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/lit/ - Literature

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11536114 No.11536114 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some historical novels lit. I really enjoyed pic related and Homeros and have Robert Graves waiting. What are some good historical or historically accurate novels

>> No.11536150
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Joseph going to Egypt is one of the best parts of this book.

>> No.11536171

Memoirs of Hadrian
Wolf Hall

>> No.11537155
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>> No.11537173

Masters of Rome is pretty good, the first few books at least

>> No.11537188

Anne of Green Gables.

>> No.11538413


>> No.11538421
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Just finished Aztec. It's really good, though it has some really disturbing stuff in it. Clavell's Shogun, Irving Stone's The Agony and the Ecstasy, and Eco's The Name of the Rose were also good.

>> No.11538472

You really like this book huh

>> No.11538503


>> No.11538804

Just started reading this, I'm very impressed.