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11548032 No.11548032 [Reply] [Original]

>it's another pauline epistle

>> No.11548037

Reminder that believing that ALL of the classic Pauline epistles are, indeed, written by Paul--including Hebrews--is a totally defensible position.

>> No.11548052
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>> No.11548062

>It's a pseudo-Pauline epistle

>> No.11548074

>any book of the bible
>written by who it says
guess the fedoras were right about religion being a mental illness

>> No.11548086

Are you implying Paul of Tarsus wasn't historical you fucking heretic?

>> No.11548092

>it's a jude letting his greek education rip episode

>> No.11548106

>it's another Solomonic book of wisdom

>> No.11548108
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>totally met and had a special relationship with Christ despite having no other witnesses to this, and never mentioning the words, teachings, or acts of Christ

>> No.11548130

based and redpilled

>> No.11548137
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>it's a book about a deity

>> No.11548144

kid, you have no idea how far behind me my ecstasy years are

>> No.11548163

Christendom persecuted the Jew for years. Now Christendoms fallen and the Jew is in control. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.11548167

>I know better than 2000 years of sacred Tradition
y so prideful my dude

>> No.11548170

Revelations just claims to be written by some guy named John. That seems pretty defensible. It's only the later Christians that claim he's the apostle.

>> No.11548174

>just claims to be written by some guy named John. That seems pretty defensible
never trust any man who tells you his name is John. it's not.

>> No.11548185

>yeah officer i got it from some guy called john on the greek island of patmos
>a good defense

>> No.11548193

>it's another religitard thread
will you people just fuck off

>> No.11548239

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools", the post.

>> No.11548260

the devil's greatest trick is convincing people he doesn't exist

>> No.11548272

>I don't think X exists
>That's want they want you to think!
Your argument is dumb if it makes you sound like Alex Jones (God bless him)

>> No.11548327

>God bless him
Southern Protest*nt detected.
Back in the good old days, your kind would have been burned at the stake.

>> No.11548632

>Converts Christianism into Paulism.
Heh, nothin personal Yoshua.