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/lit/ - Literature

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11553856 No.11553856 [Reply] [Original]

Post the best shortest poem or poignant sentence you are currently aware of.

Do it /lit/. I tire of your long-winded bullshit.

>> No.11553864
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Gonna go ahead and get this one out of the way.

>> No.11553911


This one, writen by Kobayashi Issa, after his baby daughter died, He sought help and solace with a zen master, who told him that all the cosmos and all our lives are just dewdrops, just fadding ghosts.

The poem:

Tsuyu no yo wa tsuyu no yo nagara sari nagara
This dewdrop world --
Is a dewdrop world,
And yet, and yet . . .

>> No.11553920


That's beautiful anon, thank you.

>> No.11553925

Jaime Sabines' On Myth:

Someone spoke to me all the days of my life.
Into my ear, slowly, taking their time, said to me "Live, live, live!"
It was Death.

>> No.11553932
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Here's a sad one.

>> No.11553940
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Another Bukowski. I don't know why /lit/ hates him so much.

>> No.11553959


>> No.11553960

he was a dirty old man, his poetry is disgusting "You shoot sperm like a whale shoots water out of the hole in its back", that passes for poetry in the US.

>> No.11554003
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>he was a dirty old
Not an argument.
>he's a man
Oh heavens no!!!
>his poetry is disgusting
And often equally beautiful

>that passes for poetry in the US
I bet you own the book in my pic related.
When you confine your poetry to iambic pentameter or any archaic bullshit rule establish several centuries ago, you dilute the entire point of poetry; truth in beauty and beauty in truth. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.11554010


Post something within OP's parameter then. Or is all the poetry you enjoy so up it's own ass you'll need to post a 3 page long diatribe?

>> No.11554011

Jesus wept.

>> No.11554012

>if you don't like Bukowski then you're just afraid to move past your archaic rules and conventions man!
Absolute state

>> No.11554030

You're trying to put me into some stereotype of yours, thinking I'm a dork who goes by the book and reads dull shit. Wrong. I read poetry from De Quevedo to Mallarmé, from Peret to Houellebecq, Paz, Huidobro, Parra, Lihn, Yeats, Blake, and other poets whose names you've never even heard in your life. and I can tell you his work is just not worth it.

>> No.11554050

"Your are merely not used to being loved by other people, so there's no need for you to constantly care about what other people think of you"

>> No.11554051
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Kind of sounds like your restrictive criteria for poetry extends well beyond Bukowski. There is nothing worse than a prideful snob, for they are genuinely truthful in their self-deception.


>> No.11554052

i got that feeling in my throat when you almost cry, good poem

>> No.11554071

I'm not even the guy you were originally talking to, I just think it's silly to jump to all these conclusions about someone because they don't like fucking Bukowski. I suppose it's a good opportunity to virtue signal and show everyone how hip you are.

>> No.11554112
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Honestly, you just come off very shallow. I never said you had to like Bukowski; but was rather inquisitive to why someone who could list so many English 101 "starter-poets" would get so defensive at the mere thought of any prose that takes a bit of creative freedom with the form. You need to work on being less self-conscious and judgemental. I know literature is the only thing you have to laud over others (just a vibe I get from you) but that doesn't mean the works of other that resides outside your "box" are any less legitimate.

You'll find lording your taste over others will only deepen your social isolation.
I hope the best for you kid.

>> No.11554119


Classically powerful.

>> No.11554122



>> No.11554124

What does this word mean?
How is it pronounced?
From context I am guessing it means something like,"dense with meaning"
Is it pronounced POY-NAT or is it POO-GIANT
Please don't bully or Google it for me, thanks

>> No.11554137
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>"dense with meaning"
Pretty much, also touching or moving in a regretful or sad way
>Is it pronounced POY-NAT'

I wish it was pronounced Poo Giant.

>> No.11554144

Why does everyone keep posting this? I don't get it

>> No.11554146

he was a drunken clown who wrote one poem a million times all his life
>DUDE work sucks liquor and whores are great! I've got all this pain and no one understands me!
once you stop being a teenager you recognize him for the emotionally stunted hack parasite that he was.

>> No.11554156
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It's purity incarnate for conveying emotion. If it was truly written by a 6 year old, it's very impressive.


>> No.11554171

It's from Evangelion.

>> No.11554179

Who hurt you guys? You know there's more to life than being clean and in the presence of good people right? You're missing out on almost all of human experience if you think cum and liquor have no place in "art" whatever the fuck "art" is

>> No.11554192

It's a masterful poem. Allow me to explain, line by line.

First line: the subject is established. the tiger. something is missing here, thuogh–the poem yearns for a predicate, an action, some kind of movement on the page. the reader feels this yearning. "what ABOUT the tiger?" we ask.

Second line: "He destroyed his cage." This line overcompensates for the lack of information granted us in the last line, tearing the reader away from ignorance and into immediate understanding, concrete detail. It's a full independent clause, where subject and predicate are provided. We now have a scene, and yet there remains another question. How are we to *feel* about the tiger destroying his cage? Perhaps fear that a tiger is on the loose?

Third and fourth lines:
This is the bread and butter. Nael truly deserves to be held up in the western canon for this craftsmanship. We have repetition across two lines here: "Yes/YES". These lines are devoid of everything except pure emotion, poetry at its finest. Yes, we say, Yes!, we repeat, the tiger has destroyed his cage. Nature has triumphed over that which tries to keep it behind bars, righting the wrongs of all that humanity has tried to do. For what else has mankind done except take nature and try to set boundaries on it, limits on it? We create laws and constant to withhold the universe, put it into a box that we can understand. But no, Nael proclaims, nature is free. Yes, Yes!, he cries. The tiger is out.

>> No.11554214
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He was part of the working poor until his mid 50's. People at poverty level do not have the luxury of collegiate education (he dropped out of grade school before he was 15 to support his family). I admire him simply because his writing, at least at the beginning, was without pretense and predication to fit into high culture. He wrote because he had to; because he actually had something to say. He seems so vulgar because he never took the whole thing seriously, in terms of whether people liked him or gave his work a second glance, so he refused to change who he was, a vile, isolated, and depressed old man.

A man who refuses to betray himself after being recognized on high, even when he knows his whore-mongering and internal ugliness might ruin his success, that is a man to be respected.

>> No.11554218

it took a second but that made the back of my neck feel all funny

>> No.11554224


There's no fat on it. If you take out one word, the whole thing doesn't work. It's pretty masterful desu.

>> No.11554231

I pooped a little
I sucked the poop back in
My butt hurts

>> No.11554234
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good poems
I like this famous nugget:
Long ago I heard
That this is the road we must all
Travel in the end,
But I never thought it might
Be yesterday or today.

>> No.11554238


Simply masterful.

>> No.11554248

yeah but there's a lot of fat on you haha

>> No.11554249


The poop
It destroyed my asshole
My butt hurts


>> No.11554254

Top kek

>> No.11554258

poetry is gay

>> No.11554260
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Not particularly.
Thanks for the (you) though.

>> No.11554266


How gay?
Sexuality is a spectrum.

>> No.11554286


it means concise and to the point

>> No.11554313

Again jumping to conclusions. You think you know them just because they think Bukowskis was filth? I hope you're not this judgemental in real life that you know a surface detail about someone and you think you know them perfectly. They could be serial killers for all you know.

>> No.11554317


>> No.11554320
File: 6 KB, 536x800, the_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is a world of tears, and the burdens of mortality touch the heart.

>> No.11554322

It used to be a masculine pursuit, now every thot can post their "poetry" on instagram

>> No.11554326
File: 208 KB, 608x719, Babes_in_the_Wood_-_7_-_illustrated_by_Randolph_Caldecott_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_19361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The birds are silent in the woods.
Just wait: Soon enough
You will be quiet too

>> No.11554337 [DELETED] 

This woman
she came and
made me better
this woman
my Mother.

>> No.11554345

Down the river
dead bodies
all in formation
like they used to

>> No.11554346

I'd like to disagree with you here,

I find, fundamentally, there is a connection here between ennui, and the pursuit of the meaning of life, more than just a simple worship of the id.

See here, the first line is simply repetition of the title, enjambed even so that we are first presented with existential dread. The "tiger". The hunter. I posit: why tiger? We do not normally keep tigers as pets, yet this tiger is explicitly stated to be in a cage (See note to line 2)
This is where I make the connection Nael so seamlessly laid the groundwork for. The tiger is clearly caged for study, in a zoo or other biological setting. The primal, driving force of nature, the predator and prey relationship, bound and gagged in the name of the superego - this is the vessel by which we keep existential dread at bay. The tiger is our desire, but in fact our responsibility to provide meaning in our lives.

That the tiger "destroyed his cage" is crucial. It references the idea that this metaphysical ennui, this omnipresent dread, the freedom of determining your own life is beyond the callous and apathetic study we've immersed ourselves in. Nael defies our reliance on alternative media and escapism to hold off genuine existential questions. I would like to put attention on the fact that the author chooses to leave the enjambed Line 1 unanswered, instead of continuing he starts again, anew, likely reinforcing the idea that this pursuit is ageless, ever refreshing and reviving to compliment the escapism of the age, however there are other ways this fact can be taken.

Furthermore, we have an incredibly interesting reprise. One could go so far as to say the pivotal lines in the poem. However, I would like to suggest, that this is not simply repetition, but a call and answer. Line 3 is unsure, solid but unsteady, almost questioning. One could even hear a faint "Yes?" in one's head. This is the weaker of the two. The response is assuredly from the "tiger" YES. The dominating line. We probe the darkness, averting our gaze to the pit. Our engorgement on absolving our tedium through the television set and the radio has sent us into subservience of the ultimate driving force of nature. YES, ennui calls back. We have looked too far into the abyss, we have not prepared ourselves for such brutal freedom. YES, and we are subjugated. Recall how little attention you paid to the first, feeble "Yes" in line 3. Even visually the power of line 4 robs line 3 of any substantial contribution to the poem. Finally, line 5 follows without question. The tiger is out. We don't realize it, but we are living creates subject to existential dread. Is is merely a fact of life. We were made to long for something more, but only given the tools to do it ourselves. Is it a blessing or a curse? Is there some guiding force, and why doesn't it help? This poem doesn't pretend to have the answers. The tiger is out. This is all.

>> No.11554350

when my grandpa died
he left me all his possessions
including the worst one:
his diabetes

>> No.11554355


>> No.11554360

Not judging anyone actually, mate. Just saying there's no reason art has to be clean, and actually, a great portion of humanity is intertwined with filth and grime.

I actually never once said anything about who they were, and in fact when regarded their character I actually asked an unsure question, which should've demonstrated how I know nothing about them. The only line that has any preconceived notion about the anons was "Who hurt you guys?" but I think you're old enough to understand the meaning behind this phrase.

>> No.11554368

They may dislike his poetry for other more aesthetic reasons.

>> No.11554381

>his poetry is disgusting "You shoot sperm like a whale shoots water out of the hole in its back"
>DUDE work sucks liquor and whores are great! I've got all this pain and no one understands me!

>> No.11554395

lmao you just fucking owned my post

i love this so much

>> No.11554400

She tortures my soul,
Like a whore from Mars.
Her body smells foul,
Like rancid cigars.
But l still love her:
She is my mother.

Syllable counter: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Rhyme structure: A, B, A, B, C, C.

Thoughts? Am I this generation's Yeats or what?

>> No.11554418

it's good except

>She tortures my soul/Like a whore from mars
Is a bit of a stretch, would you agree? How does a whore from mars torture your soul? Feels like a blatant attempt to rhyme.

Perhap instead, since you're referencing mars in that line, use some war imagery. "She declares war on my soul" or something. Mars is the roman god of war, so it feels more cohesive and less like a stretch to rhyme.

But yeah, you're basically Yeats. good job anon, gold star

>> No.11554432

Oh oh tell me how mine is

For four by four before the dawn
I sought a sailing ship anon
and on and on upon the grazing great beyond
I found myself so lost so gone

Crisis cross'd and lost, indeed
Fire feigned and fixed at the stake
The burning betwixt callous coals create
A modest pyre to burn

I like how it sounds :)

>> No.11554433

Alright so check this out: the other night I was flipping through the old Will to Power and all of a sudden I felt this incredible urge, like a magnetic tugging of my whole being. Lo and behold - the will to power had entered my penis and began performing the pre-coital rites! A Nietzschean apparition appeared before me singing and dancing like the madman he was. The taller my dick grew the more frantic his hammer-philosophy became. Such was my burden, to see the dionysian prophet laughing while my penis, my shaft, overcame all morality. then, as if to mock me further, Zarathustra in all his magnanimity flashed like lightning amidst the flat circle-jerk of time!

>> No.11554435

Retards posting Bukowski is proof that this board has become reddit

>> No.11554565

Works on that whore you call a mother

>> No.11554575

she's ashes now you bastard

>> No.11554589

God is all there is. I am one with that.

>> No.11554591


>> No.11554603

"polvo serán, mas polvo enamorado"

From Quevedo's sonnet Amor constante más allá de la muerte

>> No.11554604
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I made this for you and future threads.

>> No.11554614


Let's see you literary chops then sad tits. Post something you enjoy. Or is your wit confined to snarky and reductive, bottom of the barrel insults?

I bet my money on the latter.

>> No.11554630


D-did I do good senpai...

>> No.11554635

got him lmaoooooo

>> No.11554741

i actually like this one more except for the fact that the third line is waaayyyy too long. it all feels good to say out loud besides that line. I think another part is that your poem is iambic up until "the grazing" which makes it even weirder.

Besides that, it's a nice ditty. I like the antiquity in your grammar ("betwixt", "anon", "cross'd") and the imagery is strong.

I'm not a great poet but I've read/edited for a renowned literary magazine so I'm also not stupid. Then again it's all anonymous so I could be lying :-)

>> No.11554754

top notch
i look forward to this

>> No.11554789


>> No.11554796

yikes what?

>> No.11554808

>lording your taste over others
isnt that exactly what youre doing? not the anons u were replying to btw

>> No.11554811

A horse
My kingdom for a horse!

>> No.11554823

No, now you've taken the most sickening element of the poem away for a simple butthurt joke at the end. The shock value is mostly absent.

>> No.11554832

Hate to break it to you, but he was just happy that the tiger broke out of the cage.
6-year-olds are not Nietzsche. Stop reading them as such.

>> No.11554835

Everyone has a place in history. Mine is clouds.

Richard Brautigan

>> No.11554872
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I don't think so. I was a bit condescending and immature, but that was more of response to his tone and impotent reasoning. If he bothered to ask, he would know I enjoy "traditional" prose just as much as "free form" prose. I believe each has its merits. I just think it's incredibly foolish when people make broad negative judgements about an entire category of poetry, for whatever reason.

Especially when the argument is stupid. Personal attacks on the author? Pffft, please. Half the poets he named were also whore mongering deviants; who only differ from Bukowski due too history cleaning up their image.

>> No.11554884

Once again, not liking Bukowski =/= not liking anything experimental. That's like deciding anyone who doesn't like Gaddis or something is a conspiracy theorist who thinks pomo authors are out to debase literature. I'm not even the guy who attacked his character.

>> No.11554888

You jumped to stupid conclusions very quickly. "Oh they think Bukowski is filth, then they must hate free verse poetry". How does one even get there? Are you mentally challenged? Maybe they find the author and his writigs so repulsive that it's revolting for them.

>> No.11554898

I don't know what you're talking about, Bukowski is an English 101 starter poet. Literally for the mid-brow crowd. He's not some super experimental avant-garde artist. Get real mate.

>> No.11554910

you retards, I don't hate him because his singular theme deals with the obscene, but because he executes it poorly time and time again and shows no effort at improving or growing throughout his life. Had he spent half the time he wasted drinking improving himself, going for a run, reading a book, talking to people, helping the less fortunate, working an honest job etc. He could have evolved past his edgy teenage phase.

Examples of good artists who do what he is trying to do much better than him are Celine and Henry Miller

>> No.11554974
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Beset on all sides!
I would think my statements were self explanatory in addressing your responses with a basic reading comprehension, but alas, it seems even this practice in simplicity eludes you lot.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching a hive of self proclaimed "individuals" provide almost verbatim rebuttals.

>> No.11555018

Maybe you are in the wrong. Ever thought about it?

>> No.11555051

Car Swerves,
Injures 11;
Driver Held

>Aram Saroyan

>> No.11555069

Thank you anon :)
I didn't have any particular reason for making the third line longer than the rest. This was just something I jotted down cause I liked the sound of 4x4 and wanted to see what I could do with it
I'll see if I like it after shortening, but I have an attachment to "grazing great beyond"
If anything I like the repetition in "and on and on" the least. Maybe it's poor taste but I also like how it doesn't particularly fit.

Of course that's a move for someone with more taste whatever I've got.
For four by four before the dawn
I sought a sailing ship anon
and on upon the great beyond
I found myself so lost so gone

Crisis cross'd and lost, indeed
Fire feigned and fixed at the stake
The burning betwixt callous coals create
A modest pyre to burn

>> No.11555076

>Maybe you are in the wrong. Ever thought about it?

If I ever come to that conclusion, you'll be the first to know buckaroo.

>> No.11555090

That's the joke anon
Just having a little fun

>> No.11555101

I don't think living a bad life is edgy or teenage, mister. I particularly have a fascination with living terrible lives that only get worse. I don't think there is a metric of this experience is better than this one just because it is more in line with what morality dictates, because there is so much more to life than morality.

>> No.11555111

Living in your own filth for the sake of living in your own filth is what teenagers and NEETs do.

>> No.11555114

Holy shit, this kid was 6? Fuck me I'm 5 times his age and less talented by a wide fucking margin.

>> No.11555118

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

>> No.11555172

Inner sense
What joy

>> No.11555192
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Aw man, how do I say goodbye
It's always the good ones that have to die

>> No.11555216
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You sound so damn ignorant. I can tell you have no intimate knowledge concerning severe depression or true isolation.

There is a hopeless impossibility to it all, and despite any big breaks or brief turns for the better, it always wins in the end.

Bukowski was, if nothing else, himself.
No compromises. Very few of us will ever claim the same in this meat grinder of cohabitation.
There's dignity in that.

>> No.11555247


>> No.11556442

Too deliberate, doesn't evoke emotion desu. Try >>11553864 for reference

>> No.11556453

He woke up excited, it was Christmas. He ran all the way there.

>> No.11556455
File: 28 KB, 655x509, 1489037555575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom, do you see me?
>Yes, but I don't want to.

>> No.11556758

There's no critique thread up right now so I'll post this short poem here I guess. Thoughts?

Morning mountains in the mist,
Your sight sorely have I missed,
For from sea to silver sea,
None your equal could I see,
That when cramped upon my cot,
Fevered dreams of thee I caught,
And back home my journey led,
Through the thick and flying lead.
For these dangerous deeds I do,
My pay, thy pearléd morning dew.

>> No.11556823
File: 35 KB, 369x387, 1493911919555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. I love dew in the morning. Keep writing poems anon :)

>> No.11556832

Thank you, I saw an amazing scene of the valley walls almost materializing from the low clouds this morning and some lines came to me.

>> No.11556875

So, can we say that Nael btfo'd Herman Hesse by rewriting Steppenwolf in 5 lines?

>> No.11558166


>> No.11558185

Fucking fuck. I fucked, I fucked. I'm fucked.

>> No.11558195

i had actually planned to pick up one of his novels. but this is really mediocre. is his prose that much better than his verse?

>> No.11558259

>what the fuck did you just

>> No.11558771

daddy is a North American aerospace cooperation
mummy is an air-raid shelter
bit parts melt in the orgasm
body fat burns

>> No.11558790

Baby shoes for sale. Never worn.