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1153632 No.1153632 [Reply] [Original]

I need a fantasy/magic kind of book /lit/, but my own search has failed.

I guess I'm looking for something set in a modern era, along the lines of American Gods.

Nothing involving anything close to sci-fi please, the last 6 books I've read were sci-fi so I'm trying to get away from the genre for awhile.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

>> No.1153650

Dresden Files.

>> No.1153652
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>> No.1153686
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>> No.1153863

well these are all terrible suggestions

>> No.1153869

Love love LOVE his stuff. I wish he'd do more with Jackie and Kate though, especially Kate.

Though I love everything he's written.

>> No.1153885

I want to agree with this post: Charles de Lint is fucking awesome. I think my favorite of his books is Someplace to Be Flying, it is seriously SO GOOD and that's what I would recommend for this thread

(also, more generally, urban fantasy has been really huge the past couple years, so there's a ton of shit that amounts to 'dudes in the real world doin' magic' out there for you)

>> No.1153890

You could try the works of Simon R. Green, especially his Nightside series, though there ARE some futuristic elements simply because stuff drops through random portals at times. It's a tiny amount of mention and almost never actually has an impact.

The Connor Grey series by Mark del Franco is also good, as is Dead to Me/Deader Still/Dead Matter by Anton Straut. I also enjoy the Greywalker series by Kat Richardson.

>> No.1153917

Artemis Fowl by Eion Colfer.

A boy prodigy genius inherits a mafia empire in our time, uses his amazing intellect to discover a magic society hidden beneath our own and eventually blackmail the elves, who used to dominate the earth for millions of years while hiding their presence from us humans.

Very clever and well-plotted, and you can't have a genius without witty sarcasm that'll make you laugh out loud occasionally.

>> No.1153924


Noting all these suggestions down, thanks

>> No.1153928

>You could try the works of Simon R. Green, especially his Nightside series, though there ARE some futuristic elements simply because stuff drops through random portals at times. It's a tiny amount of mention and almost never actually has an impact.

Simon R. Green's stuff is fun, but something about how he writes deeply annoys me - everything has to be SO deadly and SO unique and every character is SUCH a badass and makes the CLEVEREST quips after killing a bunch of ninjas or w/e. it's really annoying. also, he re-uses a ton of descriptions and it really fucking annoys me (because I've read like 15 of his books). And his stuff is the most popcorn-y shit of all time, but it is fun.

>> No.1153968
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Not exactly "modern", but The Tales of Alvin Maker series is a great historical fantasy/alternative history series. It's set in an alternate history of the US during the late 1700s/early 1800s.

It has a lot to do with American and Native American folklore and folk magic. Very cool series. Pic related, it's the first book in the series.

>> No.1153977

Heh, it's certainly no work of art, but I agree that it's fun. That's why I recommended it. You can sit down and just shut off your brain a bit while enjoying it, and he at least DOES make the characters interesting and memorable. The Walking Man, anyone? Or Jessica Sorrow the Unbeliever? Or Razor Eddie Punk God of the Razor?

>> No.1153983

You mentioned an OSC book, prepare to be flamed probably.

>> No.1153990

From my experience, most people on /lit/ agree that Alvin Maker is a good series.

>> No.1153996

The Magicians by Lev Grossman.

>> No.1154010
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Les Grossman?

>> No.1154103
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hey guys judge this short story i just whipped up

Sitting calmly the sea of shoes flowed past. Thousands streaming past each hour. Every pair rushing from A to B except one. He would spend his hours rolling marbles out from his hiding place trying to time them precisly when the foot landed in order to force a public interaction. It had only worked like he wanted it to twice today.
The ball rolled out and arrived exactly as the heel came down causeing it to roll sideways. He always went after heels, they were easiest. The unseen voice cried out as the ankle rolled pitching the woman to the side into the path of a pair of black Nike's. He didn't get to see her face due to the quick reflexes of the Nikes quickly steadying her. She righted herself and stood facing the other pair. Laughter rings out from above as the heels turn coyly the teal toe nails facing the worn leather. She laughs again and resumes her journey. The Nikes don't move. A hand appears and picks up the marble, then walks away.
He is trying to catch sandals. Bouncing the marble so it will land in the back exactly when it flaps up off the ground. He notices a brown pair coming and lets fly. The sandals stop prematurely as the marble continues on and comes to rest against the opposing wall. They walk to the marble and the man crouches down to pick up the marble. He studies it for a second and then looks straight at the hidden observer. Smiling he holds the marble out towards the hiding place and smiles. Suddenly hundreds of marbles spill out onto the sidewalk. People explain and stop watching the impromptu wave rush towards the kneeling man. The hiding place was empty.
not really looking for grammatical editing

>> No.1154112

shit that wasnt supposed to go there sry will be making my own post shortly

>> No.1154155


I really love the first 3 books in series. The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three and The Wastelands are all some of King's best works. It then steadily goes downhill and while book 7 is infamous with it's ending, I actually liked how it ended quite a lot.

Though it doesn't start in the modern era right away. There is some dimension hopping hijinks that take place for it to get there.