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11542880 No.11542880 [Reply] [Original]

>that 22 year old american boomer who became religious after reading dostoevsky

>> No.11542886
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The only thing I became after reading Dostoevsky was not a fan of Dostoevsky

>> No.11542919

>Woah man, Dosto totally made me Christian *sip* he's super deep

>> No.11542926

>that 25 yo American Boomer who becomes Muslim after reading guenon

>> No.11542986

didn´t jewski his dostos

>> No.11543027

But Alyosha was a pedo

>> No.11543041


I was 18 and I became more secure in my atheism than ever, because now I'd read some stuff which is held up as apologetics for the faith, and I could still reject it as meaningless sentimentality, from a position of knowledge (having actually read it).

>> No.11543048

Alexei is nineteen years old at the start of the novel. And also morally upstanding. It's hardly possible for him being attracted to other teens pedo unless we're talking like 13 or 14.

>> No.11543130
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>> No.11543158

>that 24 year old French boomer who became a pagan after reading Varg's books

>> No.11543598

>that 24 year old French boomer who should have watched Survive The Jive because Varg's books are full of horseshit

>> No.11543781

>that 24 year old boomer who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personalities who shitposts arguing with himself for hours.

>> No.11543791

Actually, I'm 21.

>> No.11544096
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>That 31 year old former occultist pagan boomer who realized paganism is worship of the creation/forces of creation, rather than the creator himself.

>> No.11544106

me desu

>> No.11544123

only virgins vape

>> No.11544167

Being a virgin is good

>> No.11544199


>> No.11544376

Liza was sixteen I think and wanted to marry him but they both agreed to wait until she was of legal age in russia.

Also, WTF is wrong with the sluts in that book they all had affairs with both fathers and their sons

>> No.11545264


>> No.11545268

I used to vape and I'm not a virgin. I never got laid while vaping however.

>> No.11545471

I genuinely wish I could be religious but I cannot just give myself over to faith without any sort of real proof. I legitimately envy fantasy characters sometimes with their gods actually having proof of existence.

>> No.11545484

>I legitimately envy fantasy characters sometimes with their gods actually having proof of existence.
Continue that and being in awe of great writers. You are experiencing cognitive dissonance if you are desperate to believe something you understand can't possibly be proven.

>> No.11545496

I was 21 when I started trying to take Dostoesvky's world view into my own. I never became religious, but the whole Father Zossima arc really pulled me in. Nihilism and suicidal ideation was all I really had at the time in college. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't keep up the act, no matter how genuinely and openly I tried to approach the world my interactions always ended up turning me toward cynicism and misanthropy.

>> No.11545539


Yeah, I know. There is just something in my brain that wants to believe in a higher power, I guess. Maybe it doesn't help that I live in the bible belt and that I am quite sure I have actual brain problems.

>> No.11545815


Keep reading different books on metaphysics and religion to get a feel for what you need. Abrahamic religion may not be your path but if you feel that it is then I suggest reading into the mysticism behind each of the big three as they generally put things into more tangible terms imo. However, if you're simply in need of evidence that it exists period, I can only tell you that you must drop your expectations and inhibitions and admit to yourself that you don't have all the answers and that the answers don't need to be given to you in your most preferred or expected way. Be open to new means of explanation and you will have the experiences to embolden your faith. Lose any pride you have about how the signs of Truth ought to be communicated to you and look at how they ARE communicated to you after reading about them. If you respond to this and give me a general sense of what you're looking for I can give you some recs possibly.

>> No.11545848

The first half od your reply made sense, but then it went into a polite suggestion that he should indulge his delusions.
>Maybe it doesn't help that I live in the bible belt and that I am quite sure I have actual brain problems
This isn't very reassuring either.

>> No.11546072

You sound like you're still 18. Hope the community college classes are going well.

>> No.11546087

Try Buddhism. I grew up Christian but after seriously studying the Bible in my early 20s I realized what a joke it is. The Buddha places his teachings on firm philosophical grounds and realizes the importance of direct experience and logic; Christianity depends entirely on mysticism and written words and it's quite obvious it's just a degenerate paganism.

>> No.11546125

Well for starters you could try by recognizing the fact that spirituality and rationality are two opposed ways of being.

If you think that faith is based on material or rational 'proof', then you're in for a bad time. You could try approaching the concept of "gods" in another way; maybe read some Jung or Joseph Campbell.

Buddhism is not a religion. As you said, it's grounded in pragmatism, a school to which you very well belong.

>> No.11546192

>Buddhism is not a religion
This is what Christians really think.

>> No.11546220

>Buddhism is not a religion.
>As you said, it's grounded in pragmatism
>as you said
>”The Buddha places his teachings on firm philosophical grounds and realizes the importance of direct experience and logic”
>As you said, it's grounded in pragmatism
Double Yikes!

>> No.11546227

Religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods

Buddhism presupposes faith in supernatural karma that governs samsara. It's a religion by definition.

>> No.11546278

>that 17 year old latino boomer who became religiious after reading tolstoy

>> No.11546282

Why is becoming more religious something frowned upon?

>> No.11546295

Try looking up the Quranic Argument for God's Existence. It was a starting point for me, and changed the course of my life.