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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 392x277, Library_Castle_Douglas_Hopkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1154226 No.1154226 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: library stories

today i was in the library, going to pick up The Brothers Karamazov since their website said it was available. it wasn't. none of his other books were there either, only analysis & studies on them ;(


>> No.1154236

I do

>> No.1154233


>> No.1154238

I recently fucked my lover in the library. Her school's library doesn't close until 2am, and at the later hours it is nearly deserted. We went upstairs, and I pressed her against a bookcase. She hiked up her skirt and pushed her thong to one side and I pounder her cunt until her cum started literally running down our legs and then I came inside of her.covering her pussy-lips and underwear. She pulled her panties off and we stuffed it in between two books on the shelf.

>> No.1154237

they expect you to download the books online on the internet and read them on your internet book readinb machine

>> No.1154248

tell me your best story.

I clicked to request it then it took me to a bit to choose that you wanted it "on hold". it then said i couldn't reserve it so it tryed to get it today.

possibly someone still has it from last term even though it should be in the library? how popular do you think it would be in an average sized uni?

>> No.1154251

Dostoevsky is really popular

>> No.1154252

I go to libraries and read their books


>> No.1154253

especially among university students

>> No.1154257

I went to the central library here in LA to get some work done on my final high school English paper, and as I was going to check out the books I needed I remembered I had checked out some books back in like fourth grade and never returned them. So when I got to the front I was like, "Hey, I lost some books when I was younger so I guess I have to pay the fees on that before I check these books out, right?" Then they searched my shit and said they couldn't charge me as they didn't have all my information down, told me to fill out another application and then sent me on my way, books and everything.

I got a 94/100 on that paper, by the way.

>> No.1154263

>Her school's
Is she a nymphet? That's kinda hot.

>> No.1154265


>> No.1154279

No, she is a college student. And, no, nymphets are not hot.

>> No.1154315

i checked out a book from a library

>> No.1154327

This one time I held a door open for a guy in the library and he called me 'bro'. I felt physically ill.

>> No.1154373
File: 3 KB, 99x135, TyBrax21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saging a /lit/-related thread
why did you hold a door open for someone YOU PUSSY?

>> No.1154379


STILL? The guy who pretends to be Tyondai Braxton is STILL being tolerated here?


>> No.1154386

what's wrong wtih unironically calling someone "bro" I don't get it. It's just a nice thing to call someone

>> No.1154387

Lol you pussy

>> No.1154391

>STILL being tolerated
What the fuck can we do? The mods (I know I know LOLMODS) won't ban him, he won't leave, we're stuck with him.

>> No.1154398

Leave Ty alone

>> No.1154406

haha.. I know what you're referencing xD

>> No.1154407

what's so bad about me? i'm not impersonating him, i just went along with it when someone thought i was him once.

>> No.1154413

me: I returned a book by Kurt Vonnegut but I am getting late fees from it can you fix this
librarian: kurt vonne who

>> No.1154416

why you mad, bro?

>> No.1154419
File: 20 KB, 372x294, computer_screen_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1154423

i just discovere that the band "Battles" makes music that is of a genre called "math rock"... haha it has the word "math" in it so it's for faggot nerds lmao

>> No.1154425

Disdain him. Ignore him. Sage his posts.

You pretended to be the TyBrax asshole? Or you pretended to be Braxton because you were mistaken for him? The second statement is certainly a lie.

>> No.1154434

It baffles me too.
Just keep sending emails:

Wouldn't mind getting rid of this retard too..

>> No.1154444

Open letter to TyBrax:

Fuck off.

Kindest disdain,

>> No.1154447

>The second statement is certainly a lie.
Nope some guy thought I was claiming to be him & believed me only because I claimed to be "an artist"(topic was about art).

>> No.1154448

I'm willing to leave volunteraryryry

>> No.1154459
File: 106 KB, 1109x410, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battles aren't math rock silly.

>> No.1154465


I saw that thread, and that's not what happened. What happened is that you posted YouTube links touting your work for hours.

>> No.1154472

<-- /r9k/ is that way

stop spewing off-topic drivel all over my /lit/, kthxbai

>> No.1154473

>What happened is that you posted YouTube links touting your work for hours
AFTER being called "a disgraceful hipster son of a legend" or something like that.

I would never think that people would believe it so why would I randomly try in an Ayn Rand thread?

>> No.1154476


No, you posted links to recordings by Tyondai Braxton first.

>> No.1154479

>I would never think that people would believe it so why would I randomly try in an Ayn Rand thread?

>> No.1154477

can someone please ban tybrax already?

>> No.1154483


You weren't believed, and you then tried to convince the guy for five hours. I know, because I was the guy. The thread ended up being submitted to 4chanarchive because so many people found your stupidity classical.

>> No.1154505
File: 33 KB, 320x500, TyBrax3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg you're still mad about it!

seriously i couldn't believe it, it was a long night & then i just posted on /lit/ for fun. that's why i used to maybe even troll, if i ever have that is.

i dont really give a fuck about ayn rand & then you come in making me take back some inaccuracies. then i say im an artist & you say im a disgrace to Anthony. so i'm like wtf, & go along with it.

afterwards i felt like i had just been meta-trolled.

>> No.1154513


OMG, you're still lying about it. You claimed no artists smoke, I pointed out this was stupid, you then said you were an artist, and claimed responsibility for a piece of music you linked me. It was by Tyondai Braxton and sucked. You claimed to be Tyondai Braxton in order to impress me. When I said that presuming you weren't lying your work was bullshit, you spent humorless HOURS pleading with me to believe you and to like 'your' work, while I repeatedly affirmed the irrelevance of that to the discussion you were failing to have.

>> No.1154527

>you spent humorless HOURS pleading with me
i cant exactly remember whether i linked first as a joke or not but I most definetly did not attempt to beg you to believe me, so i'll stick with my better judgement.

even if i did link first it might have been a joke, point is i remember finding it weird you thought i was tybraxton & so then I consciously posted pretending to be him. it was a special experience though. thanks <3

also im not a bad poster dont believe what you here. i'm among the minority that know what sage is for apparently & i'm no rule-breaker.

>> No.1154602

When was this?

>> No.1154608

Haven't you already read Brothers K already? I mean, you posted some essay on Brothers K by Benedict XVI changed your life.

One could only expect that you'd buy a copy of the book.

>> No.1154618

I have it on psp. The book is on my amazon wishlist but none of you have bought it yet.

>> No.1154623


So you're gonna carry on lying - what a surprise.

>> No.1154625

I'm saying I can't remember the start exactly.

But I know YOU'RE lying if you're saying I begged you to believe me all night. All i did was keep asking you to post some art.

>> No.1154626
File: 95 KB, 420x320, hatersgonnahate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need book for course
>look up book in library
>borrow book
>read it
>keep it until the library stops auto-extending because someone else wants it

>> No.1154627


No, five hours. You spent five hours lying, and now you're continuing because you're just that pathetic. You ought to be banned - you contribute nothing except hymns to yourself.

>> No.1154634

i know i was lying/pretending. I never once begged you to believe i was him though. I just went along with it because i thought it was so weird.

>you contribute nothing except hymns to yourself
no i don't?

>> No.1154635


>> No.1154640


I knew it wasn't true and you kept insisting it was FOR FIVE (5) HOURS. That's desperation, and I define your behaviour as begging because when it became clear that it would make no difference to my opinion of your inane comments, you posted links to OTHER Tyondai Braxton recordings to try to convince me that I should CARE what you thought. That is MAJOR desperation.

>> No.1154646

tybrax is a racist homophobe with severe social anxiety issues and no friends

>> No.1154655

i was posting the links to encourage you to post something. i dont know why you think i would care what an anon thought about something "desperately".

What do you hate me though :( ?

what do you mean by "hymns"?

want to join the /lit/ tinychat?

>> No.1154665

>racist homophobe
not true, the rest is.

>> No.1154669



>> No.1154684


>> No.1154691

i'm not sure what you're saying i said, be more accurate if you really want to clear it up.

or you could just forgive me?

>> No.1154697

anyone with half a brain would know those posts demonstrate neither.

>> No.1154710

yes and you can just continue with your hatred of terrorist-coddling bleeding heart LIEberals

>> No.1154712


You're just a compulsive liar. Even when people can see in earlier posts that what you've just said is a lie, you'll post a lie for the hell of it. There's nothing to be done with you.

I don't forgive you, no, because you're trying to avoid the social consequences of your insane actions. You went batshit insane in the controlled environment of a thread because you imagined you'd never be called to account.

>> No.1154721

you're not being accurate. quote me or something or I cant acknowledge what your saying if I dont know specifically what you refer to.

>> No.1154763

Tripfags are literally ruining this board.

>> No.1154778

filter dumbass. but really you're too dumb to do that if you think only tripfags are "ruining" the board.

>> No.1154793

If you could only find analysis and studies are you sure you were in the wrong section? Under LCC the actual stuff isn't anywhere near the books talking about it.

I was looking for Pope and spent a good five minutes getting angry because I could only find criticism, until I found out that all the actual lit was somewhere else.

Fucking LCC

>> No.1154795

Anon's are terrible.

>> No.1154803 [DELETED] 

>if you think only tripfags are "ruining" the board.

Did I say "only", you fucking Neanderthal? If I did, don't you think I would have included it in my statement? I already know you have next to no reading comprehension based on that philosophy thread which was made even worse than at its conception by the presence of tripfags, but use at least a LITTLE common sense.

Many things are bringing this board down, but you gaggle of fucks using it like a Facebook wall just exacerbate the overall shittiness.

>> No.1154799

I wrote down where it's meant to be. I'll ask the librarian tomorrow.

>> No.1154809

If this was a facebook comment, i wouldn't 'like' it.

>> No.1154811

I comply with the rules. Game over, loser.

Blame the person responsible, oh wait you can't so you're just blame the people with a name.

>> No.1154830

Just proving my point.

You and all the other dipshits on this board engage in the same behavior - posting irrelevant threads that are akin to a chatroom conversation.