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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 173 KB, 1200x800, emily-dickinson-hires-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11534854 No.11534854 [Reply] [Original]

What's supposedly so good about this bitch? I've tried several times to get into her and can't. Her work seems smug and merely cerebral, without other components. Give me a key to help me see the value of her work if you can. Or tell me why you hate her if you do.

Also, unrelated but didn't she sperg out on her brother for having an affair with a married woman even though she made a habit of doing the same thing? Sounds like she could have used a swift punch to the dome.

>> No.11534861

She is /lit/ personified.

>> No.11534864

Are you saying she's annoying, fradulent and untalented?

>> No.11534867


>> No.11534875

People pretend to like her because she is one of maybe three women you could cite as proof that female writers aren't terrible.

>> No.11534885

Unironically, why are women so bad at writing?

>> No.11534892

It's just not their place. People get so offended about that as if writing is inherently a good or worthy goal. Women have things that their gender inherently accels at too and you could make a case that it is far more worthy than men's lot in this prison called life.

>> No.11534893

hey op relax
its not like she even wanted ur stupid ass to read her poems

>> No.11534899

How am I not relaxed and how do her desires factor into anything we're talking about here? You're a huge faggot.

>> No.11534920

>Her work seems smug and merely cerebral, without other components

She is very cerebral but saying that's all there is, implying there's no emotion or mastery of metaphor behind it, seems like a failure on your part.

>> No.11534964

She was a shut in volcel NEET, she was ourgal

>> No.11534972

No shit. Notice how in that sentence you quoted I used the word 'seems'. As in it's my perception, not her objective failing. And notice how the whole point of my question is to correct said failing by showing me what I'm missing. You fucking retard. You absolute imbecile. You're failing is much larger than mine. I'm failing to comprehend a supposed genius. That's understandable. You can't even conprehend a basic question on 4chan. This board is worthless. I'm leaving.

>> No.11534983

She is the best creator of metaphors after Shakespeare, superior even to Melville.

In other words, she is a master of the characteristic that Aristotle said it was the greatest a poet might possess.

She is indeed very obscure and you can’t quite understand many of her poems or get the “message” behind many of her poems. But if you want to learn how to write metaphors or simply enjoy this figure of speech - the greatest of all tropes - then Emily Dickinson’s complete poems is the best place to visit after Shakespeare’s plays.

She was so sensible to language that she read dictionaries in search of new words only to create metaphors with them (like the word “Siroccos”, a desert wind that she says that “crawl” in her flesh). She was also extremely courageous and independent, showing serious doubts about the existence of a God even when she was created in a fervently religious environment, in a time almost everyone believed in God - she said that her family “knelt before an eclipse every morning”).

If she were tested with modern IQ scores I bet her score would be above 150.

>> No.11534998

>You can't even conprehend a basic question on 4chan

>> No.11535016


She had a delicious meaty tulip that smelled like baking bread. The publishers loved her beef and published her poetry for a chance to berry their faces in her gabagool gash.

>> No.11535699

>didn't she sperg out on her brother for having an affair with a married woman even though she made a habit of doing the same thing?
I don't know where you got this from. It's widely known she was a sexless shut-in.

>> No.11536074

She was Italian?

>> No.11536493
File: 3.27 MB, 204x261, Ashlyn Rae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh gawd I don't seem to understand this thing everyone talks about, it must be terrible, prove me wrong, except you can't

>> No.11536502
File: 383 KB, 511x379, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dick in son

>> No.11536515
File: 78 KB, 256x256, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11536592

She looks like a female version of that one beta guy in the COD shirt people sometimes post here

You know who I'm talking about

>> No.11537685


She wan an INSATIABLE muff huffrix.

>> No.11537763

He said it's a failure on your part, aka the issue is not the work but your ability to grasp it. Thus the solution is for you to improve that ability, since demonstrably it's doubtful whether you'd understand even a commentary on her work.

>> No.11538285

>It's just not their place.
It it what it is. Coincidentally, It ain't your place either. :-)

>> No.11538308

Sophistry. You're retarded and grasping at straws.

Never claimed it was. You're insecurity is showing. You're projecting your desire to be a writer onto me haha.

>> No.11538316

It isn't written for you, so it's unsurprising that you don't understand and appreciate it.

>> No.11538321

That's so deep.

>> No.11538332

Just like your great thread.
Why don't you go find work that contributes something instead of spamming opinions based on things you don't understand to people that despise you?

>> No.11538353
File: 41 KB, 208x486, 1532554873286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pain has an element of blank;
>It cannot recollect
>When it began, or if there were
>A day when it was not.

>It has no future but itself,
>Its infinite realms contain
>Its past, enlightened to perceive
>New periods of pain.

Not being in love with literally /our poet.