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11535525 No.11535525 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book good? By any standards

>> No.11535562

I liked it.

>> No.11535587

Was the prose decent? Good world building?

>> No.11535601

Prose was meh. The magic system is pretty neat.

>> No.11535603

The world building was nice but felt more like a comfy fantasy story than an actual epic tale. Its magic system is pretty interesting tho.

As far as it goes is a pretty enjoyable book and a nice journey, nothing great but it does hold up, however the plot becomes kinda stagnant and sluggish by the end of it.

>> No.11535725

It’s not as terrible as /sffg/, but I wouldn’t call it great either. The pacing feels off, I know it’s suppose to be spread across several books, but even simple things take forever. Also the author just can’t stop telling you how cool and awesome the main character is and how he’s great at everything. It’s gets a little cringey if you’re not just going along with the book.

>> No.11535859

Self interest fantasy by a beta autist

>> No.11535875

Self insert, uninspired and american-esque fantasy setting, gets pretty preachy later on too. Ovarall shite.

>> No.11535911


Almost clever narrative device, one designed to draw the viewer in. Interesting magic system that's really just voodoo under another name. Story and characters are severely flawed, and reflect the author's narcissism and self obsession.

>> No.11535937
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It's pretty good. Wonderfully written. Quite classic plot, characters are the main interest here. Great magic system.

Some classic shit like dragons have a more grounded feel in here (them being really rare giant grass eating lizards)

What people don't seem to get is that it isn't an "epic fantasy" series.

Just the story of a guy who had an exceptionnal life, going from his childhood to the present day where he is a broken man. And it's the main reason i don't get the criticism of him being a perfect Gary Stu.

First of all, the story is a first person narrative so yeah, the guy thinks of himself as a flawless god but he does fuck up pretty often and has to study and work much harder than any other character of the book.

>> No.11535945

All that metaplot stuff matters very little if A) it doesn't really come across much in text, and B) the story itself is fucking boring.

>> No.11536031

Case in point, his fans are faggots who post ostentatious, overblown art. NotW suffers from being a power trip.

>> No.11536118

Talk about his haters being such easy triggered faggots.

I did finish the first book but know that i'll never bother with the rest of the series, i'm nowhere close to a fan.

I sure didn't really liked it, just not because it wasn't good

Just not my cup of tea.

You retards should learn the difference between these two things and stop shitting over everything that isn't your personal taste.

>> No.11536149

It's pretty good for YA fantasy. The story really falls apart in the second book though, and there's every fantasy cliche imaginable from "hardy warrior desert people" to "protagonist who starts from tragedy & humble beginnings to demigod pussymaster"

>> No.11536165

the third book is never coming out so keep that in mind

>> No.11536177

First book is pretty great from the getgo but fizzles down the stretch
Second book is cringe but entertaining

>> No.11536188

You'll enjoy it more if you take "what if a guy was absurdly talented at everything he does and then disappeared, becoming a mythical figure" as the premise rather than a hack author gradually writing himself into a corner. It mostly pulls it off well but sometimes stumbles into video game territory especially in the second book where he goes around completing quests to acquire new abilities. There's strong, consistent themes and genuine mystery in a pretty well designed world. Author definitely read Book of the New Sun many times. Prose is so-so and pretty purple at times, with the excuse that it's a bard telling his life story in first person. Book 3 is never coming out, the author is a bit of a crank and the story probably needs several more books to be brought to completion.

>> No.11536216

Nobody likes you. Please return to Reddit and never come back.

>> No.11536926

Basically everyone in this thread is right - unintersting writing style, main character is insufferable to listen to/about, because he's the best at everything. World building was pretty good though, right up until I tapped out halfway through.

>> No.11538123


Worst female character (and I even read Wheel of Time!), shitty prose, but interesting enough story. It's a fun read honestly, and I say that as a person who fucking hates Rothfuss. He's a fat, lying bastard who is holding the third book hostage because he knows nobody will give a shit about him after it has been released. He's a lazy fuck.

>> No.11538247


It's a flawed yet stilp entertaining novel whose greatest disappointment is the fact that the sequel expands on none of the good points and explodes the bad.

>> No.11538345

Very good at keeping you interested when nothing happens. Appeals to a certain demographic. but a fun read

>muh unreliable narrator

>Magic System