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11550231 No.11550231 [Reply] [Original]

Is this just a meme or will it really help me find meaning in life?

>> No.11550244

There are lots of meanings you can create.
Do you want to make one where you're a fascist mystic who never has relationships with beings they consider equal?
That's the better question.

>> No.11550264

>meaning in life
Lol no. But it is an interesting read for understanding what older cultures thought. Particularly, the way older people perceived the metaphysical as being a concrete aspect of reality the same way we might perceive the atomic world as being concrete, but invisible was illuminating. This made them more attuned to the subtleties of human life than modern men, who are prone to reducing deep experiences to cheap, 5 dollar sarcastic quips.

>> No.11550274

I'm about 120 pages into it

It's weird as fuck. Not at all what you're expecting. Every page is FUCKING DENSE, it'll take me like 30 mins to get through 10 pages.

Evola is an insane sperg who makes some interesting points and, and also reseraches weird historical facts. Half of the book just sounds like he's doing an Elder Scrolls Morrowind LARP though

Read it just for the fuck of it. Go into it with no expectations and just read it to hear a bunch of hilariously weird shit.

>> No.11550280

>Read it just for the fuck of it. Go into it with no expectations and just read it to hear a bunch of hilariously weird shit.

>> No.11550779

>will it really help me find meaning in life?
Absolutely not. It's a weird as fuck book that's basically history from the perspective of an autist who read way too much Plato for his own good.

>> No.11550791

>shilled on 4chin
>"is this a meme"

what do you think, brainiac

>> No.11550803

>Is this a meme
OP never said that though. He said "is this just a meme", as in acknowledging that it's a meme but asking if it has value outside of its meme status.

>> No.11550806

>"is this just a meme"

its endlessly shilled on 4chin, brah. What do you think?

>> No.11550829

>we wuz hyperboreans and merda
>but like, in a metaphorical way
nah, its shit

>> No.11550843 [DELETED] 

>Half of the book just sounds like he's doing an Elder Scrolls Morrowind LARP though
Elder Scrolls lore is what got me into metaphysics. Probably my most shameful secret desu

>> No.11550849

>Half of the book just sounds like he's doing an Elder Scrolls Morrowind LARP though
Elder Scrolls lore is what got me into metaphysics. Probably my most shameful secret desu

>> No.11550852

>some crippled hook-nosed wog larping as a kingly warrior aristocrat

Just Lmao at anyone taking this meme serious

>> No.11550855

Ackshully he was a baron

>> No.11550932
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Read Guenon for a serious discussion of whatever you imagine you will find in RATMW. Some of Evola's stuff is good but much of it reads like a high-schooler who discovered Guenon but who wanted to make his ideas more entertaining and fantastical.

>okay guys so I get that there is a perennial and primordial metaphysical tradition speaking to a common reality and that the modern world is disconnected from this in a bad way but what if we could be SUPER COOL ARYAN SPIRITUAL ELITE WARRIORS, fucking epic amirite, like sorry kid this is for Hyperborean god-kings only, BAZINGA! out of the way stacy Kshatriyas coming through. What if we could be enlightened spiritual masters who also slaughter subhumans lmao that would be hella sick!

>> No.11550958


Its all a larp. Schuon, koomaraswamy, evola, guenon,... all losers larping as wizards, knights, priests, hyperboreans, atlantians, magicians,...

Just lol at coping with being a failure by turning your worldview into a version if dungeons and dragons

>> No.11551027

Certainly Evola and Schuon were kind of kooky but there isn't anything larpy about Guenon or Coomaraswamy. Joining a religion that you were not born into is not larping and neither is taking an interest in other religions.

>> No.11551498

CHIM is real

>> No.11551509

>the struggle to live up to your ideals makes you a LARPer

I'll take a LARP over reddit trogs with indistinguishable worldviews and writing styles any day

>> No.11551601

Thread is suspicious

>> No.11551635

its overhyped by those who support its cultural leaning and overcriticised by those who childishly think that absolute evil exists and that he aligns himself with it. what did you expect?

>> No.11551637

>will it really help me find meaning in life
Nope. It's nonsense. I am myself somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan politically, but most of the philosophical traditions of fascism are petty navel-gazing exercises.

Get some sun, hit the gym, eat well, sleep regularly. These acts in themselves offer no meaning to life, but they'll help you feel better.

>> No.11551665
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I prefer Men Among the Ruins

>> No.11552475

It will help you be an autistic loner who hates the world (like me)

>> No.11552485

Read Taleb instead.

>> No.11552595

fuck Taleb

>> No.11552698

Somewhat true but it's still an interesting book

I picked up little nuggets of interesting ideas that stuck with me after I read it. I think everyone does just because it's so fucking bizarre