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File: 12 KB, 650x365, a-chronology-of-terence-mckenna-related-books-ideas-people-and-other-things-1413236346287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11551488 No.11551488 [Reply] [Original]

Was he BASED? Was he a HACK?

>> No.11551496

nice digits, but anyways he was a cia asset from the outset.

>> No.11551504

in the lingo
being BASED is the same as being a HACK but they just have balls or some sort of " je ne ses quios " that makes it excusable.

but imho he became a hack when he started shilling his shaman journeys for a premium

>> No.11551517

i'd love to hear more about this

>> No.11551579


Food of the Gods is an enjoyable read but he is still a hack

fun-fact: I once met his son Finn McKenna and he told me that he doesn't do MDMA because it "makes people e-tarded"

>> No.11551610

find out for yourself


>> No.11551641
File: 52 KB, 640x478, He's_right_you_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the lingo being BASED is the same as being a HACK but they just have balls or some sort of " je ne ses quios " that makes it excusable.

>> No.11551820
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 234534521231111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11551829

long story short: He went on an adventure in the late 1960s/early 1970s where he was doing a lot of highly illegal shit overseas and was wanted by Interpol and the FBI for awhile for drug smuggling, spending several years dodging around in life between Japan and Indonesian islands after leaving Tibet. Then he's somehow able to just return to Berkley unmolested. Then you have this:

>Terence McKenna: I wonder myself. You mean am I the alien ambassador whether I like it or not? [laughs]. Well, often when asked this question, I've said it beats honest work. I mean, my brother is a PhD in three subjects and works in hard science and yet I don't think it's brought him immense happiness. Not that he's despondent. But I was always kind of a slider. You know?

>And certainly when I reached La Chorerra in 1971 I had a price on my head by the FBI, I was running out of money, I was at the end of my rope. And then they recruited me and said, "you know, with a mouth like yours there's a place for you in our organization". And I've worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better. And then about 15 years ago they shifted me into public relations and I've been there to the present.

>I think ideas get me high. And I like the feeling of understanding and I love diversity to the point of weirdness.

>Questioner: It seems that there's more to it than that for you. Because, you know, being tuned in to ideas and turned on by ideas is one thing, but you can keep that just to self. The sharing of it is something else. I think that's what we’re getting at. [??

>Terence: well one thing is, I'm really fascinated… I think of myself as a pretty savvy person, and not easily led into false dogma…


Full audio and cut of the quote at the bottom of the page. It's not clear whether he was FBI or CIA but he was definitely an owned man by the time he got big in the public's imagination.

>> No.11551866

Wow that's some really interesting shit, thanks man. I operate in a field with a lot of McKenna's old friends. Never heard anything about this but I'll ask around.

>> No.11551887

He was right about anxiety/faith but that's it.

>> No.11551893

>"I'm not sure what inquiries were made or how the matter proceeded to be so easily resolved; I do remember that Terence and our father went to the Federal Building in Denver accompanied by a lawyer. As Terence later told it, he announced at the courthouse that he was there to turn himself in, but nobody seemed to know what he was talking about. After a search, seomeone found the paperwork and had him fill out a few forms and schedule a court appearance. It was all politely bureaucratic - hardly the reception an international fugitive might have expected after eluding capture for nearly three years.
>Once the case was settled, I belive he got three years unsupervised probation in return for telling them "everything he knew" about his hashish suppliers. Terence's response was a long, rambling account with references to an auto body shop in a back alley in Bombay, as I recall. When I read the statement months later, I assumed he'd made it all up, but it apparently satisfied the authorities. To the best of my knowledge, the whole mess ended there; he never heard another word about it."
From his brother's book, "Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss". Seriously doubt he was considered a high priority for sending hash in the mail. His quote about being "recruited" can be interpreted many ways as well.

>> No.11551949

I like it when he reads stuff or talks about literature.

I love how he reads the Hermetic text here, his intonation:


>> No.11552044

Well it's past 2012 and I'm not dead so I'm gonna have to go with HACK

>> No.11552097


you are such a brainlet

>> No.11552107


i've been listening to these recently, maximum comfy

>> No.11552909

That's interesting too. What are his former colleagues like?

>> No.11553567

kek, this is pretty good.

>> No.11553575

That's true, anyone who really abuses MDMA for several years as many do will get weird behavioral problems. Every single one can't take care of basic cleaning and organization. It's because MDMA smooths out the hooks in your receptors

>> No.11553582

This is how I discovered him.
It's really just about the only thing he's made that interests me.

>> No.11553586


>> No.11554385

He was anti-white commie piece of shit who's only worthwhile contributions to society were some ok advice regarding psychedelics and dying young.

>> No.11554426

Sure beats the hell out of being wrong on the internet 24/7

>> No.11554685

you have autism

>> No.11554707

Look up Ronald Stark

Former agent of the US in the 60s onward who dealt millions of hits of lsd, possibly as a spy for the US

>> No.11554721

I'd rather have autism than be a fascist with the Downs

>> No.11554728

kys my man

>> No.11554739

He is literally saying that he was recruited by aliens. That can be taken in any kind of a way, but he speaks of DMT aliens as real beings with real grounding in our reality.

>> No.11554756

So you've heard of the lectures of Dr. Crazyman...

>> No.11554770

He was a braindead, fame-seeking hack who forever tarnished the reputation of psychadelics, and harmed thousands of people by pushing them on kids who weren't properly prepared to handle them. They aren't meant to be taken for fun, or taken often, and the post trip period has to be carefully watched since you are susceptible to new ideas that can either be useful or dangerous. Most people shouldn't take them.

>> No.11554791

coming in here because i KNOW tao lin is watching this thread. hi tao lin. loved the new book.

>> No.11555267

He is semi-comically speaking about being recruited by the extradimensional beings revealed to you on psychedelics you doofus. He’s painting himself as a sort of “spokesperson” for a real or imaginary “organization” of super-conscious beings speaking to us through psychedelics.