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11552572 No.11552572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 10.30 am after 8 hours of sleep despite drinking coffee and binging on junk food last night
>drank coffee and read a book
>went jogging
>went in to central London on a hot and sunny day and walked about
>went to a library
>read some of a Bret Easton Ellis novel I hadn't read for years and felt sad that I'm not a rich Chad who aimlessly wanders around New York or Los Angeles with high level nihilistic ennui
>drankcoffee as the office Chads and Staceys were everywhere; a literal group of chads and Staceys sat near me, which was demoralising
>ate a lot of food at burger king
>feel like I am now over my McDonalds / burger king / junk food phase but I am writing this while feeling stuffed
>went back to flat, will browse internet, then read, then sleep

>> No.11552632

>felt sad that I'm not a rich Chad who aimlessly wanders around New York or Los Angeles with high level nihilistic ennui
Hey, at least you're an ugly incel who wanders aimlessly around London with high level nihilistic ennui. That must count for something, right?

>> No.11552679

Do you have a job?

>> No.11552725


Yes but it miraculously requires almost no work or time at the office.

>> No.11552736


>> No.11552759

You must be new here. Londonfrog has an office job where he can just not show up for weeks at a time, or show up late and leave early, and somehow he still hasn't gotten fired. I suspect that his dad or uncle or something knows the boss and intervenes on his behalf, but if that's the case he's never said so. Or maybe that's just how life is when you work in a cubicle, I wouldn't know.

>> No.11552781

Do you post a new thread about your life every day?

>> No.11552799

You must also be new here

>> No.11552801

Cubicle jobs are not all the same.

I’ve had two different cubicle jobs now and one of them was intense calls this one is 4- 5 per hour max.

>> No.11552806

I am. One week on /lit/.

>> No.11552807

>Londonfrog has an office job where he can just not show up for weeks at a time, or show up late and leave early, and somehow he still hasn't gotten fired

I laughed extremely hard at this, maybe it’s just the situation.

>> No.11552832

Someone from the UK really needs to call the TV collector thing hotline and ask for the weird depressed pakistani at their office

>> No.11552844

At least you didn't tried to give him any advice

>> No.11552864

“Hmmm I think I know who you’re talking about but he’s never in’

“Yeah I know listen I need to leave him a message tell him to stop shitposting on lit”


“Yeah yeh I’m not cursing at you just trust me he’ll know what it means”

Then hang up

>> No.11552892

How does one get a life like this, bros? I want to be able to wake up when I want, and spend my days wandering about town, visiting libraries and cinemas and stuff. I don't want to be a wagecuck, and my parents don't have the money to allow me to be a neet. I'm currently working a part time job with telephone interviews, and I'm also studying law.

>> No.11552894

This would be amazing

>> No.11552902

Why would anyone?

>> No.11552915

>mfw londonfrog unironically lives an extremely sheltered and privileged life but somehow manages to be pessimistic and sorrowful on /lit/.

Woe is you, you eat the size of a small feast for an entire African village with your neurotic assaults on your local convenience stores.

>> No.11552922
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Fuck off Londonfag.

>> No.11552935

Just stop drinking fucking coffee, LondonFrog

>> No.11552949

Its the common thing people are doing when first confronted to these threads. Nowadays less people try and more are encouraging him in this lifestyle of his. If you stay long enough you'll start to appreciate these threads and see them as a kind of metric, a rythmic measure of days and weeks on the board

>> No.11552951

I feel like I live the exact same life as Londonfrog but I'm happy about it tbqh

>> No.11552954

I think we are all childish bitches, to be honest. Anyone can be peesimistic and sorrowful, for no good reason. Myself, I'm sure hundreds of millions of people would trade places with me in an instant. I have a comfortable life, I have a promising future with a good job in a safe country, and I still find ways to complain. My highest dream is to live like Londonfrog, free from the expectations of others, and free from wagecuckery. My life feels suffocating.

>> No.11552983

Absolutely childish and puerile. Let me fix your mentality completely. His situation is childish. As many have asserted he is most likely gifted this job through nepotism, and as a result of him putting little to no effort into his job, he gets no recompense.

Put him in sales for a day or two. Customer service. Something that requires effort and time management and see what happens. This is an individual who probably has had this job since he graduated college. Although he most likely has more money than I, I pity him. He doesn’t know the value of a hard days work.

And not to be exceedingly judgmental or anything but you see this type of SINECURE in Europe more than anywhere else, where nepotism and economic planning reign supreme. America, with their car dealerships and corporate offices, still is a land of opportunity, despite how nepotistic it may be these days. The gulf between Europeans and Americans is impressive, Europeans don’t know the value of a hard days work. We’re both intelligent, but they pride themselves in thinking that it is their intelligence that has landed them their nepotistic job, while we pride ourselves on not trying to shove intelligence in others faces period.

Bottom line is that there are exceptions to this rule, like JPMORGANs CEO advocating for a negative income tax credit, the dirty socialist. But overall this is how I see it.

American political philosophy and work ethic just rules

>> No.11552998

>what is lurk more

>> No.11553013

I'm happy I don't live in America. I just want to live like Londonfrog, without a need to please others, or to work half my life to live. My highest dream is to have truly passive income, but I don't know how to go about reaching that goal.

>> No.11553039

Everyone in this thread is so gay. Until now.

>> No.11553041

This is so true

>> No.11553043

Become a neet

>> No.11553057

Parents are too poor

>> No.11553062

If your parents were poor and you were in America you might be able to make it, but too bad you don’t want to live here

>> No.11553068

>doesn't live in a welfare state

>> No.11553077

All governments have some form of welfare

>> No.11553080

I live in socialist Scandinavia, where I could easily get neetbux if I wanted, but my family has all kinds of expectations and needs, and if I dropped out of school, they'd probably honorkill me. I suppose a big part of what hinders me is their expectations and needs, which require my acting like a man and such.

>> No.11553092

See that’s my point. If your parents are poor how the fuck are you supposed to ‘make it’ in a socialist regime? Everyone knows socialist countries utilize ‘coercion’ more than any others

>> No.11553100

You could write a bunch of idiotic self-help books targeted at the 4chan demographic

>> No.11553104

No one here actually reads, though.

>> No.11553180

>eat burgerking
>"I think I'm over burgerking
>"I wish I could wander around a major cultural center all day"
>walks around london all day
Londonfrog this is why you'll never change