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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 402 KB, 1536x2048, DjRHM2AWwAEM9VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11537642 No.11537642 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read. I do research.

>> No.11537645


>> No.11537650
File: 224 KB, 374x366, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11537653

i don't post
i shitpost

>> No.11537654

and redpilled

>> No.11537690

>completely white flat textureless paper
my eyes burn

>> No.11537718

>that coaster
revoltingly middle class

>> No.11537731 [DELETED] 

>0:17 44.3 MB

/! New ! (Pthc) Daddy's Girl - Make Daddy Cum 12Yo.aviNo.11537642

Based and redpilled

>> No.11537745

What do you research?

>> No.11537764

Your taste for overwrought finery and pointless organizational doodads gives you away as female. I would lick your feet, OP.

>> No.11537781

so you highlight things your betters wrote and discovered and then act like the retard on good will hunting. grats.

>> No.11537786
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>drinking the bean Jew

>> No.11537814
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>you will never peel op's panties off her clammy pussy lips and lick her vagina and asshole while she writes in effeminate cursive

>> No.11537848

>parker jotter for long writing sessions
>the handwriting that gave your 3rd grade teacher eye problems
>cork coaster
>milk in coffee
>graphic mug
The worst image on /lit/

>> No.11537877


>> No.11538024

>i do research
>liberal arts field like history or art or philosophy or some nonsense

No, you just read.

>> No.11538037

you probably read twenty pages into many books before dropping them

>> No.11538041

In everything?
Or something specifically?
Also, i ask because i want a partner in researching ancient medical techniques/healing rituals but nevermind!

>> No.11538049
File: 42 KB, 407x465, 1524622517776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he puts dairy in his coffee

>> No.11538080


>> No.11538104

>highlighting books

>> No.11538119

This woman explicitly states in the video this image is taken from that while her monthly budget for "coffee" is unusually high, her work is entirely done over the internet at coffee bars, whose facilities are reserved for customers. So her monthly "coffee" expense is really like her monthly internet usage and work access expense + coffee

I don't understand the thought process of the moron who made this image (who I suspect is the same retard sharing it, as it's not a very compelling image and references a specific segment of a YouTube video that isn't particularly well-known on 4chan). This retard had to have heard her explain this part of her budget because it's discussed at great length and detail, but then intentionally disregarded it in order to be as obnoxious and uninformed as possible about a minor segment of an innocuous YouTube video

>> No.11538149

but internet and coffee at home would be cheaper

>> No.11538159

She doesn't have a home. She lives in a fucking van

>> No.11538163

internet at Starbucks is free numbnuts

>> No.11538172

if you buy coffee and the amount of coffee she buys at starbuck exceeds the cost of internet by far
ah that makes sense then

>> No.11538179

yes but home isn't a social space

>> No.11538183

why does she need to socialize to work and use the itnernet?

>> No.11538257

>$10 on coffee a day
She's buying at least two overpriced 'coffees' (probably fappe or faple fappecino) each day... Yet I assume there's a membership deal at some places where you could probably halve the cost of a cuppa...

Is Amerikkka that shit that you don't have free internet at libraries? Even malls in Australia have free wifi at most food courts.

>> No.11538297

Link to the video? I didn't think she was a real person. I thought it was someone taking the piss.

>> No.11538326

you'll understand once you're older

>> No.11538329

not that guy, but have you ever actually worked from home? Especially if you live in a studio or one bedroom, trying to work in the same place you sleep and eat is a nightmare.

>> No.11538335

pretty much everywhere in America has free wifi, but it's trendy to go to coffee shops

>> No.11538340

>but have you ever actually worked from home?
yes I literally do this, but I am also autistic so maybe that's why I don't see why a social space would matter since to me it'd just make me less productive, why is it a nightmare? because to me doing work in starbucks seems to be a nightmare

>> No.11538347

Not them but how do you get anything done? Whenever I try to copyedit from home, all I do is fap and go on chons

>> No.11538362

I don't like working in coffee shops because it's just as distracting as working at home, but my apartment building has a business center and sometimes I go to the library. Working at home means my life is a constant smear from home to work to sleep to eat to work from which I never escape except on vacation.

>> No.11538366

I don't know I know it needs to be done so i do it, I rarely feel the urge to slack off when I'm on my own but I've always been like that I know jacking off and shitposting all day and getting no work done won't make my life improve in anyway so why do it

>> No.11538380
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>> No.11538400

which retard from good will hunting? will or someone else?

>> No.11538448

Numale spotted

>> No.11538469

apple sauce?

>> No.11538508

Give.me some insights on your research methods. If you read about Kubrik, he was a master researcher.

>> No.11538521


Cringecore Aesthetics

>> No.11538865
File: 1.63 MB, 2000x1400, Indo-Europeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're into Egyptology too, I see? Do you study at Uni or by yourself?

>> No.11538879

I don't read philosophy. I theorize.

>> No.11538897
File: 2.00 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180729_224503699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're so cool bro, no one cares

>> No.11538929

She's a retard then. 500 a month is almost the cost of rent. If she spent her money wisely, she could make her own coffee for pennies and pay for monthly internet.

>> No.11538973

>drive to public library

Not difficult is it?

>> No.11538989

>500 a month is almost the cost of rent
flyover detected

>> No.11539488

>she has to "research" history because she can't think between the lines enough for most novels.
I bet you read poetry and only analyze the surface.

>> No.11539508

I live in the city of fucking Baltimore and pay 500. Fuck off, you just can’t find good deals

>> No.11539681


The faggot OP couldn’t be more of a faggot unless he had a plume if feathers that would flaw upon his demand. On second thought, he did take a picture and post it on 4chung...

OP, I wish I knew your name so I can properly address you, you are a massive fucking faggot to take the time and post this. I just had to take slightly more time to fully inspect, from multiple angles, how much dick you probably suck.

I bet your ENT doctor is in an economic surplus off you alone. Faggot.

>> No.11539728

>wow, this third world war zone has great bargains. I'd be stupid not to live here!

>> No.11539808

Iowa, the most /lit/ state, is a flyover.

>> No.11540096

also caffeine pills are cheap as fuck

>> No.11540124

and step on it!

>> No.11540127
File: 25 KB, 600x485, 1500670313481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow it's like you haven't even watched saved by the bell


>> No.11540137

>im poor but i gotta live rich

>> No.11540138

This. I remember reading in some paper that highlighting is ineffective.

>> No.11540170

i paid $650/mo for a townhouse between Baltimore and DC.

regardless, coffee is supposed to be had at home. i take it with me in a thermos if i'm going somewhere like a library. paying for coffee at a coffee bar is the stupidest idea ever but pour a couple gallons of syrup and cream and foam on it's a hit. americans and their 'beetus.

literally nobody cares. it looks like you're researching for /x/.

>> No.11540187

Hey I live near DC. Are there any /lit/-related meetups? Promise I'm not a serial-killer ;)

>> No.11540192

yeah, I just noticed this myself after staying over at a wealthier friends house. Never realized that people actually use them before, it's fucking weird.

>> No.11540193


ayyy, about to be paying $600 a month for a basement in Bmore. We should meet up

>> No.11540197

I actually go to a dnd thing on saturdays in Baltimore. How about Sunday at the Barnes and Noble in Power Plant?

>> No.11540216

Sunday. Barnes and Noble. Power Plant.

I’m down

>> No.11540226

Good for you for doing what literally everyone else in school does

>> No.11540232 [DELETED] 

Cool, I'll be the 34 yr old guy wearing a smiley face dad hat, I might bring along part of my collection

I'm excited, this will be really cool.

>> No.11540236

Rest in peace, anon.

>> No.11540243

What time. No one said a time. I vote for 4pm

>> No.11540254 [DELETED] 

I say 8pm, It'll be dead around that time, and that's perfect because I don't like crowds and crowds don't like me.

But we'll also be able to find each other easier and since it's close to closing time we can end it early, or go out and do something after.

I'm really excited now.

>> No.11540282

Ok 8 pm. Barnes and Noble. Power Plant.


>> No.11540289

I vote 4 so I can go back down to VA, but 8 if you really want to.

>> No.11540294 [DELETED] 

Wow, this is really happening, I just got back and I'm already going to be able to talk to people about the future again!! haha im so giddy

>> No.11540295

OH FUCK. that’s two votes for 4, one vote for 8.

Listen man, I would have been kind enough to give you the tiebreaker, but I can’t give you a 2 to 1 split. It looks like 4 pm is our time. We can still do stuff after if you want

>> No.11540297
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1508801971631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and step on it!

>> No.11540300

Sounds good, 4 it is. I'll buy a meme book and sit in the cafe.

>> No.11540306 [DELETED] 

well my mom doesn't get home till 6, so I'll have to pass then... heh...........

>> No.11540309 [DELETED] 

can we please move it back to 8 pm i feel like crying

>> No.11540313

We can do 8. It's fine. Traffic will have cleared up by then anyway.

>> No.11540318

No because then the guy with his mom is going to come

>> No.11540320

EUGH. Fine 8 PM it is

>> No.11540324 [DELETED] 

she can just hang in the parking lot or browse the books while we meet up..................


wow awesome!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11540334

I mean, I'll probably show up at 4 anyway and stick around until 8. Got nothing better to do that day. I'll just work on my writing if no one else is around.

>> No.11540335
File: 1.42 MB, 258x193, kek2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11540338

Is being able to read norse a good starting point? Also is "The Horse, the wheel and language" by Anthony good?

>> No.11540362

what happened here


>> No.11540392


>> No.11540647

>t. Seething

>> No.11540769

>looks up
>opens a new tab


>> No.11540789

It worked

>> No.11541012

Well that's pretty nice, although Germanic is one of the more innovative branches of Indo-European. If you're serious about the language thing, start with Latin, then work your way forward to Greek and Vedic. You don't have to actually learn the languages if you are not too enthusiastic about it, but you should get a good grip of how the theoretical foundations represent themselves in the languages. In addition to that, Meier-Brügger recommends looking into Hittite, Old Church Slavonic/Lithuanian and an ancient Germanic language, which would be Old Norse in your case.

I haven't read Anthony yet, sorry.

>> No.11541423

>left-handed humanities handwriting


>> No.11541503

you couldn't pay me to live in baltimore. there is no culture to speak of and the entire city is corrupt and up to it's ears in street crime. I spent a week there on business last year. never again.

>> No.11541771

I'm guessing he's talking about the pseudo-intellectual from the bar.

I was pleasantly surprised by GWH, it felt much more genuine than I had imagined it would be prior to watching it. I identified a lot to Will's character, not because I'm a genius or anything, but the way he viewed the world and related to others reminded me a lot of myself.

>> No.11541963
File: 422 KB, 394x385, we sing the body electric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11541971

>No culture
>Art comes from soft, sheltered safe spaces.

>> No.11541993

Scarabs named Try?

>> No.11542438

there's free internet in most public places, but they are usually crawling with niggers and nigger hobos, so at least at a cafe there are no nigger hobos, and how can you expect someone to focus on writing when there are niggers around?

>> No.11542440

as a black man this post hurt my feelings

>> No.11542694

as a deracinated husk who flickers between bugman and self loathing for being a bugman i enjoyed how spontaneously hateful this post was

>> No.11542766

There is no music except soundcloud rappers doing corporate concerts and no art museums to speak of. The literacy rate is third world tier. The food sucks and everyone who has been to college is trying to bide their time and the head to DC or NY.

baltimore is ass

>> No.11542840

It unironically does. Luxury and leisure are what allow artists to make great art, not work and suffering--celebrating work and suffering is just how failed artists justify their mediocre achievements

>> No.11542862

Didn't think van life memes would end up on lit
Check out dave2dvlogs to see him roast the shit out of this girl