & Morty merchandise

>> No.11555403

Wrong. Consciousness isn't physical. But yes, everyone on /lit/ knows that having a brain has something to do with it occurring.

>> No.11555444

>Consciousness isn't physical
It arises from processes that arise from matter alone though

>> No.11555450

almost as useless as the word consciousness itself, not even contesting just it provides no information and is just as phantasmic and elusive as ever

>> No.11555464
File: 6 KB, 200x255, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who don't realize that the First Uncaused Cause needs to have been caused by something
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who literally can't see that every function is equivalent to a predictive function of the same argument, and that this is true in all possible worlds
>there are people on 4chan RIGHT NOW who are christian when Socrates was so much more based than Jesus

>mfw i invented logic
>they said that it couldn't be done
>time to celebrate by fucking the MP's wife
>hold my Nobel prize


>> No.11555504

>the First Uncaused Cause needs to have been caused by something
That makes no sense

>> No.11555514

you have now apprehended the work of Bertie Russells

>> No.11555604
File: 282 KB, 1280x800, 353881-sepik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most ostriches have a higher IQ than this idiot.

>> No.11555631

His Philosophies of Language and Math weren't terrible.
He's also largely respoonsible, along with Frege, for interesting Wittgenstein in philosophy, so we owe him at least that much.

>> No.11555637


>> No.11555645
File: 24 KB, 212x270, guess who bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until he had his knobbly old acorn asshole torn to shreds by This One Weird German Trick

>> No.11555649


>> No.11555654

>>mfw i invented logic
And he couldn't prove that it was in any way consistent if it was remotely useful.

>>they said that it couldn't be done
And they were right.

>> No.11555655

consciousness comes from the heart, you braindaed incel

>> No.11555660

Do we?
Let's stop guys, that's retarded

>> No.11555697

russell wasn't even a physicalist though

why are we discussing him in vague stereotypes picked up on the internet? he had actual views that were not obviously wrong that we could discuss instead

>> No.11555716
File: 4 KB, 225x225, think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people on /lit/ think

>> No.11555722

Where do they think it arises from? From their ass?

>> No.11555733

yeah russell was a neutral monist who had a pretty good appreciation of hume's problem. He was neither a reductive/eliminative materialist nor a dualist.

>> No.11555734
File: 234 KB, 601x697, 1525227042275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11555745
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1533050599477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to celebrate by fucking the MP's wife

>oops, meant to say have my wife fucked by other men time and time again

Pic related.

>> No.11555753

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
Darling you give consciousness
A bad name!

>> No.11555864


Materialism is absurd enough in general but it approaches perfect tragicomedy when it deems insane those who claim the president is telepathically affecting their will but deems them sane inasmuch as they agree their will is otherwise affected by and wholly subordinate to agents tenfold as tenuous, as unprovable, and as terrifying.

>> No.11555909


>> No.11556014

proofs plz. the mind/essence is like God: you can't prove nor disprove any mechanical features nor the lack of existence of these features.we can see, however, how things get fucked up when different components around which these theoretical abstractions hang are perturbed or manipulated. the fact that math works says something about some transferable quality of abstracted ideas into the concrete. shit's too complicated for egos, bounded by language as they are, to arrive at a suitable conclusion. there's only the privacy of our minds before we engage in language that we can answer these questions for ourselves

t. Gandhi

>> No.11556461

It arises from the brain but is not the same as it

>> No.11556475

even the Buddha in 400-500 BCE recognized that consciousness is just a result of senses and the mind interacting with forms. It's just Western religious fags afraid of ego death who refuse to admit that consciousness is nothing special. The mind is matter as much as the body.

>> No.11556581

Read the Phaedo of Socrates. Spoiler: Socrates is more-or-less right. The important thing to note is the Pythagorean students were wrong. The brain is merely the cockpit of an advanced piece of machinery. It is not the pilot. You can't discover this from merely reading the Phaedo, but you can discover it. Think logically in terms of higher dimensions, and you would be wise to have a friend who thinks similar-but-opposite go through this with you. It will make the journey easier.

>> No.11556586

wut? are you saying that since retards have brains but their consciousness is broken, there must be more to it?

>> No.11556589


Do you have any scientific proof for your assertion? Can your assertion be falsified?

>> No.11556611
File: 15 KB, 235x229, ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Phaedo of Socrates

>> No.11556614
File: 933 KB, 1367x2000, justin-gerard-justin-gerard-b-l2017-n01x12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some mushroom ad on instagram claims there's no proof of consciousness rising from the brain
it must be true

>> No.11556616

It can be proven via logic. In time, Science and Mathematics will prove it, but it is still catching up though the seeds are there.

>posts anime
Just stop.

>> No.11556623

>It's 1, not 2.
>Cool, was attached to 2ism, but now I get it, outside is inside, 1 > 2.
>Yes, the outside would be somewhere else, so it wouldn't get in. And 3 is too many.
>I see.
>There isn't an I in you though.
>Haha, "I" know, just using grammatical convention. It is limited.
>Good, now say it with me: {}, {{}}, {{}}, {{}}, ...
When did you realise it's all gibberish?

>> No.11556710

lol the Buddha based an entire system of transcendent praxis on the irreducibility of consciousness - the actuality of the first-person observer - to its ground ya goof

>> No.11556715
File: 46 KB, 397x345, 34124321423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11556737
File: 106 KB, 1000x989, 1519766837066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a logical positivist's word on anything, ever

>> No.11556751
File: 359 KB, 1535x2058, c9drn09e26p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people on /lit/ think that consciousness is more than just a human word

>> No.11556752

>Consciousness isn't physical
oh god

>> No.11556756

>i could have written Principia Mathematica if i wanted to but I've got my Prāṇāyāma classes to teach 3 times a weak

>> No.11556766


>> No.11556767

Thing is, you can't know for sure... so stop taking this pretentious tone.

>> No.11556774

What kind of sperglord reply is this? Even Quine blew logical empiricism the fuck out.

>> No.11556797


>> No.11556800

Matter is a perception, a thought is a thought but also a reference to something outside the thought. But since nothing can be not contained in thought, then matter is a thought. Matter is thought and thought is matter, even if thought is used referentially.

From this we can both say that the material idea of the brain creates our material thoughts, or that the ideal idea of the brain creates our ideal thoughts.

We CAN'T say that the ideal generates the material or the material generates the ideal.

>> No.11557361

Yes we can: the material pretty obviously creates the ideal, and only a religious idiot who wishes to believe humanity is special would deny this. Blow your material brains out and let's see how well your ideal self fares :^)

>> No.11557368

ironically your post is laden with ideological assumptions

>> No.11557458

Consciousness certainly has a material side. For starters, it exists, and secondly this existence appears to be one of a substantial unity.
It is a unity because there is a whole continuum to conscious experience. People are individuals who are held accountable for their actions. It is not brief flashes of awareness one right after another.
Secondly, it is substantial, it is tied to the physical realm. When you go asleep you become unconscious, yet somehow you are able to wake up the next day as the same conscious entity. There must be a physical model of consciousness with contains both kinds of states.

Popular thinking leads to a theory of emergence. Looking at a single neuron one can find no trace of consciousness, however adding up their interactions and we see patterns emerge. Consciousness is assumed to be a pattern of neuronal firing.
However, can the brain be considered a plausible physical model of consciousness?

Let's say we have magical technology powers. What happens if we dissect two brains, then put half of one's neurons in the other and vice versa. Do the people retain their continuity of consciousness(albeit it perhaps transfigured)? Do we get two new people? How is consciousness tied to matter?

>> No.11557717

i like this post

>> No.11558751

>Let's say we have magical technology powers
the absolute state of philosophy in the 21sr century