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/lit/ - Literature

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11554528 No.11554528 [Reply] [Original]

>What are you studying?
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
>Favorite book?

>> No.11554547

Your mom's pussy
I love it
I read her pussy like a poet

>> No.11554602

Allegheny College
>Like it?
I do. It's not "literary," so I do fear it would close a few doors on me. I was always going to be an English major but decided 100k of debt to hold the title wasn't a wise investment.
I'm also a pretty good athlete on the two-man saw team throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, almost national material.
>Favorite book?
None. I like poems a lot, though. It wouldn't be fair to choose a favorite.

>> No.11554634


>> No.11555207

>small state college
>no i dont like it. Don't know what else to do

>> No.11555222

>Literally Who University
>It's okay, but if I had money then I'd study something else.
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.11555225

>Big10 school
>Oh yeah. Super fun theory and """"science"""
>Probably Lord Jim? Maybe Nostromo or HoL?

>> No.11555371

>University of Utah
>Wilderness Emergency Medicine and Philosophy
>I enjoy it a lot, the former program is one of the best in the country and gives opportunities for Med School, but I enjoy the latter even more and would rather go to head school for that (probably at a different university)
>I really like The Republic, but I have yet to have a preference

>> No.11555441

>Love the challenge, hate the environment
>The Master and Margarita

>> No.11555551

no where important
the book of disquiet

>> No.11556319

>Majorig in English

>> No.11556369

Small town university not in the us
it's okay, hope I'll make it to earn enough later on, worry about personal relationships (especially romantic ones) alot, becuse law changes the way you think and talk, could make you boring
can't really decide, maybe confessions of a mask

>> No.11556386

>Oxford Graduate
>Politics, philosophy and economics
>waste of fucking time, no daddy to give me a job
>Proust In search of lost time

>> No.11556447

>History and English, becoming a teacher
>Definitely not Madame Bovary

>> No.11556500

Same on first 2 lines. Graduated 5 years ago; Christ time flies.

Enjoyed some of it, the reading especially, though a good portion of the time I felt like I was just spouting shit. Got a job with one of the big hedge funds in the states so I guess it worked out well from a practical standpoint.

Honestly no clue, I have crippling commitment issues and can never pick a favourite anything. Rereading a bunch of Conrad at the moment.

>> No.11557074

>Pavia University
>Finished High School this year, i'm going to start Mathematics
>I hope i will like it, i'm not a stemafag that preaches scientism though
>The late Mattia Pascal

>> No.11557801

>Switching over from another major though I like the class I took first sem
>IJ :^)

>> No.11557837


>University of Amsterdam
>Literary Studies (possibly a PhD)
>Yeah, brilliant crowd
>If you have one favourite book you should be shot on sight.

>> No.11557848

The University of Hard Knocks.... niggga........

>> No.11557858

Utah Valley University
>>What are you studying?
>>Do you like it? If not, what else?
Not really, it's just my pre-law degree. All I really want is to go to law school.
>>Favorite book?
The Count of Monte Cristo, or some Dostoevsky

>> No.11557866
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>University of Worcester (pls no bulli ;___;)
>history and politics
>yes, I have enjoyed it alot. Especially the classes on Early Modern England are interesting. Just not sure what I will do after the degree.
>No specific book.

>> No.11558609


>> No.11558672


>> No.11558756

cardiff university
english literature
i like the degree a lot, probably going to stay on to do a master's because fuck it i'm already in massive amounts of debt
probably gravity's rainbow or some burroughs

>> No.11558768
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Now I am become bugman, the destroyer of souls. Here in the computer science lab of my third tier commuter school, I have watched the suburban rot of American capitalism poison everything sacred and literary about academic culture. This university should not exist. It is not a university. It is not even a trade school. It is a node on the great tumor of Washington, D.C., a malignant parasite that quietly feeds upon Northern Virginia's economic bloat--its congestion, its corruption, its overpaid government workers and contractors, its skyrocketing immigrant population, its feelgood unfettered liberal consumerism. The Koch brothers recently purchased the economic and law departments. They even renamed the law school. There are Islamic prayer rugs in every other building. My classmates dream of joining the ranks of government contractors like Booz Allen and Lockheed Martin who murder children, destroy the environment, bribe politicians to invade the Middle East, and illegally spy on you as you read this post. Many of them will.

But I am not resisting anymore. I am narcotized. I take my pills. I torrent Netflix original movies. I eat Chipotle. I am learning to code, meaning I too will someday soon become dependent on the region's bloat.

I have joined the Hive. And thereby, I will one day acquire the means to escape it, if it doesn't destroy me first.

>> No.11558786

based and blackpilled

>> No.11558808
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>I torrent Netflix original movies

>> No.11558828

>electrical engineering
>yes I love it

>> No.11558936

>California Maritime Academy
>Marine Transportation, i.e. becoming a merchant mariner
>love it
>Growth of the Soil

>> No.11558968

Not him but how many hrs a week do you work? Do you find time to read on the side? I'm just asking because I've thought about going hedge fund when I graduate (probably quant side though).

>> No.11558977

You should be ashamed of yourself. Chipotle sucks.

>> No.11558994

I'm glad you're doing that instead of trying to write for a living, considering the sample you've given us.

>> No.11559033

English Lit - I need one class to graduate, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to pick it up.
Too much school of resentment stuff.
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.11559066

>tfw I have a college fund from my grandparents
>tfw too stupid to use it
I am a disappointment to everyone around me

>> No.11559151

Wait. . .
People pay for an English degree?
What are you all going to do with your lives?

>> No.11559219

For most of these people, daddy pays for the degree (and for their lifestyle).

>> No.11559232

Anon, if it makes you feel any better, you're also a disappointment to those who aren't around you

>> No.11559461

Art and History
Yeah it's great I'm there for free
The Recognitions

>> No.11559926

>Cornell (ag school, laugh it up)
>Entomology/Premed bio
Also english minor; they wont let me add a major from the arts college even though i have enough credits :( want to do an MFA after
>Love entom, great small field of really interesting, dedicated people. Bio is a field for the most narcissistic, pseuds on the planet.
>Fav novel is either Winesburg, Ohio or Master and Margarita; fav poet is either Blake or Poe

>> No.11559972

Cal State LA
>What are you studying?
Studio Art
>Do you like it?
i love art but not really but its costing me almost nothing so i have no regrets
>Favorite book?

>> No.11560005

>What are you studying?
English literature.
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
Sure. Had some good professors, nice things to laugh about.
>Favorite book?
The Theatre and its Double.

>> No.11560324

>living in a country where you have to go into debt to get a degree

>> No.11560346

> North Carolina State University
> English Education
> Yes. I love literature and I want to spread that appreciation for the canon on to the next generation.
> Ulysses — James Joyce. Honorable mention goes to Borges' Ficciones.

>> No.11560755

University of applied science X
Applied Math & Physics
>Do you like it
Yes i actually do
Hard to say, but i love the Bhagavad Gita, since one of my relatives who also studied theoretical physics as well as electrical engineering, helped to translate the book into german from sanskrit

>> No.11561061
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>Université Paris II - Panthéon Assas
>Law and Economics
>I love it, especially Law, I've wanted to be Portalis since I was a child
>Rousseau - Les confessions, though I don't particularly endorse Rousseau's philosophy

>> No.11561085

Go pack

>> No.11561208

>Small university in Europe
>Major: Linguistics, Minors: Latin and German
>Unironically love it
>too autistic to decide my favorite book

>> No.11562434
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Queen's University
>What are you studying?
Computer science w/ cognitive science specialization
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
Course work is pretty fun. I enjoy abstract problem solving.
Also thoroughly enjoying the University experience, making lots of friends, etc.
>Favorite book?
Douglas Hofstadter - Godel, Escher, Bach

>> No.11562509

Does anyone here go to Dalhousie? How do you like it?

>> No.11562527


>> No.11562539

Very insightful. Thank you.

>> No.11562575

why isn't everyone claiming they go to a T20 school this time around? this bizarro /lit/?

>> No.11562614

About to drop out of EE in london

I find it psychologically difficult to analyse how it came to this, though the core is laziness and depression.

It's neetdom for me I guess.

>> No.11562627

>in london
I think I found the source of your despondency.

>> No.11563095

Shit tier slavic country university
Philosophy and literature
Heraclitus fragments

>> No.11563209

Imperial College

>> No.11563593

Oxford uni

Maths and philosophy

Best degree. Wouldn't change for the world. Also quite /lit/.

If not that, maybe Philosophy and German, or Archaeology and Anthropology

Favourite book you might notve heard of: Nabokov's Pnin, H G Well's Meanwhile, might add some more if I remember

>> No.11563710

University of Waterloo
>What are you studying?
>Do you like it?
Yep drugs are pretty rad.
>Favourite book?

>> No.11563839

>Doesn't really matter, just know that it's in Brazil
>I'm studying audiovisuals
>I love it
>In The Heart Of Darkness, I suppose. I'm not big into books yet.

>> No.11563916

Sei di Pavia, anon?

>> No.11563932

git out mah country

>> No.11563955

>Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
>Law, with a minor in Filmaking, which is pretty baffling to most of my friends.

>> No.11563971

Also, I very much enjoy studying Law, which is surprising to me, as I never imagined myself as a lawyer in the past.

>> No.11563997

UChicago autist here

Would be down to talk to other UChicago people about philosophy or metaphysics or phenomenology or anything that involves extreme autism really

>> No.11564925

New York University
>What are you studying?
Applied Psychology major and hoping to add Comparative Literature as a minor
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
Yeah, it's pretty sweet. But I haven't taken any classes that focus on what I actually want to do, which is counseling.
>Favorite book?
Oblomov or The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.11564941

What kind of job do you want after you graduate or get your masters?

>> No.11564954

Don’t you guys have a philosophy club or something?

>> No.11564965

>some shitty university in Mexico
>Humanities (mostly Sociology + Art History, with bits of Literature and Philosophy mixed in)
>I couldn't think of myself studying anything better than this. I'll probably end up getting a Master's degree in Asian/Classical Studies and/or a PhD in Philosophy if I want to get into the Academia.
>Der Einzig und sein Eigentum :^)

>> No.11564984

>Love it, especially tax. Was previously a psych major but I felt I had more potential. If I could choose a different path, Finance at a more reputable school.
>Catch-22 Tbh

>> No.11565044

I want to work as a school counselor, either in high school or higher education (preferably in community college). I'm also flirting with the idea of doing relationship/marriage counseling instead.

I don't think I'll be able to do anything with just my Bachelors. However, I do intend to continue with my education until I get a PhD or PsyD.

>> No.11565051

>royal academy of fine arts, antwerp
>fashion design
>it's just what I want. I very much like it.
>journey to the end of the night

>> No.11565353

UC Davis
Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Nine Princes in Amber

Are you Asian?

>> No.11565614

>Uni of Arizona
>Computational Linguistics
>It's hard to adjust to STEM coming from my Linguistics undergrad but it's a neat subject with tons of jobs so it seems worthwhile

>> No.11566078

> Polish Uni
> International Business ( in English/German )
> starting in 2 months
> Kokoro by Natsume Soseki

>> No.11566100

>private catholic institute
>it's fine
>the naked lunch

>> No.11566142

Norwegian College of fisheries

>What are you studying?
Fish medicine (like a veterinarian, though, you can only work with fish).

>Do you like it? If not, what else?
I don't really like fish, heh.
The scenery can be quite amazing.

>Favorite book?
The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World

>> No.11566152
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Finished it this year.
>>What are you studying?
>>Do you like it? If not, what else?
Yeah. It's a more generalist area but I like to just create anything I feel like instead of having one single focus for my career.
>>Favorite book?
Grapes of Wrath.

>> No.11566192

Also norwegian here. I believe i read / heard whilst still in high school that this pays ridiculously well. Is there any truth to this?

>> No.11566222
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The pay is amazing.
It's probably the only program in Norway where 100% of the students have job offers before finishing their degree.

During the summers, most of us work in fish farms, so we're all kinda rich, even as students.

>> No.11566238

Happy to hear, anon. Hope you have time and energy to spend on your personal things as well, such as reading or even writing, if you do that.

I know the norwegian 'country side' can be very, very beautiful. I'm assuming you're on the west coast, not too far north, I hope. I want to visit home soon enough

>> No.11566288

I tell this to people despite actually having a degree.

>> No.11566290

beh, è un bene che tu non sia uno scientista (a prescindere da qualunque cosa tu vada a studiare). Sono sicuro ti piacerà l’approccio universitario alle matematiche

>> No.11566334
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It's indeed very beautiful.

The pics are from a place in Northern Norway called Kvaroy (too far north, I agree).

>> No.11566428
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Copenhagen Business School
>What are you studying?
Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
I like it. Difficult, but it wouldn't be worth doing if it was easy.
>Favorite book?
Couldn't chose just one. Top contenders would be Moby-Dick, Under the Volcano, Gravity's Rainbow, Light in August, Invisible Cities, Far Tortuga.

>> No.11566483
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A small liberal arts school in the mid-west and Waseda University in Tokyo. (Doing degrees at both). However, there has been some accounting error, and Im not receiving any Fin-aid this semester. Even a semester without Fin-aid would put me in eternal debt, so Idk what my future is going to be like if this doesn't get resolved.
>What are you studying?
Japanese. I've taken lots of History courses, enough to either minor or perhaps double major. But I don't think I will.
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
My liberal arts school I don't like much. The social environment is too small and it feels like Foucault's Panoption there. Its basically a SJW prison. If I say something politically out of like to the wrong person, the whole school could potentially black list me. Its a prison, but I think most liberal arts schools are these days. The few friends I have made there I am very close to though.
At Waseda, I enjoy the environment so much more. But anyone who knows anything about Japanese Universities knows that the education quality (even from a supposed Elite school) is piss poor. As they say, hard to get in, easy to graduate. But even if most of my classes feel like a joke, a few of my profs are really good, and being in Tokyo is much better than being in hicksville.
>Favorite Book?
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.11566515

> University/College
Sorbonne université
> What are you studying?
> Do you like it? If not, what else?
Yeah its easy and i'm basically guaranteed a job as an english teacher if I dont find anything else since there is a lack of teachers so important that they accept anyone with an english degree
> Favorite book?
At the mountains of madness

>> No.11566516
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Karl-Ruprecht-Universität Heidelberg
>What are you studying?
>Do you like it? It not, what else?
I don't like it. Law is probably the worst thing anyone could pick in Germany. Heidelberg is a special, beautiful place though. Wish it wasn't ruined by tourists.
>Favorite book?
Thomas Mann - The Magic Mountain

>> No.11566529

>University of Waterloo (leaf here)
>Mathematical physics
>Loving it, interesting subject and lots of job oppurtunities
>The Odyssey

>> No.11566579


Are you fucking serious? If you have PPE from Oxford you don't need connections to get a job. What do you want to do, foreign secretary?

>> No.11566610

Australia National University anyone?

>> No.11566628

Nope. The stereotype is true though, I'm just about the only white person in most of my lectures

>> No.11566676

santa clara?

>> No.11566704

>Australian university
>Yes, it's lit. If not, psychology.
>Anna Karenina

>> No.11566716

Which uni? I'm at UQ

>> No.11566735

>gay enn you

>> No.11566738

>comp sci
>eugenie grandet atm

>> No.11566747

T. UC pleb

>> No.11566765


An ivy league university

>>What are you studying?

Applied mathematics

>>Do you like it? If not, what else?

Love it. Taking classes on philosophy and politics, too. Thinking about law school.

>>Favorite book?

Blindness by José Saramago

>> No.11566812

No, Toulouse

>> No.11567106

>KU Leuven
>Bachelor in psychology
>Not really, its not quite what i was expecting but its only my first year so...maybe it gets better (feel free tell me wy it will or won't)?
if i where to change my study then prob linguistics or law (maybe philo but i think it would disappoint).
>I consistently like les essais but i don't really have a favorite book.

>> No.11568289


>> No.11568362

Yeh brutha

>> No.11568469
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University of North Texas
>What are you studying?
Computer Engineering with a math minor
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
Ya, I took the first year to get all of my core classes out of the way and now I'm in basically only major classes. I'm thinking about dual majoring in math because that is what interests me most for grad school.
>Favorite book?
I don't rightly know. I'm still young, and barely starting my academic career at that. Brothers Karamazov spoke to me in a way that I'm not quite sure any other books has, though, so for now that will be my choice. I went in thinking I would relate more to Alexei, but then realized that I'm more like Dmitry. That prompted me to set up multiple safeguards and habits in my own life to attempt to prevent my personality from getting in the way of my professional and academic goals.
Also anyone else here from UNT?

>> No.11569554


Hah, I went to UTD. Now I’m 27 and work at a hotel front desk. Many friends went to UNT, though, including a favorite professor.

>> No.11569598

¿A qué universidad vas?

>> No.11569638 [DELETED] 

Got kicked out of Oxford. Talked my way back in. Got kicked out again, talked my way back in again. Realized the root problem was I just didn't give a shit about what I was studying, and left of my own accord. Realized my one actual talent—and possibly the one thing I actually enjoyed—was talking my way out of consequences and into things I don't deserve. Talked my way into a good job which normally prefers people to have an MBA.

Count of Monte Cristo probably.

>> No.11569955

>Economics and mathematics
>Yes, I always sucked at math but I'm slowly starting to develop a passion for it.
>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.11569984

melbourne uni
>What are you studying?
>Do you like it? If not, what else?
yeah it's great. spend a lot of time in the field
>Favorite book?
Snake by Kate Jennings or Wild Surmise by dorothy porter