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11542579 No.11542579 [Reply] [Original]

why didnt you guys warn me how fun this is

>> No.11542583

warnings are a spook

>> No.11542881

I had a blast reading Stirner's stuff. After I was done I would go around my house pointing at stuff and calling them SPOOKS while laughing like a mad man.

>> No.11542898


>> No.11542981


>> No.11543547

heh based

>> No.11544212

>times you acted like the max

>> No.11544350
File: 138 KB, 1024x1023, 1024px-Eugene_Onegin's_portrait_by_Pushkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner is just Eugene Onegin with a shorter haircut.

>> No.11544355

Daily reminder that Stirner was an actual cuck.

>> No.11544360

Cuckoldry is an excellent motivator for philosophical inquiry.

>> No.11544377


>> No.11544382


His permagaped gabagool gashed wife

>> No.11544431
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Cuckoldry is a spook

>> No.11544549

He wasn't a cuck he just married a rich woman for her inheritance to live off of. Low key a pimp move

>> No.11544561

this is like proto-punk of postmodernism

>> No.11544588

>proto-punk of postmodernism

>> No.11544601

Since when could we just mash latin- and greek-derived words together in any old order and call it a sentence?

>> No.11544611

Nah you're wrong it was that other German writer I forget his name. Engels fugged his wife or something. don't worry I've made the same mistake, these Germans have similar sounding names.

>> No.11544649

since the pseudoautomation of the neoproleteriat classes in the postmodernist sense of pre-time

>> No.11545368
File: 31 KB, 480x400, Stirner5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many spooks out there

>> No.11545384

It really is a very entertaining read. Usually if some one asks be about it I tell them that the first part (Man) is of general interest to every one and if they dig it to read the rest.

>> No.11545398

i' literally reading the greeks just so i can understand this fucker

>> No.11545415

Starting with the Greeks is a spook

>> No.11545437

isn't the language difficult to understand though? like philosophical language?

>> No.11545446

Stop spooking yourself. Just read it and if you don't understand something read it again.

>> No.11545448

the greeks have very little to do with his work

>> No.11545462

it's not about the greeks specifically, it's about learning the context and language. philosophy has a vocabulary that is built on historical ideas and if you don't understand those ideas, then the language becomes meaningless. this is why i'm reading plato and descartes, not because i want to, but to understand stirner.

>> No.11545507

I've been told to get a basic understanding of Feuerbach, Proudhon and Hegel before I read Stirner, is that also a spook?

>> No.11545585


>> No.11545667

Why is he considered a young Hegelian again? how does one reconcile intersubjectivity with being free from "spooks", those two are mutually exclusive

>> No.11545992

I’d also like an answer to this

>> No.11546033

>literally a cuck
>changed his name into 'Max Stirner' because he thought it would make him sound cool like an autist
>ran from debt collectors all his life
>spent time in prison
>died in poverty like a nobody

>> No.11546043


>> No.11546044

debt collection is a spook.

>> No.11546047

Because he interacted and socialized with them and Engels drew him with them, of course he doesn't agree with the Young Hegelians and wasted no opportunity to troll them in Der Einzige.
As for intersubjectivity, it has no place in Stirner, yet not because of an adolescent's critique of ideology, but because other people are reduced to being property, as with all things going on in Stirner's world.

>> No.11546053

he taught in a prestigious girls' high school, he was living the dream

>> No.11546236

Just like one of my animes!

>> No.11546362

for the faggots in this thread, he literally was not a cuck

>> No.11546417

That just makes me respect him more. Cucks are men who have mastered their emotions, overcome jealousy.

>> No.11546541
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>he actually believes that

>> No.11546566

How is cuckoldry any different from masturbating?

>> No.11546665
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*blocks your path*

nothing personal egoists...

>> No.11546884

dumb brainlet posters go away

>> No.11546921

Wow lowlevel fag.

>> No.11546958
File: 119 KB, 225x227, 14633FAA-5786-4D4F-853E-84564DB3F7E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laborum ergo sum

>> No.11546981

Hey, maybe I should read books that tell me it's okay to be a dick to everyone.
Can you recommend me some, /lit/?

>> No.11547031

Absolute mongoloid.

>> No.11547211

This, he was a kept man and blew all her money on a milk shop.

>> No.11547225

What do you mean? We've been having fun with Stirner for years by now.

>> No.11547362
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Hmm so he was Sam Hyde?

>> No.11547371

The prince - Machiavelli

>> No.11548752

jesus was an egoist

>> No.11548870

how the fuck was jesus white if he's born in jerusalem

>> No.11548889

Because that was his first depiction and because why wouldn't god make him white, he dyed his hair red for sure though.

>> No.11548899
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How do I go about reading Max? I don't care about philosophy but I want to delve deep into this spook meme

>> No.11548940

Download the ego and its own and read it, decide if it pleases your ego and steal it rightfully from your local bookstore.

>> No.11548979

>Escaping the debt Jew

Absolutely based. Wagner did the same. Ran away from debt collectors all of his life.

Based and kikepilled

>> No.11549014

You're just mad that you didn't have the fortitude to do the same thing. You read Stirner without any background knowledge, desperately wish to believe you understood it, and have actually deluded yourself into thinking you did. Shameful

>> No.11549020

You don't understand philosophy, too bad that's something you can't pretend to.

>> No.11549026

Stop projecting. Just start with the Greeks like you're supposed to or give up

>> No.11549039

I already did but none of them were useful for me, a tool is only useful when it works.

>> No.11549046

What a gay. Did you write this with a straight face?

>> No.11549052

No, I'm laughing at this moment, I write what's in my mind in the moment, they can read your though like bats, I don't think.

>> No.11549128

God is an egoist. Jesus worshiped God, not himself.

>> No.11549137

I've only read the introduction and part of Man so far. Does he really go so far as to question any sort of morality?

>> No.11549190
File: 170 KB, 753x800, Stirner 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this spooked

>> No.11549197

He's right, I read it as my second or third philosophy book and I understood fuckall.

>> No.11549218

Since postmodernists.

>> No.11549227

i read it as my second and understood everything. apart from some of the dated metaphors. just cus you had trouble with it doesnt necessarily mean you have to read 4-5 starter books

>> No.11549230

I like the idea of Eugene Onegin being an origin story for Max Stirner

>> No.11549267

I'm already an individualist anarchist. What do I stand to gain from reading this pseud that I didn't already get from Nietzsche? Is the prose actually worth eyerolling through his racist diatribes and metaphysical dilettantism?

>> No.11549277

Nothing, you are already so full of yourself you will get nothing out of it.

>> No.11549299

So it's only worthwhile for people who constantly find themselves surrounded by their betters?

>> No.11549318

for people surrounded by spooks.

>> No.11549339

based insufferable anarchist poster

>> No.11549364

literacy an gramm3r; it be a spook f4ggot

>> No.11549367

>The time [in which Jesus lived] was politically so agitated that, as is said in the gospels, people thought they could not accuse the founder of Christianity more successfully than if they arraigned him for 'political intrigue', and yet the same gospels report that he was precisely the one who took the least part in these political doings. But why was he not a revolutionary, not a demagogue, as the Jews would gladly have seen him? [...] Because he expected no salvation from a change of conditions, and this whole business was indifferent to him. He was not a revolutionary, like Caesar, but an insurgent: not a state-overturner, but one who straightened himself up. [...] [Jesus] was not carrying on any liberal or political fight against the established authorities, but wanted to walk his own way, untroubled about, and undisturbed by, these authorities.
What? Stirner is a counter-revolutionary who compares himself to Jesus?
Isn't it kind of a misnomer to associate this guy with anarchism if he doesn't want to overthrow the state?
Like, I get you gals love to wear obscure trivia like a fashion statement, but you're really better off reading some Bakunin or Emma Goldman.

>> No.11549377
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>> No.11549409

Why is this his primary image?
Who even is this guy really?

>> No.11549413

It's probably just Engels' fetlife account

>> No.11549415

>Pseud (vs. True Intellect)
>Betters (aka men above the Unique)
You need an exorcism, anon, and Saint Max will provide it.

>> No.11549420

Need is a spook though.
In the world of Stirner pseud is a compliment because there's no such thing as worth and literally whatever I desire is the highest law, so to remake the world in my image, the image of the pseud, is the highest honor, the only hill on which to die.

>> No.11549428

To 'overthrow' the State is to play by its rules in its field. The egoist recognizes no State, he cares not for the cause of 'Revolution' as it would consume him for its own ends. A phantasm.

>> No.11549433

>actually guys, following all the laws and working as an FBI informant is the only way to truly transgress the state
COINTELPRO still paying 200 a week?

>> No.11549453

If it served my ends, there would be no reason not to do that; to call me 'traitor', 'anti-anarchist', is meaningless. The Unique cannot be labeled nor defined, he does not belong nor does he owe allegiance to anything but himself unless he chooses to. The possessed revolutionaries are the same as conservative Mr. Smith and Ms. Jane down the street.

>> No.11549469

This is why nobody takes you anarcho egoists seriously

>> No.11549473
File: 277 KB, 1180x1204, 1440892017218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm reading plato and descartes, not because i want to, but to understand stirner.

>> No.11549486

That's posted in every Stirner thread. Stop falling for it, you retards.

>> No.11549517

>>died in poverty like a nobody
many great people became famous after death

>> No.11549569

You're not emotionally attached to the pornstar, well, at least I hope you're not.
That's why there's a difference between cuckoldry and voyerism.

>> No.11549950

Well, I had the impression that I understood everything but that was like half a year ago, now I see the things I missed.

>> No.11549959

>You're not emotionally attached to the pornstar
Would it be cuckoldry if I were?