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11544832 No.11544832 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about running?

>> No.11544859

Born to Run

The story is really interesting and will effect the way you run. At least that is the effect it had for me.

>> No.11544874

I want to run for the sake of my health, how did the book affect the way you run?

>> No.11544881
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>> No.11544885

Heard the Murakami book is bretty good "what i talk about when i talk about running"

>> No.11544947
File: 125 KB, 950x534, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the case, the book would be well suited for you.

I read the book years ago and since then I have never owned a pair of running shoes.

I run in converse or vans, really any canvas shoe.

When I run, all of my weight lands on the front part of my foot, rather than heel.

There is a purpose this person's faux legs are designed this way.

I was decently overweight a few years ago, but got rid of all that extra fat through long sessions of running with that technique.

I'm sure if I had ran all those miles with running shoes and on my heels, my legs would be fucked.

Running is one of my favorite things to do to this day and I would attribute this book to aiding me in that realization.

You can find a better synopsis of the book elsewhere, but it's essentially about a guy looking to get an edge on his running technique.

He finds out about this "lost" tribe of unreal marathon runners and befriends them which leads to an interesting story.

>> No.11544951

i should have edited this before i posted it, but you get the picture.

>> No.11544972

Would I be dumb to run when my thighs are burning? I thought I could run 5 times a week starting out but my thighs are fucked after one morning run

>> No.11545070

>I read the book years ago and since then I have never owned a pair of running shoes.
>I run in converse or vans, really any canvas shoe.
I haven't read the book, but are running shoes not designed to compensate, to some extent, for the surface you run on, if it's hard asphalt or concrete? It's not natural to run on that shit. If you run on dirt or sand, that's a different deal entirely, you could do it barefoot, ideally. But a city environment? I'm not sure that's healthy. I don't think the human body is designed to run on hard rock all the time. I have no idea what the science is on this, it just seems intuitive. Am I wrong?

>> No.11545123

Its alright, kinda drones on. Kind of like jogging in fact...

>> No.11545155

You should give your body some time for relief.

I know it can feel tedious to jog but your body needs time to adjust to your new behavior.

When I first started running as a schlub, I could only run for a bit before my legs were on fire.

Now I can run 10 miles relatively quickly without any burning sensation.

Of course my legs ache the next morning, but I'll stretch and focus on my upper body until I'm good to go again.

You are correct, except it's not natural to run in running shoes either. Arguably worse

Running shoes have changed. If you buy a pair of ASICs you will get a quality running shoe.

Otherwise, companies give people what they want. People want excessively comfortable "running" shoes that absolutely work against how our feet are designed.

I choose canvas shoes because I want to be close to the ground. The people in "Born to Run" ran barefoot. As soon as they were giving running shoes, they began to get feet injuries which was something that had never been common for them.

I don't know what kind of environment you live around, but I run on hiking trails. I don't run on concrete

>> No.11545439
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Can we make this a thread about sports and athletics? I highly recommend pic related for experienced athletes

>> No.11545731

can't these springboard amputees run faster than actual runners?

>> No.11545744
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anon, why do you want to look 28 years older than you are? don't run or if you have some mental disease that makes you unable to not run, at least run as little as possible

>> No.11545773

why is running bad?

>> No.11545780

Ernst Junger lived to 105. I hope you live a long uneventful life and die in bed

>> No.11545782

it's not bad per se, it's just going to make yourself look way older than it is. i'd rather go with some other athletic activity

>> No.11545787

by yourself I meant your face*

>> No.11545788

body is born with a finite number of breaths, so the more you breathe the more breaths you use up, age faster, kill yourself earlier.

>> No.11545795


Where do you people even get these ridiculous ideas about running?

>> No.11545800


>> No.11545813

From reality. You know, this earth, gandalf. If you really can't figure it out with common sense, google is always at your service.

>> No.11545819

By reality I meant the face bit, not the finite amount of breaths fast aging. Dunno what that dude is on.

>> No.11545831

Prefontaine was the powerful German aryan runner.

These days, Jewish sport and television executives would have you believe that "Kenyans" are the superior runners when in fact they are simply an android psy-op.

All hail the ubermensch running hero. Black men suck white penis.

>> No.11545840

I run everyday and I have babyface.

Checkmate gaytheists

>> No.11545846

remember my post in the not so distant future. he who laughs last laughs the laughest.

>> No.11545858
File: 96 KB, 481x639, _Go online_Google Image Search Fedora Neckbeard Stem Mustardrace_Save Picture_Post to 4chan_This picture is now how you appear irl to other people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember my post in the not so distant future. he who laughs last laughs the laughest.

>> No.11545895


>> No.11546213
File: 12 KB, 180x281, OAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright nerds if you are interested in some running fiction check out pic related.

>> No.11546228

Read this when I was in high school.

Dude cucks his ex-gf at a party. Disgusting.

Save it for marriage doofus.

>> No.11546255

It's basically porn for obsessed runner-types. Terrible writing.

>> No.11546269


Kek enjoy your shit knees

t.Swimming masterrace

>> No.11546346

how can you cuck an ex?

>> No.11546617

by fucking your gf

>> No.11546627

This. But on a serious note:
Up to 79 percent of runners get sidelined with an injury at least once per year: It's an incredibly inefficient way to build strength.

>> No.11546639
File: 105 KB, 284x475, 1211710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honest depiction of working class life in the north of england b4 she got killed off

>> No.11547993


>> No.11548415

>Alt F3
>0 Results for "Once a Runner"


>> No.11548871


>> No.11548990

cheers bro

>> No.11549894


>> No.11550740
File: 59 KB, 570x706, 1425892571176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some canvas shoes you'd recommend that you think are good for running, comfortable and, last but not least, don't fall apart too soon from intense use?

>> No.11552217


>> No.11552302

>muh knees
gay meme or shit genes. There are thousands of old men that can run hundreds of miles a week. Just have the right form and equipment. Don't run on anything retarded.

>> No.11552314

my diary desu
it's about running away from responsibility

>> No.11552745

The only book to capture the real feeling of competitive distance running. Burn to Run is a pseud book.