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File: 29 KB, 250x419, The_Fellowship_of_the_Ring_cover[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11546986 No.11546986 [Reply] [Original]

So when does it get good? So far it's just a bunch of hobbits on a boring road trip. Just reached the Tom Memebadil part and am about to quit

>> No.11546993

come back to it when you grow up

>> No.11546998

just watch the movie

>> No.11547004

The first half of the first book is actually the best part. You're supposed to not know anything about the lotr world and progressively learn more like the hobbits do

>> No.11547017

I'm an unironical boomer

>> No.11547097

It picks up after Tom Bomberdildo.

Keep with it

>> No.11547154

the absolute state of plot-readers

>> No.11547160


From the very first word my lad.

>> No.11547190

Get out and don't come back

>> No.11547192


>> No.11547201

kys bugman

>> No.11547212

Just read some fantasy books by modern writers and then come back to this later.

>> No.11547273

>So when does it get good?
Not until The Return of the King. Each book is better than the last.

>> No.11547337
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1532778569348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is The Lord of The Rings really the ultimate pleb filter after all? Is this how you separate the chaff from the grain, the big brains from the brainlets, the real people from the bugmen?

>> No.11547369


>> No.11547378
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1532282332959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpilled post my friend hhahahhahahah

>> No.11547393

Shit for eternal Kidults, legacy of the hippie scum.

>> No.11547407
File: 74 KB, 825x387, 1464619032613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh adulthood
epic and redpilled

>> No.11547477

If you're bored then quit now, fuck off, and don't talk about Tolkien ever again. Everybody wins.

>> No.11548477

I had the same issue. The books put me to sleep unfortunately. Listen to the audiobooks. It's a really good series and I'm glad I experienced it.

>> No.11548529
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>> No.11548591

just read odyssey its the same story

>> No.11549088

it gets way better once you get to Silmarillion

>> No.11549178

I literally read the whole trilogy when I was 9.

>> No.11549266


>> No.11549289

You're a retard if you can't read it.

>> No.11549298
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>> No.11549302

Been re-reading fellowship just before I go to bed to wind down.

Man I forgot how comfy the first book was, I no longer feel impatient reading it now that I've read it once and I'm only reading half an hour before bed. Really lets me just enjoy the world.

>> No.11549349
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>ywn be as good a worldbuilder as Tolkien
Feels equal parts disappointing and envying
Dont mind me, Im just here to post this

In terms of the book, if youre just going to quit right after the story only just starts, you should probably start with something more up your alley. Try The Hobbit, considering its a children's book and all

>> No.11550238

Serious question, how can people just read 30 min at a time? Once I get into a book I can't leave it for hours and finish it within a week

>> No.11550275

Good for you champ. I can't even read for 30 minutes, I read in 5-10 minute chunks because I always get distracted

>> No.11550338

A very honest description of the self.

>> No.11550341

what a zinger
doesn't mean it isn't true.

>> No.11550595

You're supposed to get comfy in the safe and familiar land of the Shire before you get thrown into the strange and dangerous lands outside.

>> No.11551092

Even if it is a childrens book it's still well worth reading by adults too, I have it up on the same tier as say, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, something a little whimsical to relax with now and then.

>> No.11551118

When they get to Bree, OP

>> No.11551179

Yeah I just passed Aragog's introduction and it's getting real comfy

>> No.11552233

It's a good bedtime story for my kids.

>> No.11553262

bruh, it's a novel that is normally published in three volumes.

>> No.11553848

For me LotR gets good whenever there's prolonged dialogue. I found the actual story too simplistic (walk from point A to point B lol) but something about the stylistic way the characters talk to each other had me hooked.

>> No.11553939
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>stop reading beacause its not giving you instant gratification
Books arnt for you