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/lit/ - Literature

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11548183 No.11548183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What's your major?
>Do you like it?
>If not, what would you do instead?

>> No.11548213

I will match a certain number of the replies in this thread with fake replies to throw off data collecting

>> No.11548220

Man fuck you I just want to know what other people are doing so I can get some ideas for what I want to do

>> No.11548225

why does what other people want have anything to do with what you want

>> No.11548228

Man, yet alfo an infect

>> No.11548234


>> No.11548258

I'm getting an associates in Business. I am not trying to get a job with that degree. The information is valuable to me.

I'm not getting a bachelor's. I am going to try and make a living as a copywriter.

Copy writing is something that I find rewarding, so I'm not intimidated about finding success as a freelancer writer.

>> No.11548266
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Who else /History/? I enjoy it alot, but I am worried about post-university life. Pretty much betting on being one of those Classics or English graduates who are mysteriously hired by multinational corporations

>> No.11548270

Economics, love it, I feel superior to everyone. stemfags, humanitiesniggers, fuck them all. Economics is the field of the true patriarch.

>> No.11548273

>I probably shouldve majored in finance or something

>> No.11548276

I wish. I'm fascinated by history but my brain absolutely requires underlying structures, patterns, and truths in order to start to understand a subject. History is almost entirely memory-based and can't be "solved" or "understood" in any way other than to memorize as much as possible

>> No.11548279

>god no
>maybe comp sci, but I'm a brainlet and my uni doesnt even offer a comp sci degree

>> No.11548285

I major in your mom. I don't like it. I'd rather do your dad instead

>> No.11548293


I like it, philosophy is my passion

>> No.11548322

Business Administration
History. Maybe try teaching or banking

>> No.11548377
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>tfw I do History of Philosophy
>tfw historians and philosophers hate me, and I hate them

>> No.11548380

Quite a few people have attempted to 'solve' history (Marx, Hegel) , and any history college course worth its salt will discuss them

>> No.11548432

Not really
I don't know, probably something more artsy

>> No.11548451

Not to the extent that either of them could make educated guesses about historical events and periods they as of yet know nothing about

>> No.11548460
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>Math major with english minor
>love it
Look upon my work ye brainlets and dispair

>> No.11548471

Comp Engineering.
I love it, probably wouldn’t change it for anything.
If I could do anything else it’d probably be philosophy. I loved the philosophy classes I did take and I love reading philosophical text. Either that or literature. I feel like I could use my never ending thirst for reading for something more productive than consuming.

>> No.11548478

You should try it out yourself if you really want to. Just get yourself some programming book (C++ textbook by Bjarne Stroustrup, or some other commonly recommended one) and learn yourself. That way you know if you want to do it or not.

>> No.11548508

Mechanical Engineering
Hate it
Industrial Design, or, if I were more daring, Fine Arts. My dream is to work in animation, though, but there's not a major in it where I live

>> No.11548625

History of Philosophy and more generally History of Ideas are extremely important desu, keep fighting the good fight

>> No.11548689

>maybe comp sci, but I'm a brainlet
I promise you this won’t stop you if you try

>> No.11548694

Computer Science.
It was okay.
Already graduated. Now I sit around all day doing nothing

>> No.11549483


>> No.11549494


>> No.11549524

Wildlife and Fisheries Science
It's cool

>> No.11549591

Yeah. I was in the Lumberjack Olympics. Can hold a record time misery whip saw.

>> No.11549795

Hey, me too! Only a double major in my case.

>> No.11549965

hoping to god I don't burn out and that my hand stays functioning
I'm talented at both and enjoy them a good deal. I guess I wish I was interested in something more overtly practical like CS or Bio but there's a market for everything and I go to a very good/well-connected school

>> No.11550011

I asked this in the last thread but does anyone know if it's common to switch humanities focuses between undergrad and postgrad? For example, studying English as an undergrad but studying philosophy as a postgrad.

>> No.11550045

Business management/marketing
Nope, so far it's just learning how to ask people for money. Feels like being homeless, except more expensive. Also everyone in my field is super delusional thinking how rich their gonna be despite having no ambition or plan.
Fuck it, I'm switching to something at least fun like stem

>> No.11550068

What do you find rewarding about copy writing?

>> No.11550269

How is Philosophy? I studied Theology some years back but dropped out because it was awful

>> No.11550285

Bachelors of Business.
Majoring in Chinese.
All ready been offered jobs and I'm in my 3rd year.
Scared to work in the real world though so I might do another degree afterwards.

>> No.11550350

No, not as long as you minored in it or had enough upper level courses in philosophy to qualify for graduate school.

>> No.11550396

Theology where?

>> No.11550404


>> No.11550538

What's it like? What's there to love?

>> No.11550565

Damn. I guess that excludes me.

>> No.11550584

It's alright. The field has its problems but I certainly enjoy it more than Business Administration & Economics which I studied before.
Not even sure yet which direction I want to take though, gotta get my bachelor first (I'm 24 already...)

>> No.11550593

Philosophy and history double major

Yes I do like it, a lot. However the past two years I have been distracted and depressed and did not accomplish much.

>> No.11550600

>What's your major

I graduated four years ago with a BA in Political Science with a concentration in Political Economy.

>Do you like it?

Sure, PoliSci is kindof a catchall field: I studied history, economics, demography, anthropology, group decision making, etc.

>If not, what would you do instead?

I was going to double major in English because I've always loved to read and I've always done very well in my high school English classes (editor of the school newspaper, top 1% on verbal SAT portion, only one of two As in my AP language and composition class etc.) but I was completely turned off by the anti-white male narrative.

The professors were mostly nice and competent but their whole curriculum was built around excoriating straight white males.

Jokes on them, I work as an English teacher at a private school and I write fiction on the side.

>> No.11550652

Know anything about international affairs? I was looking into that. What am I in for?

>> No.11550727

I meant to say: No, it’s not uncommon. Don’t worry lad, just knock out a few PHIL classes.

>> No.11550776

>turned off by the anti-white male narrative
Depends on the classes you take. I'm an English major studying based heroes and epic narratives and it's pretty great. I did take a creative writing class that was a bit onions so I know now not to waste my time with those sorts of classes.

>> No.11550784

Unfortunately, I don't have any elective spots left so I'm riding on English and Mathematics combining as majors into some kind of ersatz Phil major.
And a shitton of autodidactic philosophy, of course. Wish me luck.

>> No.11550796


>> No.11550935

I like it, would probably do maths do if I could reroll

>> No.11551159

>english and philo. undergrad
>best in class, actually accepted into top tier grad schools for both
>realize i hate academia
>take teacher certs.
>getting a masters in early ed so i can teach kiddos a diverse range of topics at a dumbed down level
I currently want to kill myself, in part for not converting to profitable comp. sci or engineering at a younger age. Did I fuck up or should i continue on and become a staple in K-12 ed?

>> No.11551175

I love it
Would rather do nothing else. Thought about doing clinical psychology when I graduate, otherwise edit/write speeches, or do TOA and apply for graduate school in 6 years

>> No.11551187

Do what you truly want to do.

Otherwise, you will end up resenting yourself and the people that surround you. They will remind you of how you fucked yourself.