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11543964 No.11543964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend to someone with Down Syndrome?

>> No.11543980

i avoid people with down’s syndrome

>> No.11543987

based and redpilled.

>> No.11543991

Finnegans Wake

>> No.11543992
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>> No.11544003

on one hand that's a dick move. On the other hand they do get a lot of love already from normies who see them as the cuddliest crazy people. I prefer elderly schizo homeless people myself. Always get a good story and they're pretty harmless. Fucking normies cross the street when they see them though, despite the fact that statistically almost any teenager, especially black teenagers are significantly more dangerous.

>> No.11544007
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>> No.11544009 [DELETED] 

Hoe do you cope without owning any mirrors?

>> No.11544112

I’ve had to stay in a mental hospital three times now and I can confirm schizophrenic people are interesting to talk to, at least for brief spells. There are some aggressive schizophrenics though.

>> No.11544121

how do people get put in mental hospitals? What country are you in?

>> No.11544150

not him but i was briefly put into a psychiatric ward. I was drinking on my porch and my neighbors, who i didnt really know, showed up and were having a little get together. I started talking to them because they invited me over to their porch and we were having a great time, but when i drink i have a phase change past a certain point where i get really, really violent, and i blacked out but from what the cops said when they showed up i scared them so badly they ran into their house and called 911, screaming i was going to kill them.

The cops appeared and by then i had lapsed into the other state i get into when drunk which is immense sadness and regret, and i apologized a lot, and also i told them i was bipolar, which i am, the intense kind of bipolar, but i wasnt manic at that time, and in some sort of cosmic luck i was not arrested, they just called the paramedics and brought me to the ward. I tried to fight the paramedics once i realized that i was going to have to stay there so they strapped me down and injected me with something that immediately knocked me out. I had to stay there a couple days but they ascertained that i was not manic so i could go. And i never got any charges from this, which is crazy lucky.

This was in Canada for reference. Unfortunately i have done similar things since because i can't really control myself when i drink and i need to drink, but i havent been arrested since, i usually black out so im not sure what has happened but i do know there was one time it ended really bad, and it eats away at me, but i always change in my head where i think 'it's ok for me to drink because im different now' because i genuinly am different a lot of the time and am not violent, but then sometimes the violence comes back unexpectedly.

>> No.11544161

Step 1. Threaten to kill yourself
Step 2. Actually go through with it
Step 3. Wake up and perform step 1 again but this time for realz

>> No.11544168 [DELETED] 

If you were in the US you could easily have been shot.

>> No.11544181

the fact that im alive makes literally no sense. Ive done this to gangbangers before, literal guys who are carrying guns, this happened twice, and both times what happened is that they found me funny and they brought me one to a bar and got me some drinks to calm me down, and the others to their house and we did some xanax.

I honestly do not understand why im alive, and probably i will be killed eventually. there are also all the times i just dont remember, and i know at least a few have been very bad, nothing im going to say on here obviously, but i cry almost every day about what i have become, it is very hard, and i really want to kill myself, but i am just not sure that i can't become better again you know? it still feels possible

>> No.11544188

I’m in the USA. In order of prevalence, the causes for inpatient stays are: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, drug addiction, major depression, and PTSD. Drugs are an aggravating factor for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

My own admissions have all been due to mania caused by drug use. LSD and marijuana. Mania is a spectrum of symptoms: high energy level, reduced need for sleep, extreme talkativeness, feeling of euphoria (each time I’ve been manic I’ve thought I was going to gain the ability to fly at several points), grandiose delusions (such as thinking oneself to be Jesus/God), eventually paranoia, hyper sexuality, and impulsive, risk taking behavior.

In order to be admitted to a mental hospital in the US you have to either admit you are mentally ill and need treatment or you have to pose a threat to yourself or others. My first time I was admitted after standing up in class and declaring my ambition to assassinate the Pope.

Schizophrenia is quite different than mania, but again they are generally admitted for violent behavior or for expressing suicidal thoughts.

>> No.11544193

I'm sure you know this already, but I would strongly, strongly advise not drinking. Usually what I do when I'm too far down a substance is distract myself with less harmful substances, whatever those happen to be for you

>> No.11544197

Are you on meds friend? If you and your doctor agree that you’re bipolar you should take the medication and stay away from alcohol and drugs. You don’t want to do something you’ll regret.

>> No.11544203

anyone here borderline

>> No.11544213

when i dont drink i start getting extremely extremely aggressive, i start bumping guys in the street trying to fight them, i get so enraged for no reason. But when i drink i pummel my psyche so much that i am like sedated most of the time which is much better for me, that is why i drink, i cant hold down a job unless im drinking. It's just that minority of time the violence breaks out from my drunkeness that stuff is really bad.

i have a plan though, it involves just rearranging my ideas about things to get better, and i have been having less violent impulses lately, i am actually returning to a more loving state. I do want to quit drinking eventually but i know i have to find a way to eradicate the violence before i do, because when i just stop because im afraid of what ill do if i drink i get into that bad aggressive state

>> No.11544236

i dont have a doctor right now, i had a few who determined i was bipolar after my first manic epsiode which was really, really crazy, but i moved cities and my parents are too afraid of me to make me do things, they just kind of make sure im not homeless, but they dont like being around me most of the time because of things ive done. They started trying to kick me out when i was like 18 but because they have money they have a kind of narcissistic impulse where the idea of their kid being homeless would negatively impact their social status, so they have propped me up when im not working to support myself, or have a girlfriend who can support me.

i have already done so much that i regret that i think i really only have two options, to kill myself, or to find a way to be a pure human, like a monk, and go away from all the bad, and make up for it, and be at least not a net negative on reality, which is why i dont kill myselfy mostly, becayse i have wanted to most of my life, it is just i feel i should atone, and i could do good for people, because some people have said i was very positive for them, so i do think there is non-wrong part of me as well

>> No.11544242

Listening to these post reminds that I should try to have more patience with people as I do not know if they have an unfortunate illness affecting their personality.

>> No.11544260

You should really take medicine. A combination that worked for me was Invega and Depakote.

>> No.11544267

holy shiiiiiittttt I wear my clothes exactly like the pepe in the image.

>> No.11544270

youre bipolar too? and it helped? i have thought a bit about medication, but how do you reconcile the beauty of the parts of bipolar that feel like they are just the most real things of reality, with the idea of shutting off that capacity?